Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.json_loader

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Union

from langchain_core.documents import Document

from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader

[docs]class JSONLoader(BaseLoader): """使用`jq`模式加载一个`JSON`文件。 例如: [{"text": ...}, {"text": ...}, {"text": ...}] -> 模式 = .[].text {"key": [{"text": ...}, {"text": ...}, {"text": ...}]} -> 模式 = .key[].text ["", "", ""] -> 模式 = .[]"""
[docs] def __init__( self, file_path: Union[str, Path], jq_schema: str, content_key: Optional[str] = None, is_content_key_jq_parsable: Optional[bool] = False, metadata_func: Optional[Callable[[Dict, Dict], Dict]] = None, text_content: bool = True, json_lines: bool = False, ): """初始化JSONLoader。 参数: file_path(Union[str, Path]):JSON或JSON Lines文件的路径。 jq_schema(str):用于从JSON中提取数据或文本的jq模式。 content_key(str):用于从JSON中提取内容的键,如果jq_schema的结果是对象(字典)的列表。如果is_content_key_jq_parsable为True,则此键必须是jq兼容的模式。如果is_content_key_jq_parsable为False,则此键应为简单字符串键。 is_content_key_jq_parsable(bool):一个标志,用于确定content_key是否可被jq解析。如果为True,则content_key将被视为jq模式并相应地编译。如果为False或content_key为None,则content_key将被用作简单字符串。默认为False。 metadata_func(Callable[Dict, Dict]):一个函数,接受由jq_schema提取的JSON对象和默认元数据,并返回更新后的元数据字典。 text_content(bool):布尔标志,指示内容是否为字符串格式,默认为True。 json_lines(bool):布尔标志,指示输入是否为JSON Lines格式。 """ try: import jq self.jq = jq except ImportError: raise ImportError( "jq package not found, please install it with `pip install jq`" ) self.file_path = Path(file_path).resolve() self._jq_schema = jq.compile(jq_schema) self._is_content_key_jq_parsable = is_content_key_jq_parsable self._content_key = content_key self._metadata_func = metadata_func self._text_content = text_content self._json_lines = json_lines
[docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """从JSON文件中加载并返回文档。""" index = 0 if self._json_lines: with"utf-8") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line: for doc in self._parse(line, index): yield doc index += 1 else: for doc in self._parse(self.file_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"), index): yield doc index += 1
def _parse(self, content: str, index: int) -> Iterator[Document]: """将给定内容转换为文档。""" data = self._jq_schema.input(json.loads(content)) # Perform some validation # This is not a perfect validation, but it should catch most cases # and prevent the user from getting a cryptic error later on. if self._content_key is not None: self._validate_content_key(data) if self._metadata_func is not None: self._validate_metadata_func(data) for i, sample in enumerate(data, index + 1): text = self._get_text(sample=sample) metadata = self._get_metadata( sample=sample, source=str(self.file_path), seq_num=i ) yield Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata) def _get_text(self, sample: Any) -> str: """将示例转换为字符串格式""" if self._content_key is not None: if self._is_content_key_jq_parsable: compiled_content_key = self.jq.compile(self._content_key) content = compiled_content_key.input(sample).first() else: content = sample[self._content_key] else: content = sample if self._text_content and not isinstance(content, str): raise ValueError( f"Expected page_content is string, got {type(content)} instead. \ Set `text_content=False` if the desired input for \ `page_content` is not a string" ) # In case the text is None, set it to an empty string elif isinstance(content, str): return content elif isinstance(content, dict): return json.dumps(content) if content else "" else: return str(content) if content is not None else "" def _get_metadata( self, sample: Dict[str, Any], **additional_fields: Any ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """根据metadata_func的存在返回一个元数据字典 :param sample: 单个数据有效负载 :param additional_fields: 要添加为元数据值的关键字参数 :return: """ if self._metadata_func is not None: return self._metadata_func(sample, additional_fields) else: return additional_fields def _validate_content_key(self, data: Any) -> None: """检查内容键是否有效。""" sample = data.first() if not isinstance(sample, dict): raise ValueError( f"Expected the jq schema to result in a list of objects (dict), \ so sample must be a dict but got `{type(sample)}`" ) if ( not self._is_content_key_jq_parsable and sample.get(self._content_key) is None ): raise ValueError( f"Expected the jq schema to result in a list of objects (dict) \ with the key `{self._content_key}`" ) if ( self._is_content_key_jq_parsable and self.jq.compile(self._content_key).input(sample).text() is None ): raise ValueError( f"Expected the jq schema to result in a list of objects (dict) \ with the key `{self._content_key}` which should be parsable by jq" ) def _validate_metadata_func(self, data: Any) -> None: """检查 metadata_func 输出是否有效""" sample = data.first() if self._metadata_func is not None: sample_metadata = self._metadata_func(sample, {}) if not isinstance(sample_metadata, dict): raise ValueError( f"Expected the metadata_func to return a dict but got \ `{type(sample_metadata)}`" )