Source code for

import asyncio
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type

from langchain_core.callbacks.manager import (
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, create_model, root_validator
from import BaseTool

from import Action, Parameter

[docs]class ConneryAction(BaseTool): """康纳动作工具。""" name: str description: str args_schema: Type[BaseModel] action: Action connery_service: Any def _run( self, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, str], ) -> Dict[str, str]: """运行Connery Action并提供输入。 参数: kwargs(Dict[str, str]):操作所需的输入字典。 返回: Dict[str, str]:操作的输出。 """ return self.connery_service.run_action(, kwargs) async def _arun( self, run_manager: Optional[AsyncCallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, str], ) -> Dict[str, str]: """使用提供的输入异步运行Connery操作。 参数: kwargs(Dict[str,str]):操作所需的输入字典。 返回: Dict[str,str]:操作的输出。 """ func = partial(self._run, **kwargs) return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, func)
[docs] def get_schema_json(self) -> str: """返回Connery Action Tool模式的JSON表示。 这对于调试很有用。 返回: str:Connery Action Tool模式的JSON表示。 """ return self.args_schema.schema_json(indent=2)
@root_validator() def validate_attributes(cls, values: dict) -> dict: """验证 ConneryAction 类的属性。 参数: values(dict):要验证的参数。 返回: dict:验证后的参数。 """ # Import ConneryService here and check if it is an instance # of ConneryService to avoid circular imports from .service import ConneryService if not isinstance(values.get("connery_service"), ConneryService): raise ValueError( "The attribute 'connery_service' must be an instance of ConneryService." ) if not values.get("name"): raise ValueError("The attribute 'name' must be set.") if not values.get("description"): raise ValueError("The attribute 'description' must be set.") if not values.get("args_schema"): raise ValueError("The attribute 'args_schema' must be set.") if not values.get("action"): raise ValueError("The attribute 'action' must be set.") if not values.get("connery_service"): raise ValueError("The attribute 'connery_service' must be set.") return values
[docs] @classmethod def create_instance(cls, action: Action, connery_service: Any) -> "ConneryAction": """创建一个Connery操作工具,从一个Connery操作中创建。 参数: action(Action):要包装在Connery操作工具中的Connery操作。 connery_service(ConneryService):Connery服务,用于运行Connery操作。我们在这里使用Any来避免循环导入。 返回: ConneryAction:Connery操作工具。 """ # Import ConneryService here and check if it is an instance # of ConneryService to avoid circular imports from .service import ConneryService if not isinstance(connery_service, ConneryService): raise ValueError( "The connery_service must be an instance of ConneryService." ) input_schema = cls._create_input_schema(action.inputParameters) description = action.title + ( ": " + action.description if action.description else "" ) instance = cls(, description=description, args_schema=input_schema, action=action, connery_service=connery_service, ) return instance
@classmethod def _create_input_schema(cls, inputParameters: List[Parameter]) -> Type[BaseModel]: """根据Connery Action的输入参数,为Connery Action工具创建一个输入模式。 参数: inputParameters:Connery Action的输入参数列表。 返回: Type[BaseModel]:Connery Action工具的输入模式。 """ dynamic_input_fields: Dict[str, Any] = {} for param in inputParameters: default = ... if param.validation and param.validation.required else None title = param.title description = param.title + ( ": " + param.description if param.description else "" ) type = param.type dynamic_input_fields[param.key] = ( str, Field(default, title=title, description=description, type=type), ) InputModel = create_model("InputSchema", **dynamic_input_fields) return InputModel