使用 MLflow 进行检索器评估

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在 MLflow 2.8.0 中,我们向 mlflow.evaluate() API 引入了一种新的模型类型“检索器”。它帮助你在 RAG 应用中评估检索器。它包含两个内置指标 precision_at_krecall_at_k。在 MLflow 2.9.0 中,ndcg_at_k 可用。

本笔记本展示了如何使用 mlflow.evaluate() 来评估 RAG 应用中的检索器。它包含以下步骤:

  • 步骤 1: 安装并加载包

  • 步骤2:评估数据集准备

  • 步骤 3:调用 mlflow.evaluate()

  • 步骤 4:结果分析与可视化

步骤 1: 安装并加载包

[ ]:
%pip install mlflow==2.9.0 langchain==0.0.339 openai faiss-cpu gensim nltk pyLDAvis tiktoken
import ast
import os
import pprint
from typing import List

import pandas as pd
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS

import mlflow

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<redacted>"


# Assume running from https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow/blob/master/examples/llms/rag
OUTPUT_DF_PATH = "question_answer_source.csv"
SCRAPPED_DOCS_PATH = "mlflow_docs_scraped.csv"
EVALUATION_DATASET_PATH = "static_evaluation_dataset.csv"
DB_PERSIST_DIR = "faiss_index"



如果你有一个想要评估的问题列表,请参见 1.1 手动准备。如果你还没有问题列表,请参见 1.2 生成评估数据集。


在评估检索器时,建议将检索到的文档ID保存到一个静态数据集中,该数据集可以由一个Pandas Dataframe或包含输入查询、检索到的相关文档ID以及用于评估的基准文档ID的MLflow Pandas数据集表示。


“文档ID” 是一个用于标识文档的字符串。

“检索到的相关文档ID列表” 是检索器针对特定输入查询和 k 值的输出。

“真实文档ID列表” 是针对特定输入查询的标记相关文档。



检索到的相关文档ID的列名应由 predictions 参数指定,而真实相关文档ID的列名应由 targets 参数指定。


[ ]:
data = pd.DataFrame(
        "questions": [
            "What is MLflow?",
            "What is Databricks?",
            "How to serve a model on Databricks?",
            "How to enable MLflow Autologging for my workspace by default?",
        "retrieved_context": [
        "ground_truth_context": [




如果你没有评估问题列表,你可以使用LLMs生成它们。问题生成笔记本 提供了一种示例方法来实现这一点。以下是运行该笔记本的结果。

generated_df = pd.read_csv(OUTPUT_DF_PATH)
question answer chunk chunk_id source
0 What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry? The purpose of the MLflow Model Registry is to... Documentation MLflow Model Registry MLflow Mod... 0 model-registry.html
1 What is the purpose of registering a model wit... The purpose of registering a model with the Mo... logged, this model can then be registered with... 1 model-registry.html
2 What can you do with registered models and mod... With registered models and model versions, you... associate with registered models and model ver... 2 model-registry.html
# Prepare dataframe `data` with the required format
data = pd.DataFrame({})
data["question"] = generated_df["question"].copy(deep=True)
data["source"] = generated_df["source"].apply(lambda x: [x])
question source
0 What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry? [model-registry.html]
1 What is the purpose of registering a model wit... [model-registry.html]
2 What can you do with registered models and mod... [model-registry.html]



首先,我们从保存在 https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow/blob/master/examples/llms/question_generation/mlflow_docs_scraped.csv 的文档中构建一个 FAISS 检索器。有关如何创建此 csv 文件,请参阅 问题生成笔记本

embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
[ ]:
scrapped_df = pd.read_csv(SCRAPPED_DOCS_PATH)
list_of_documents = [
    Document(page_content=row["text"], metadata={"source": row["source"]})
    for i, row in scrapped_df.iterrows()
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_overlap=0)
docs = text_splitter.split_documents(list_of_documents)
db = FAISS.from_documents(docs, embeddings)

# Save the db to local disk
# Load the db from local disk
db = FAISS.load_local(DB_PERSIST_DIR, embeddings)
retriever = db.as_retriever()
# Test the retriever with a query
retrieved_docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(
    "What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry?"


