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OpenAPI 回调

你可以创建一个带有*路径操作*的 API,该操作可以触发对由其他人(可能是使用你的 API 的同一开发者)创建的*外部 API*的请求。

当你的 API 应用调用*外部 API*时发生的过程被称为“回调”。因为外部开发者编写的软件向你的 API 发送请求,然后你的 API 进行*回调*,向*外部 API*(可能由同一开发者创建)发送请求。

在这种情况下,你可能希望记录该外部 API 应该*是什么样子。它应该有什么*路径操作,它应该期望什么主体,它应该返回什么响应,等等。




这些发票将有一个 idtitle(可选)、customertotal

你的 API 用户(一个外部开发者)将通过 POST 请求在你的 API 中创建发票。

然后你的 API 将(让我们想象一下):

  • 将发票发送给外部开发者的一些客户。
  • 收款。
  • 向 API 用户(外部开发者)发送通知。
    • 这将通过从*你的 API* 向该外部开发者提供的一些*外部 API* 发送 POST 请求来完成(这就是“回调”)。

正常的 FastAPI 应用

首先让我们看看在添加回调之前,正常的 API 应用会是什么样子。

它将有一个*路径操作*,该操作将接收一个 Invoice 主体和一个查询参数 callback_url,该参数将包含回调的 URL。


from typing import Union

from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl

app = FastAPI()

class Invoice(BaseModel):
    id: str
    title: Union[str, None] = None
    customer: str
    total: float

class InvoiceEvent(BaseModel):
    description: str
    paid: bool

class InvoiceEventReceived(BaseModel):
    ok: bool

invoices_callback_router = APIRouter()
    "{$callback_url}/invoices/{$}", response_model=InvoiceEventReceived
def invoice_notification(body: InvoiceEvent):
    pass"/invoices/", callbacks=invoices_callback_router.routes)
def create_invoice(invoice: Invoice, callback_url: Union[HttpUrl, None] = None):
    Create an invoice.

    This will (let's imagine) let the API user (some external developer) create an

    And this path operation will:

    * Send the invoice to the client.
    * Collect the money from the client.
    * Send a notification back to the API user (the external developer), as a callback.
        * At this point is that the API will somehow send a POST request to the
            external API with the notification of the invoice event
            (e.g. "payment successful").
    # Send the invoice, collect the money, send the notification (the callback)
    return {"msg": "Invoice received"}


callback_url 查询参数使用了 Pydantic 的 Url 类型。

唯一的新东西是 callbacks=invoices_callback_router.routes 作为*路径操作装饰器*的参数。我们接下来会看到这是什么。


实际的回调代码将很大程度上取决于你自己的 API 应用。



callback_url = "", json={"description": "Invoice paid", "paid": True})

但回调中最重要的部分可能是确保你的 API 用户(外部开发者)正确地实现了*外部 API*,根据*你的 API* 将在回调请求主体中发送的数据等。

所以,接下来我们要做的是添加代码来记录该*外部 API* 应该是什么样子,以便接收来自*你的 API* 的回调。

该文档将在你的 API 的 Swagger UI 中显示在 /docs,并让外部开发者知道如何构建*外部 API*。



实际的回调只是一个 HTTP 请求。

当你自己实现回调时,你可以使用类似 HTTPXRequests 的工具。


这段代码不会在你的应用中执行,我们只需要它来*记录*该*外部 API* 应该是什么样子。

但是,你已经知道如何使用 FastAPI 轻松地为 API 创建自动文档。

因此,我们将使用相同的知识来记录*外部 API* 应该是什么样子... 通过创建*外部 API* 应该实现的路径操作(你的 API 将调用的那些)。


在编写回调文档代码时,想象一下你是那个*外部开发者*可能会很有用。并且你当前正在实现*外部 API*,而不是*你的 API*。

暂时采用这种观点(作为*外部开发者*)可以帮助你感觉更明显地知道在哪里放置参数、主体的 Pydantic 模型、响应的 Pydantic 模型等,用于该*外部 API*。

创建回调 APIRouter

首先创建一个新的 APIRouter,它将包含一个或多个回调。

from typing import Union

from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl

app = FastAPI()

class Invoice(BaseModel):
    id: str
    title: Union[str, None] = None
    customer: str
    total: float

class InvoiceEvent(BaseModel):
    description: str
    paid: bool

class InvoiceEventReceived(BaseModel):
    ok: bool

invoices_callback_router = APIRouter()
    "{$callback_url}/invoices/{$}", response_model=InvoiceEventReceived
def invoice_notification(body: InvoiceEvent):
    pass"/invoices/", callbacks=invoices_callback_router.routes)
def create_invoice(invoice: Invoice, callback_url: Union[HttpUrl, None] = None):
    Create an invoice.

