langchain_community.chat_message_histories.sql ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

import contextlib
import json
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (

from langchain_core._api import deprecated, warn_deprecated
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Text, delete, select

    from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
except ImportError:
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from langchain_core.chat_history import BaseChatMessageHistory
from langchain_core.messages import (
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
    Session as SQLSession,
from sqlalchemy.orm import (

    from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import async_sessionmaker
except ImportError:
    # dummy for sqlalchemy < 2
    async_sessionmaker = type("async_sessionmaker", (type,), {})  # type: ignore

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BaseMessageConverter(ABC): """Convert BaseMessage to the SQLAlchemy model."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def from_sql_model(self, sql_message: Any) -> BaseMessage: """Convert a SQLAlchemy model to a BaseMessage instance.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_sql_model(self, message: BaseMessage, session_id: str) -> Any: """Convert a BaseMessage instance to a SQLAlchemy model.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_sql_model_class(self) -> Any: """Get the SQLAlchemy model class.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_message_model(table_name: str, DynamicBase: Any) -> Any: """ Create a message model for a given table name. Args: table_name: The name of the table to use. DynamicBase: The base class to use for the model. Returns: The model class. """ # Model declared inside a function to have a dynamic table name. class Message(DynamicBase): # type: ignore[valid-type, misc] __tablename__ = table_name id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) session_id = Column(Text) message = Column(Text) return Message
[docs] class DefaultMessageConverter(BaseMessageConverter): """The default message converter for SQLChatMessageHistory."""
[docs] def __init__(self, table_name: str): self.model_class = create_message_model(table_name, declarative_base())
[docs] def from_sql_model(self, sql_message: Any) -> BaseMessage: return messages_from_dict([json.loads(sql_message.message)])[0]
[docs] def to_sql_model(self, message: BaseMessage, session_id: str) -> Any: return self.model_class( session_id=session_id, message=json.dumps(message_to_dict(message)) )
[docs] def get_sql_model_class(self) -> Any: return self.model_class
DBConnection = Union[AsyncEngine, Engine, str] _warned_once_already = False
[docs] class SQLChatMessageHistory(BaseChatMessageHistory): """Chat message history stored in an SQL database. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage from langchain_community.chat_message_histories import SQLChatMessageHistory # create sync sql message history by connection_string message_history = SQLChatMessageHistory( session_id='foo', connection_string='sqlite///:memory.db' ) message_history.add_message(HumanMessage("hello")) message_history.message # create async sql message history using aiosqlite # from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine # # async_engine = create_async_engine("sqlite+aiosqlite:///memory.db") # async_message_history = SQLChatMessageHistory( # session_id='foo', connection=async_engine, # ) # await async_message_history.aadd_message(HumanMessage("hello")) # await async_message_history.aget_messages() """ @property @deprecated("0.2.2", removal="1.0", alternative="session_maker") def Session(self) -> Union[scoped_session, async_sessionmaker]: return self.session_maker
[docs] def __init__( self, session_id: str, connection_string: Optional[str] = None, table_name: str = "message_store", session_id_field_name: str = "session_id", custom_message_converter: Optional[BaseMessageConverter] = None, connection: Union[None, DBConnection] = None, engine_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, async_mode: Optional[bool] = None, # Use only if connection is a string ): """Initialize with a SQLChatMessageHistory instance. Args: session_id: Indicates the id of the same session. connection_string: String parameter configuration for connecting to the database. table_name: Table name used to save data. session_id_field_name: The name of field of `session_id`. custom_message_converter: Custom message converter for converting database data and `BaseMessage` connection: Database connection object, which can be a string containing connection configuration, Engine object or AsyncEngine object. engine_args: Additional configuration for creating database engines. async_mode: Whether it is an asynchronous connection. """ assert not ( connection_string and connection ), "connection_string and connection are mutually exclusive" if connection_string: global _warned_once_already if not _warned_once_already: warn_deprecated( since="0.2.2", removal="1.0", name="connection_string", alternative="connection", ) _warned_once_already = True connection = connection_string self.connection_string = connection_string if