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Hacker News

Hacker News(有时缩写为HN)是一个专注于计算机科学和创业的社交新闻网站。它由投资基金和创业孵化器Y Combinator运营。一般来说,可以提交的内容被定义为“满足人们的知识好奇心的任何东西”。

本文介绍了如何从Hacker News上获取页面数据和评论。

from langchain_community.document_loaders import HNLoader
loader = HNLoader("")
data = loader.load()
"delta_p_delta_x 73 days ago  \n             | next [–] \n\nAstrophysical and cosmological simulations are often insightful. They're also very cross-disciplinary; besides the obvious astrophysics, there's networking and sysadmin, parallel computing and algorithm theory (so that the simulation programs a"
{'source': '',
'title': 'What Lights the Universe’s Standard Candles?'}

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