    This will (let's imagine) let the API user (some external developer) create an

    And this path operation will:

    * Send the invoice to the client.
    * Collect the money from the client.
    * Send a notification back to the API user (the external developer), as a callback.
        * At this point is that the API will somehow send a POST request to the
            external API with the notification of the invoice event
            (e.g. "payment successful").
    # Send the invoice, collect the money, send the notification (the callback)
    return {"msg": "Invoice received"}


要创建回调*路径操作*,请使用上面创建的 APIRouter

它应该看起来像一个正常的 FastAPI 路径操作

  • 它应该可能有一个它应该接收的主体声明,例如 body: InvoiceEvent
  • 它还可以有一个它应该返回的响应声明,例如 response_model=InvoiceEventReceived

    from typing import Union
    from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI
    from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl
    app = FastAPI()
    class Invoice(BaseModel):
        id: str
        title: Union[str, None] = None
        customer: str
        total: float
    class InvoiceEvent(BaseModel):
        description: str
        paid: bool
    class InvoiceEventReceived(BaseModel):
        ok: bool
    invoices_callback_router = APIRouter()
        "{$callback_url}/invoices/{$}", response_model=InvoiceEventReceived
    def invoice_notification(body: InvoiceEvent):
    "/invoices/", callbacks=invoices_callback_router.routes)
    def create_invoice(invoice: Invoice, callback_url: Union[HttpUrl, None] = None):
        Create an invoice.
        This will (let's imagine) let the API user (some external developer) create an
        And this path operation will:
        * Send the invoice to the client.
        * Collect the money from the client.
        * Send a notification back to the API user (the external developer), as a callback.
            * At this point is that the API will somehow send a POST request to the
                external API with the notification of the invoice event
                (e.g. "payment successful").
        # Send the invoice, collect the money, send the notification (the callback)
        return {"msg": "Invoice received"}

  • 它不需要包含任何实际代码,因为你的应用永远不会调用这段代码。它仅用于文档化*外部API*。因此,函数可以只包含 pass

  • *路径*可以包含一个OpenAPI 3表达式(见下文更多内容),其中可以使用带有参数的变量和发送到*你的API*的原始请求的部分内容。


回调*路径*可以包含一个OpenAPI 3表达式,该表达式可以包含发送到*你的API*的原始请求的部分内容。

在这种情况下,它是 str




    "id": "2expen51ve",
    "customer": "Mr. Richie Rich",
    "total": "9999"

那么*你的API*将处理发票,并在稍后某个时间点,向 callback_url外部API)发送回调请求:


    "description": "Payment celebration",
    "paid": true


    "ok": true


注意回调URL如何包含作为查询参数接收的URL callback_url以及JSON主体内的发票 id2expen51ve)。



现在,在*你的API的路径操作装饰器*中使用参数 callbacks 来传递该回调路由器的属性 .routes(实际上只是一个路由/*路径操作*的 list):

from typing import Union

from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl

app = FastAPI()

class Invoice(BaseModel):
    id: str
    title: Union[str, None] = None
    customer: str
    total: float

class InvoiceEvent(BaseModel):
    description: str
    paid: bool

class InvoiceEventReceived(BaseModel):
    ok: bool

invoices_callback_router = APIRouter()
    "{$callback_url}/invoices/{$}", response_model=InvoiceEventReceived
def invoice_notification(body: InvoiceEvent):
    pass"/invoices/", callbacks=invoices_callback_router.routes)
def create_invoice(invoice: Invoice, callback_url: Union[HttpUrl, None] = None):
    Create an invoice.

    This will (let's imagine) let the API user (some external developer) create an

    And this path operation will:

    * Send the invoice to the client.
    * Collect the money from the client.
    * Send a notification back to the API user (the external developer), as a callback.
        * At this point is that the API will somehow send a POST request to the
            external API with the notification of the invoice event
            (e.g. "payment successful").
    # Send the invoice, collect the money, send the notification (the callback)
    return {"msg": "Invoice received"}


注意,你不是将路由器本身(invoices_callback_router)传递给 callback=,而是传递属性 .routes,如 invoices_callback_router.routes


