Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.llmsherpa

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from langchain_core.documents import Document

from langchain_community.document_loaders.pdf import BaseLoader


[docs]class LLMSherpaFileLoader(BaseLoader): """使用`LLMSherpa`加载文档。 LLMSherpaFileLoader使用LayoutPDFReader,它是LLMSherpa库的一部分。 该工具旨在解析PDF文件同时保留其布局信息, 这在使用大多数PDF转文本解析器时经常会丢失。 示例 -------- from langchain_community.document_loaders.llmsherpa import LLMSherpaFileLoader loader = LLMSherpaFileLoader( "example.pdf", strategy="chunks", llmsherpa_api_url="http://localhost:5010/api/parseDocument?renderFormat=all", ) docs = loader.load()"""
[docs] def __init__( self, file_path: Union[str, Path], new_indent_parser: bool = True, apply_ocr: bool = True, strategy: str = "chunks", llmsherpa_api_url: str = DEFAULT_API, ): """使用文件路径进行初始化。""" try: import llmsherpa # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "llmsherpa package not found, please install it with " "`pip install llmsherpa`" ) _valid_strategies = ["sections", "chunks", "html", "text"] if strategy not in _valid_strategies: raise ValueError( f"Got {strategy} for `strategy`, " f"but should be one of `{_valid_strategies}`" ) # validate llmsherpa url if not self._is_valid_url(llmsherpa_api_url): raise ValueError(f"Invalid URL: {llmsherpa_api_url}") self.url = self._validate_llmsherpa_url( url=llmsherpa_api_url, new_indent_parser=new_indent_parser, apply_ocr=apply_ocr, ) self.strategy = strategy self.file_path = str(file_path)
@staticmethod def _is_valid_url(url: str) -> bool: """检查URL是否有效。""" parsed = urlparse(url) return bool(parsed.netloc) and bool(parsed.scheme) @staticmethod def _validate_llmsherpa_url( url: str, new_indent_parser: bool = True, apply_ocr: bool = True ) -> str: """检查llmsherpa的URL是否有效。""" parsed = urlparse(url) valid_url = url if ("/api/parseDocument" not in parsed.path) and ( "/api/document/developer/parseDocument" not in parsed.path ): raise ValueError(f"Invalid LLMSherpa URL: {url}") if "renderFormat=all" not in parsed.query: valid_url = valid_url + "?renderFormat=all" if new_indent_parser and "useNewIndentParser=true" not in parsed.query: valid_url = valid_url + "&useNewIndentParser=true" if apply_ocr and "applyOcr=yes" not in parsed.query: valid_url = valid_url + "&applyOcr=yes" return valid_url
[docs] def lazy_load( self, ) -> Iterator[Document]: """加载文件。""" from llmsherpa.readers import LayoutPDFReader docs_reader = LayoutPDFReader(self.url) doc = docs_reader.read_pdf(self.file_path) if self.strategy == "sections": yield from [ Document( page_content=section.to_text(include_children=True, recurse=True), metadata={ "source": self.file_path, "section_number": section_num, "section_title": section.title, }, ) for section_num, section in enumerate(doc.sections()) ] if self.strategy == "chunks": yield from [ Document( page_content=chunk.to_context_text(), metadata={ "source": self.file_path, "chunk_number": chunk_num, "chunk_type": chunk.tag, }, ) for chunk_num, chunk in enumerate(doc.chunks()) ] if self.strategy == "html": yield from [ Document( page_content=doc.to_html(), metadata={ "source": self.file_path, }, ) ] if self.strategy == "text": yield from [ Document( page_content=doc.to_text(), metadata={ "source": self.file_path, }, ) ]