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Google Vertex AI Vector SearchThis notebook shows how to use functionality related to the Google Cloud Vertex AI Vector Search vector database.> Google Vertex AI Vector Search, formerly known as Vertex AI Matching Engine, provides the industry's leading high-scale low latency vector database. These vector databases are commonly referred to as vector similarity-matching or an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) service.Note: Langchain API expects an endpoint and deployed index already created.Index creation time can take upto one hour.> To see how to create an index refer to the section Create Index and deploy it to an Endpoint If you already have an index deployed , skip to Create VectorStore from texts## Create Index and deploy it to an Endpoint- This section demonstrates creating a new index and deploying it to an endpointpython# TODO : Set values as per your requirements# Project and Storage ConstantsPROJECT_ID = "<my_project_id>"REGION = "<my_region>"BUCKET = "<my_gcs_bucket>"BUCKET_URI = f"gs://{BUCKET}"# The number of dimensions for the textembedding-gecko@003 is 768# If other embedder is used, the dimensions would probably need to change.DIMENSIONS = 768# Index ConstantsDISPLAY_NAME = "<my_matching_engine_index_id>"DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID = "<my_matching_engine_endpoint_id>"``````python# Create a bucket.! gsutil mb -l $REGION -p $PROJECT_ID $BUCKET_URI### Use VertexAIEmbeddings as the embeddings modelpythonfrom import aiplatformfrom langchain_google_vertexai import VertexAIEmbeddings``````pythonaiplatform.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location=REGION, staging_bucket=BUCKET_URI)``````pythonembedding_model = VertexAIEmbeddings(model_name="textembedding-gecko@003")### Create an empty Index Note : While creating an index you should specify an "index_update_method" from either a "BATCH_UPDATE" or "STREAM_UPDATE"> A batch index is for when you want to update your index in a batch, with data which has been stored over a set amount of time, like systems which are processed weekly or monthly. A streaming index is when you want index data to be updated as new data is added to your datastore, for instance, if you have a bookstore and want to show new inventory online as soon as possible. Which type you choose is important, since setup and requirements are different.Refer Official Documentation for more details on configuring indexespython# NOTE : This operation can take upto 30 secondsmy_index = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndex.create_tree_ah_index( display_name=DISPLAY_NAME, dimensions=DIMENSIONS, approximate_neighbors_count=150, distance_measure_type="DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE", index_update_method="STREAM_UPDATE", # allowed values BATCH_UPDATE , STREAM_UPDATE)### Create an Endpointpython# Create an endpointmy_index_endpoint = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint.create( display_name=f"{DISPLAY_NAME}-endpoint", public_endpoint_enabled=True)### Deploy Index to the Endpointpython# NOTE : This operation can take upto 20 minutesmy_index_endpoint = my_index_endpoint.deploy_index( index=my_index, deployed_index_id=DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID)my_index_endpoint.deployed_indexes## Create Vector Store from textsNOTE : If you have existing Index and Endpoints, you can load them using below codepython# TODO : replace 1234567890123456789 with your acutial index IDmy_index = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndex("1234567890123456789")# TODO : replace 1234567890123456789 with your acutial endpoint IDmy_index_endpoint = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint("1234567890123456789")``````pythonfrom langchain_google_vertexai import ( VectorSearchVectorStore, VectorSearchVectorStoreDatastore,)Langchainassets.png### Create simple vectorstore ( without filters)python# Input textstexts = [ "The cat sat on", "the mat.", "I like to", "eat pizza for", "dinner.", "The sun sets", "in the west.",]# Create a Vector Storevector_store = VectorSearchVectorStore.from_components( project_id=PROJECT_ID, region=REGION, gcs_bucket_name=BUCKET,,, embedding=embedding_model, stream_update=True,)# Add vectors and mapped text chunks to your vectore storevector_store.add_texts(texts=texts)### OPTIONAL : You can also create vectore and store chunks in a Datastore python# NOTE : This operation can take upto 20 minsvector_store = VectorSearchVectorStoreDatastore.from_components( project_id=PROJECT_ID, region=REGION,,, embedding=embedding_model, stream_update=True,)vector_store.add_texts(texts=texts, is_complete_overwrite=True)``````python# Try running a simialarity searchvector_store.similarity_search("pizza")### Create vectorstore with metadata filterspython# Input text with metadatarecord_data = [ { "description": "A versatile pair of dark-wash denim jeans." "Made from durable cotton with a classic straight-leg cut, these jeans" " transition easily from casual days to dressier occasions.", "price": 65.00, "color": "blue", "season": ["fall", "winter", "spring"], }, { "description": "A