Source code for langchain_core.tracers.log_stream

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import copy
import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID

import jsonpatch  # type: ignore[import]
from typing_extensions import NotRequired, TypedDict

from langchain_core.load import dumps
from langchain_core.load.load import load
from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGenerationChunk, GenerationChunk
from langchain_core.runnables import Runnable, RunnableConfig, ensure_config
from langchain_core.runnables.utils import Input, Output
from langchain_core.tracers._streaming import _StreamingCallbackHandler
from langchain_core.tracers.base import BaseTracer
from langchain_core.tracers.memory_stream import _MemoryStream
from langchain_core.tracers.schemas import Run

[docs]class LogEntry(TypedDict): """运行日志中的单个条目。""" id: str """子运行的ID。""" name: str """正在运行的对象的名称。""" type: str """正在运行的对象类型,例如提示符,链条,llm等。""" tags: List[str] """运行的标签列表。""" metadata: Dict[str, Any] """运行的元数据键值对。""" start_time: str """运行开始时的ISO-8601时间戳。""" streamed_output_str: List[str] """如果适用,此运行流式传输的LLM令牌列表。""" streamed_output: List[Any] """本次运行流式传输的输出块列表,如果有的话。""" inputs: NotRequired[Optional[Any]] """此运行的输入。目前无法通过astream_log获得。""" final_output: Optional[Any] """这次运行的最终输出。 仅在运行成功完成后才可用。""" end_time: Optional[str] """运行结束时的ISO-8601时间戳。 仅在运行完成后才可用。"""
[docs]class RunState(TypedDict): """运行状态。""" id: str """运行的ID。""" streamed_output: List[Any] """流式传输的输出块列表""" final_output: Optional[Any] """运行的最终输出结果,通常是对流输出进行聚合(`+`)的结果。 在Runnable支持时,在整个运行过程中会进行更新。""" name: str """正在运行的对象的名称。""" type: str """正在运行的对象类型,例如提示符,链条,llm等。""" # Do we want tags/metadata on the root run? Client kinda knows it in most situations # tags: List[str] logs: Dict[str, LogEntry] """运行名称到子运行的映射。如果提供了过滤器,此列表将仅包含与过滤器匹配的运行。"""
[docs]class RunLogPatch: """补丁到运行日志。""" ops: List[Dict[str, Any]] """描述如何从空字典创建运行状态的jsonpatch操作列表。这是日志的最小表示形式,旨在序列化为JSON并通过网络发送到另一端以重建日志。可以使用任何符合jsonpatch标准的库来重建状态,请参见https://jsonpatch.com获取更多信息。"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *ops: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.ops = list(ops)
def __add__(self, other: Union[RunLogPatch, Any]) -> RunLog: if type(other) == RunLogPatch: ops = self.ops + other.ops state = jsonpatch.apply_patch(None, copy.deepcopy(ops)) return RunLog(*ops, state=state) raise TypeError( f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: from pprint import pformat # 1:-1 to get rid of the [] around the list return f"RunLogPatch({pformat(self.ops)[1:-1]})" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, RunLogPatch) and self.ops == other.ops
[docs]class RunLog(RunLogPatch): """运行日志。""" state: RunState """应用所有操作序列后得到的日志的当前状态。"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *ops: Dict[str, Any], state: RunState) -> None: super().__init__(*ops) self.state = state
def __add__(self, other: Union[RunLogPatch, Any]) -> RunLog: if type(other) == RunLogPatch: ops = self.ops + other.ops state = jsonpatch.apply_patch(self.state, other.ops) return RunLog(*ops, state=state) raise TypeError( f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: from pprint import pformat return f"RunLog({pformat(self.state)})" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: # First compare that the state is the same if not isinstance(other, RunLog): return False if self.state != other.state: return False # Then compare that the ops are the same return super().__eq__(other)
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]class LogStreamCallbackHandler(BaseTracer, _StreamingCallbackHandler): """将运行日志流式传输到流的跟踪器。"""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, auto_close: bool = True, include_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include_tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude_tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, # Schema format is for internal use only. _schema_format: Literal["original", "streaming_events"] = "streaming_events", ) -> None: """一个将运行日志流式传输到流的跟踪器。 参数: auto_close:当根运行完成时是否关闭流。 include_names:仅包括具有匹配名称的可运行对象的运行。 include_types:仅包括具有匹配类型的可运行对象的运行。 include_tags:仅包括具有匹配标签的可运行对象的运行。 exclude_names:排除具有匹配名称的可运行对象的运行。 exclude_types:排除具有匹配类型的可运行对象的运行。 exclude_tags:排除具有匹配标签的可运行对象的运行。 _schema_format:主要改变输入和输出的处理方式。 **仅供内部使用。此API将更改。** - 'original' 是所有当前跟踪器使用的格式。 该格式在输入和输出方面略有不一致。 - 'streaming_events' 用于支持流事件, 供内部使用。未来可能会更改,或者完全弃用, 转而使用专门的异步跟踪器来支持流事件。 """ if _schema_format not in {"original", "streaming_events"}: raise ValueError( f"Invalid schema format: {_schema_format}. " f"Expected one of 'original', 'streaming_events'." ) super().__init__(_schema_format=_schema_format) self.auto_close = auto_close self.include_names = include_names self.include_types = include_types self.include_tags = include_tags self.exclude_names = exclude_names self.exclude_types = exclude_types self.exclude_tags = exclude_tags loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() memory_stream = _MemoryStream[RunLogPatch](loop) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.send_stream = memory_stream.get_send_stream() self.receive_stream = memory_stream.get_receive_stream() self._key_map_by_run_id: Dict[UUID, str] = {} self._counter_map_by_name: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) self.root_id: Optional[UUID] = None
