Source code for


from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional

import aiohttp
import requests
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, root_validator
from langchain_core.utils import get_from_dict_or_env


[docs]class YouHitMetadata(BaseModel): """来自you.com的单个点击的元数据""" title: str = Field(description="The title of the result") url: str = Field(description="The url of the result") thumbnail_url: str = Field(description="Thumbnail associated with the result") description: str = Field(description="Details about the result")
[docs]class YouHit(YouHitMetadata): """来自you.com的单个点击,可能包含多个片段""" snippets: List[str] = Field(description="One or snippets of text")
[docs]class YouAPIOutput(BaseModel): """来自 API的输出。""" hits: List[YouHit] = Field( description="A list of dictionaries containing the results" )
[docs]class YouDocument(BaseModel): """解析一个片段的输出。""" page_content: str = Field(description="One snippet of text") metadata: YouHitMetadata
[docs]class YouSearchAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """包装器,用于you.com搜索API。 要连接到 API,需要一个API密钥,您可以在获取。 您可以在查看文档。 您需要设置环境变量`YDC_API_KEY`以使检索器运行。 属性 ---------- ydc_api_key: str, optional API密钥,如果环境中未设置YDC_API_KEY num_web_results: int, optional 要返回的Web结果的最大数量,必须小于20 safesearch: str, optional 安全搜索设置,可选值为off、moderate、strict,默认为moderate country: str, optional 国家代码,例如:'US'代表美国,请参阅API文档以获取列表 k: int, optional 使用`results()`返回的文档的最大数量 n_hits: int, optional, deprecated num_web_results的别名 n_snippets_per_hit: int, optional 限制每个命中返回的摘要数量 endpoint_type: str, optional you.com端点:search、news、rag; `web`和`snippet`别名`search` `rag`返回`{'message': 'Forbidden'}` @todo `news`端点""" ydc_api_key: Optional[str] = None num_web_results: Optional[int] = None safesearch: Optional[str] = None country: Optional[str] = None k: Optional[int] = None n_snippets_per_hit: Optional[int] = None # @todo deprecate `snippet`, not part of API endpoint_type: Literal["search", "news", "rag", "snippet"] = "search" # should deprecate n_hits n_hits: Optional[int] = None @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """验证环境中是否存在API密钥。""" ydc_api_key = get_from_dict_or_env(values, "ydc_api_key", "YDC_API_KEY") values["ydc_api_key"] = ydc_api_key return values def _parse_results(self, raw_search_results: Dict) -> List[Document]: """从每个命中中提取片段并将它们放入文档中 参数: raw_search_results: 包含命中列表的字典 返回: List[YouDocument]: 解析结果的字典 """ # return news results if self.endpoint_type == "news": return [ Document(page_content=result["description"], metadata=result) for result in raw_search_results["news"]["results"] ] docs = [] for hit in raw_search_results["hits"]: n_snippets_per_hit = self.n_snippets_per_hit or len(hit.get("snippets")) for snippet in hit.get("snippets")[:n_snippets_per_hit]: docs.append( Document( page_content=snippet, metadata={ "url": hit.get("url"), "thumbnail_url": hit.get("thumbnail_url"), "title": hit.get("title"), "description": hit.get("description"), }, ) ) if self.k is not None and len(docs) >= self.k: return docs return docs
[docs] def raw_results( self, query: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Dict: """运行查询通过you.com搜索并返回命中结果。 参数: query: 要搜索的查询。 num_web_results: 要返回的最大结果数。 safesearch: 安全搜索设置, 可选值为off、moderate、strict,默认为moderate。 country: 国家代码 返回:YouAPIOutput """ headers = {"X-API-Key": self.ydc_api_key or ""} params = { "query": query, "num_web_results": self.num_web_results, "safesearch": self.safesearch, "country":, **kwargs, } params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None} # news endpoint expects `q` instead of `query` if self.endpoint_type == "news": params["q"] = params["query"] del params["query"] # @todo deprecate `snippet`, not part of API if self.endpoint_type == "snippet": self.endpoint_type = "search" response = requests.get( # type: ignore f"{YOU_API_URL}/{self.endpoint_type}", params=params, headers=headers, ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs] def results( self, query: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: """通过you.com搜索运行查询并将结果解析为文档。""" raw_search_results = self.raw_results( query, **{key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None}, ) return self._parse_results(raw_search_results)
[docs] async def raw_results_async( self, query: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Dict: """从you.com搜索API异步获取结果。""" headers = {"X-API-Key": self.ydc_api_key or ""} params = { "query": query, "num_web_results": self.num_web_results, "safesearch": self.safesearch, "country":, **kwargs, } params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None} # news endpoint expects `q` instead of `query` if self.endpoint_type == "news": params["q"] = params["query"] del params["query"] # @todo deprecate `snippet`, not part of API if self.endpoint_type == "snippet": self.endpoint_type = "search" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get( url=f"{YOU_API_URL}/{self.endpoint_type}", params=params, headers=headers, ) as res: if res.status == 200: results = await res.json() return results else: raise Exception(f"Error {res.status}: {res.reason}")
[docs] async def results_async( self, query: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: raw_search_results_async = await self.raw_results_async( query, **{key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None}, ) return self._parse_results(raw_search_results_async)