langchain_community.vectorstores.infinispanvs ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

"""Module providing Infinispan as a VectorStore"""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import uuid
import warnings
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast

from httpx import Response
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings
from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class InfinispanVS(VectorStore): """`Infinispan` VectorStore interface. This class exposes the method to present Infinispan as a VectorStore. It relies on the Infinispan class (below) which takes care of the REST interface with the server. Example: ... code-block:: python from langchain_community.vectorstores import InfinispanVS from mymodels import RGBEmbeddings ... vectorDb = InfinispanVS.from_documents(docs, embedding=RGBEmbeddings(), output_fields=["texture", "color"], lambda_key=lambda text,meta: str(meta["_key"]), lambda_content=lambda item: item["color"]) or an empty InfinispanVS instance can be created if preliminary setup is required before populating the store ... code-block:: python from langchain_community.vectorstores import InfinispanVS from mymodels import RGBEmbeddings ... ispnVS = InfinispanVS() # configure Infinispan here # i.e. create cache and schema # then populate the store vectorDb = InfinispanVS.from_documents(docs, embedding=RGBEmbeddings(), output_fields: ["texture", "color"], lambda_key: lambda text,meta: str(meta["_key"]), lambda_content: lambda item: item["color"]) """
[docs] def __init__( self, embedding: Optional[Embeddings] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): """ Parameters ---------- cache_name: str Embeddings cache name. Default "vector" entity_name: str Protobuf entity name for the embeddings. Default "vector" text_field: str Protobuf field name for text. Default "text" vector_field: str Protobuf field name for vector. Default "vector" lambda_content: lambda Lambda returning the content part of an item. Default returns text_field lambda_metadata: lambda Lambda returning the metadata part of an item. Default returns items fields excepts text_field, vector_field, _type output_fields: List[str] List of fields to be returned from item, if None return all fields. Default None kwargs: Any Rest of arguments passed to Infinispan. See docs""" self.ispn = Infinispan(**kwargs) self._configuration = kwargs self._cache_name = str(self._configuration.get("cache_name", "vector")) self._entity_name = str(self._configuration.get("entity_name", "vector")) self._embedding = embedding self._textfield = self._configuration.get("textfield", "") if self._textfield == "": self._textfield = self._configuration.get("text_field", "text") else: warnings.warn( "`textfield` is deprecated. Please use `text_field` " "param.", DeprecationWarning, ) self._vectorfield = self._configuration.get("vectorfield", "") if self._vectorfield == "": self._vectorfield = self._configuration.get("vector_field", "vector") else: warnings.warn( "`vectorfield` is deprecated. Please use `vector_field` " "param.", DeprecationWarning, ) self._to_content = self._configuration.get( "lambda_content", lambda item: self._default_content(item) ) self._to_metadata = self._configuration.get( "lambda_metadata", lambda item: self._default_metadata(item) ) self._output_fields = self._configuration.get("output_fields") self._ids = ids
def _default_metadata(self, item: dict) -> dict: meta = dict(item) meta.pop(self._vectorfield, None) meta.pop(self._textfield, None) meta.pop("_type", None) return meta def _default_content(self, item: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: return item.get(self._textfield)
[docs] def schema_builder(self, templ: dict, dimension: int) -> str: metadata_proto_tpl = """ /** * @Indexed */ message %s { /** * @Vector(dimension=%d) */ repeated float %s = 1; """ metadata_proto = metadata_proto_tpl % ( self._entity_name, dimension, self._vectorfield, ) idx = 2 for f, v in templ.items(): if isinstance(v, str): metadata_proto += "optional string " + f + " = " + str(idx) + ";\n" elif isinstance(v, int): metadata_proto += "optional int64 " + f + " = " + str(idx) + ";\n" elif isinstance(v, float): metadata_proto += "optional double " + f + " = " + str(idx) + ";\n" elif isinstance(v, bytes): metadata_proto += "optional bytes " + f + " = " + str(idx) + ";\n" elif isinstance(v, bool): metadata_proto += "optional bool " + f + " = " + str(idx) + ";\n" else: raise Exception( "Unable to build proto schema for metadata. " "Unhandled type for field: " + f ) idx += 1 metadata_proto += "}\n" return metadata_proto
[docs] def schema_create(self, proto: str) -> Response: """Deploy the schema for the vector db Args: proto(str): protobuf schema Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ return self.ispn.schema_post(self._entity_name + ".proto", proto)
[docs] def schema_delete(self) -> Response: """Delete the schema for the vector db Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ return self.ispn.schema_delete(self._entity_name + ".proto")
[docs] def cache_create(self, config: str = "") -> Response: """Create the cache for the vector db Args: config(str): configuration of the cache. Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ if config == "": config = ( ''' { "distributed-cache": { "owners": "2", "mode": "SYNC", "statistics": true, "encoding": { "media-type": "application/x-protostream" }, "indexing": { "enabled": true, "storage": "filesystem", "startup-mode": "AUTO", "indexing-mode": "AUTO", "indexed-entities": [ "''' + self._entity_name + """" ] } } } """ ) return self.ispn.cache_post(self._cache_name, config)
[docs] def cache_delete(self) -> Response: """Delete the cache for the vector db Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ return self.ispn.cache_delete(self._cache_name)
[docs] def cache_clear(self) -> Response: """Clear the cache for the vector db Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ return self.ispn.cache_clear(self._cache_name)
[docs] def cache_exists(self) -> bool: """Checks if the cache exists Returns: true if exists """ return self.ispn.cache_exists(self._cache_name)