def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[RunLogPatch]: return self.receive_stream.__aiter__()
[docs] def send(self, *ops: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """向流发送一个补丁,如果流已关闭则返回False。""" # We will likely want to wrap this in try / except at some point # to handle exceptions that might arise at run time. # For now we'll let the exception bubble up, and always return # True on the happy path. self.send_stream.send_nowait(RunLogPatch(*ops)) return True
[docs] async def tap_output_aiter( self, run_id: UUID, output: AsyncIterator[T] ) -> AsyncIterator[T]: """将输出异步迭代器连接到日志以流式传输其值。""" async for chunk in output: # root run is handled in .astream_log() if run_id != self.root_id: # if we can't find the run silently ignore # eg. because this run wasn't included in the log if key := self._key_map_by_run_id.get(run_id): if not self.send( { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{key}/streamed_output/-", "value": chunk, } ): break yield chunk
[docs] def tap_output_iter(self, run_id: UUID, output: Iterator[T]) -> Iterator[T]: """将输出异步迭代器连接到日志以流式传输其值。""" for chunk in output: # root run is handled in .astream_log() if run_id != self.root_id: # if we can't find the run silently ignore # eg. because this run wasn't included in the log if key := self._key_map_by_run_id.get(run_id): if not self.send( { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{key}/streamed_output/-", "value": chunk, } ): break yield chunk
[docs] def include_run(self, run: Run) -> bool: if == self.root_id: return False run_tags = run.tags or [] if ( self.include_names is None and self.include_types is None and self.include_tags is None ): include = True else: include = False if self.include_names is not None: include = include or in self.include_names if self.include_types is not None: include = include or run.run_type in self.include_types if self.include_tags is not None: include = include or any(tag in self.include_tags for tag in run_tags) if self.exclude_names is not None: include = include and not in self.exclude_names if self.exclude_types is not None: include = include and run.run_type not in self.exclude_types if self.exclude_tags is not None: include = include and all(tag not in self.exclude_tags for tag in run_tags) return include
def _persist_run(self, run: Run) -> None: # This is a legacy method only called once for an entire run tree # therefore not useful here pass def _on_run_create(self, run: Run) -> None: """开始运行。""" if self.root_id is None: self.root_id = if not self.send( { "op": "replace", "path": "", "value": RunState( id=str(, streamed_output=[], final_output=None, logs={},, type=run.run_type, ), } ): return if not self.include_run(run): return # Determine previous index, increment by 1 with self.lock: self._counter_map_by_name[] += 1 count = self._counter_map_by_name[] self._key_map_by_run_id[] = ( if count == 1 else f"{}:{count}" ) entry = LogEntry( id=str(,, type=run.run_type, tags=run.tags or [], metadata=(run.extra or {}).get("metadata", {}), start_time=run.start_time.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds"), streamed_output=[], streamed_output_str=[], final_output=None, end_time=None, ) if self._schema_format == "streaming_events": # If using streaming events let's add inputs as well entry["inputs"] = _get_standardized_inputs(run, self._schema_format) # Add the run to the stream self.send( { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{self._key_map_by_run_id[]}", "value": entry, } ) def _on_run_update(self, run: Run) -> None: """完成一次运行。""" try: index = self._key_map_by_run_id.get( if index is None: return ops = [] if self._schema_format == "streaming_events": ops.append( { "op": "replace", "path": f"/logs/{index}/inputs", "value": _get_standardized_inputs(run, self._schema_format), } ) ops.extend( [ # Replace 'inputs' with final inputs # This is needed because in many cases the inputs are not # known until after the run is finished and the entire # input stream has been processed by the runnable. { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/final_output", # to undo the dumpd done by some runnables / tracer / etc "value": _get_standardized_outputs(run, self._schema_format), }, { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/end_time", "value": run.end_time.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds") if run.end_time is not None else None, }, ] ) self.send(*ops) finally: if == self.root_id: if self.auto_close: self.send_stream.close() def _on_llm_new_token( self, run: Run, token: str, chunk: Optional[Union[GenerationChunk, ChatGenerationChunk]], ) -> None: """处理新的LLM令牌。""" index = self._key_map_by_run_id.get( if index is None: return self.send( { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/streamed_output_str/-", "value": token, }, { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/streamed_output/-", "value": chunk.message if isinstance(chunk, ChatGenerationChunk) else token, }, )
