langchain_core.runnables.graph_png ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

from typing import Any, Optional

from langchain_core.runnables.graph import Graph, LabelsDict

[docs] class PngDrawer: """Helper class to draw a state graph into a PNG file. It requires `graphviz` and `pygraphviz` to be installed. :param fontname: The font to use for the labels :param labels: A dictionary of label overrides. The dictionary should have the following format: { "nodes": { "node1": "CustomLabel1", "node2": "CustomLabel2", "__end__": "End Node" }, "edges": { "continue": "ContinueLabel", "end": "EndLabel" } } The keys are the original labels, and the values are the new labels. Usage: drawer = PngDrawer() drawer.draw(state_graph, 'graph.png') """
[docs] def __init__( self, fontname: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[LabelsDict] = None ) -> None: """Initializes the PNG drawer. Args: fontname: The font to use for the labels. Defaults to "arial". labels: A dictionary of label overrides. The dictionary should have the following format: { "nodes": { "node1": "CustomLabel1", "node2": "CustomLabel2", "__end__": "End Node" }, "edges": { "continue": "ContinueLabel", "end": "EndLabel" } } The keys are the original labels, and the values are the new labels. Defaults to None. """ self.fontname = fontname or "arial" self.labels = labels or LabelsDict(nodes={}, edges={})
[docs] def get_node_label(self, label: str) -> str: """Returns the label to use for a node. Args: label: The original label. Returns: The new label. """ label = self.labels.get("nodes", {}).get(label, label) return f"<<B>{label}</B>>"
[docs] def get_edge_label(self, label: str) -> str: """Returns the label to use for an edge. Args: label: The original label. Returns: The new label. """ label = self.labels.get("edges", {}).get(label, label) return f"<<U>{label}</U>>"
[docs] def add_node(self, viz: Any, node: str) -> None: """Adds a node to the graph. Args: viz: The graphviz object. node: The node to add. Returns: None """ viz.add_node( node, label=self.get_node_label(node), style="filled", fillcolor="yellow", fontsize=15, fontname=self.fontname, )
[docs] def add_edge( self, viz: Any, source: str, target: str, label: Optional[str] = None, conditional: bool = False, ) -> None: """Adds an edge to the graph. Args: viz: The graphviz object. source: The source node. target: The target node. label: The label for the edge. Defaults to None. conditional: Whether the edge is conditional. Defaults to False. Returns: None """ viz.add_edge( source, target, label=self.get_edge_label(label) if label else "", fontsize=12, fontname=self.fontname, style="dotted" if conditional else "solid", )
[docs] def draw(self, graph: Graph, output_path: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[bytes]: """Draw the given state graph into a PNG file. Requires `graphviz` and `pygraphviz` to be installed. :param graph: The graph to draw :param output_path: The path to save the PNG. If None, PNG bytes are returned. """ try: import pygraphviz as pgv # type: ignore[import] except ImportError as exc: msg = "Install pygraphviz to draw graphs: `pip install pygraphviz`." raise ImportError(msg) from exc # Create a directed graph viz = pgv.AGraph(directed=True, nodesep=0.9, ranksep=1.0) # Add nodes, conditional edges, and edges to the graph self.add_nodes(viz, graph) self.add_edges(viz, graph) # Update entrypoint and END styles self.update_styles(viz, graph) # Save the graph as PNG try: return viz.draw(output_path, format="png", prog="dot") finally: viz.close()
[docs] def add_nodes(self, viz: Any, graph: Graph) -> None: """Add nodes to the graph. Args: viz: The graphviz object. graph: The graph to draw. """ for node in graph.nodes: self.add_node(viz, node)
[docs] def add_edges(self, viz: Any, graph: Graph) -> None: """Add edges to the graph. Args: viz: The graphviz object. graph: The graph to draw. """ for start, end, data, cond in graph.edges: self.add_edge( viz, start, end, str(data) if data is not None else None, cond )
[docs] def update_styles(self, viz: Any, graph: Graph) -> None: """Update the styles of the entrypoint and END nodes. Args: viz: The graphviz object. graph: The graph to draw. """ if first := graph.first_node(): viz.get_node("lightblue") if last := graph.last_node(): viz.get_node("orange")