
如何将GPT-4o与RAG结合起来 - 创建一个服装搭配App


欢迎来到服装搭配App的Jupyter Notebook!该项目展示了GPT-4o模型在分析服装物品图像并提取关键特征(如颜色、风格和类型)方面的强大能力。我们的应用程序的核心依赖于由OpenAI开发的这一先进图像分析模型,这使我们能够准确识别输入服装物品的特征。



使用GPT-4o + RAG(检索增强生成)的组合提供了几个优势:

  1. 情境理解:GPT-4o可以分析输入图像并理解上下文,如所描绘的对象、场景和活动。这使得在各个领域(无论是室内设计、烹饪还是教育)中提供更准确和相关的建议或信息成为可能。
  2. 丰富的知识库:RAG将GPT-4的生成能力与检索组件相结合,访问跨不同领域的大量信息语料库。这意味着系统可以基于广泛的知识范围(从历史事实到科学概念)提供建议或见解。
  3. 定制化:这种方法允许轻松定制以满足各种应用中特定用户的需求或偏好。无论是根据用户对艺术的品味量身定制建议,还是根据学生的学习水平提供教育内容,系统都可以被调整以提供个性化体验。

总的来说,GPT-4o + RAG方法为各种与时尚相关的应用提供了强大而灵活的解决方案,利用了生成和基于检索的人工智能技术的优势。



%pip install openai --quiet
%pip install tenacity --quiet
%pip install tqdm --quiet
%pip install numpy --quiet
%pip install typing --quiet
%pip install tiktoken --quiet
%pip install concurrent --quiet

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import ast
import tiktoken
import concurrent
from openai import OpenAI
from tqdm import tqdm
from tenacity import retry, wait_random_exponential, stop_after_attempt
from IPython.display import Image, display, HTML
from typing import List

client = OpenAI()

GPT_MODEL = "gpt-4o"
EMBEDDING_MODEL = "text-embedding-3-large"



styles_filepath = "data/sample_clothes/sample_styles.csv"
styles_df = pd.read_csv(styles_filepath, on_bad_lines='skip')
print("Opened dataset successfully. Dataset has {} items of clothing.".format(len(styles_df)))

      id gender masterCategory subCategory articleType baseColour  season  \
0 27152 Men Apparel Topwear Shirts Blue Summer
1 10469 Men Apparel Topwear Tshirts Yellow Fall
2 17169 Men Apparel Topwear Shirts Maroon Fall
3 56702 Men Apparel Topwear Kurtas Blue Summer
4 47062 Women Apparel Bottomwear Patiala Multi Fall

year usage productDisplayName
0 2012.0 Formal Mark Taylor Men Striped Blue Shirt
1 2011.0 Casual Flying Machine Men Yellow Polo Tshirts
2 2011.0 Casual U.S. Polo Assn. Men Checks Maroon Shirt
3 2012.0 Ethnic Fabindia Men Blue Kurta
4 2012.0 Ethnic Shree Women Multi Colored Patiala
Opened dataset successfully. Dataset has 1000 items of clothing.


# #批量嵌入逻辑

# 简单函数,接收一组文本对象,并返回其对应的嵌入列表。
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=40), stop=stop_after_attempt(10))
def get_embeddings(input: List):
response = client.embeddings.create(
return [data.embedding for data in response]

# 将一个可迭代对象拆分为多个大小为 n 的批次。
def batchify(iterable, n=1):
l = len(iterable)
for ndx in range(0, l, n):
yield iterable[ndx : min(ndx + n, l)]

# 用于批处理和并行处理嵌入的函数
def embed_corpus(
corpus: List[str],
# 对语料库进行编码,截断至最大上下文长度
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
encoded_corpus = [
encoded_article[:max_context_len] for encoded_article in encoding.encode_batch(corpus)

# 计算语料库统计数据:输入数量、总词元数以及嵌入的预估成本
num_tokens = sum(len(article) for article in encoded_corpus)
cost_to_embed_tokens = num_tokens / 1000 * EMBEDDING_COST_PER_1K_TOKENS
f"num_articles={len(encoded_corpus)}, num_tokens={num_tokens}, est_embedding_cost={cost_to_embed_tokens:.2f} USD"

