langchain_anthropic.output_parsers ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

from typing import Any, List, Optional, Type, Union, cast

from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, ToolCall
from langchain_core.messages.tool import tool_call
from langchain_core.output_parsers import BaseGenerationOutputParser
from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGeneration, Generation
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict

[docs] class ToolsOutputParser(BaseGenerationOutputParser): """Output parser for tool calls.""" first_tool_only: bool = False """Whether to return only the first tool call.""" args_only: bool = False """Whether to return only the arguments of the tool calls.""" pydantic_schemas: Optional[List[Type[BaseModel]]] = None """Pydantic schemas to parse tool calls into.""" model_config = ConfigDict( extra="forbid", )
[docs] def parse_result(self, result: List[Generation], *, partial: bool = False) -> Any: """Parse a list of candidate model Generations into a specific format. Args: result: A list of Generations to be parsed. The Generations are assumed to be different candidate outputs for a single model input. Returns: Structured output. """ if not result or not isinstance(result[0], ChatGeneration): return None if self.first_tool_only else [] message = cast(AIMessage, result[0].message) tool_calls: List = [ dict(tc) for tc in _extract_tool_calls_from_message(message) ] if isinstance(message.content, list): # Map tool call id to index id_to_index = { block["id"]: i for i, block in enumerate(message.content) if isinstance(block, dict) and block["type"] == "tool_use" } tool_calls = [{**tc, "index": id_to_index[tc["id"]]} for tc in tool_calls] if self.pydantic_schemas: tool_calls = [self._pydantic_parse(tc) for tc in tool_calls] elif self.args_only: tool_calls = [tc["args"] for tc in tool_calls] else: pass if self.first_tool_only: return tool_calls[0] if tool_calls else None else: return [tool_call for tool_call in tool_calls]
def _pydantic_parse(self, tool_call: dict) -> BaseModel: cls_ = {schema.__name__: schema for schema in self.pydantic_schemas or []}[ tool_call["name"] ] return cls_(**tool_call["args"])
def _extract_tool_calls_from_message(message: AIMessage) -> List[ToolCall]: """Extract tool calls from a list of content blocks.""" if message.tool_calls: return message.tool_calls return extract_tool_calls(message.content)
[docs] def extract_tool_calls(content: Union[str, List[Union[str, dict]]]) -> List[ToolCall]: """Extract tool calls from a list of content blocks.""" if isinstance(content, list): tool_calls = [] for block in content: if isinstance(block, str): continue if block["type"] != "tool_use": continue tool_calls.append( tool_call(name=block["name"], args=block["input"], id=block["id"]) ) return tool_calls else: return []