def _get_standardized_inputs( run: Run, schema_format: Literal["original", "streaming_events"] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """从运行中提取标准化的输入。 根据使用的可运行类型对输入进行标准化。 参数: run: 运行对象 schema_format: 要使用的模式格式。 返回: 有效的输入仅为字典。按照惯例,输入始终使用命名参数表示调用。 None 表示输入尚未知晓! """ if schema_format == "original": raise NotImplementedError( "Do not assign inputs with original schema drop the key for now." "When inputs are added to astream_log they should be added with " "standardized schema for streaming events." ) inputs = load(run.inputs) if run.run_type in {"retriever", "llm", "chat_model"}: return inputs # new style chains # These nest an additional 'input' key inside the 'inputs' to make sure # the input is always a dict. We need to unpack and user the inner value. inputs = inputs["input"] # We should try to fix this in Runnables and callbacks/tracers # Runnables should be using a None type here not a placeholder # dict. if inputs == {"input": ""}: # Workaround for Runnables not using None # The input is not known, so we don't assign data['input'] return None return inputs def _get_standardized_outputs( run: Run, schema_format: Literal["original", "streaming_events"] ) -> Optional[Any]: """从运行中提取标准化输出。 根据使用的可运行类型标准化输出。 参数: log: 日志条目。 schema_format: 要使用的模式格式。 返回: 如果有输出则返回一个输出,否则返回None。 """ outputs = load(run.outputs) if schema_format == "original": if run.run_type == "prompt" and "output" in outputs: # These were previously dumped before the tracer. # Now we needn't do anything to them. return outputs["output"] # Return the old schema, without standardizing anything return outputs if run.run_type in {"retriever", "llm", "chat_model"}: return outputs if isinstance(outputs, dict): return outputs.get("output", None) return None @overload def _astream_log_implementation( runnable: Runnable[Input, Output], input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream: LogStreamCallbackHandler, diff: Literal[True] = True, with_streamed_output_list: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AsyncIterator[RunLogPatch]: ... @overload def _astream_log_implementation( runnable: Runnable[Input, Output], input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream: LogStreamCallbackHandler, diff: Literal[False], with_streamed_output_list: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AsyncIterator[RunLog]: ... async def _astream_log_implementation( runnable: Runnable[Input, Output], input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream: LogStreamCallbackHandler, diff: bool = True, with_streamed_output_list: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[AsyncIterator[RunLogPatch], AsyncIterator[RunLog]]: """为给定的可运行对象实现astream_log。 该实现已被拆分出来(至少是暂时的),因为astream_log和astream_events都依赖于它。 """ import jsonpatch # type: ignore[import] from langchain_core.callbacks.base import BaseCallbackManager from langchain_core.tracers.log_stream import ( RunLog, RunLogPatch, ) # Assign the stream handler to the config config = ensure_config(config) callbacks = config.get("callbacks") if callbacks is None: config["callbacks"] = [stream] elif isinstance(callbacks, list): config["callbacks"] = callbacks + [stream] elif isinstance(callbacks, BaseCallbackManager): callbacks = callbacks.copy() callbacks.add_handler(stream, inherit=True) config["callbacks"] = callbacks else: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected type for callbacks: {callbacks}." "Expected None, list or AsyncCallbackManager." ) # Call the runnable in streaming mode, # add each chunk to the output stream async def consume_astream() -> None: try: prev_final_output: Optional[Output] = None final_output: Optional[Output] = None async for chunk in runnable.astream(input, config, **kwargs): prev_final_output = final_output if final_output is None: final_output = chunk else: try: final_output = final_output + chunk # type: ignore except TypeError: prev_final_output = None final_output = chunk patches: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] if with_streamed_output_list: patches.append( { "op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", # chunk cannot be shared between # streamed_output and final_output # otherwise jsonpatch.apply will # modify both "value": copy.deepcopy(chunk), } ) for op in jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff( prev_final_output, final_output, dumps=dumps ): patches.append({**op, "path": f"/final_output{op['path']}"}) await stream.send_stream.send(RunLogPatch(*patches)) finally: await stream.send_stream.aclose() # Start the runnable in a task, so we can start consuming output task = asyncio.create_task(consume_astream()) try: # Yield each chunk from the output stream if diff: async for log in stream: yield log else: state = RunLog(state=None) # type: ignore[arg-type] async for log in stream: state = state + log yield state finally: # Wait for the runnable to finish, if not cancelled (eg. by break) try: await task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass