Source code for langchain_core.utils.function_calling

"""在OpenAI Functions风格中创建函数规范的方法"""

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import uuid
from types import FunctionType, MethodType
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langchain_core._api import deprecated
from langchain_core.messages import (
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
from langchain_core.utils.json_schema import dereference_refs

    from import BaseTool

    "str": "string",
    "int": "integer",
    "float": "number",
    "bool": "boolean",

[docs]class FunctionDescription(TypedDict): """将可调用函数的表示发送到LLM。""" name: str """函数的名称。""" description: str """一个函数的描述。""" parameters: dict """函数的参数。"""
[docs]class ToolDescription(TypedDict): """代表一个可调用函数给OpenAI API。""" type: Literal["function"] function: FunctionDescription
def _rm_titles(kv: dict, prev_key: str = "") -> dict: new_kv = {} for k, v in kv.items(): if k == "title": if isinstance(v, dict) and prev_key == "properties" and "title" in v.keys(): new_kv[k] = _rm_titles(v, k) else: continue elif isinstance(v, dict): new_kv[k] = _rm_titles(v, k) else: new_kv[k] = v return new_kv
[docs]@deprecated( "0.1.16", alternative="langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_function()", removal="0.3.0", ) def convert_pydantic_to_openai_function( model: Type[BaseModel], *, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, rm_titles: bool = True, ) -> FunctionDescription: """将Pydantic模型转换为OpenAI API的函数描述。""" schema = dereference_refs(model.schema()) schema.pop("definitions", None) title = schema.pop("title", "") default_description = schema.pop("description", "") return { "name": name or title, "description": description or default_description, "parameters": _rm_titles(schema) if rm_titles else schema, }
[docs]@deprecated( "0.1.16", alternative="langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_tool()", removal="0.3.0", ) def convert_pydantic_to_openai_tool( model: Type[BaseModel], *, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> ToolDescription: """将Pydantic模型转换为OpenAI API的函数描述。""" function = convert_pydantic_to_openai_function( model, name=name, description=description ) return {"type": "function", "function": function}
def _get_python_function_name(function: Callable) -> str: """获取Python函数的名称。""" return function.__name__ def _parse_python_function_docstring(function: Callable) -> Tuple[str, dict]: """从函数的文档字符串中解析函数和参数描述。 假设函数文档字符串遵循Google Python风格指南。 """ docstring = inspect.getdoc(function) if docstring: docstring_blocks = docstring.split("\n\n") descriptors = [] args_block = None past_descriptors = False for block in docstring_blocks: if block.startswith("Args:"): args_block = block break elif block.startswith("Returns:") or block.startswith("Example:"): # Don't break in case Args come after past_descriptors = True elif not past_descriptors: descriptors.append(block) else: continue description = " ".join(descriptors) else: description = "" args_block = None arg_descriptions = {} if args_block: arg = None for line in args_block.split("\n")[1:]: if ":" in line: arg, desc = line.split(":", maxsplit=1) arg_descriptions[arg.strip()] = desc.strip() elif arg: arg_descriptions[arg.strip()] += " " + line.strip() return description, arg_descriptions def _get_python_function_arguments(function: Callable, arg_descriptions: dict) -> dict: """获取描述Python函数参数的JsonSchema。 假设所有函数参数都是基本类型(int,float,str,bool)或是pydantic.BaseModel的子类。 """ properties = {} annotations = inspect.getfullargspec(function).annotations for arg, arg_type in annotations.items(): if arg == "return": continue if isinstance(arg_type, type) and issubclass(arg_type, BaseModel): # Mypy error: # "type" has no attribute "schema" properties[arg] = arg_type.schema() # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif ( hasattr(arg_type, "__name__") and getattr(arg_type, "__name__") in PYTHON_TO_JSON_TYPES ): properties[arg] = {"type": PYTHON_TO_JSON_TYPES[arg_type.__name__]} elif ( hasattr(arg_type, "__dict__") and getattr(arg_type, "__dict__").get("__origin__", None) == Literal ): properties[arg] = { "enum": list(arg_type.__args__), # type: ignore "type": PYTHON_TO_JSON_TYPES[arg_type.__args__[0].__class__.__name__], # type: ignore } if arg in arg_descriptions: if arg not in properties: properties[arg] = {} properties[arg]["description"] = arg_descriptions[arg] return properties def _get_python_function_required_args(function: Callable) -> List[str]: """获取Python函数所需的参数。""" spec = inspect.getfullargspec(function) required = spec.args[: -len(spec.defaults)] if spec.defaults else spec.args required += [k for k in spec.kwonlyargs if k not in (spec.kwonlydefaults or {})] is_function_type = isinstance(function, FunctionType) is_method_type = isinstance(function, MethodType) if required and is_function_type and required[0] == "self": required = required[1:] elif required and is_method_type and required[0] == "cls": required = required[1:] return required
[docs]@deprecated( "0.1.16", alternative="langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_function()", removal="0.3.0", ) def convert_python_function_to_openai_function( function: Callable, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """将一个Python函数转换为与OpenAI函数调用API兼容的字典。 假设Python函数具有类型提示和带有描述的文档字符串。如果文档字符串具有Google Python风格的参数描述,这些描述也将被包括在内。 """ description, arg_descriptions = _parse_python_function_docstring(function) return { "name": _get_python_function_name(function), "description": description, "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": _get_python_function_arguments(function, arg_descriptions), "required": _get_python_function_required_args(function), }, }
