Source code for langchain_community.output_parsers.ernie_functions

import copy
import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union

import jsonpatch
from langchain_core.exceptions import OutputParserException
from langchain_core.output_parsers import (
from langchain_core.output_parsers.json import parse_partial_json
from langchain_core.outputs.chat_generation import (
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, root_validator

[docs]class OutputFunctionsParser(BaseGenerationOutputParser[Any]): """解析一个包含一组值的输出。""" args_only: bool = True """是否仅返回函数调用的参数。"""
[docs] def parse_result(self, result: List[Generation], *, partial: bool = False) -> Any: generation = result[0] if not isinstance(generation, ChatGeneration): raise OutputParserException( "This output parser can only be used with a chat generation." ) message = generation.message try: func_call = copy.deepcopy(message.additional_kwargs["function_call"]) except KeyError as exc: raise OutputParserException(f"Could not parse function call: {exc}") if self.args_only: return func_call["arguments"] return func_call
[docs]class JsonOutputFunctionsParser(BaseCumulativeTransformOutputParser[Any]): """将输出解析为Json对象。""" strict: bool = False """是否允许非符合JSON标准的字符串。 参见: 在解析的输出可能包含Unicode字符或换行符时很有用。""" args_only: bool = True """是否仅返回函数调用的参数。""" @property def _type(self) -> str: return "json_functions" def _diff(self, prev: Optional[Any], next: Any) -> Any: return jsonpatch.make_patch(prev, next).patch
[docs] def parse_result(self, result: List[Generation], *, partial: bool = False) -> Any: if len(result) != 1: raise OutputParserException( f"Expected exactly one result, but got {len(result)}" ) generation = result[0] if not isinstance(generation, ChatGeneration): raise OutputParserException( "This output parser can only be used with a chat generation." ) message = generation.message if "function_call" not in message.additional_kwargs: return None try: function_call = message.additional_kwargs["function_call"] except KeyError as exc: if partial: return None else: raise OutputParserException(f"Could not parse function call: {exc}") try: if partial: if self.args_only: return parse_partial_json( function_call["arguments"], strict=self.strict ) else: return { **function_call, "arguments": parse_partial_json( function_call["arguments"], strict=self.strict ), } else: if self.args_only: try: return json.loads( function_call["arguments"], strict=self.strict ) except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as exc: raise OutputParserException( f"Could not parse function call data: {exc}" ) else: try: return { **function_call, "arguments": json.loads( function_call["arguments"], strict=self.strict ), } except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as exc: raise OutputParserException( f"Could not parse function call data: {exc}" ) except KeyError: return None
# This method would be called by the default implementation of `parse_result` # but we're overriding that method so it's not needed.
[docs] def parse(self, text: str) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class JsonKeyOutputFunctionsParser(JsonOutputFunctionsParser): """将输出解析为Json对象的元素。""" key_name: str """要返回的键的名称。"""
[docs] def parse_result(self, result: List[Generation], *, partial: bool = False) -> Any: res = super().parse_result(result, partial=partial) if partial and res is None: return None return res.get(self.key_name) if partial else res[self.key_name]
[docs]class PydanticOutputFunctionsParser(OutputFunctionsParser): """将输出解析为一个pydantic对象。""" pydantic_schema: Union[Type[BaseModel], Dict[str, Type[BaseModel]]] """用于解析输出的pydantic模式。""" @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_schema(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: schema = values["pydantic_schema"] if "args_only" not in values: values["args_only"] = isinstance(schema, type) and issubclass( schema, BaseModel ) elif values["args_only"] and isinstance(schema, Dict): raise ValueError( "If multiple pydantic schemas are provided then args_only should be" " False." ) return values
[docs] def parse_result(self, result: List[Generation], *, partial: bool = False) -> Any: _result = super().parse_result(result) if self.args_only: pydantic_args = self.pydantic_schema.parse_raw(_result) # type: ignore else: fn_name = _result["name"] _args = _result["arguments"] pydantic_args = self.pydantic_schema[fn_name].parse_raw(_args) # type: ignore # noqa: E501 return pydantic_args
[docs]class PydanticAttrOutputFunctionsParser(PydanticOutputFunctionsParser): """将输出解析为pydantic对象的属性。""" attr_name: str """要返回的属性名称。"""
[docs] def parse_result(self, result: List[Generation], *, partial: bool = False) -> Any: result = super().parse_result(result) return getattr(result, self.attr_name)