[docs] def cache_index_clear(self) -> Response: """Clear the index for the vector db Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ return self.ispn.index_clear(self._cache_name)
[docs] def cache_index_reindex(self) -> Response: """Rebuild the for the vector db Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ return self.ispn.index_reindex(self._cache_name)
[docs] def add_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, last_vector: Optional[List[float]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[str]: result = [] texts_l = list(texts) if last_vector: texts_l.pop() embeds = self._embedding.embed_documents(texts_l) # type: ignore if last_vector: embeds.append(last_vector) if not metadatas: metadatas = [{} for _ in texts] ids = self._ids or [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in texts] data_input = list(zip(metadatas, embeds, ids)) for metadata, embed, key in data_input: data = {"_type": self._entity_name, self._vectorfield: embed} data.update(metadata) data_str = json.dumps(data) self.ispn.put(key, data_str, self._cache_name) result.append(key) return result
[docs] def similarity_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Perform a search on a query string and return results with score. Args: query (str): The text being searched. k (int, optional): The amount of results to return. Defaults to 4. Returns: List[Tuple[Document, float]] """ embed = self._embedding.embed_query(query) # type: ignore documents = self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector(embedding=embed, k=k) return documents
[docs] def similarity_search_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Document]: res = self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector(embedding, k) return [doc for doc, _ in res]
[docs] def similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4 ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to embedding vector. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. Returns: List of pair (Documents, score) most similar to the query vector. """ if self._output_fields is None: query_str = ( "select v, score(v) from " + self._entity_name + " v where v." + self._vectorfield + " <-> " + json.dumps(embedding) + "~" + str(k) ) else: query_proj = "select " for field in self._output_fields[:-1]: query_proj = query_proj + "v." + field + "," query_proj = query_proj + "v." + self._output_fields[-1] query_str = ( query_proj + ", score(v) from " + self._entity_name + " v where v." + self._vectorfield + " <-> " + json.dumps(embedding) + "~" + str(k) ) query_res = self.ispn.req_query(query_str, self._cache_name) result = json.loads(query_res.text) return self._query_result_to_docs(result)
def _query_result_to_docs( self, result: dict[str, Any] ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: documents = [] for row in result["hits"]: hit = row["hit"] or {} if self._output_fields is None: entity = hit["*"] else: entity = {key: hit.get(key) for key in self._output_fields} doc = Document( page_content=self._to_content(entity), metadata=self._to_metadata(entity), ) documents.append((doc, hit["score()"])) return documents
[docs] def configure(self, metadata: dict, dimension: int) -> None: schema = self.schema_builder(metadata, dimension) output = self.schema_create(schema) assert ( output.status_code == self.ispn.Codes.OK ), "Unable to create schema. Already exists? " "Consider using clear_old=True" assert json.loads(output.text)["error"] is None if not self.cache_exists(): output = self.cache_create() assert ( output.status_code == self.ispn.Codes.OK ), "Unable to create cache. Already exists? " "Consider using clear_old=True" # Ensure index is clean self.cache_index_clear()
[docs] def config_clear(self) -> None: self.schema_delete() self.cache_delete()
[docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls: Type[InfinispanVS], texts: List[str], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, clear_old: Optional[bool] = True, auto_config: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> InfinispanVS: """Return VectorStore initialized from texts and embeddings. In addition to parameters described by the super method, this implementation provides other configuration params if different configuration from default is needed. Parameters ---------- ids : List[str] Additional list of keys associated to the embedding. If not provided UUIDs will be generated clear_old : bool Whether old data must be deleted. Default True auto_config: bool Whether to do a complete server setup (caches, protobuf definition...). Default True kwargs: Any Rest of arguments passed to InfinispanVS. See docs""" infinispanvs = cls(embedding=embedding, ids=ids, **kwargs) if auto_config and len(metadatas or []) > 0: if clear_old: infinispanvs.config_clear() vec = embedding.embed_query(texts[len(texts) - 1]) metadatas = cast(List[dict], metadatas) infinispanvs.configure(metadatas[0], len(vec)) else: if clear_old: infinispanvs.cache_clear() vec = embedding.embed_query(texts[len(texts) - 1]) if texts: infinispanvs.add_texts(texts, metadatas, vector=vec) return infinispanvs
[docs] class Infinispan: """Helper class for `Infinispan` REST interface. This class exposes the Infinispan operations needed to create and set up a vector db. You need a running Infinispan (15+) server without authentication. You can easily start one, see: """
