langchain_community.callbacks.arthur_callback ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

"""ArthurAI's Callback Handler."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np
from langchain_core.agents import AgentAction, AgentFinish
from langchain_core.callbacks import BaseCallbackHandler
from langchain_core.outputs import LLMResult

    import arthurai
    from arthurai.core.models import ArthurModel

PROMPT_TOKENS = "prompt_tokens"
COMPLETION_TOKENS = "completion_tokens"
TOKEN_USAGE = "token_usage"
FINISH_REASON = "finish_reason"
DURATION = "duration"

def _lazy_load_arthur() -> arthurai:
    """Lazy load Arthur."""
        import arthurai
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImportError(
            "To use the ArthurCallbackHandler you need the"
            " `arthurai` package. Please install it with"
            " `pip install arthurai`.",

    return arthurai

[docs] class ArthurCallbackHandler(BaseCallbackHandler): """Callback Handler that logs to Arthur platform. Arthur helps enterprise teams optimize model operations and performance at scale. The Arthur API tracks model performance, explainability, and fairness across tabular, NLP, and CV models. Our API is model- and platform-agnostic, and continuously scales with complex and dynamic enterprise needs. To learn more about Arthur, visit our website at or read the Arthur docs at """
[docs] def __init__( self, arthur_model: ArthurModel, ) -> None: """Initialize callback handler.""" super().__init__() arthurai = _lazy_load_arthur() Stage = arthurai.common.constants.Stage ValueType = arthurai.common.constants.ValueType self.arthur_model = arthur_model # save the attributes of this model to be used when preparing # inferences to log to Arthur in on_llm_end() self.attr_names = set([ for a in self.arthur_model.get_attributes()]) self.input_attr = [ x for x in self.arthur_model.get_attributes() if x.stage == Stage.ModelPipelineInput and x.value_type == ValueType.Unstructured_Text ][0].name self.output_attr = [ x for x in self.arthur_model.get_attributes() if x.stage == Stage.PredictedValue and x.value_type == ValueType.Unstructured_Text ][0].name self.token_likelihood_attr = None if ( len( [ x for x in self.arthur_model.get_attributes() if x.value_type == ValueType.TokenLikelihoods ] ) > 0 ): self.token_likelihood_attr = [ x for x in self.arthur_model.get_attributes() if x.value_type == ValueType.TokenLikelihoods ][0].name self.run_map: DefaultDict[str, Any] = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_credentials( cls, model_id: str, arthur_url: Optional[str] = "", arthur_login: Optional[str] = None, arthur_password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> ArthurCallbackHandler: """Initialize callback handler from Arthur credentials. Args: model_id (str): The ID of the arthur model to log to. arthur_url (str, optional): The URL of the Arthur instance to log to. Defaults to "". arthur_login (str, optional): The login to use to connect to Arthur. Defaults to None. arthur_password (str, optional): The password to use to connect to Arthur. Defaults to None. Returns: ArthurCallbackHandler: The initialized callback handler. """ arthurai = _lazy_load_arthur() ArthurAI = arthurai.ArthurAI ResponseClientError = arthurai.common.exceptions.ResponseClientError # connect to Arthur if arthur_login is None: try: arthur_api_key = os.environ["ARTHUR_API_KEY"] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "No Arthur authentication provided. Either give" " a login to the ArthurCallbackHandler" " or set an ARTHUR_API_KEY as an environment variable." ) arthur = ArthurAI(url=arthur_url, access_key=arthur_api_key) else: if arthur_password is None: arthur = ArthurAI(url=arthur_url, login=arthur_login) else: arthur = ArthurAI( url=arthur_url, login=arthur_login, password=arthur_password ) # get model from Arthur by the provided model ID try: arthur_model = arthur.get_model(model_id) except ResponseClientError: raise ValueError( f"Was unable to retrieve model with id {model_id} from Arthur." " Make sure the ID corresponds to a model that is currently" " registered with your Arthur account." ) return cls(arthur_model)
[docs] def on_llm_start( self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], prompts: List[str], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """On LLM start, save the input prompts""" run_id = kwargs["run_id"] self.run_map[run_id]["input_texts"] = prompts self.run_map[run_id]["start_time"] = time()
[docs] def on_llm_end(self, response: LLMResult, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """On LLM end, send data to Arthur.""" try: import pytz except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Could not import pytz. Please install it with 'pip install pytz'." ) from e run_id = kwargs["run_id"] # get the run params from this run ID, # or raise an error if this run ID has no corresponding metadata in self.run_map try: run_map_data = self.run_map[run_id] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( "This function has been called with a run_id" " that was never registered in on_llm_start()." " Restart and try running the LLM again" ) from e # mark the duration time between on_llm_start() and on_llm_end() time_from_start_to_end = time() - run_map_data["start_time"] # create inferences to log to Arthur inferences = [] for i, generations in enumerate(response.generations): for generation in generations: inference = { "partner_inference_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "inference_timestamp":, self.input_attr: run_map_data["input_texts"][i], self.output_attr: generation.text, } if generation.generation_info is not None: # add finish reason to the inference # if generation info contains a finish reason and # if the ArthurModel was registered to monitor finish_reason if ( FINISH_REASON in generation.generation_info and FINISH_REASON in self.attr_names ): inference[FINISH_REASON] = generation.generation_info[ FINISH_REASON ] # add token likelihoods data to the inference if the ArthurModel # was registered to monitor token likelihoods logprobs_data = generation.generation_info["logprobs"] if ( logprobs_data is not None and self.token_likelihood_attr is not None ): logprobs = logprobs_data["top_logprobs"] likelihoods = [ {k: np.exp(v) for k, v in logprobs[i].items()} for i in range(len(logprobs)) ] inference[self.token_likelihood_attr] = likelihoods # add token usage counts to the inference if the # ArthurModel was registered to monitor token usage if ( isinstance(response.llm_output, dict) and TOKEN_USAGE in response.llm_output ): token_usage = response.llm_output[TOKEN_USAGE] if ( PROMPT_TOKENS in token_usage and PROMPT_TOKENS in self.attr_names ): inference[PROMPT_TOKENS] = token_usage[PROMPT_TOKENS] if ( COMPLETION_TOKENS in token_usage and COMPLETION_TOKENS in self.attr_names ): inference[COMPLETION_TOKENS] = token_usage[COMPLETION_TOKENS] # add inference duration to the inference if the ArthurModel # was registered to monitor inference duration if DURATION in self.attr_names: inference[DURATION] = time_from_start_to_end inferences.append(inference) # send inferences to arthur self.arthur_model.send_inferences(inferences)
[docs] def on_chain_start( self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], inputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """On chain start, do nothing."""
[docs] def on_chain_end(self, outputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """On chain end, do nothing."""
[docs] def on_llm_error(self, error: BaseException, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Do nothing when LLM outputs an error."""
[docs] def on_llm_new_token(self, token: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """On new token, pass."""
[docs] def on_chain_error(self, error: BaseException, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Do nothing when LLM chain outputs an error."""
[docs] def on_tool_start( self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], input_str: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Do nothing when tool starts."""
[docs] def on_agent_action(self, action: AgentAction, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Do nothing when agent takes a specific action."""
[docs] def on_tool_end( self, output: Any, observation_prefix: Optional[str] = None, llm_prefix: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Do nothing when tool ends."""
[docs] def on_tool_error(self, error: BaseException, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Do nothing when tool outputs an error."""
[docs] def on_text(self, text: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Do nothing"""
[docs] def on_agent_finish(self, finish: AgentFinish, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Do nothing"""