Source code for langchain_core.utils.json

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import re
from typing import Any, Callable, List

from langchain_core.exceptions import OutputParserException

def _replace_new_line(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
    value =
    value = re.sub(r"\n", r"\\n", value)
    value = re.sub(r"\r", r"\\r", value)
    value = re.sub(r"\t", r"\\t", value)
    value = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)"', r"\"", value)

    return + value +

def _custom_parser(multiline_string: str) -> str:
    if isinstance(multiline_string, (bytes, bytearray)):
        multiline_string = multiline_string.decode()

    multiline_string = re.sub(

    return multiline_string

# Adapted from
# MIT License

[docs]def parse_partial_json(s: str, *, strict: bool = False) -> Any: """解析可能缺少闭合括号的JSON字符串。 参数: s:要解析的JSON字符串。 strict:是否使用严格解析。默认为False。 返回: 解析后的JSON对象作为Python字典。 """ # Attempt to parse the string as-is. try: return json.loads(s, strict=strict) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass # Initialize variables. new_s = "" stack = [] is_inside_string = False escaped = False # Process each character in the string one at a time. for char in s: if is_inside_string: if char == '"' and not escaped: is_inside_string = False elif char == "\n" and not escaped: char = "\\n" # Replace the newline character with the escape sequence. elif char == "\\": escaped = not escaped else: escaped = False else: if char == '"': is_inside_string = True escaped = False elif char == "{": stack.append("}") elif char == "[": stack.append("]") elif char == "}" or char == "]": if stack and stack[-1] == char: stack.pop() else: # Mismatched closing character; the input is malformed. return None # Append the processed character to the new string. new_s += char # If we're still inside a string at the end of processing, # we need to close the string. if is_inside_string: new_s += '"' # Try to parse mods of string until we succeed or run out of characters. while new_s: final_s = new_s # Close any remaining open structures in the reverse # order that they were opened. for closing_char in reversed(stack): final_s += closing_char # Attempt to parse the modified string as JSON. try: return json.loads(final_s, strict=strict) except json.JSONDecodeError: # If we still can't parse the string as JSON, # try removing the last character new_s = new_s[:-1] # If we got here, we ran out of characters to remove # and still couldn't parse the string as JSON, so return the parse error # for the original string. return json.loads(s, strict=strict)
[docs]def parse_json_markdown( json_string: str, *, parser: Callable[[str], Any] = parse_partial_json ) -> dict: """从Markdown字符串中解析JSON字符串。 参数: json_string:Markdown字符串。 返回: 解析后的JSON对象作为Python字典。 """ try: return _parse_json(json_string, parser=parser) except json.JSONDecodeError: # Try to find JSON string within triple backticks match ="```(json)?(.*)", json_string, re.DOTALL) # If no match found, assume the entire string is a JSON string if match is None: json_str = json_string else: # If match found, use the content within the backticks json_str = return _parse_json(json_str, parser=parser)
def _parse_json( json_str: str, *, parser: Callable[[str], Any] = parse_partial_json ) -> dict: # Strip whitespace and newlines from the start and end json_str = json_str.strip().strip("`") # handle newlines and other special characters inside the returned value json_str = _custom_parser(json_str) # Parse the JSON string into a Python dictionary return parser(json_str)
[docs]def parse_and_check_json_markdown(text: str, expected_keys: List[str]) -> dict: """从Markdown字符串中解析JSON字符串,并检查它是否包含预期的键。 参数: text: Markdown字符串。 expected_keys: JSON字符串中预期的键。 返回: 解析后的JSON对象,作为Python字典。 """ try: json_obj = parse_json_markdown(text) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise OutputParserException(f"Got invalid JSON object. Error: {e}") for key in expected_keys: if key not in json_obj: raise OutputParserException( f"Got invalid return object. Expected key `{key}` " f"to be present, but got {json_obj}" ) return json_obj