langchain_community.chains.pebblo_retrieval.utilities ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

import json
import logging
import os
import platform
from enum import Enum
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import aiohttp
from aiohttp import ClientTimeout
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.env import get_runtime_environment
from langchain_core.utils import get_from_dict_or_env
from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStoreRetriever
from pydantic import BaseModel
from requests import Response, request
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

from langchain_community.chains.pebblo_retrieval.models import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


_DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER_URL = "http://localhost:8000"

[docs] class Routes(str, Enum): """Routes available for the Pebblo API as enumerator.""" retrieval_app_discover = "/v1/app/discover" prompt = "/v1/prompt" prompt_governance = "/v1/prompt/governance"
[docs] def get_runtime() -> Tuple[Framework, Runtime]: """Fetch the current Framework and Runtime details. Returns: Tuple[Framework, Runtime]: Framework and Runtime for the current app instance. """ runtime_env = get_runtime_environment() framework = Framework( name="langchain", version=runtime_env.get("library_version", None) ) uname = platform.uname() runtime = Runtime( host=uname.node, path=os.environ["PWD"], platform=runtime_env.get("platform", "unknown"), os=uname.system, os_version=uname.version, ip=get_ip(), language=runtime_env.get("runtime", "unknown"), language_version=runtime_env.get("runtime_version", "unknown"), ) if "Darwin" in runtime.os: runtime.type = "desktop" runtime.runtime = "Mac OSX" logger.debug(f"framework {framework}") logger.debug(f"runtime {runtime}") return framework, runtime
[docs] def get_ip() -> str: """Fetch local runtime ip address. Returns: str: IP address """ import socket # lazy imports host = socket.gethostname() try: public_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) except Exception: public_ip = socket.gethostbyname("localhost") return public_ip
[docs] class PebbloRetrievalAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper for Pebblo Retrieval API.""" api_key: Optional[str] # Use SecretStr """API key for Pebblo Cloud""" classifier_location: str = "local" """Location of the classifier, local or cloud. Defaults to 'local'""" classifier_url: Optional[str] """URL of the Pebblo Classifier""" cloud_url: Optional[str] """URL of the Pebblo Cloud""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): """Validate that api key in environment.""" kwargs["api_key"] = get_from_dict_or_env( kwargs, "api_key", "PEBBLO_API_KEY", "" ) kwargs["classifier_url"] = get_from_dict_or_env( kwargs, "classifier_url", "PEBBLO_CLASSIFIER_URL", _DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER_URL ) kwargs["cloud_url"] = get_from_dict_or_env( kwargs, "cloud_url", "PEBBLO_CLOUD_URL", _DEFAULT_PEBBLO_CLOUD_URL ) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def send_app_discover(self, app: App) -> None: """ Send app discovery request to Pebblo server & cloud. Args: app (App): App instance to be discovered. """ pebblo_resp = None payload = app.dict(exclude_unset=True) if self.classifier_location == "local": # Send app details to local classifier headers = self._make_headers() app_discover_url = ( f"{self.classifier_url}{Routes.retrieval_app_discover.value}" ) pebblo_resp = self.make_request("POST", app_discover_url, headers, payload) if self.api_key: # Send app details to Pebblo cloud if api_key is present headers = self._make_headers(cloud_request=True) if pebblo_resp: pebblo_server_version = json.loads(pebblo_resp.text).get( "pebblo_server_version" ) payload.update({"pebblo_server_version": pebblo_server_version}) payload.update({"pebblo_client_version": PLUGIN_VERSION}) pebblo_cloud_url = f"{self.cloud_url}{Routes.retrieval_app_discover.value}" _ = self.make_request("POST", pebblo_cloud_url, headers, payload)
[docs] def send_prompt( self, app_name: str, retriever: VectorStoreRetriever, question: str, answer: str, auth_context: Optional[AuthContext], docs: List[Document], prompt_entities: Dict[str, Any], prompt_time: str, prompt_gov_enabled: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Send prompt to Pebblo server for classification. Then send prompt to Daxa cloud(If api_key is present). Args: app_name (str): Name of the app. retriever (VectorStoreRetriever): Retriever instance. question (str): Question asked in the prompt. answer (str): Answer generated by the model. auth_context (Optional[AuthContext]): Authentication context. docs (List[Document]): List of documents retrieved. prompt_entities (Dict[str, Any]): Entities present in the prompt. prompt_time (str): Time when the prompt was generated. prompt_gov_enabled (bool): Whether prompt governance is enabled. """ pebblo_resp = None payload = self.build_prompt_qa_payload( app_name, retriever, question, answer, auth_context, docs, prompt_entities, prompt_time, prompt_gov_enabled, ) if self.classifier_location == "local": # Send prompt to local classifier headers = self._make_headers() prompt_url = f"{self.classifier_url}{Routes.prompt.value}" pebblo_resp = self.make_request("POST", prompt_url, headers, payload) if self.api_key: # Send prompt to Pebblo cloud if api_key is present if self.classifier_location == "local": # If classifier location is local, then response, context and prompt # should be fetched from pebblo_resp and replaced in payload. pebblo_resp = pebblo_resp.json() if pebblo_resp else None self.update_cloud_payload(payload, pebblo_resp) headers = self._make_headers(cloud_request=True) pebblo_cloud_prompt_url = f"{self.cloud_url}{Routes.prompt.value}" _ = self.make_request("POST", pebblo_cloud_prompt_url, headers, payload) elif self.classifier_location == "pebblo-cloud": logger.warning("API key is missing for sending prompt to Pebblo cloud.") raise NameError("API key is missing for sending prompt to Pebblo cloud.")
