Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.recursive_url_loader

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
import re
from typing import (

import aiohttp
import requests
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.utils.html import extract_sub_links

from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _metadata_extractor(
    raw_html: str, url: str, response: Union[requests.Response, aiohttp.ClientResponse]
) -> dict:
    content_type = getattr(response, "headers").get("Content-Type", "")
    metadata = {"source": url, "content_type": content_type}

        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    except ImportError:
            "The bs4 package is required for default metadata extraction. "
            "Please install it with `pip install bs4`."
        return metadata
    soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, "html.parser")
    if title := soup.find("title"):
        metadata["title"] = title.get_text()
    if description := soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": "description"}):
        metadata["description"] = description.get("content", None)
    if html := soup.find("html"):
        metadata["language"] = html.get("lang", None)
    return metadata

[docs]class RecursiveUrlLoader(BaseLoader): """从URL页面加载所有子链接。 **安全提示** :此加载器是一个爬虫,将从给定的URL开始爬取,然后扩展到递归爬取子链接。 Web爬虫通常不应该部署具有对任何内部服务器的网络访问权限。 控制谁可以提交爬取请求以及爬虫具有什么网络访问权限。 在爬取过程中,爬虫可能会遇到恶意URL,这可能导致服务器端请求伪造(SSRF)攻击。 为了降低风险,默认情况下,爬虫只会加载与起始URL相同域的URL(通过prevent_outside命名参数控制)。 这将降低SSRF攻击的风险,但不会完全消除。 例如,如果爬取托管了几个站点的主机: https://some_host/alice_site/ https://some_host/bob_site/ Alice站点上的恶意URL可能导致爬虫向Bob站点的端点发出恶意GET请求。由于这两个站点托管在同一主机上,因此默认情况下不会阻止这样的请求。 请参阅"""
[docs] def __init__( self, url: str, max_depth: Optional[int] = 2, use_async: Optional[bool] = None, extractor: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, metadata_extractor: Optional[_MetadataExtractorType] = None, exclude_dirs: Optional[Sequence[str]] = (), timeout: Optional[int] = 10, prevent_outside: bool = True, link_regex: Union[str, re.Pattern, None] = None, headers: Optional[dict] = None, check_response_status: bool = False, continue_on_failure: bool = True, *, base_url: Optional[str] = None, autoset_encoding: bool = True, encoding: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """初始化爬取的URL和要排除的任何子目录。 参数: url: 要爬取的URL。 max_depth: 递归加载的最大深度。 use_async: 是否使用异步加载。 如果为True,则此函数不会是懒加载,但仍会按预期方式工作,只是不是懒加载。 extractor: 从原始HTML中提取文档内容的函数。 当提取函数返回空字符串时,将忽略该文档。 metadata_extractor: 从原始HTML、源URL和requests.Response/aiohttp.ClientResponse对象提取元数据的函数 (按照这个顺序的参数)。 默认提取器将尝试使用BeautifulSoup4来提取页面的标题、描述和语言。 ..code-block:: python import requests import aiohttp def simple_metadata_extractor( raw_html: str, url: str, response: Union[requests.Response, aiohttp.ClientResponse] ) -> dict: content_type = getattr(response, "headers").get("Content-Type", "") return {"source": url, "content_type": content_type} exclude_dirs: 要排除的子目录列表。 timeout: 请求超时时间,单位为秒。如果为None,则连接不会超时。 prevent_outside: 如果为True,则阻止从不是根URL的子URL加载。 link_regex: 从网页的原始HTML中提取子链接的正则表达式。 check_response_status: 如果为True,则检查HTTP响应状态并跳过具有错误响应(400-599)的URL。 continue_on_failure: 如果为True,则在获取或解析链接时出现异常时继续。否则,引发异常。 base_url: 用于检查外部链接的基本URL。 autoset_encoding: 是否自动设置响应的编码。 如果为True,则响应的编码将设置为明显的编码,除非已经显式设置了`encoding`参数。 encoding: 响应的编码。如果手动设置,编码将设置为给定值,而不管`autoset_encoding`参数如何。 """ # noqa: E501 self.url = url self.max_depth = max_depth if max_depth is not None else 2 self.use_async = use_async if use_async is not None else False self.extractor = extractor if extractor is not None else lambda x: x metadata_extractor = ( metadata_extractor if metadata_extractor is not None else _metadata_extractor ) self.autoset_encoding = autoset_encoding self.encoding = encoding self.metadata_extractor = _wrap_metadata_extractor(metadata_extractor) self.exclude_dirs = exclude_dirs if exclude_dirs is not None else () if any(url.startswith(exclude_dir) for exclude_dir in self.exclude_dirs): raise ValueError( f"Base url is included in exclude_dirs. Received base_url: {url} and " f"exclude_dirs: {self.exclude_dirs}" ) self.timeout = timeout self.prevent_outside = prevent_outside if prevent_outside is not None else True self.link_regex = link_regex self._lock = asyncio.Lock() if self.use_async else None self.headers = headers self.check_response_status = check_response_status self.continue_on_failure = continue_on_failure self.base_url = base_url if base_url is not None else url
