Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.readthedocs

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from langchain_core.documents import Document

from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader

    from bs4 import NavigableString
    from bs4.element import Comment, Tag

[docs]class ReadTheDocsLoader(BaseLoader): """加载`ReadTheDocs`文档目录。"""
[docs] def __init__( self, path: Union[str, Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: Optional[str] = None, custom_html_tag: Optional[Tuple[str, dict]] = None, patterns: Sequence[str] = ("*.htm", "*.html"), exclude_links_ratio: float = 1.0, **kwargs: Optional[Any], ): """初始化ReadTheDocsLoader 加载器循环遍历`path`下的所有文件,并通过检索主要的html标签来提取文件的实际内容。默认的主要html标签包括`<main id="main-content>`、`<div role="main>`和`<article role="main>`。您还可以通过传递custom_html_tag来定义自己的html标签,例如`("div", "class=main")`。加载器按照自定义html标签(如果存在)和默认html标签的顺序迭代html标签。如果任何标签不为空,则循环将中断并从该标签中检索内容。 参数: path:pulled readthedocs文件夹的位置。 encoding:打开文档时要使用的编码。 errors:指定如何处理编码和解码错误—不能在二进制模式下使用。 custom_html_tag:可选的自定义html标签,用于从文件中检索内容。 patterns:要加载的文件模式,传递给`glob.rglob`。 exclude_links_ratio:链接:内容的比率,用于排除页面。这是为了减少索引页面进入检索结果的频率。建议值:0.5 kwargs:传递给`bs4.BeautifulSoup`的命名参数。 """ try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import python packages. " "Please install it with `pip install beautifulsoup4`. " ) try: _ = BeautifulSoup( "<html><body>Parser builder library test.</body></html>", "html.parser", **kwargs, ) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Parsing kwargs do not appear valid") from e self.file_path = Path(path) self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors self.custom_html_tag = custom_html_tag self.patterns = patterns self.bs_kwargs = kwargs self.exclude_links_ratio = exclude_links_ratio
[docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """一个用于文档的惰性加载器。""" for file_pattern in self.patterns: for p in self.file_path.rglob(file_pattern): if p.is_dir(): continue with open(p, encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors) as f: text = self._clean_data( yield Document(page_content=text, metadata={"source": str(p)})
def _clean_data(self, data: str) -> str: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser", **self.bs_kwargs) # default tags html_tags = [ ("div", {"role": "main"}), ("main", {"id": "main-content"}), ] if self.custom_html_tag is not None: html_tags.append(self.custom_html_tag) element = None # reversed order. check the custom one first for tag, attrs in html_tags[::-1]: element = soup.find(tag, attrs) # if found, break if element is not None: break if element is not None and _get_link_ratio(element) <= self.exclude_links_ratio: text = _get_clean_text(element) else: text = "" # trim empty lines return "\n".join([t for t in text.split("\n") if t])
def _get_clean_text(element: Tag) -> str: """返回清理后的文本,保留换行符并删除不相关的元素。""" elements_to_skip = [ "script", "noscript", "canvas", "meta", "svg", "map", "area", "audio", "source", "track", "video", "embed", "object", "param", "picture", "iframe", "frame", "frameset", "noframes", "applet", "form", "button", "select", "base", "style", "img", ] newline_elements = [ "p", "div", "ul", "ol", "li", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "pre", "table", "tr", ] text = _process_element(element, elements_to_skip, newline_elements) return text.strip() def _get_link_ratio(section: Tag) -> float: links = section.find_all("a") total_text = "".join(str(s) for s in section.stripped_strings) if len(total_text) == 0: return 0 link_text = "".join( str(string.string.strip()) for link in links for string in link.strings if string ) return len(link_text) / len(total_text) def _process_element( element: Union[Tag, NavigableString, Comment], elements_to_skip: List[str], newline_elements: List[str], ) -> str: """递归遍历HTML树以保留换行符并跳过不需要的(代码/二进制)元素 """ from bs4 import NavigableString from bs4.element import Comment, Tag tag_name = getattr(element, "name", None) if isinstance(element, Comment) or tag_name in elements_to_skip: return "" elif isinstance(element, NavigableString): return element elif tag_name == "br": return "\n" elif tag_name in newline_elements: return ( "".join( _process_element(child, elements_to_skip, newline_elements) for child in element.children if isinstance(child, (Tag, NavigableString, Comment)) ) + "\n" ) else: return "".join( _process_element(child, elements_to_skip, newline_elements) for child in element.children if isinstance(child, (Tag, NavigableString, Comment)) )