langchain_community.utilities.redis ηζΊδ»£η
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Optional, Pattern, cast
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from redis.client import Redis as RedisType
def _array_to_buffer(array: List[float], dtype: Any = np.float32) -> bytes:
return np.array(array).astype(dtype).tobytes()
def _buffer_to_array(buffer: bytes, dtype: Any = np.float32) -> List[float]:
return cast(List[float], np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=dtype).tolist())
class TokenEscaper:
Escape punctuation within an input string.
# Characters that RediSearch requires us to escape during queries.
# Source:
DEFAULT_ESCAPED_CHARS: str = r"[,.<>{}\[\]\\\"\':;!@#$%^&*()\-+=~\/ ]"
def __init__(self, escape_chars_re: Optional[Pattern] = None):
if escape_chars_re:
self.escaped_chars_re = escape_chars_re
self.escaped_chars_re = re.compile(self.DEFAULT_ESCAPED_CHARS)
def escape(self, value: str) -> str:
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(
"Value must be a string object for token escaping."
f"Got type {type(value)}"
def escape_symbol(match: re.Match) -> str:
value =
return f"\\{value}"
return self.escaped_chars_re.sub(escape_symbol, value)
def check_redis_module_exist(client: RedisType, required_modules: List[dict]) -> None:
"""Check if the correct Redis modules are installed."""
installed_modules = client.module_list()
installed_modules = {
module[b"name"].decode("utf-8"): module for module in installed_modules
for module in required_modules:
if module["name"] in installed_modules and int(
) >= int(module["ver"]):
# otherwise raise error
error_message = (
"Redis cannot be used as a vector database without RediSearch >=2.4"
"Please head to"
"to know more about installing the RediSearch module within Redis Stack."
raise ValueError(error_message)
def get_client(redis_url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> RedisType:
"""Get a redis client from the connection url given. This helper accepts
urls for Redis server (TCP with/without TLS or UnixSocket) as well as
Redis Sentinel connections.
Redis Cluster is not supported.
Before creating a connection the existence of the database driver is checked
an and ValueError raised otherwise
To use, you should have the ``redis`` python package installed.
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_community.utilities.redis import get_client
redis_client = get_client(
To use a redis replication setup with multiple redis server and redis sentinels
set "redis_url" to "redis+sentinel://" scheme. With this url format a path is
needed holding the name of the redis service within the sentinels to get the
correct redis server connection. The default service name is "mymaster". The
optional second part of the path is the redis db number to connect to.
An optional username or password is used for booth connections to the rediserver
and the sentinel, different passwords for server and sentinel are not supported.
And as another constraint only one sentinel instance can be given:
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_community.utilities.redis import get_client
redis_client = get_client(
# Initialize with necessary components.
import redis
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import redis python package. "
"Please install it with `pip install redis>=4.1.0`."
# check if normal redis:// or redis+sentinel:// url
if redis_url.startswith("redis+sentinel"):
redis_client = _redis_sentinel_client(redis_url, **kwargs)
elif redis_url.startswith("rediss+sentinel"): # sentinel with TLS support enables
kwargs["ssl"] = True
if "ssl_cert_reqs" not in kwargs:
kwargs["ssl_cert_reqs"] = "none"
redis_client = _redis_sentinel_client(redis_url, **kwargs)
# connect to redis server from url, reconnect with cluster client if needed
redis_client = redis.from_url(redis_url, **kwargs)
if _check_for_cluster(redis_client):
redis_client = _redis_cluster_client(redis_url, **kwargs)
return redis_client
def _redis_sentinel_client(redis_url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> RedisType:
"""helper method to parse an (un-official) redis+sentinel url
and create a Sentinel connection to fetch the final redis client
connection to a replica-master for read-write operations.
If username and/or password for authentication is given the
same credentials are used for the Redis Sentinel as well as Redis Server.
With this implementation using a redis url only it is not possible
to use different data for authentication on booth systems.
import redis
parsed_url = urlparse(redis_url)
# sentinel needs list with (host, port) tuple, use default port if none available
sentinel_list = [(parsed_url.hostname or "localhost", parsed_url.port or 26379)]
if parsed_url.path:
# "/mymaster/0" first part is service name, optional second part is db number
path_parts = parsed_url.path.split("/")
service_name = path_parts[1] or "mymaster"
if len(path_parts) > 2:
kwargs["db"] = path_parts[2]
service_name = "mymaster"
sentinel_args = {}
if parsed_url.password:
sentinel_args["password"] = parsed_url.password
kwargs["password"] = parsed_url.password
if parsed_url.username:
sentinel_args["username"] = parsed_url.username
kwargs["username"] = parsed_url.username
# check for all SSL related properties and copy them into sentinel_kwargs too,
# add client_name also
for arg in kwargs:
if arg.startswith("ssl") or arg == "client_name":
sentinel_args[arg] = kwargs[arg]
# sentinel user/pass is part of sentinel_kwargs, user/pass for redis server
# connection as direct parameter in kwargs
sentinel_client = redis.sentinel.Sentinel(
sentinel_list, sentinel_kwargs=sentinel_args, **kwargs
# redis server might have password but not sentinel - fetch this error and try
# again without pass, everything else cannot be handled here -> user needed
except redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError as ae:
if "no password is set" in ae.args[0]:
"Redis sentinel connection configured with password but Sentinel \
answered NO PASSWORD NEEDED - Please check Sentinel configuration"
sentinel_client = redis.sentinel.Sentinel(sentinel_list, **kwargs)
raise ae
return sentinel_client.master_for(service_name)
def _check_for_cluster(redis_client: RedisType) -> bool:
import redis
cluster_info ="cluster")
return cluster_info["cluster_enabled"] == 1
except redis.exceptions.RedisError:
return False
def _redis_cluster_client(redis_url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> RedisType:
from redis.cluster import RedisCluster
return RedisCluster.from_url(redis_url, **kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]