# Define a function to return a list of retrieved doc ids
def retrieve_doc_ids(question: str) -> List[str]:
    docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(question)
    return [doc.metadata["source"] for doc in docs]


data["retrieved_doc_ids"] = data["question"].apply(retrieve_doc_ids)
question source retrieved_doc_ids
0 What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry? [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, introduction/index.html,...
1 What is the purpose of registering a model wit... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, models.html, introductio...
2 What can you do with registered models and mod... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, models.html, deployment/...
[ ]:
# Persist the static evaluation dataset to disk
data.to_csv(EVALUATION_DATASET_PATH, index=False)
# Load the static evaluation dataset from disk and deserialize the source and retrieved doc ids
data = pd.read_csv(EVALUATION_DATASET_PATH)
data["source"] = data["source"].apply(ast.literal_eval)
data["retrieved_doc_ids"] = data["retrieved_doc_ids"].apply(ast.literal_eval)
question source retrieved_doc_ids
0 What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry? [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, introduction/index.html,...
1 What is the purpose of registering a model wit... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, models.html, introductio...
2 What can you do with registered models and mod... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, models.html, deployment/...

步骤 3:调用 mlflow.evaluate()



  1. mlflow.metrics.precision_at_k(k)

  2. mlflow.metrics.recall_at_k(k)

  3. mlflow.metrics.ndcg_at_k(k)

所有指标都会为每一行计算一个介于0和1之间的分数,该分数表示在给定的 k 值下检索器模型的相应指标。

k 参数应为一个正整数,表示为每行评估的检索文档数量。k 默认为 3。

当模型类型为 "retriever" 时,这些指标将使用默认的 k 值 3 自动计算。



  • 将检索器的输出保存到静态评估数据集

  • 案例 2:将检索器封装在一个函数中

[ ]:
# Case 1: Evaluating a static evaluation dataset
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
    evaluate_results = mlflow.evaluate(
2023/11/22 14:39:59 WARNING mlflow.data.pandas_dataset: Failed to infer schema for Pandas dataset. Exception: Unable to map 'object' type to MLflow DataType. object can be mapped iff all values have identical data type which is one of (string, (bytes or byterray),  int, float).
2023/11/22 14:39:59 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.base: Evaluating the model with the default evaluator.
2023/11/22 14:39:59 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Testing metrics on first row...
2023/11/22 14:39:59 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating builtin metrics: precision_at_3
2023/11/22 14:39:59 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating builtin metrics: recall_at_3
2023/11/22 14:39:59 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating builtin metrics: ndcg_at_3
question_source_df = data[["question", "source"]]
question source
0 What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry? [model-registry.html]
1 What is the purpose of registering a model wit... [model-registry.html]
2 What can you do with registered models and mod... [model-registry.html]
[ ]:
# Case 2: Evaluating a function
def retriever_model_function(question_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
    return question_df["question"].apply(retrieve_doc_ids)

with mlflow.start_run() as run:
    evaluate_results = mlflow.evaluate(
2023/11/22 14:09:12 WARNING mlflow.data.pandas_dataset: Failed to infer schema for Pandas dataset. Exception: Unable to map 'object' type to MLflow DataType. object can be mapped iff all values have identical data type which is one of (string, (bytes or byterray),  int, float).
2023/11/22 14:09:12 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.base: Evaluating the model with the default evaluator.
2023/11/22 14:09:12 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Computing model predictions.
2023/11/22 14:09:24 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Testing metrics on first row...
2023/11/22 14:09:24 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating builtin metrics: precision_at_3
2023/11/22 14:09:24 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating builtin metrics: recall_at_3
2023/11/22 14:09:24 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating builtin metrics: ndcg_at_3
[ ]:
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
{   'ndcg_at_3/mean': 0.7530888125490431,
    'ndcg_at_3/p90': 1.0,
    'ndcg_at_3/variance': 0.1209151911325433,
    'precision_at_3/mean': 0.26785714285714285,
    'precision_at_3/p90': 0.3333333333333333,
    'precision_at_3/variance': 0.017538265306122448,
    'recall_at_3/mean': 0.8035714285714286,
    'recall_at_3/p90': 1.0,
    'recall_at_3/variance': 0.15784438775510204}

尝试不同的 k 值

要使用另一个 k 值,请在 mlflow.evaluate() API 中使用 evaluator_config 参数,如下所示:evaluator_config={"retriever_k": <k_value>}