[docs] def __init__( self, schema: str = "http", user: str = "", password: str = "", hosts: List[str] = [""], cache_url: str = "/rest/v2/caches", schema_url: str = "/rest/v2/schemas", use_post_for_query: bool = True, http2: bool = True, verify: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ): """ Parameters ---------- schema: str Schema for HTTP request: "http" or "https". Default "http" user, password: str User and password if auth is required. Default None hosts: List[str] List of server addresses. Default [""] cache_url: str URL endpoint for cache API. Default "/rest/v2/caches" schema_url: str URL endpoint for schema API. Default "/rest/v2/schemas" use_post_for_query: bool Whether POST method should be used for query. Default True http2: bool Whether HTTP/2 protocol should be used. `pip install "httpx[http2]"` is needed for HTTP/2. Default True verify: bool Whether TLS certificate must be verified. Default True """ try: import httpx except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import httpx python package. " "Please install it with `pip install httpx`" 'or `pip install "httpx[http2]"` if you need HTTP/2.' ) self.Codes = self._configuration = kwargs self._schema = schema self._user = user self._password = password self._host = hosts[0] self._default_node = self._schema + "://" + self._host self._cache_url = cache_url self._schema_url = schema_url self._use_post_for_query = use_post_for_query self._http2 = http2 if self._user and self._password: if self._schema == "http": auth: Union[Tuple[str, str], httpx.DigestAuth] = httpx.DigestAuth( username=self._user, password=self._password ) else: auth = (self._user, self._password) self._h2c = httpx.Client( http2=self._http2, http1=not self._http2, auth=auth, verify=verify, ) else: self._h2c = httpx.Client( http2=self._http2, http1=not self._http2, verify=verify, )
[docs] def req_query(self, query: str, cache_name: str, local: bool = False) -> Response: """Request a query Args: query(str): query requested cache_name(str): name of the target cache local(boolean): whether the query is local to clustered Returns: An http Response containing the result set or errors """ if self._use_post_for_query: return self._query_post(query, cache_name, local) return self._query_get(query, cache_name, local)
def _query_post( self, query_str: str, cache_name: str, local: bool = False ) -> Response: api_url = ( self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "?action=search&local=" + str(local) ) data = {"query": query_str} data_json = json.dumps(data) response = api_url, content=data_json, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT, ) return response def _query_get( self, query_str: str, cache_name: str, local: bool = False ) -> Response: api_url = ( self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "?action=search&query=" + query_str + "&local=" + str(local) ) response = self._h2c.get(api_url, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def post(self, key: str, data: str, cache_name: str) -> Response: """Post an entry Args: key(str): key of the entry data(str): content of the entry in json format cache_name(str): target cache Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "/" + key response = api_url, content=data, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT, ) return response
[docs] def put(self, key: str, data: str, cache_name: str) -> Response: """Put an entry Args: key(str): key of the entry data(str): content of the entry in json format cache_name(str): target cache Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "/" + key response = self._h2c.put( api_url, content=data, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT, ) return response
[docs] def get(self, key: str, cache_name: str) -> Response: """Get an entry Args: key(str): key of the entry cache_name(str): target cache Returns: An http Response containing the entry or errors """ api_url = self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "/" + key response = self._h2c.get( api_url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT ) return response
[docs] def schema_post(self, name: str, proto: str) -> Response: """Deploy a schema Args: name(str): name of the schema. Will be used as a key proto(str): protobuf schema Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = self._default_node + self._schema_url + "/" + name response =, content=proto, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def cache_post(self, name: str, config: str) -> Response: """Create a cache Args: name(str): name of the cache. config(str): configuration of the cache. Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + name response = api_url, content=config, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT, ) return response
[docs] def schema_delete(self, name: str) -> Response: """Delete a schema Args: name(str): name of the schema. Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = self._default_node + self._schema_url + "/" + name response = self._h2c.delete(api_url, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def cache_delete(self, name: str) -> Response: """Delete a cache Args: name(str): name of the cache. Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + name response = self._h2c.delete(api_url, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def cache_clear(self, cache_name: str) -> Response: """Clear a cache Args: cache_name(str): name of the cache. Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = ( self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "?action=clear" ) response =, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def cache_exists(self, cache_name: str) -> bool: """Check if a cache exists Args: cache_name(str): name of the cache. Returns: True if cache exists """ api_url = ( self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "?action=clear" ) return self.resource_exists(api_url)
[docs] def resource_exists(self, api_url: str) -> bool: """Check if a resource exists Args: api_url(str): url of the resource. Returns: true if resource exists """ response = self._h2c.head(api_url, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT) return response.status_code == self.Codes.OK
[docs] def index_clear(self, cache_name: str) -> Response: """Clear an index on a cache Args: cache_name(str): name of the cache. Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = ( self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "/search/indexes?action=clear" ) return, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT)
[docs] def index_reindex(self, cache_name: str) -> Response: """Rebuild index on a cache Args: cache_name(str): name of the cache. Returns: An http Response containing the result of the operation """ api_url = ( self._default_node + self._cache_url + "/" + cache_name + "/search/indexes?action=reindex" ) return, timeout=REST_TIMEOUT)