Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Optional

from langchain_core.callbacks import CallbackManagerForToolRun

from import EdenaiTool

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EdenAiObjectDetectionTool(EdenaiTool): """用于查询Eden AI目标检测API的工具。 要使用,请确保设置了环境变量``EDENAI_API_KEY``,并使用您的API令牌。您可以在此处找到您的令牌:""" name = "edenai_object_detection" description = ( "A wrapper around edenai Services Object Detection . " """Useful for when you have to do an to identify and locate (with bounding boxes) objects in an image """ "Input should be the string url of the image to identify." ) show_positions: bool = False feature = "image" subfeature = "object_detection" def _parse_json(self, json_data: dict) -> str: result = [] label_info = [] for found_obj in json_data["items"]: label_str = f"{found_obj['label']} - Confidence {found_obj['confidence']}" x_min = found_obj.get("x_min") x_max = found_obj.get("x_max") y_min = found_obj.get("y_min") y_max = found_obj.get("y_max") if self.show_positions and all( [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max] ): # some providers don't return positions label_str += f""",at the position x_min: {x_min}, x_max: {x_max}, y_min: {y_min}, y_max: {y_max}""" label_info.append(label_str) result.append("\n".join(label_info)) return "\n\n".join(result) def _parse_response(self, response: list) -> str: if len(response) == 1: result = self._parse_json(response[0]) else: for entry in response: if entry.get("provider") == "eden-ai": result = self._parse_json(entry) return result def _run( self, query: str, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, ) -> str: """使用这个工具。""" query_params = {"file_url": query, "attributes_as_list": False} return self._call_eden_ai(query_params)