langchain_redis.config ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, SkipValidation, model_validator
from redis import Redis
from redisvl.schema import IndexSchema, StorageType  # type: ignore[import]
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Self
from ulid import ULID

[docs] def generate_ulid() -> str: return str(ULID())
[docs] class RedisConfig(BaseModel): """Configuration class for Redis vector store settings. This class defines the configuration parameters for setting up and interacting with a Redis vector store. It uses Pydantic for data validation and settings management. Attributes: index_name (str): Name of the index in Redis. Defaults to a generated ULID. from_existing (bool): Whether to use an existing index. Defaults to False. key_prefix (Optional[str]): Prefix for Redis keys. Defaults to index_name if not set. redis_url (str): URL of the Redis instance. Defaults to "redis://localhost:6379". redis_client (Optional[Redis]): Pre-existing Redis client instance. connection_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Additional Redis connection arguments. distance_metric (str): Distance metric for vector similarity. Defaults to "COSINE". indexing_algorithm (str): Algorithm used for indexing. Defaults to "FLAT". vector_datatype (str): Data type of the vector. Defaults to "FLOAT32". storage_type (str): Storage type in Redis. Defaults to "hash". id_field (str): Field name for document ID. Defaults to "id". content_field (str): Field name for document content. Defaults to "text". embedding_field (str): Field name for embedding vector. Defaults to "embedding". default_tag_separator (str): Separator for tag fields. Defaults to "|". metadata_schema (Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]): Schema for metadata fields. index_schema (Optional[IndexSchema]): Full index schema definition. schema_path (Optional[str]): Path to a YAML file containing the index schema. return_keys (bool): Whether to return keys after adding documents. Defaults to False. custom_keys (Optional[List[str]]): Custom keys for documents. embedding_dimensions (Optional[int]): Dimensionality of embedding vectors. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_redis import RedisConfig config = RedisConfig( index_name="my_index", redis_url="redis://localhost:6379", distance_metric="COSINE", embedding_dimensions=1536 ) # Use this config to initialize a RedisVectorStore vector_store = RedisVectorStore(embeddings=my_embeddings, config=config) Note: - Only one of 'index_schema', 'schema_path', or 'metadata_schema' should be specified. - The 'key_prefix' is automatically set to 'index_name' if not provided. - When 'from_existing' is True, it connects to an existing index instead of creating a new one. - Custom validation ensures that incompatible options are not simultaneously specified. """ index_name: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: generate_ulid()) from_existing: bool = False key_prefix: Optional[str] = None redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379" redis_client: Optional[Redis] = Field(default=None) connection_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(default={}) distance_metric: str = "COSINE" indexing_algorithm: str = "FLAT" vector_datatype: str = "FLOAT32" storage_type: str = "hash" id_field: str = "id" content_field: str = "text" embedding_field: str = "embedding" default_tag_separator: str = "|" metadata_schema: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = Field(default_factory=list) index_schema: Annotated[Optional[IndexSchema], SkipValidation()] = Field( default=None, alias="schema" ) schema_path: Optional[str] = None return_keys: bool = False custom_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None embedding_dimensions: Optional[int] = None model_config = ConfigDict( arbitrary_types_allowed=True, populate_by_name=True, ) @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def check_schema_options(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: options = [ values.get("index_schema"), values.get("schema_path"), values.get("metadata_schema"), ] if sum(option is not None for option in options) > 1: raise ValueError( "Only one of 'index_schema', 'schema_path', " "or 'metadata_schema' can be specified." ) if "schema" in values: schema = values.pop("schema") values["index_name"] = values["key_prefix"] = schema.index.prefix values["storage_type"] = schema.index.storage_type.value values["index_schema"] = schema return values @model_validator(mode="after") def set_key_prefix(self) -> Self: if self.key_prefix is None: self.key_prefix = self.index_name return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_kwargs(cls: Type["RedisConfig"], **kwargs: Any) -> "RedisConfig": """Create a RedisConfig object with default values, overwritten by provided kwargs. This class method allows for flexible creation of a RedisConfig object, using default values where not specified and overriding with any provided keyword arguments. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments that match RedisConfig attributes. These will override default values. Common kwargs include: - index_name (str): Name of the index in Redis. - redis_url (str): URL of the Redis instance. - distance_metric (str): Distance metric for vector similarity. - indexing_algorithm (str): Algorithm used for indexing. - vector_datatype (str): Data type of the vector. - embedding_dimensions (int): Dimensionality of embedding vectors. Returns: RedisConfig: A new instance of RedisConfig with applied settings. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_redis import RedisConfig config = RedisConfig.from_kwargs( index_name="my_custom_index", redis_url="redis://custom-host:6379", distance_metric="COSINE", embedding_dimensions=768 ) print(config.index_name) # Output: my_custom_index print(config.distance_metric) # Output: COSINE Note: - This method first sets all attributes to their default values and then overwrites them with provided kwargs. - If a 'schema' argument is provided, it will be set as 'index_schema' in the config. - This method is particularly useful when you want to create a config with mostly default values but need to customize a few specific attributes. - Any attribute of RedisConfig can be set through kwargs, providing full flexibility in configuration. """ # Get the default values from the class attributes default_config = {} for field_name, field in cls.model_fields.items(): if field.default is not None: default_config[field_name] = field.default elif field.default_factory is not None: default_config[field_name] = field.default_factory() # Handle special case for 'schema' argument if "schema" in kwargs: kwargs["index_schema"] = kwargs.pop("schema") # Update default_config with any provided kwargs default_config.update(kwargs) # Create and return the RedisConfig object return cls(**default_config)
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema(cls, schema: IndexSchema, **kwargs: Any) -> "RedisConfig": """Create a RedisConfig object from an IndexSchema. This class method creates a RedisConfig instance using the provided IndexSchema, which defines the structure of the Redis index. Args: schema (IndexSchema): An IndexSchema object defining the structure of the Redis index. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to override or supplement the schema-derived settings. Common kwargs include: - redis_url (str): URL of the Redis instance. - distance_metric (str): Distance metric for vector similarity. - embedding_dimensions (int): Dimensionality of embedding vectors. Returns: RedisConfig: A new instance of RedisConfig configured based on the provided schema and kwargs. Example: .. code-block:: python from redisvl.schema import IndexSchema from langchain_redis import RedisConfig schema = IndexSchema.from_dict({ "index": {"name": "my_index", "storage_type": "hash"}, "fields": [ {"name": "text", "type": "text"}, { "name": "embedding", "type": "vector", "attrs": {"dims": 1536, "distance_metric": "cosine"} } ] }) config = RedisConfig.from_schema( schema, redis_url="redis://localhost:6379" ) print(config.index_name) # Output: my_index print(config.storage_type) # Output: hash Note: - The method extracts index name, key prefix, and storage type from the schema. - If the schema specifies a vector field, its attributes (like dimensions and distance metric) are used. - Additional kwargs can override settings derived from the schema. - This method is useful when you have a pre-defined index structure and want to create a matching config. - The resulting config can be used to ensure that a RedisVectorStore matches an existing index structure. """ if schema.index.storage_type == StorageType.HASH: storage_type = "hash" else: storage_type = "json" return cls( schema=schema,, key_prefix=schema.index.prefix, storage_type=storage_type, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, schema_path: str, **kwargs: Any) -> "RedisConfig": """Create a RedisConfig object from a YAML file containing the index schema. This class method creates a RedisConfig instance using a YAML file that defines the structure of the Redis index. Args: schema_path (str): Path to the YAML file containing the index schema definition. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to override or supplement the schema-derived settings. Common kwargs include: - redis_url (str): URL of the Redis instance. - distance_metric (str): Distance metric for vector similarity. - embedding_dimensions (int): Dimensionality of embedding vectors. Returns: RedisConfig: A new instance of RedisConfig configured based on the YAML schema and kwargs. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_redis import RedisConfig # Assuming 'index_schema.yaml' contains a valid index schema config = RedisConfig.from_yaml( schema_path="path/to/index_schema.yaml", redis_url="redis://localhost:6379" ) print(config.index_name) # Output: Name defined in YAML print(config.storage_type) # Output: Storage type defined in YAML Note: - The YAML file should contain a valid index schema definition compatible with RedisVL. - This method internally uses IndexSchema.from_yaml() to parse the YAML file. - Settings derived from the YAML schema can be overridden by additional kwargs. - This method is particularly useful when index structures are defined externally in YAML files. - Ensure that the YAML file is correctly formatted and accessible at the given path. - Any errors in reading or parsing the YAML file will be propagated as exceptions. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the specified YAML file does not exist. YAMLError: If there are issues parsing the YAML file. ValueError: If the YAML content is not a valid index schema. """ return cls(schema_path=schema_path, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def with_metadata_schema( cls, metadata_schema: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> "RedisConfig": """Create a RedisConfig object with a specified metadata schema. This class method creates a RedisConfig instance using a provided metadata schema, which defines the structure of additional metadata fields in the Redis index. Args: metadata_schema (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of dictionaries defining the metadata fields. Each dictionary should contain at least 'name' and 'type' keys. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to configure the RedisConfig instance. Common kwargs include: - index_name (str): Name of the index in Redis. - redis_url (str): URL of the Redis instance. - distance_metric (str): Distance metric for vector similarity. - embedding_dimensions (int): Dimensionality of embedding vectors. Returns: RedisConfig: A new instance of RedisConfig configured with the specified metadata schema. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_redis import RedisConfig metadata_schema = [ {"name": "author", "type": "text"}, {"name": "publication_date", "type": "numeric"}, {"name": "tags", "type": "tag", "separator": ","} ] config = RedisConfig.with_metadata_schema( metadata_schema, index_name="book_index", redis_url="redis://localhost:6379", embedding_dimensions=1536 ) print(config.metadata_schema) # Output: The metadata schema list print(config.index_name) # Output: book_index Note: - The metadata_schema defines additional fields beyond the default content and embedding fields. - Common metadata field types include 'text', 'numeric', and 'tag'. - For 'tag' fields, you can specify a custom separator using the 'separator' key. - This method is useful when you need to index and search on specific metadata attributes. - The resulting config ensures that the RedisVectorStore will create an index with the specified metadata fields. - Make sure the metadata schema aligns with the actual metadata you plan to store with your documents. - This method sets only the metadata_schema; other configurations should be provided via kwargs. Raises: ValueError: If the metadata_schema is not a list of dictionaries or if required keys are missing. """ return cls(metadata_schema=metadata_schema, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_existing_index(cls, index_name: str, redis: Redis) -> "RedisConfig": """Create a RedisConfig object from an existing Redis index. This class method creates a RedisConfig instance based on the configuration of an existing index in Redis. It's useful for connecting to and working with pre-existing Redis vector store indexes. Args: index_name (str): The name of the existing index in Redis. redis (Redis): An active Redis client instance connected to the Redis server where the index exists. Returns: RedisConfig: A new instance of RedisConfig configured to match the existing index. Example: .. code-block:: python from redis import Redis from langchain_redis import RedisConfig # Assuming an existing Redis connection redis_client = Redis.from_url("redis://localhost:6379") config = RedisConfig.from_existing_index( index_name="my_existing_index", redis_client=redis_client ) print(config.index_name) # Output: my_existing_index print(config.from_existing) # Output: True Note: - This method sets the 'from_existing' attribute to True, indicating that the configuration is based on an existing index. - The method doesn't fetch the full schema or configuration of the existing index. It only sets up the basic parameters needed to connect to the index. - Additional index details (like field configurations) are not retrieved and should be known or discovered separately if needed. - This method is particularly useful when you need to work with or extend an existing Redis vector store index. - Ensure that the provided Redis client has the necessary permissions to access the specified index. - If the index doesn't exist, this method will still create a config, but operations using this config may fail until the index is created. Raises: ValueError: If the index_name is empty or None. ConnectionError: If there's an issue connecting to Redis using the provided client. """ return cls(index_name=index_name)
[docs] def to_index_schema(self) -> IndexSchema: """Convert the RedisConfig to an IndexSchema. This method creates an IndexSchema object based on the current configuration. It's useful for generating a schema that can be used to create or update a Redis index. Returns: IndexSchema: An IndexSchema object representing the current configuration. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_redis import RedisConfig config = RedisConfig( index_name="my_index", embedding_dimensions=1536, distance_metric="COSINE", metadata_schema=[ {"name": "author", "type": "text"}, {"name": "year", "type": "numeric"} ] ) schema = config.to_index_schema() print( # Output: my_index print(len(schema.fields)) # Output: 4 (id, content, embedding, author, year) Note: - If an index_schema is already set, it will be returned directly. - If a schema_path is set, the schema will be loaded from the YAML file. - Otherwise, a new IndexSchema is created based on the current configuration. - The resulting schema includes fields for id, content, and embedding vector, as well as any additional fields specified in metadata_schema. - The embedding field is configured with the specified dimensions, distance metric, and other relevant attributes. - This method is particularly useful when you need to create a new index or validate the structure of an existing one. - The generated schema can be used with RedisVL operations that require an IndexSchema. Raises: ValueError: If essential configuration elements (like embedding_dimensions) are missing. """ if self.index_schema: return self.index_schema elif self.schema_path: return IndexSchema.from_yaml(self.schema_path) else: index_info = { "name": self.index_name, "prefix": self.key_prefix, "storage_type": self.storage_type, } fields = [ {"name": self.id_field, "type": "tag"}, {"name": self.content_field, "type": "text"}, { "name": self.embedding_field, "type": "vector", "attrs": { "dims": self.embedding_dimensions, "distance_metric": self.distance_metric.lower(), "algorithm": self.indexing_algorithm.lower(), "datatype": self.vector_datatype.lower(), }, }, ] if self.metadata_schema: fields.extend(self.metadata_schema) return IndexSchema.from_dict({"index": index_info, "fields": fields})
[docs] def redis(self) -> Redis: if self.redis_client is not None: return self.redis_client elif self.redis_url is not None: if self.connection_args is not None: return Redis.from_url(self.redis_url, **self.connection_args) else: return Redis.from_url(self.redis_url) else: raise ValueError("Either redis_client or redis_url must be provided")