[docs] async def asend_prompt( self, app_name: str, retriever: VectorStoreRetriever, question: str, answer: str, auth_context: Optional[AuthContext], docs: List[Document], prompt_entities: Dict[str, Any], prompt_time: str, prompt_gov_enabled: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Send prompt to Pebblo server for classification. Then send prompt to Daxa cloud(If api_key is present). Args: app_name (str): Name of the app. retriever (VectorStoreRetriever): Retriever instance. question (str): Question asked in the prompt. answer (str): Answer generated by the model. auth_context (Optional[AuthContext]): Authentication context. docs (List[Document]): List of documents retrieved. prompt_entities (Dict[str, Any]): Entities present in the prompt. prompt_time (str): Time when the prompt was generated. prompt_gov_enabled (bool): Whether prompt governance is enabled. """ pebblo_resp = None payload = self.build_prompt_qa_payload( app_name, retriever, question, answer, auth_context, docs, prompt_entities, prompt_time, prompt_gov_enabled, ) if self.classifier_location == "local": # Send prompt to local classifier headers = self._make_headers() prompt_url = f"{self.classifier_url}{Routes.prompt.value}" pebblo_resp = await self.amake_request("POST", prompt_url, headers, payload) if self.api_key: # Send prompt to Pebblo cloud if api_key is present if self.classifier_location == "local": # If classifier location is local, then response, context and prompt # should be fetched from pebblo_resp and replaced in payload. self.update_cloud_payload(payload, pebblo_resp) headers = self._make_headers(cloud_request=True) pebblo_cloud_prompt_url = f"{self.cloud_url}{Routes.prompt.value}" _ = await self.amake_request( "POST", pebblo_cloud_prompt_url, headers, payload ) elif self.classifier_location == "pebblo-cloud": logger.warning("API key is missing for sending prompt to Pebblo cloud.") raise NameError("API key is missing for sending prompt to Pebblo cloud.")
[docs] def check_prompt_validity(self, question: str) -> Tuple[bool, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Check the validity of the given prompt using a remote classification service. This method sends a prompt to a remote classifier service and return entities present in prompt or not. Args: question (str): The prompt question to be validated. Returns: bool: True if the prompt is valid (does not contain deny list entities), False otherwise. dict: The entities present in the prompt """ prompt_payload = {"prompt": question} prompt_entities: dict = {"entities": {}, "entityCount": 0} is_valid_prompt: bool = True if self.classifier_location == "local": headers = self._make_headers() prompt_gov_api_url = ( f"{self.classifier_url}{Routes.prompt_governance.value}" ) pebblo_resp = self.make_request( "POST", prompt_gov_api_url, headers, prompt_payload ) if pebblo_resp: prompt_entities["entities"] = pebblo_resp.json().get("entities", {}) prompt_entities["entityCount"] = pebblo_resp.json().get( "entityCount", 0 ) return is_valid_prompt, prompt_entities
[docs] async def acheck_prompt_validity( self, question: str ) -> Tuple[bool, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Check the validity of the given prompt using a remote classification service. This method sends a prompt to a remote classifier service and return entities present in prompt or not. Args: question (str): The prompt question to be validated. Returns: bool: True if the prompt is valid (does not contain deny list entities), False otherwise. dict: The entities present in the prompt """ prompt_payload = {"prompt": question} prompt_entities: dict = {"entities": {}, "entityCount": 0} is_valid_prompt: bool = True if self.classifier_location == "local": headers = self._make_headers() prompt_gov_api_url = ( f"{self.classifier_url}{Routes.prompt_governance.value}" ) pebblo_resp = await self.amake_request( "POST", prompt_gov_api_url, headers, prompt_payload ) if pebblo_resp: prompt_entities["entities"] = pebblo_resp.get("entities", {}) prompt_entities["entityCount"] = pebblo_resp.get("entityCount", 0) return is_valid_prompt, prompt_entities
def _make_headers(self, cloud_request: bool = False) -> dict: """ Generate headers for the request. args: cloud_request (bool): flag indicating whether the request is for Pebblo cloud. returns: dict: Headers for the request. """ headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", } if cloud_request: # Add API key for Pebblo cloud request if self.api_key: headers.update({"x-api-key": self.api_key}) else: logger.warning("API key is missing for Pebblo cloud request.") return headers
