langchain_community.graphs.index_creator ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

from typing import Optional, Type

from pydantic import BaseModel
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseLanguageModel
from langchain_core.prompts import BasePromptTemplate
from langchain_core.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate

from langchain_community.graphs import NetworkxEntityGraph
from langchain_community.graphs.networkx_graph import KG_TRIPLE_DELIMITER
from langchain_community.graphs.networkx_graph import parse_triples

# flake8: noqa

    "You are a networked intelligence helping a human track knowledge triples"
    " about all relevant people, things, concepts, etc. and integrating"
    " them with your knowledge stored within your weights"
    " as well as that stored in a knowledge graph."
    " Extract all of the knowledge triples from the text."
    " A knowledge triple is a clause that contains a subject, a predicate,"
    " and an object. The subject is the entity being described,"
    " the predicate is the property of the subject that is being"
    " described, and the object is the value of the property.\n\n"
    "It's a state in the US. It's also the number 1 producer of gold in the US.\n\n"
    f"Output: (Nevada, is a, state){KG_TRIPLE_DELIMITER}(Nevada, is in, US)"
    f"{KG_TRIPLE_DELIMITER}(Nevada, is the number 1 producer of, gold)\n"
    "END OF EXAMPLE\n\n"
    "I'm going to the store.\n\n"
    "Output: NONE\n"
    "END OF EXAMPLE\n\n"
    "Oh huh. I know Descartes likes to drive antique scooters and play the mandolin.\n"
    f"Output: (Descartes, likes to drive, antique scooters){KG_TRIPLE_DELIMITER}(Descartes, plays, mandolin)\n"
    "END OF EXAMPLE\n\n"


[docs] class GraphIndexCreator(BaseModel): """Functionality to create graph index.""" llm: Optional[BaseLanguageModel] = None graph_type: Type[NetworkxEntityGraph] = NetworkxEntityGraph
[docs] def from_text( self, text: str, prompt: BasePromptTemplate = KNOWLEDGE_TRIPLE_EXTRACTION_PROMPT ) -> NetworkxEntityGraph: """Create graph index from text.""" if self.llm is None: raise ValueError("llm should not be None") graph = self.graph_type() # Temporary local scoped import while community does not depend on # langchain explicitly try: from langchain.chains import LLMChain except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install langchain to use this functionality. " "You can install it with `pip install langchain`." ) chain = LLMChain(llm=self.llm, prompt=prompt) output = chain.predict(text=text) knowledge = parse_triples(output) for triple in knowledge: graph.add_triple(triple) return graph
[docs] async def afrom_text( self, text: str, prompt: BasePromptTemplate = KNOWLEDGE_TRIPLE_EXTRACTION_PROMPT ) -> NetworkxEntityGraph: """Create graph index from text asynchronously.""" if self.llm is None: raise ValueError("llm should not be None") graph = self.graph_type() # Temporary local scoped import while community does not depend on # langchain explicitly try: from langchain.chains import LLMChain except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install langchain to use this functionality. " "You can install it with `pip install langchain`." ) chain = LLMChain(llm=self.llm, prompt=prompt) output = await chain.apredict(text=text) knowledge = parse_triples(output) for triple in knowledge: graph.add_triple(triple) return graph