# 嵌入语料库
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as executor:

futures = [
executor.submit(get_embeddings, text_batch)
for text_batch in batchify(encoded_corpus, batch_size)

with tqdm(total=len(encoded_corpus)) as pbar:
for _ in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):

embeddings = []
for future in futures:
data = future.result()

return embeddings

# 用于生成DataFrame中指定列嵌入的函数
def generate_embeddings(df, column_name):
# 初始化一个空列表以存储嵌入
descriptions = df[column_name].astype(str).tolist()
embeddings = embed_corpus(descriptions)

# 将嵌入向量作为新列添加到 DataFrame 中
df['embeddings'] = embeddings
print("Embeddings created successfully.")


下一行将为样本服装数据集创建嵌入向量。这个过程大约需要0.02秒来处理,另外约30秒来将结果写入本地的 .csv 文件。该过程使用我们的 text_embedding_3_large 模型,价格为 $0.00013/1K 个标记。考虑到数据集大约有 1K 条目,以下操作的成本大约为 $0.001。如果您决定使用完整的 44K 条目数据集,这个操作将需要2-3分钟来处理,成本大约为 $0.07


generate_embeddings(styles_df, 'productDisplayName')
print("Writing embeddings to file ...")
styles_df.to_csv('data/sample_clothes/sample_styles_with_embeddings.csv', index=False)
print("Embeddings successfully stored in sample_styles_with_embeddings.csv")

num_articles=1000, num_tokens=8280, est_embedding_cost=0.00 USD
1024it [00:01, 724.12it/s]                         
Embeddings created successfully.
Writing embeddings to file ...
Embeddings successfully stored in sample_styles_with_embeddings.csv
# styles_df = pd.read_csv('data/sample_clothes/sample_styles_with_embeddings.csv', on_bad_lines='skip')

# # Convert the 'embeddings' column from string representations of lists to actual lists of floats
# styles_df['embeddings'] = styles_df['embeddings'].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x))

print("Opened dataset successfully. Dataset has {} items of clothing along with their embeddings.".format(len(styles_df)))

      id gender masterCategory subCategory articleType baseColour  season  \
0 27152 Men Apparel Topwear Shirts Blue Summer
1 10469 Men Apparel Topwear Tshirts Yellow Fall
2 17169 Men Apparel Topwear Shirts Maroon Fall
3 56702 Men Apparel Topwear Kurtas Blue Summer
4 47062 Women Apparel Bottomwear Patiala Multi Fall

year usage productDisplayName \
0 2012.0 Formal Mark Taylor Men Striped Blue Shirt
1 2011.0 Casual Flying Machine Men Yellow Polo Tshirts
2 2011.0 Casual U.S. Polo Assn. Men Checks Maroon Shirt
3 2012.0 Ethnic Fabindia Men Blue Kurta
4 2012.0 Ethnic Shree Women Multi Colored Patiala

0 [0.006903026718646288, 0.0004031236458104104, ...
1 [-0.04371623694896698, -0.008869604207575321, ...
2 [-0.027989011257886887, 0.05884069576859474, -...
3 [-0.004197604488581419, 0.029409468173980713, ...
4 [-0.05241541564464569, 0.015912825241684914, -...
Opened dataset successfully. Dataset has 1000 items of clothing along with their embeddings.




find_similar_items函数接受四个参数: - embedding:我们想要找到匹配项的嵌入。 - embeddings:要搜索以找到最佳匹配项的嵌入列表。 - threshold(可选):此参数指定要考虑为有效匹配的最小相似度分数。较高的阈值会产生更接近(更好)的匹配,而较低的阈值允许返回更多的项目,尽管它们可能与初始的embedding不太匹配。 - top_k(可选):此参数确定要返回的超过给定阈值的项目数量。这些将是提供的embedding的得分最高的匹配项。

def cosine_similarity_manual(vec1, vec2):
vec1 = np.array(vec1, dtype=float)
vec2 = np.array(vec2, dtype=float)

dot_product = np.dot(vec1, vec2)
norm_vec1 = np.linalg.norm(vec1)
norm_vec2 = np.linalg.norm(vec2)
return dot_product / (norm_vec1 * norm_vec2)

def find_similar_items(input_embedding, embeddings, threshold=0.5, top_k=2):

# 计算输入嵌入与所有其他嵌入之间的余弦相似度
similarities = [(index, cosine_similarity_manual(input_embedding, vec)) for index, vec in enumerate(embeddings)]

# 过滤掉低于阈值的相似之处
filtered_similarities = [(index, sim) for index, sim in similarities if sim >= threshold]

# 将筛选出的相似度按相似度分数进行排序
sorted_indices = sorted(filtered_similarities, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:top_k]