[docs] @staticmethod def make_request( method: str, url: str, headers: dict, payload: Optional[dict] = None, timeout: int = 20, ) -> Optional[Response]: """ Make a request to the Pebblo server/cloud API. Args: method (str): HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). url (str): URL for the request. headers (dict): Headers for the request. payload (Optional[dict]): Payload for the request (for POST, PUT, etc.). timeout (int): Timeout for the request in seconds. Returns: Optional[Response]: Response object if the request is successful. """ try: response = request( method=method, url=url, headers=headers, json=payload, timeout=timeout ) logger.debug( "Request: method %s, url %s, len %s response status %s", method, response.request.url, str(len(response.request.body if response.request.body else [])), str(response.status_code), ) if response.status_code >= HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: logger.warning(f"Pebblo Server: Error {response.status_code}") elif response.status_code >= HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: logger.warning(f"Pebblo received an invalid payload: {response.text}") elif response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK: logger.warning( f"Pebblo returned an unexpected response code: " f"{response.status_code}" ) return response except RequestException: logger.warning("Unable to reach server %s", url) except Exception as e: logger.warning("An Exception caught in make_request: %s", e) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def update_cloud_payload(payload: dict, pebblo_resp: Optional[dict]) -> None: """ Update the payload with response, prompt and context from Pebblo response. Args: payload (dict): Payload to be updated. pebblo_resp (Optional[dict]): Response from Pebblo server. """ if pebblo_resp: # Update response, prompt and context from pebblo response response = payload.get("response", {}) response.update(pebblo_resp.get("retrieval_data", {}).get("response", {})) response.pop("data", None) prompt = payload.get("prompt", {}) prompt.update(pebblo_resp.get("retrieval_data", {}).get("prompt", {})) prompt.pop("data", None) context = payload.get("context", []) for context_data in context: context_data.pop("doc", None) else: payload["response"] = {} payload["prompt"] = {} payload["context"] = []
[docs] @staticmethod async def amake_request( method: str, url: str, headers: dict, payload: Optional[dict] = None, timeout: int = 20, ) -> Any: """ Make a async request to the Pebblo server/cloud API. Args: method (str): HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). url (str): URL for the request. headers (dict): Headers for the request. payload (Optional[dict]): Payload for the request (for POST, PUT, etc.). timeout (int): Timeout for the request in seconds. Returns: Any: Response json if the request is successful. """ try: client_timeout = ClientTimeout(total=timeout) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as asession: async with asession.request( method=method, url=url, json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=client_timeout, ) as response: if response.status >= HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: logger.warning(f"Pebblo Server: Error {response.status}") elif response.status >= HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: logger.warning( f"Pebblo received an invalid payload: " f"{response.text}" ) elif response.status != HTTPStatus.OK: logger.warning( f"Pebblo returned an unexpected response code: " f"{response.status}" ) response_json = await response.json() return response_json except RequestException: logger.warning("Unable to reach server %s", url) except Exception as e: logger.warning("An Exception caught in amake_request: %s", e) return None
[docs] def build_prompt_qa_payload( self, app_name: str, retriever: VectorStoreRetriever, question: str, answer: str, auth_context: Optional[AuthContext], docs: List[Document], prompt_entities: Dict[str, Any], prompt_time: str, prompt_gov_enabled: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Build the QA payload for the prompt. Args: app_name (str): Name of the app. retriever (VectorStoreRetriever): Retriever instance. question (str): Question asked in the prompt. answer (str): Answer generated by the model. auth_context (Optional[AuthContext]): Authentication context. docs (List[Document]): List of documents retrieved. prompt_entities (Dict[str, Any]): Entities present in the prompt. prompt_time (str): Time when the prompt was generated. prompt_gov_enabled (bool): Whether prompt governance is enabled. Returns: dict: The QA payload for the prompt. """ qa = Qa( name=app_name, context=[ Context( retrieved_from=doc.metadata.get( "full_path", doc.metadata.get("source") ), doc=doc.page_content, vector_db=retriever.vectorstore.__class__.__name__, pb_checksum=doc.metadata.get("pb_checksum"), ) for doc in docs if isinstance(doc, Document) ], prompt=Prompt( data=question, entities=prompt_entities.get("entities", {}), entityCount=prompt_entities.get("entityCount", 0), prompt_gov_enabled=prompt_gov_enabled, ), response=Prompt(data=answer), prompt_time=prompt_time, user=auth_context.user_id if auth_context else "unknown", user_identities=auth_context.user_auth if auth_context and hasattr(auth_context, "user_auth") else [], classifier_location=self.classifier_location, ) return qa.dict(exclude_unset=True)