[docs]@deprecated( "0.1.16", alternative="langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_function()", removal="0.3.0", ) def format_tool_to_openai_function(tool: BaseTool) -> FunctionDescription: """将工具格式化为OpenAI函数API。""" if tool.args_schema: return convert_pydantic_to_openai_function( tool.args_schema,, description=tool.description ) else: return { "name":, "description": tool.description, "parameters": { # This is a hack to get around the fact that some tools # do not expose an args_schema, and expect an argument # which is a string. # And Open AI does not support an array type for the # parameters. "properties": { "__arg1": {"title": "__arg1", "type": "string"}, }, "required": ["__arg1"], "type": "object", }, }
[docs]@deprecated( "0.1.16", alternative="langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_tool()", removal="0.3.0", ) def format_tool_to_openai_tool(tool: BaseTool) -> ToolDescription: """将工具格式化为OpenAI函数API。""" function = format_tool_to_openai_function(tool) return {"type": "function", "function": function}
[docs]def convert_to_openai_function( function: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel], Callable, BaseTool], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """将原始函数/类转换为OpenAI函数。 参数: function:可以是字典、pydantic.BaseModel类或Python函数。 如果传入的是字典,则假定它已经是一个有效的OpenAI函数或带有顶级'title'和'description'键的JSON模式。 返回: 传入函数的字典版本,与OpenAI函数调用API兼容。 """ from import BaseTool # already in OpenAI function format if isinstance(function, dict) and all( k in function for k in ("name", "description", "parameters") ): return function # a JSON schema with title and description elif isinstance(function, dict) and all( k in function for k in ("title", "description", "properties") ): function = function.copy() return { "name": function.pop("title"), "description": function.pop("description"), "parameters": function, } elif isinstance(function, type) and issubclass(function, BaseModel): return cast(Dict, convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(function)) elif isinstance(function, BaseTool): return cast(Dict, format_tool_to_openai_function(function)) elif callable(function): return convert_python_function_to_openai_function(function) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported function\n\n{function}\n\nFunctions must be passed in" " as Dict, pydantic.BaseModel, or Callable. If they're a dict they must" " either be in OpenAI function format or valid JSON schema with top-level" " 'title' and 'description' keys." )
[docs]def convert_to_openai_tool( tool: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel], Callable, BaseTool], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """将原始函数/类转换为OpenAI工具。 参数: tool:可以是字典、pydantic.BaseModel类、Python函数或BaseTool。如果传入字典,则假定它已经是有效的OpenAI工具、OpenAI函数或带有顶级'title'和'description'键的JSON模式。 返回: 传入工具的字典版本,与OpenAI工具调用API兼容。 """ if isinstance(tool, dict) and tool.get("type") == "function" and "function" in tool: return tool function = convert_to_openai_function(tool) return {"type": "function", "function": function}
[docs]def tool_example_to_messages( input: str, tool_calls: List[BaseModel], tool_outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> List[BaseMessage]: """将一个示例转换为可以输入到LLM中的消息列表。 这段代码是一个适配器,将单个示例转换为可以输入到聊天模型中的消息列表。 每个示例的消息列表对应于: 1) HumanMessage: 包含应从中提取内容的内容。 2) AIMessage: 包含从模型中提取的信息 3) ToolMessage: 包含确认消息,告知模型已正确请求了一个工具。 ToolMessage是必需的,因为一些聊天模型是针对代理而不是用于提取的情况进行了超优化。 参数: input: 字符串,用户输入 tool_calls: List[BaseModel],表示为Pydantic BaseModel的工具调用列表 tool_outputs: Optional[List[str]],工具调用输出的列表。 不需要提供。如果未提供,将插入一个占位符值。 返回: 一个消息列表 示例: .. code-block:: python from typing import List, Optional from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI class Person(BaseModel): '''关于一个人的信息。''' name: Optional[str] = Field(..., description="人的姓名") hair_color: Optional[str] = Field( ..., description="如果已知,人的头发颜色" ) height_in_meters: Optional[str] = Field( ..., description="以米为单位的身高" ) examples = [ ( "海洋辽阔而蔚蓝。它超过了20,000英尺的深度。", Person(name=None, height_in_meters=None, hair_color=None), ), ( "Fiona从法国远行到了西班牙。", Person(name="Fiona", height_in_meters=None, hair_color=None), ), ] messages = [] for txt, tool_call in examples: messages.extend( tool_example_to_messages(txt, [tool_call]) ) """ messages: List[BaseMessage] = [HumanMessage(content=input)] openai_tool_calls = [] for tool_call in tool_calls: openai_tool_calls.append( { "id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "type": "function", "function": { # The name of the function right now corresponds to the name # of the pydantic model. This is implicit in the API right now, # and will be improved over time. "name": tool_call.__class__.__name__, "arguments": tool_call.json(), }, } ) messages.append( AIMessage(content="", additional_kwargs={"tool_calls": openai_tool_calls}) ) tool_outputs = tool_outputs or ["You have correctly called this tool."] * len( openai_tool_calls ) for output, tool_call_dict in zip(tool_outputs, openai_tool_calls): messages.append(ToolMessage(content=output, tool_call_id=tool_call_dict["id"])) # type: ignore return messages