# 返回最相似的前k个项目
return sorted_indices

def find_matching_items_with_rag(df_items, item_descs):

# 从DataFrame中选择嵌入。
embeddings = df_items['embeddings'].tolist()

similar_items = []
for desc in item_descs:

# 生成输入项的嵌入表示
input_embedding = get_embeddings([desc])

# 根据余弦相似度寻找最相似的条目
similar_indices = find_similar_items(input_embedding, embeddings, threshold=0.6)
similar_items += [df_items.iloc[i] for i in similar_indices]

return similar_items


在这个模块中,我们利用 gpt-4o 来分析输入的图像,并提取重要特征,如详细描述、风格和类型。分析是通过一个简单的 API 调用来执行的,我们提供图像的 URL 进行分析,并请求模型识别相关特征。


  1. 输出格式规范:我们指示模型返回一个具有预定义结构的 JSON 块,包括:
    • items (str[]): 一个字符串列表,每个字符串代表服装项目的简洁标题,包括风格、颜色和性别。这些标题与我们原始数据库中的 productDisplayName 属性非常相似。
    • category (str): 最能代表给定项目的类别。模型从原始样式数据框中存在的所有唯一 articleTypes 列表中进行选择。
    • gender (str): 表示项目面向的性别的标签。模型从选项 [Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Unisex] 中选择。
  2. 清晰简明的说明
    • 我们提供清晰的说明,说明项目标题应包含什么以及输出格式应该是什么样的。输出应该是 JSON 格式,但不包含模型响应通常包含的 json 标签。
  3. 一次性示例
    • 为了进一步澄清预期的输出,我们向模型提供一个示例输入描述和相应的示例输出。虽然这可能会增加使用的标记数(从而增加调用的成本),但它有助于指导模型,从而获得更好的整体性能。

通过遵循这种结构化方法,我们的目标是从 gpt-4o 模型中获取精确和有用的信息,以便进一步分析并集成到我们的数据库中。

def analyze_image(image_base64, subcategories):
response = client.chat.completions.create(
"role": "user",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": """Given an image of an item of clothing, analyze the item and generate a JSON output with the following fields: "items", "category", and "gender".
Use your understanding of fashion trends, styles, and gender preferences to provide accurate and relevant suggestions for how to complete the outfit.
The items field should be a list of items that would go well with the item in the picture. Each item should represent a title of an item of clothing that contains the style, color, and gender of the item.
The category needs to be chosen between the types in this list: {subcategories}.
You have to choose between the genders in this list: [Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Unisex]
Do not include the description of the item in the picture. Do not include the ```json ``` tag in the output.

Example Input: An image representing a black leather jacket.

Example Output: {"items": ["Fitted White Women's T-shirt", "White Canvas Sneakers", "Women's Black Skinny Jeans"], "category": "Jackets", "gender": "Women"}
"type": "image_url",
"image_url": {
"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64}",
# 从响应中提取相关特征
features = response.choices[0].message.content
return features



  • 2133.jpg:男士衬衫
  • 7143.jpg:女士衬衫
  • 4226.jpg:休闲男士印花T恤



import base64

def encode_image_to_base64(image_path):
with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file:
encoded_image = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
return encoded_image.decode('utf-8')

# 设置图像路径并选择一张测试图像
image_path = "data/sample_clothes/sample_images/"
test_images = ["2133.jpg", "7143.jpg", "4226.jpg"]

# 将测试图像编码为Base64格式。
reference_image = image_path + test_images[0]
encoded_image = encode_image_to_base64(reference_image)

# 从DataFrame中选择唯一的子类别
unique_subcategories = styles_df['articleType'].unique()

# 分析图像并返回结果
analysis = analyze_image(encoded_image, unique_subcategories)
image_analysis = json.loads(analysis)

# 显示图像及分析结果

{'items': ["Slim Fit Blue Men's Jeans", "White Men's Sneakers", "Men's Silver Watch"], 'category': 'Shirts', 'gender': 'Men'}


  1. 提取图像分析结果:我们从image_analysis字典中提取物品描述、类别和性别。

  2. 过滤数据集:我们将styles_df DataFrame进行过滤,只包括与图像分析中的性别匹配(或是中性的)并排除与分析图像相同类别的物品。

  3. 查找匹配的物品:我们使用find_matching_items_with_rag函数在过滤后的数据集中查找与从分析图像中提取的描述相匹配的物品。

  4. 显示匹配的物品:我们创建一个HTML字符串来显示匹配物品的图像。我们使用物品ID构建图像路径,并将每个图像附加到HTML字符串中。最后,我们使用display(HTML(html))在笔记本中呈现这些图像。


