Source code for langchain.output_parsers.boolean

import re

from langchain_core.output_parsers import BaseOutputParser

[docs]class BooleanOutputParser(BaseOutputParser[bool]): """将LLM调用的输出解析为布尔值。""" true_val: str = "YES" """应该解析为True的字符串值。""" false_val: str = "NO" """应该解析为False的字符串值。"""
[docs] def parse(self, text: str) -> bool: """将LLM调用的输出解析为布尔值。 参数: text:语言模型的输出 返回: 布尔值 """ regexp = rf"\b({self.true_val}|{self.false_val})\b" truthy = { val.upper() for val in re.findall(regexp, text, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) } if self.true_val.upper() in truthy: if self.false_val.upper() in truthy: raise ValueError( f"Ambiguous response. Both {self.true_val} and {self.false_val} " f"in received: {text}." ) return True elif self.false_val.upper() in truthy: if self.true_val.upper() in truthy: raise ValueError( f"Ambiguous response. Both {self.true_val} and {self.false_val} " f"in received: {text}." ) return False raise ValueError( f"BooleanOutputParser expected output value to include either " f"{self.true_val} or {self.false_val}. Received {text}." )
@property def _type(self) -> str: """Snake-case字符串标识符,用于输出解析器类型。""" return "boolean_output_parser"