# Case 1: Specifying the model type
evaluate_results = mlflow.evaluate(
    evaluator_config={"retriever_k": 5}

或者,您可以直接在 mlflow.evaluate() API 的 extra_metrics 参数中指定所需的指标,而无需指定模型类型。在这种情况下,evaluator_config 参数中指定的 k 值将被忽略。

# Case 2: Specifying the extra_metrics
evaluate_results = mlflow.evaluate(
[ ]:
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
    evaluate_results = mlflow.evaluate(
2023/11/22 14:40:22 WARNING mlflow.data.pandas_dataset: Failed to infer schema for Pandas dataset. Exception: Unable to map 'object' type to MLflow DataType. object can be mapped iff all values have identical data type which is one of (string, (bytes or byterray),  int, float).
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.base: Evaluating the model with the default evaluator.
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Testing metrics on first row...
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: precision_at_1
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: precision_at_2
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: precision_at_3
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: recall_at_1
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: recall_at_2
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: recall_at_3
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: ndcg_at_1
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: ndcg_at_2
2023/11/22 14:40:22 INFO mlflow.models.evaluation.default_evaluator: Evaluating metrics: ndcg_at_3
[ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plotting each metric
for metric_name in ["precision", "recall", "ndcg"]:
    y = [evaluate_results.metrics[f"{metric_name}_at_{k}/mean"] for k in range(1, 4)]
    plt.plot([1, 2, 3], y, label=f"{metric_name}@k")

# Adding labels and title
plt.ylabel("Metric Value")
plt.title("Metrics Comparison at Different Ks")
# Setting x-axis ticks
plt.xticks([1, 2, 3])

# Display the plot





  • mlflow.metrics.precision_at_k(k) 定义为:

    • 0 如果真实文档ID不为空

    • 1 如果真实文档ID也为空

  • mlflow.metrics.ndcg_at_k(k) 定义为:

    • 0 如果真实文档ID不为空

    • 1 如果真实文档ID也为空



  • mlflow.metrics.recall_at_k(k) 定义为:

    • 0 如果检索到的文档ID非空

    • 1 如果检索到的文档ID也是空的

  • mlflow.metrics.ndcg_at_k(k) 定义为:

    • 0 如果检索到的文档ID非空

    • 1 如果检索到的文档ID也是空的


在RAG系统中,检索器为给定查询检索同一文档中的多个块是常见的情况。在这种情况下,mlflow.metrics.ndcg_at_k(k) 计算如下:

如果重复的文档ID存在于真实数据中,它们将被视为不同的文档。例如,如果真实数据的文档ID是[1, 2],而检索到的文档ID是[1, 1, 1, 3],那么分数将等同于真实数据的文档ID[10, 11, 12, 2]和检索到的文档ID[10, 11, 12, 3]。


步骤 4:结果分析与可视化

您可以在日志中的“eval_results_table.json”中查看每行的分数,方法是将它加载到 pandas 数据框中(如下所示),或者访问 MLflow 运行比较 UI。

[ ]:
eval_results_table = evaluate_results.tables["eval_results_table"]
question source retrieved_doc_ids precision_at_1/score precision_at_2/score precision_at_3/score recall_at_1/score recall_at_2/score recall_at_3/score ndcg_at_1/score ndcg_at_2/score ndcg_at_3/score
0 What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry? [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, introduction/index.html,... 1 0.5 0.333333 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.919721
1 What is the purpose of registering a model wit... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, models.html, introductio... 1 0.5 0.333333 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.000000
2 What can you do with registered models and mod... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, models.html, deployment/... 1 0.5 0.333333 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.000000
3 How can you add, modify, update, or delete a m... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, models.html, deployment/... 1 0.5 0.333333 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.000000
4 How can you deploy and organize models in the ... [model-registry.html] [model-registry.html, deployment/index.html, d... 1 0.5 0.333333 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.919721


[ ]:
import nltk
import pyLDAvis.gensim_models as gensimvis
from gensim import corpora, models
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

# Initialize NLTK resources

def topical_analysis(questions: List[str]):
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english"))

    # Tokenize and remove stop words
    tokenized_data = []
    for question in questions:
        tokens = word_tokenize(question.lower())
        filtered_tokens = [word for word in tokens if word not in stop_words and word.isalpha()]