# 从分析中提取相关特征
item_descs = image_analysis['items']
item_category = image_analysis['category']
item_gender = image_analysis['gender']

# 过滤数据,以便我们只浏览同一性别(或中性)且不同类别的商品。
filtered_items = styles_df.loc[styles_df['gender'].isin([item_gender, 'Unisex'])]
filtered_items = filtered_items[filtered_items['articleType'] != item_category]
print(str(len(filtered_items)) + " Remaining Items")

# 根据输入的物品描述,寻找最相似的物品。
matching_items = find_matching_items_with_rag(filtered_items, item_descs)

# 显示匹配项(这将显示图像分析中每个描述的2个项目)
html = ""
paths = []
for i, item in enumerate(matching_items):
item_id = item['id']

# 图片文件路径
image_path = f'data/sample_clothes/sample_images/{item_id}.jpg'
html += f'<img src="{image_path}" style="display:inline;margin:1px"/>'

# 打印出匹配的物品描述,作为我们寻找目标的提示。
# 显示图像

513 Remaining Items
["Slim Fit Blue Men's Jeans", "White Men's Sneakers", "Men's Silver Watch"]




  1. 准确性:它们有助于确保模型的输出准确且与提供的输入相关。
  2. 一致性:在处理相似或相关的输入时,它们保持模型响应的一致性。
  3. 安全性:它们防止模型生成有害、冒犯或不适当的内容。
  4. 上下文相关性:它们确保模型的输出与特定任务或领域的上下文相关。




def check_match(reference_image_base64, suggested_image_base64):
response = client.chat.completions.create(
"role": "user",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": """ You will be given two images of two different items of clothing.
Your goal is to decide if the items in the images would work in an outfit together.
The first image is the reference item (the item that the user is trying to match with another item).
You need to decide if the second item would work well with the reference item.
Your response must be a JSON output with the following fields: "answer", "reason".
The "answer" field must be either "yes" or "no", depending on whether you think the items would work well together.
The "reason" field must be a short explanation of your reasoning for your decision. Do not include the descriptions of the 2 images.
Do not include the ```json ``` tag in the output.
"type": "image_url",
"image_url": {
"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{reference_image_base64}",
"type": "image_url",
"image_url": {
"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{suggested_image_base64}",
# 从响应中提取相关特征
features = response.choices[0].message.content
return features


# 选择生成图像的独特路径
paths = list(set(paths))

for path in paths:
# 将测试图像编码为Base64格式。
suggested_image = encode_image_to_base64(path)

# 检查物品是否匹配
match = json.loads(check_match(encoded_image, suggested_image))

# 显示图像及分析结果
if match["answer"] == 'yes':
print("The items match!")

The items match!
The black shirt and blue jeans create a classic and casual outfit that works well together.

The items match!
The black shirt and the white sneakers with red and beige accents can work well together. Black is a versatile color that pairs well with many shoe options, and the white sneakers can add a sporty and casual touch to the outfit.

The items match!
The black button-up shirt is casual and versatile, making it compatible with the white and red athletic shoes for a relaxed and sporty look.

The items match!
The black shirt pairs well with the light blue jeans, creating a classic and balanced color combination that is casual and stylish.

The items match!
Both the black shirt and the black watch have a sleek and coordinated look, making them suitable to be worn together as part of an outfit.



在这个Jupyter Notebook中,我们探讨了GPT-4o和其他机器学习技术在时尚领域的应用。我们演示了如何分析服装物品的图像,提取相关特征,并利用这些信息找到与原始服装搭配的物品。通过实施防护栏和自我校正机制,我们优化了模型的建议,以确保它们准确且与上下文相关。


  1. 个性化购物助手:零售商可以利用这项技术为客户提供个性化的服装推荐,增强购物体验,提高客户满意度。
  2. 虚拟衣橱应用:用户可以上传他们自己服装物品的图像,创建虚拟衣橱,并获得与其现有服装相匹配的新物品建议。
  3. 时尚设计和造型:时尚设计师和造型师可以利用这个工具尝试不同的组合和风格,简化创意过程。

