langchain_prompty.utils ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

import traceback
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

from .core import (

[docs] def load(prompt_path: str, configuration: str = "default") -> Prompty: """Load a prompty file and return a Prompty object. Args: prompt_path: The path to the prompty file. configuration: The configuration to use. Defaults to "default". Returns: The Prompty object. """ file_path = Path(prompt_path) if not file_path.is_absolute(): # get caller's path (take into account trace frame) caller = Path(traceback.extract_stack()[-3].filename) file_path = Path(caller.parent / file_path).resolve().absolute() # load dictionary from prompty file matter = Frontmatter.read_file(file_path.__fspath__()) attributes = matter["attributes"] content = matter["body"] # normalize attribute dictionary resolve keys and files attributes = Prompty.normalize(attributes, file_path.parent) # load global configuration if "model" not in attributes: attributes["model"] = {} # pull model settings out of attributes try: model = ModelSettings(**attributes.pop("model")) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error in model settings: {e}") # pull template settings try: if "template" in attributes: t = attributes.pop("template") if isinstance(t, dict): template = TemplateSettings(**t) # has to be a string denoting the type else: template = TemplateSettings(type=t, parser="prompty") else: template = TemplateSettings(type="mustache", parser="prompty") except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error in template loader: {e}") # formalize inputs and outputs if "inputs" in attributes: try: inputs = { k: PropertySettings(**v) for (k, v) in attributes.pop("inputs").items() } except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error in inputs: {e}") else: inputs = {} if "outputs" in attributes: try: outputs = { k: PropertySettings(**v) for (k, v) in attributes.pop("outputs").items() } except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error in outputs: {e}") else: outputs = {} # recursive loading of base prompty if "base" in attributes: # load the base prompty from the same directory as the current prompty base = load(file_path.parent / attributes["base"]) # hoist the base prompty's attributes to the current prompty model.api = base.model.api if model.api == "" else model.api model.configuration = param_hoisting( model.configuration, base.model.configuration ) model.parameters = param_hoisting(model.parameters, base.model.parameters) model.response = param_hoisting(model.response, base.model.response) attributes["sample"] = param_hoisting(attributes, base.sample, "sample") p = Prompty( **attributes, model=model, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, template=template, content=content, file=file_path, basePrompty=base, ) else: p = Prompty( **attributes, model=model, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, template=template, content=content, file=file_path, ) return p
[docs] def prepare( prompt: Prompty, inputs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> Any: """Prepare the inputs for the prompty. Args: prompt: The Prompty object. inputs: The inputs to the prompty. Defaults to {}. Returns: The prepared inputs. """ invoker = InvokerFactory() inputs = param_hoisting(inputs, prompt.sample) if prompt.template.type == "NOOP": render = prompt.content else: # render result = invoker( "renderer", prompt.template.type, prompt, SimpleModel(item=inputs), ) render = result.item if prompt.template.parser == "NOOP": result = render else: # parse result = invoker( "parser", f"{prompt.template.parser}.{prompt.model.api}", prompt, SimpleModel(item=result.item), ) if isinstance(result, SimpleModel): return result.item else: return result
[docs] def run( prompt: Prompty, content: Union[Dict, List, str], configuration: Dict[str, Any] = {}, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}, raw: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Run the prompty. Args: prompt: The Prompty object. content: The content to run the prompty on. configuration: The configuration to use. Defaults to {}. parameters: The parameters to use. Defaults to {}. raw: Whether to return the raw output. Defaults to False. Returns: The result of running the prompty. """ invoker = InvokerFactory() if configuration != {}: prompt.model.configuration = param_hoisting( configuration, prompt.model.configuration ) if parameters != {}: prompt.model.parameters = param_hoisting(parameters, prompt.model.parameters) # execute result = invoker( "executor", prompt.model.configuration["type"], prompt, SimpleModel(item=content), ) # skip? if not raw: # process result = invoker( "processor", prompt.model.configuration["type"], prompt, result, ) if isinstance(result, SimpleModel): return result.item else: return result
[docs] def execute( prompt: Union[str, Prompty], configuration: Dict[str, Any] = {}, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}, inputs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, raw: bool = False, connection: str = "default", ) -> Any: """Execute a prompty. Args: prompt: The prompt to execute. Can be a path to a prompty file or a Prompty object. configuration: The configuration to use. Defaults to {}. parameters: The parameters to use. Defaults to {}. inputs: The inputs to the prompty. Defaults to {}. raw: Whether to return the raw output. Defaults to False. connection: The connection to use. Defaults to "default". Returns: The result of executing the prompty. """ if isinstance(prompt, str): prompt = load(prompt, connection) # prepare content content = prepare(prompt, inputs) # run LLM model result = run(prompt, content, configuration, parameters, raw) return result