lightweight linen button-down shirt in a crisp white." " Perfect for keeping cool with breathable fabric and a relaxed fit.", "price": 34.99, "color": "white", "season": ["summer", "spring"], }, { "description": "A soft, chunky knit sweater in a vibrant forest green. " "The oversized fit and cozy wool blend make this ideal for staying warm " "when the temperature drops.", "price": 89.99, "color": "green", "season": ["fall", "winter"], }, { "description": "A classic crewneck t-shirt in a soft, heathered blue. " "Made from comfortable cotton jersey, this t-shirt is a wardrobe essential " "that works for every season.", "price": 19.99, "color": "blue", "season": ["fall", "winter", "summer", "spring"], }, { "description": "A flowing midi-skirt in a delicate floral print. " "Lightweight and airy, this skirt adds a touch of feminine style " "to warmer days.", "price": 45.00, "color": "white", "season": ["spring", "summer"], },]``````python# Parse and prepare input datatexts = []metadatas = []for record in record_data: record = record.copy() page_content = record.pop("description") texts.append(page_content) if isinstance(page_content, str): metadata = {**record} metadatas.append(metadata)``````python# Inspect metadatasmetadatas``````python# NOTE : This operation can take more than 20 minsvector_store = VectorSearchVectorStore.from_components( project_id=PROJECT_ID, region=REGION, gcs_bucket_name=BUCKET,,, embedding=embedding_model,)vector_store.add_texts(texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas, is_complete_overwrite=True)``````pythonfrom import ( Namespace, NumericNamespace,)``````python# Try running a simple similarity search# Below code should return 5 resultsvector_store.similarity_search("shirt", k=5)``````python# Try running a similarity search with text filterfilters = [Namespace(name="season", allow_tokens=["spring"])]# Below code should return 4 results nowvector_store.similarity_search("shirt", k=5, filter=filters)``````python# Try running a similarity search with combination of text and numeric filterfilters = [Namespace(name="season", allow_tokens=["spring"])]numeric_filters = [NumericNamespace(name="price", value_float=40.0, op="LESS")]# Below code should return 2 results nowvector_store.similarity_search( "shirt", k=5, filter=filters, numeric_filter=numeric_filters)### Use Vector Store as retrieverpython# Initialize the vectore_store as retrieverretriever = vector_store.as_retriever()``````python# perform simple similarity search on retrieverretriever.invoke("What are my options in breathable fabric?")``````python# Try running a similarity search with text filterfilters = [Namespace(name="season", allow_tokens=["spring"])]retriever.search_kwargs = {"filter": filters}# perform similarity search with filters on retrieverretriever.invoke("What are my options in breathable fabric?")``````python# Try running a similarity search with combination of text and numeric filterfilters = [Namespace(name="season", allow_tokens=["spring"])]numeric_filters = [NumericNamespace(name="price", value_float=40.0, op="LESS")]retriever.search_kwargs = {"filter": filters, "numeric_filter": numeric_filters}retriever.invoke("What are my options in breathable fabric?")### Use filters with retriever in Question Answering Chainspythonfrom langchain_google_vertexai import VertexAIllm = VertexAI(model_name="gemini-pro")``````pythonfrom langchain.chains import RetrievalQAfilters = [Namespace(name="season", allow_tokens=["spring"])]numeric_filters = [NumericNamespace(name="price", value_float=40.0, op="LESS")]retriever.search_kwargs = {"k": 2, "filter": filters, "numeric_filter": numeric_filters}retrieval_qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type( llm=llm, chain_type="stuff", retriever=retriever, return_source_documents=True,)question = "What are my options in breathable fabric?"response = retrieval_qa({"query": question})print(f"{response['result']}")print("REFERENCES")print(f"{response['source_documents']}")## Read , Chunk , Vectorise and Index PDFspython!pip install pypdf``````pythonfrom langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoaderfrom langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter``````pythonloader = PyPDFLoader("")pages = loader.load()``````pythontext_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( # Set a really small chunk size, just to show. chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=20, length_function=len, is_separator_regex=False,)doc_splits = text_splitter.split_documents(pages)``````pythontexts = [doc.page_content for doc in doc_splits]metadatas = [doc.metadata for doc in doc_splits]``````pythontexts[0]``````python# Inspect Metadata of 1st pagemetadatas[0]``````pythonvector_store = VectorSearchVectorStore.from_components( project_id=PROJECT_ID, region=REGION, gcs_bucket_name=BUCKET,,, embedding=embedding_model,)vector_store.add_texts(texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas, is_complete_overwrite=True)``````pythonvector_store = VectorSearchVectorStore.from_components( project_id=PROJECT_ID, region=REGION, gcs_bucket_name=BUCKET,,, embedding=embedding_model,)

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