def _get_child_links_recursive( self, url: str, visited: Set[str], *, depth: int = 0 ) -> Iterator[Document]: """递归获取以输入URL路径开头的所有子链接。 参数: url:要爬取的URL。 visited:已访问URL的集合。 depth:递归的当前深度。当深度 >= 最大深度时停止。 """ if depth >= self.max_depth: return # Get all links that can be accessed from the current URL visited.add(url) try: response = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) if self.encoding is not None: response.encoding = self.encoding elif self.autoset_encoding: response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding if self.check_response_status and 400 <= response.status_code <= 599: raise ValueError(f"Received HTTP status {response.status_code}") except Exception as e: if self.continue_on_failure: logger.warning( f"Unable to load from {url}. Received error {e} of type " f"{e.__class__.__name__}" ) return else: raise e content = self.extractor(response.text) if content: yield Document( page_content=content, metadata=self.metadata_extractor(response.text, url, response), ) # Store the visited links and recursively visit the children sub_links = extract_sub_links( response.text, url, base_url=self.base_url, pattern=self.link_regex, prevent_outside=self.prevent_outside, exclude_prefixes=self.exclude_dirs, continue_on_failure=self.continue_on_failure, ) for link in sub_links: # Check all unvisited links if link not in visited: yield from self._get_child_links_recursive( link, visited, depth=depth + 1 ) async def _async_get_child_links_recursive( self, url: str, visited: Set[str], *, session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, depth: int = 0, ) -> List[Document]: """递归获取以输入URL路径开头的所有子链接。 参数: url:要爬取的URL。 visited:已访问过的URL集合。 depth:到达当前URL时,已访问了多少页面。 """ if not self.use_async or not self._lock: raise ValueError( "Async functions forbidden when not initialized with `use_async`" ) try: import aiohttp except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The aiohttp package is required for the RecursiveUrlLoader. " "Please install it with `pip install aiohttp`." ) if depth >= self.max_depth: return [] # Disable SSL verification because websites may have invalid SSL certificates, # but won't cause any security issues for us. close_session = session is None session = ( session if session is not None else aiohttp.ClientSession( connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=False), timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=self.timeout), headers=self.headers, ) ) async with self._lock: visited.add(url) try: async with session.get(url) as response: text = await response.text() if self.check_response_status and 400 <= response.status <= 599: raise ValueError(f"Received HTTP status {response.status}") except (aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidURL, Exception) as e: if close_session: await session.close() if self.continue_on_failure: logger.warning( f"Unable to load {url}. Received error {e} of type " f"{e.__class__.__name__}" ) return [] else: raise e results = [] content = self.extractor(text) if content: results.append( Document( page_content=content, metadata=self.metadata_extractor(text, url, response), ) ) if depth < self.max_depth - 1: sub_links = extract_sub_links( text, url, base_url=self.base_url, pattern=self.link_regex, prevent_outside=self.prevent_outside, exclude_prefixes=self.exclude_dirs, continue_on_failure=self.continue_on_failure, ) # Recursively call the function to get the children of the children sub_tasks = [] async with self._lock: to_visit = set(sub_links).difference(visited) for link in to_visit: sub_tasks.append( self._async_get_child_links_recursive( link, visited, session=session, depth=depth + 1 ) ) next_results = await asyncio.gather(*sub_tasks) for sub_result in next_results: if isinstance(sub_result, Exception) or sub_result is None: # We don't want to stop the whole process, so just ignore it # Not standard html format or invalid url or 404 may cause this. continue # locking not fully working, temporary hack to ensure deduplication results += [r for r in sub_result if r not in results] if close_session: await session.close() return results
[docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """延迟加载网页。 当use_async为True时,此函数将不再是延迟加载的, 但它仍将按预期方式工作,只是不再是延迟加载。 """ visited: Set[str] = set() if self.use_async: results = self._async_get_child_links_recursive(self.url, visited) ) return iter(results or []) else: return self._get_child_links_recursive(self.url, visited)
_MetadataExtractorType1 = Callable[[str, str], dict] _MetadataExtractorType2 = Callable[ [str, str, Union[requests.Response, aiohttp.ClientResponse]], dict ] _MetadataExtractorType = Union[_MetadataExtractorType1, _MetadataExtractorType2] def _wrap_metadata_extractor( metadata_extractor: _MetadataExtractorType, ) -> _MetadataExtractorType2: if len(inspect.signature(metadata_extractor).parameters) == 3: return cast(_MetadataExtractorType2, metadata_extractor) else: def _metadata_extractor_wrapper( raw_html: str, url: str, response: Union[requests.Response, aiohttp.ClientResponse], ) -> dict: return cast(_MetadataExtractorType1, metadata_extractor)(raw_html, url) return _metadata_extractor_wrapper