Source code for langchain.chains.natbot.crawler

# flake8: noqa
import time
from sys import platform
from typing import (

    from playwright.sync_api import Browser, CDPSession, Page, sync_playwright

black_listed_elements: Set[str] = {

[docs]class ElementInViewPort(TypedDict): """一个包含有关视口中元素信息的类型化字典。""" node_index: str backend_node_id: int node_name: Optional[str] node_value: Optional[str] node_meta: List[str] is_clickable: bool origin_x: int origin_y: int center_x: int center_y: int
[docs]class Crawler: """一个用于网页的爬虫。 **安全提示** :这是一个使用Playwright通过浏览器进行爬取的实现。 此爬虫可用于加载任意网页,包括来自本地文件系统的内容。 控制谁可以提交爬取请求以及爬虫具有什么网络访问权限。 确保将权限范围限制在应用程序所需的最低权限。 有关更多信息,请参阅。"""
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: try: from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import playwright python package. " "Please install it with `pip install playwright`." ) self.browser: Browser = ( sync_playwright().start().chromium.launch(headless=False) ) Page = self.browser.new_page(){"width": 1280, "height": 1080}) self.page_element_buffer: Dict[int, ElementInViewPort] self.client: CDPSession
[docs] def go_to_page(self, url: str) -> None: if "://" in url else "http://" + url) self.client = self.page_element_buffer = {}
[docs] def scroll(self, direction: str) -> None: if direction == "up": "(document.scrollingElement || document.body).scrollTop = (document.scrollingElement || document.body).scrollTop - window.innerHeight;" ) elif direction == "down": "(document.scrollingElement || document.body).scrollTop = (document.scrollingElement || document.body).scrollTop + window.innerHeight;" )
[docs] def click(self, id: Union[str, int]) -> None: # Inject javascript into the page which removes the target= attribute from all links js = """ links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].removeAttribute("target"); } """ element = self.page_element_buffer.get(int(id)) if element: x: float = element["center_x"] y: float = element["center_y"], y) else: print("Could not find element") # noqa: T201
[docs] def type(self, id: Union[str, int], text: str) -> None:
[docs] def enter(self) -> None:"Enter")
[docs] def crawl(self) -> List[str]: page = page_element_buffer = self.page_element_buffer start = time.time() page_state_as_text = [] device_pixel_ratio: float = page.evaluate("window.devicePixelRatio") if platform == "darwin" and device_pixel_ratio == 1: # lies device_pixel_ratio = 2 win_upper_bound: float = page.evaluate("window.pageYOffset") win_left_bound: float = page.evaluate("window.pageXOffset") win_width: float = page.evaluate("window.screen.width") win_height: float = page.evaluate("window.screen.height") win_right_bound: float = win_left_bound + win_width win_lower_bound: float = win_upper_bound + win_height # percentage_progress_start = (win_upper_bound / document_scroll_height) * 100 # percentage_progress_end = ( # (win_height + win_upper_bound) / document_scroll_height # ) * 100 percentage_progress_start = 1 percentage_progress_end = 2 page_state_as_text.append( { "x": 0, "y": 0, "text": "[scrollbar {:0.2f}-{:0.2f}%]".format( round(percentage_progress_start, 2), round(percentage_progress_end) ), } ) tree = self.client.send( "DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshot", {"computedStyles": [], "includeDOMRects": True, "includePaintOrder": True}, ) strings: Dict[int, str] = tree["strings"] document: Dict[str, Any] = tree["documents"][0] nodes: Dict[str, Any] = document["nodes"] backend_node_id: Dict[int, int] = nodes["backendNodeId"] attributes: Dict[int, Dict[int, Any]] = nodes["attributes"] node_value: Dict[int, int] = nodes["nodeValue"] parent: Dict[int, int] = nodes["parentIndex"] node_names: Dict[int, int] = nodes["nodeName"] is_clickable: Set[int] = set(nodes["isClickable"]["index"]) input_value: Dict[str, Any] = nodes["inputValue"] input_value_index: List[int] = input_value["index"] input_value_values: List[int] = input_value["value"] layout: Dict[str, Any] = document["layout"] layout_node_index: List[int] = layout["nodeIndex"] bounds: Dict[int, List[float]] = layout["bounds"] cursor: int = 0 child_nodes: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = {} elements_in_view_port: List[ElementInViewPort] = [] anchor_ancestry: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, Optional[int]]] = {"-1": (False, None)} button_ancestry: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, Optional[int]]] = {"-1": (False, None)} def convert_name( node_name: Optional[str], has_click_handler: Optional[bool] ) -> str: if node_name == "a": return "link" if node_name == "input": return "input" if node_name == "img": return "img" if ( node_name == "button" or has_click_handler ): # found pages that needed this quirk return "button" else: return "text" def find_attributes( attributes: Dict[int, Any], keys: List[str] ) -> Dict[str, str]: values = {} for [key_index, value_index] in zip(*(iter(attributes),) * 2): if value_index < 0: continue key = strings[key_index] value = strings[value_index] if key in keys: values[key] = value keys.remove(key) if not keys: return values return values def add_to_hash_tree( hash_tree: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, Optional[int]]], tag: str, node_id: int, node_name: Optional[str], parent_id: int, ) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[int]]: parent_id_str = str(parent_id) if not parent_id_str in hash_tree: parent_name = strings[node_names[parent_id]].lower() grand_parent_id = parent[parent_id] add_to_hash_tree( hash_tree, tag, parent_id, parent_name, grand_parent_id ) is_parent_desc_anchor, anchor_id = hash_tree[parent_id_str] # even if the anchor is nested in another anchor, we set the "root" for all descendants to be ::Self if node_name == tag: value: Tuple[bool, Optional[int]] = (True, node_id) elif ( is_parent_desc_anchor ): # reuse the parent's anchor_id (which could be much higher in the tree) value = (True, anchor_id) else: value = ( False, None, ) # not a descendant of an anchor, most likely it will become text, an interactive element or discarded hash_tree[str(node_id)] = value return value for index, node_name_index in enumerate(node_names): node_parent = parent[index] node_name: Optional[str] = strings[node_name_index].lower() is_ancestor_of_anchor, anchor_id = add_to_hash_tree( anchor_ancestry, "a", index, node_name, node_parent ) is_ancestor_of_button, button_id = add_to_hash_tree( button_ancestry, "button", index, node_name, node_parent ) try: cursor = layout_node_index.index( index ) # todo replace this with proper cursoring, ignoring the fact this is O(n^2) for the moment except: continue if node_name in black_listed_elements: continue [x, y, width, height] = bounds[cursor] x /= device_pixel_ratio y /= device_pixel_ratio width /= device_pixel_ratio height /= device_pixel_ratio elem_left_bound = x elem_top_bound = y elem_right_bound = x + width elem_lower_bound = y + height partially_is_in_viewport = ( elem_left_bound < win_right_bound and elem_right_bound >= win_left_bound and elem_top_bound < win_lower_bound and elem_lower_bound >= win_upper_bound ) if not partially_is_in_viewport: continue meta_data: List[str] = [] # inefficient to grab the same set of keys for kinds of objects, but it's fine for now element_attributes = find_attributes( attributes[index], ["type", "placeholder", "aria-label", "title", "alt"] ) ancestor_exception = is_ancestor_of_anchor or is_ancestor_of_button ancestor_node_key = ( None if not ancestor_exception else str(anchor_id) if is_ancestor_of_anchor else str(button_id) ) ancestor_node = ( None if not ancestor_exception else child_nodes.setdefault(str(ancestor_node_key), []) ) if node_name == "#text" and ancestor_exception and ancestor_node: text = strings[node_value[index]] if text == "|" or text == "•": continue ancestor_node.append({"type": "type", "value": text}) else: if ( node_name == "input" and element_attributes.get("type") == "submit" ) or node_name == "button": node_name = "button" element_attributes.pop( "type", None ) # prevent [button ... (button)..] for key in element_attributes: if ancestor_exception and ancestor_node: ancestor_node.append( { "type": "attribute", "key": key, "value": element_attributes[key], } ) else: meta_data.append(element_attributes[key]) element_node_value = None if node_value[index] >= 0: element_node_value = strings[node_value[index]] if ( element_node_value == "|" ): # commonly used as a separator, does not add much context - lets save ourselves some token space continue elif ( node_name == "input" and index in input_value_index and element_node_value is None ): node_input_text_index = input_value_index.index(index) text_index = input_value_values[node_input_text_index] if node_input_text_index >= 0 and text_index >= 0: element_node_value = strings[text_index] # remove redundant elements if ancestor_exception and (node_name != "a" and node_name != "button"): continue elements_in_view_port.append( { "node_index": str(index), "backend_node_id": backend_node_id[index], "node_name": node_name, "node_value": element_node_value, "node_meta": meta_data, "is_clickable": index in is_clickable, "origin_x": int(x), "origin_y": int(y), "center_x": int(x + (width / 2)), "center_y": int(y + (height / 2)), } ) # lets filter further to remove anything that does not hold any text nor has click handlers + merge text from leaf#text nodes with the parent elements_of_interest = [] id_counter = 0 for element in elements_in_view_port: node_index = element.get("node_index") node_name = element.get("node_name") element_node_value = element.get("node_value") node_is_clickable = element.get("is_clickable") node_meta_data: Optional[List[str]] = element.get("node_meta") inner_text = f"{element_node_value} " if element_node_value else "" meta = "" if node_index in child_nodes: for child in child_nodes[node_index]: entry_type = child.get("type") entry_value = child.get("value") if entry_type == "attribute" and node_meta_data: entry_key = child.get("key") node_meta_data.append(f'{entry_key}="{entry_value}"') else: inner_text += f"{entry_value} " if node_meta_data: meta_string = " ".join(node_meta_data) meta = f" {meta_string}" if inner_text != "": inner_text = f"{inner_text.strip()}" converted_node_name = convert_name(node_name, node_is_clickable) # not very elegant, more like a placeholder if ( (converted_node_name != "button" or meta == "") and converted_node_name != "link" and converted_node_name != "input" and converted_node_name != "img" and converted_node_name != "textarea" ) and inner_text.strip() == "": continue page_element_buffer[id_counter] = element if inner_text != "": elements_of_interest.append( f"""<{converted_node_name} id={id_counter}{meta}>{inner_text}</{converted_node_name}>""" ) else: elements_of_interest.append( f"""<{converted_node_name} id={id_counter}{meta}/>""" ) id_counter += 1 print("Parsing time: {:0.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start)) # noqa: T201 return elements_of_interest