langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.vsdx ηš„ζΊδ»£η 

import json
import re
import zipfile
from abc import ABC
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator, List, Set, Tuple

from langchain_community.docstore.document import Document
from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseBlobParser
from langchain_community.document_loaders.blob_loaders import Blob

[docs] class VsdxParser(BaseBlobParser, ABC): """Parser for vsdx files."""
[docs] def parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[override] """Parse a vsdx file.""" return self.lazy_parse(blob)
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: """Retrieve the contents of pages from a .vsdx file and insert them into documents, one document per page.""" with blob.as_bytes_io() as pdf_file_obj: with zipfile.ZipFile(pdf_file_obj, "r") as zfile: pages = self.get_pages_content(zfile, blob.source) # type: ignore[arg-type] yield from [ Document( page_content=page_content, metadata={ "source": blob.source, "page": page_number, "page_name": page_name, }, ) for page_number, page_name, page_content in pages ]
[docs] def get_pages_content( self, zfile: zipfile.ZipFile, source: str ) -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]: """Get the content of the pages of a vsdx file. Attributes: zfile (zipfile.ZipFile): The vsdx file under zip format. source (str): The path of the vsdx file. Returns: list[tuple[int, str, str]]: A list of tuples containing the page number, the name of the page and the content of the page for each page of the vsdx file. """ try: import xmltodict except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The xmltodict library is required to parse vsdx files. " "Please install it with `pip install xmltodict`." ) if "visio/pages/pages.xml" not in zfile.namelist(): print("WARNING - No pages.xml file found in {}".format(source)) # noqa: T201 return # type: ignore[return-value] if "visio/pages/_rels/pages.xml.rels" not in zfile.namelist(): print("WARNING - No pages.xml.rels file found in {}".format(source)) # noqa: T201 return # type: ignore[return-value] if "docProps/app.xml" not in zfile.namelist(): print("WARNING - No app.xml file found in {}".format(source)) # noqa: T201 return # type: ignore[return-value] pagesxml_content: dict = xmltodict.parse("visio/pages/pages.xml")) appxml_content: dict = xmltodict.parse("docProps/app.xml")) pagesxmlrels_content: dict = xmltodict.parse("visio/pages/_rels/pages.xml.rels") ) if isinstance(pagesxml_content["Pages"]["Page"], list): disordered_names: List[str] = [ rel["@Name"].strip() for rel in pagesxml_content["Pages"]["Page"] ] else: disordered_names: List[str] = [ # type: ignore[no-redef] pagesxml_content["Pages"]["Page"]["@Name"].strip() ] if isinstance(pagesxmlrels_content["Relationships"]["Relationship"], list): disordered_paths: List[str] = [ "visio/pages/" + rel["@Target"] for rel in pagesxmlrels_content["Relationships"]["Relationship"] ] else: disordered_paths: List[str] = [ # type: ignore[no-redef] "visio/pages/" + pagesxmlrels_content["Relationships"]["Relationship"]["@Target"] ] ordered_names: List[str] = appxml_content["Properties"]["TitlesOfParts"][ "vt:vector" ]["vt:lpstr"][: len(disordered_names)] ordered_names = [name.strip() for name in ordered_names] ordered_paths = [ disordered_paths[disordered_names.index(name.strip())] for name in ordered_names ] # Pages out of order and without content of their relationships disordered_pages = [] for path in ordered_paths: content = string_content = json.dumps(xmltodict.parse(content)) samples = re.findall( r'"#text"\s*:\s*"([^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*)"', string_content ) if len(samples) > 0: page_content = "\n".join(samples) map_symboles = { "\\n": "\n", "\\t": "\t", "\\u2013": "-", "\\u2019": "'", "\\u00e9r": "Γ©", "\\u00f4me": "Γ΄", } for key, value in map_symboles.items(): page_content = page_content.replace(key, value) disordered_pages.append({"page": path, "page_content": page_content}) # Direct relationships of each page in a dict format pagexml_rels = [ { "path": page_path, "content": xmltodict.parse("visio/pages/_rels/{Path(page_path).stem}.xml.rels") ), } for page_path in ordered_paths if f"visio/pages/_rels/{Path(page_path).stem}.xml.rels" in zfile.namelist() ] # Pages in order and with content of their relationships (direct and indirect) ordered_pages: List[Tuple[int, str, str]] = [] for page_number, (path, page_name) in enumerate( zip(ordered_paths, ordered_names) ): relationships = self.get_relationships( path, zfile, ordered_paths, pagexml_rels ) page_content = "\n".join( [ page_["page_content"] for page_ in disordered_pages if page_["page"] in relationships ] + [ page_["page_content"] for page_ in disordered_pages if page_["page"] == path ] ) ordered_pages.append((page_number, page_name, page_content)) return ordered_pages
[docs] def get_relationships( self, page: str, zfile: zipfile.ZipFile, filelist: List[str], pagexml_rels: List[dict], ) -> Set[str]: """Get the relationships of a page and the relationships of its relationships, etc... recursively. Pages are based on other pages (ex: background page), so we need to get all the relationships to get all the content of a single page. """ name_path = Path(page).name parent_path = Path(page).parent rels_path = parent_path / f"_rels/{name_path}.rels" if str(rels_path) not in zfile.namelist(): return set() pagexml_rels_content = next( page_["content"] for page_ in pagexml_rels if page_["path"] == page ) if isinstance(pagexml_rels_content["Relationships"]["Relationship"], list): targets = [ rel["@Target"] for rel in pagexml_rels_content["Relationships"]["Relationship"] ] else: targets = [pagexml_rels_content["Relationships"]["Relationship"]["@Target"]] relationships = set( [str(parent_path / target) for target in targets] ).intersection(filelist) for rel in relationships: relationships = relationships | self.get_relationships( rel, zfile, filelist, pagexml_rels ) return relationships