langchain_community.utilities.oracleai ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

# Authors:
#   Harichandan Roy (hroy)
#   David Jiang (ddjiang)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import traceback
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional

from langchain_core.documents import Document

    from oracledb import Connection

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""OracleSummary class"""

[docs] class OracleSummary: """Get Summary Args: conn: Oracle Connection, params: Summary parameters, proxy: Proxy """
[docs] def __init__( self, conn: Connection, params: Dict[str, Any], proxy: Optional[str] = None ): self.conn = conn self.proxy = proxy self.summary_params = params
[docs] def get_summary(self, docs: Any) -> List[str]: """Get the summary of the input docs. Args: docs: The documents to generate summary for. Allowed input types: str, Document, List[str], List[Document] Returns: List of summary text, one for each input doc. """ try: import oracledb except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import oracledb, please install with " "`pip install -U oracledb`." ) from e if docs is None: return [] results: List[str] = [] try: oracledb.defaults.fetch_lobs = False cursor = self.conn.cursor() if self.proxy: cursor.execute( "begin utl_http.set_proxy(:proxy); end;", proxy=self.proxy ) if isinstance(docs, str): results = [] summary = cursor.var(oracledb.DB_TYPE_CLOB) cursor.execute( """ declare input clob; begin input := :data; :summ := dbms_vector_chain.utl_to_summary(input, json(:params)); end;""", data=docs, params=json.dumps(self.summary_params), summ=summary, ) if summary is None: results.append("") else: results.append(str(summary.getvalue())) elif isinstance(docs, Document): results = [] summary = cursor.var(oracledb.DB_TYPE_CLOB) cursor.execute( """ declare input clob; begin input := :data; :summ := dbms_vector_chain.utl_to_summary(input, json(:params)); end;""", data=docs.page_content, params=json.dumps(self.summary_params), summ=summary, ) if summary is None: results.append("") else: results.append(str(summary.getvalue())) elif isinstance(docs, List): results = [] for doc in docs: summary = cursor.var(oracledb.DB_TYPE_CLOB) if isinstance(doc, str): cursor.execute( """ declare input clob; begin input := :data; :summ := dbms_vector_chain.utl_to_summary(input, json(:params)); end;""", data=doc, params=json.dumps(self.summary_params), summ=summary, ) elif isinstance(doc, Document): cursor.execute( """ declare input clob; begin input := :data; :summ := dbms_vector_chain.utl_to_summary(input, json(:params)); end;""", data=doc.page_content, params=json.dumps(self.summary_params), summ=summary, ) else: raise Exception("Invalid input type") if summary is None: results.append("") else: results.append(str(summary.getvalue())) else: raise Exception("Invalid input type") cursor.close() return results except Exception as ex:"An exception occurred :: {ex}") traceback.print_exc() cursor.close() raise
# uncomment the following code block to run the test """ # A sample unit test. ''' get the Oracle connection ''' conn = oracledb.connect( user="", password="", dsn="") print("Oracle connection is established...") ''' params ''' summary_params = {"provider": "database","glevel": "S", "numParagraphs": 1,"language": "english"} proxy = "" ''' instance ''' summ = OracleSummary(conn=conn, params=summary_params, proxy=proxy) summary = summ.get_summary("In the heart of the forest, " + "a lone fox ventured out at dusk, seeking a lost treasure. " + "With each step, memories flooded back, guiding its path. " + "As the moon rose high, illuminating the night, the fox unearthed " + "not gold, but a forgotten friendship, worth more than any riches.") print(f"Summary generated by OracleSummary: {summary}") conn.close() print("Connection is closed.") """