langchain_community.utilities.dataforseo_api_search ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

import base64
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from urllib.parse import quote

import aiohttp
import requests
from langchain_core.utils import get_from_dict_or_env
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, model_validator

[docs] class DataForSeoAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper around the DataForSeo API.""" model_config = ConfigDict( arbitrary_types_allowed=True, extra="forbid", ) default_params: dict = Field( default={ "location_name": "United States", "language_code": "en", "depth": 10, "se_name": "google", "se_type": "organic", } ) """Default parameters to use for the DataForSEO SERP API.""" params: dict = Field(default={}) """Additional parameters to pass to the DataForSEO SERP API.""" api_login: Optional[str] = None """The API login to use for the DataForSEO SERP API.""" api_password: Optional[str] = None """The API password to use for the DataForSEO SERP API.""" json_result_types: Optional[list] = None """The JSON result types.""" json_result_fields: Optional[list] = None """The JSON result fields.""" top_count: Optional[int] = None """The number of top results to return.""" aiosession: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None """The aiohttp session to use for the DataForSEO SERP API.""" @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Any: """Validate that login and password exists in environment.""" login = get_from_dict_or_env(values, "api_login", "DATAFORSEO_LOGIN") password = get_from_dict_or_env(values, "api_password", "DATAFORSEO_PASSWORD") values["api_login"] = login values["api_password"] = password return values
[docs] async def arun(self, url: str) -> str: """Run request to DataForSEO SERP API and parse result async.""" return self._process_response(await self._aresponse_json(url))
[docs] def run(self, url: str) -> str: """Run request to DataForSEO SERP API and parse result async.""" return self._process_response(self._response_json(url))
[docs] def results(self, url: str) -> list: res = self._response_json(url) return self._filter_results(res)
[docs] async def aresults(self, url: str) -> list: res = await self._aresponse_json(url) return self._filter_results(res)
def _prepare_request(self, keyword: str) -> dict: """Prepare the request details for the DataForSEO SERP API.""" if self.api_login is None or self.api_password is None: raise ValueError("api_login or api_password is not provided") cred = base64.b64encode( f"{self.api_login}:{self.api_password}".encode("utf-8") ).decode("utf-8") headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {cred}", "Content-Type": "application/json"} obj = {"keyword": quote(keyword)} obj = {**obj, **self.default_params, **self.params} data = [obj] _url = ( f"{obj['se_name']}" f"/{obj['se_type']}/live/advanced" ) return { "url": _url, "headers": headers, "data": data, } def _check_response(self, response: dict) -> dict: """Check the response from the DataForSEO SERP API for errors.""" if response.get("status_code") != 20000: raise ValueError( f"Got error from DataForSEO SERP API: {response.get('status_message')}" ) return response def _response_json(self, url: str) -> dict: """Use requests to run request to DataForSEO SERP API and return results.""" request_details = self._prepare_request(url) response = request_details["url"], headers=request_details["headers"], json=request_details["data"], ) response.raise_for_status() return self._check_response(response.json()) async def _aresponse_json(self, url: str) -> dict: """Use aiohttp to request DataForSEO SERP API and return results async.""" request_details = self._prepare_request(url) if not self.aiosession: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with request_details["url"], headers=request_details["headers"], json=request_details["data"], ) as response: res = await response.json() else: async with request_details["url"], headers=request_details["headers"], json=request_details["data"], ) as response: res = await response.json() return self._check_response(res) def _filter_results(self, res: dict) -> list: output = [] types = self.json_result_types if self.json_result_types is not None else [] for task in res.get("tasks", []): for result in task.get("result", []): for item in result.get("items", []): if len(types) == 0 or item.get("type", "") in types: self._cleanup_unnecessary_items(item) if len(item) != 0: output.append(item) if self.top_count is not None and len(output) >= self.top_count: break return output def _cleanup_unnecessary_items(self, d: dict) -> dict: fields = self.json_result_fields if self.json_result_fields is not None else [] if len(fields) > 0: for k, v in list(d.items()): if isinstance(v, dict): self._cleanup_unnecessary_items(v) if len(v) == 0: del d[k] elif k not in fields: del d[k] if "xpath" in d: del d["xpath"] if "position" in d: del d["position"] if "rectangle" in d: del d["rectangle"] for k, v in list(d.items()): if isinstance(v, dict): self._cleanup_unnecessary_items(v) return d def _process_response(self, res: dict) -> str: """Process response from DataForSEO SERP API.""" toret = "No good search result found" for task in res.get("tasks", []): for result in task.get("result", []): item_types = result.get("item_types") items = result.get("items", []) if "answer_box" in item_types: toret = next( item for item in items if item.get("type") == "answer_box" ).get("text") elif "knowledge_graph" in item_types: toret = next( item for item in items if item.get("type") == "knowledge_graph" ).get("description") elif "featured_snippet" in item_types: toret = next( item for item in items if item.get("type") == "featured_snippet" ).get("description") elif "shopping" in item_types: toret = next( item for item in items if item.get("type") == "shopping" ).get("price") elif "organic" in item_types: toret = next( item for item in items if item.get("type") == "organic" ).get("description") if toret: break return toret