isinstance(connection, str): self.async_mode = async_mode if async_mode: self.async_engine = create_async_engine( connection, **(engine_args or {}) ) else: self.engine = create_engine(url=connection, **(engine_args or {})) elif isinstance(connection, Engine): self.async_mode = False self.engine = connection elif isinstance(connection, AsyncEngine): self.async_mode = True self.async_engine = connection else: raise ValueError( "connection should be a connection string or an instance of " "sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine.AsyncEngine" ) # To be consistent with others SQL implementations, rename to session_maker self.session_maker: Union[scoped_session, async_sessionmaker] if self.async_mode: self.session_maker = async_sessionmaker(bind=self.async_engine) else: self.session_maker = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)) self.session_id_field_name = session_id_field_name self.converter = custom_message_converter or DefaultMessageConverter(table_name) self.sql_model_class = self.converter.get_sql_model_class() if not hasattr(self.sql_model_class, session_id_field_name): raise ValueError("SQL model class must have session_id column") self._table_created = False if not self.async_mode: self._create_table_if_not_exists() self.session_id = session_id
def _create_table_if_not_exists(self) -> None: self.sql_model_class.metadata.create_all(self.engine) self._table_created = True async def _acreate_table_if_not_exists(self) -> None: if not self._table_created: assert self.async_mode, "This method must be called with async_mode" async with self.async_engine.begin() as conn: await conn.run_sync(self.sql_model_class.metadata.create_all) self._table_created = True @property def messages(self) -> List[BaseMessage]: # type: ignore """Retrieve all messages from db""" with self._make_sync_session() as session: result = ( session.query(self.sql_model_class) .where( getattr(self.sql_model_class, self.session_id_field_name) == self.session_id ) .order_by( ) messages = [] for record in result: messages.append(self.converter.from_sql_model(record)) return messages
[docs] def get_messages(self) -> List[BaseMessage]: return self.messages
[docs] async def aget_messages(self) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Retrieve all messages from db""" await self._acreate_table_if_not_exists() async with self._make_async_session() as session: stmt = ( select(self.sql_model_class) .where( getattr(self.sql_model_class, self.session_id_field_name) == self.session_id ) .order_by( ) result = await session.execute(stmt) messages = [] for record in result.scalars(): messages.append(self.converter.from_sql_model(record)) return messages
[docs] def add_message(self, message: BaseMessage) -> None: """Append the message to the record in db""" with self._make_sync_session() as session: session.add(self.converter.to_sql_model(message, self.session_id)) session.commit()
[docs] async def aadd_message(self, message: BaseMessage) -> None: """Add a Message object to the store. Args: message: A BaseMessage object to store. """ await self._acreate_table_if_not_exists() async with self._make_async_session() as session: session.add(self.converter.to_sql_model(message, self.session_id)) await session.commit()
[docs] def add_messages(self, messages: Sequence[BaseMessage]) -> None: # Add all messages in one transaction with self._make_sync_session() as session: for message in messages: session.add(self.converter.to_sql_model(message, self.session_id)) session.commit()
[docs] async def aadd_messages(self, messages: Sequence[BaseMessage]) -> None: # Add all messages in one transaction await self._acreate_table_if_not_exists() async with self.session_maker() as session: for message in messages: session.add(self.converter.to_sql_model(message, self.session_id)) await session.commit()
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear session memory from db""" with self._make_sync_session() as session: session.query(self.sql_model_class).filter( getattr(self.sql_model_class, self.session_id_field_name) == self.session_id ).delete() session.commit()
[docs] async def aclear(self) -> None: """Clear session memory from db""" await self._acreate_table_if_not_exists() async with self._make_async_session() as session: stmt = delete(self.sql_model_class).filter( getattr(self.sql_model_class, self.session_id_field_name) == self.session_id ) await session.execute(stmt) await session.commit()
@contextlib.contextmanager def _make_sync_session(self) -> Generator[SQLSession, None, None]: """Make an async session.""" if self.async_mode: raise ValueError( "Attempting to use a sync method in when async mode is turned on. " "Please use the corresponding async method instead." ) with self.session_maker() as session: yield cast(SQLSession, session) @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def _make_async_session(self) -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncSession, None]: """Make an async session.""" if not self.async_mode: raise ValueError( "Attempting to use an async method in when sync mode is turned on. " "Please use the corresponding async method instead." ) async with self.session_maker() as session: yield cast(AsyncSession, session)