langchain_community.document_loaders.blockchain ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

import os
import re
import time
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional

import requests
from langchain_core.documents import Document

from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader

[docs] class BlockchainType(Enum): """Enumerator of the supported blockchains.""" ETH_MAINNET = "eth-mainnet" ETH_GOERLI = "eth-goerli" ETH_SEPOLIA = "eth-sepolia" ETH_HOLESKY = "eth-holesky" POLYGON_MAINNET = "polygon-mainnet" POLYGON_MUMBAI = "polygon-mumbai" POLYGON_AMOY = "polygon-amoy" ARB_MAINNET = "arb-mainnet" ARB_SEPOLIA = "arb-sepolia" OP_MAINNET = "opt-mainnet" OP_SEPOLIA = "opt-sepolia" BASE_MAINNET = "base-mainnet" BASE_SEPOLIA = "base-sepolia" BLAST_MAINNET = "blast-mainnet" BLAST_SEPOLIA = "blast-sepolia" ZKSYNC_MAINNET = "zksync-mainnet" ZKSYNC_SEPOLIA = "zksync-sepolia" ZORA_MAINNET = "zora-mainnet" ZORA_SEPOLIA = "zora-sepolia"
[docs] class BlockchainDocumentLoader(BaseLoader): """Load elements from a blockchain smart contract. See supported blockchains here: If no BlockchainType is specified, the default is Ethereum mainnet. The Loader uses the Alchemy API to interact with the blockchain. ALCHEMY_API_KEY environment variable must be set to use this loader. The API returns 100 NFTs per request and can be paginated using the startToken parameter. If get_all_tokens is set to True, the loader will get all tokens on the contract. Note that for contracts with a large number of tokens, this may take a long time (e.g. 10k tokens is 100 requests). Default value is false for this reason. The max_execution_time (sec) can be set to limit the execution time of the loader. Future versions of this loader can: - Support additional Alchemy APIs (e.g. getTransactions, etc.) - Support additional blockchain APIs (e.g. Infura, Opensea, etc.) """ # noqa: E501
[docs] def __init__( self, contract_address: str, blockchainType: BlockchainType = BlockchainType.ETH_MAINNET, api_key: str = "docs-demo", startToken: str = "", get_all_tokens: bool = False, max_execution_time: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Args: contract_address: The address of the smart contract. blockchainType: The blockchain type. api_key: The Alchemy API key. startToken: The start token for pagination. get_all_tokens: Whether to get all tokens on the contract. max_execution_time: The maximum execution time (sec). """ self.contract_address = contract_address self.blockchainType = blockchainType.value self.api_key = os.environ.get("ALCHEMY_API_KEY") or api_key self.startToken = startToken self.get_all_tokens = get_all_tokens self.max_execution_time = max_execution_time if not self.api_key: raise ValueError("Alchemy API key not provided.") if not re.match(r"^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", self.contract_address): raise ValueError(f"Invalid contract address {self.contract_address}")
[docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: result = [] current_start_token = self.startToken start_time = time.time() while True: url = ( f"https://{self.blockchainType}" f"{self.api_key}/getNFTsForCollection?withMetadata=" f"True&contractAddress={self.contract_address}" f"&startToken={current_start_token}" ) response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code != 200: raise ValueError( f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}" ) items = response.json()["nfts"] if not items: break for item in items: content = str(item) tokenId = item["id"]["tokenId"] metadata = { "source": self.contract_address, "blockchain": self.blockchainType, "tokenId": tokenId, } result.append(Document(page_content=content, metadata=metadata)) # exit after the first API call if get_all_tokens is False if not self.get_all_tokens: break # get the start token for the next API call from the last item in array current_start_token = self._get_next_tokenId(result[-1].metadata["tokenId"]) if ( self.max_execution_time is not None and (time.time() - start_time) > self.max_execution_time ): raise RuntimeError("Execution time exceeded the allowed time limit.") if not result: raise ValueError( f"No NFTs found for contract address {self.contract_address}" ) return result
# add one to the tokenId, ensuring the correct tokenId format is used def _get_next_tokenId(self, tokenId: str) -> str: value_type = self._detect_value_type(tokenId) if value_type == "hex_0x": value_int = int(tokenId, 16) elif value_type == "hex_0xbf": value_int = int(tokenId[2:], 16) else: value_int = int(tokenId) result = value_int + 1 if value_type == "hex_0x": return "0x" + format(result, "0" + str(len(tokenId) - 2) + "x") elif value_type == "hex_0xbf": return "0xbf" + format(result, "0" + str(len(tokenId) - 4) + "x") else: return str(result) # A smart contract can use different formats for the tokenId @staticmethod def _detect_value_type(tokenId: str) -> str: if isinstance(tokenId, int): return "int" elif tokenId.startswith("0x"): return "hex_0x" elif tokenId.startswith("0xbf"): return "hex_0xbf" else: return "hex_0xbf"