    # Create a dictionary and corpus
    dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(tokenized_data)
    corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in tokenized_data]

    # Apply LDA model
    lda_model = models.LdaModel(corpus, num_topics=5, id2word=dictionary, passes=15)

    # Get topic distribution for each question
    topic_distribution = []
    for i, ques in enumerate(questions):
        bow = dictionary.doc2bow(tokenized_data[i])
        topics = lda_model.get_document_topics(bow)
        print(f"Question: {ques}\nTopic: {topics}")

    # Print all topics
    print("\nTopics found are:")
    for idx, topic in lda_model.print_topics(-1):
        print(f"Topic: {idx} \nWords: {topic}\n")
    return lda_model, corpus, dictionary
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to
[nltk_data]     /Users/liang.zhang/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package punkt is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     /Users/liang.zhang/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
[ ]:
filtered_df = eval_results_table[eval_results_table["precision_at_1/score"] == 1]
hit_questions = filtered_df["question"].tolist()
filtered_df = eval_results_table[eval_results_table["precision_at_1/score"] == 0]
miss_questions = filtered_df["question"].tolist()
[ ]:
lda_model, corpus, dictionary = topical_analysis(hit_questions)
vis_data = gensimvis.prepare(lda_model, corpus, dictionary)
Question: What is the purpose of the MLflow Model Registry?
Topic: [(0, 0.0400703), (1, 0.040002838), (2, 0.040673085), (3, 0.04075462), (4, 0.8384991)]
Question: What is the purpose of registering a model with the Model Registry?
Topic: [(0, 0.0334267), (1, 0.033337697), (2, 0.033401005), (3, 0.033786207), (4, 0.8660484)]
Question: What can you do with registered models and model versions?
Topic: [(0, 0.04019648), (1, 0.04000775), (2, 0.040166058), (3, 0.8391777), (4, 0.040452003)]
Question: How can you add, modify, update, or delete a model in the Model Registry?
Topic: [(0, 0.025052568), (1, 0.025006149), (2, 0.025024023), (3, 0.025236268), (4, 0.899681)]
Question: How can you deploy and organize models in the Model Registry?
Topic: [(0, 0.033460867), (1, 0.033337582), (2, 0.033362914), (3, 0.8659808), (4, 0.033857808)]
Question: What method do you use to create a new registered model?
Topic: [(0, 0.028867528), (1, 0.028582651), (2, 0.882546), (3, 0.030021703), (4, 0.029982116)]
Question: How can you deploy and organize models in the Model Registry?
Topic: [(0, 0.033460878), (1, 0.033337586), (2, 0.033362918), (3, 0.8659798), (4, 0.03385884)]
Question: How can you fetch a list of registered models in the MLflow registry?
Topic: [(0, 0.0286206), (1, 0.028577656), (2, 0.02894385), (3, 0.88495284), (4, 0.028905064)]
Question: What is the default channel logged for models using MLflow v1.18 and above?
Topic: [(0, 0.02862059), (1, 0.028577654), (2, 0.028883327), (3, 0.8851736), (4, 0.028744776)]
Question: What information is stored in the conda.yaml file?
Topic: [(0, 0.050020963), (1, 0.051287953), (2, 0.051250603), (3, 0.7968765), (4, 0.05056402)]
Question: How can you save a model with a manually specified conda environment?
Topic: [(0, 0.02862434), (1, 0.02858204), (2, 0.02886313), (3, 0.8851747), (4, 0.028755778)]
Question: What are inference params and how are they used during model inference?
Topic: [(0, 0.86457103), (1, 0.03353862), (2, 0.033417325), (3, 0.034004394), (4, 0.034468662)]
Question: What is the purpose of model signatures in MLflow?
Topic: [(0, 0.040070876), (1, 0.04000346), (2, 0.040688124), (3, 0.040469088), (4, 0.8387685)]
Question: What is the API used to set signatures on models?
Topic: [(0, 0.033873636), (1, 0.033508822), (2, 0.033337757), (3, 0.035357967), (4, 0.8639218)]
Question: What components are used to generate the final time series?
Topic: [(0, 0.028693806), (1, 0.8853218), (2, 0.028573763), (3, 0.02862714), (4, 0.0287835)]
Question: What functionality does the configuration DataFrame submitted to the pyfunc flavor provide?
Topic: [(0, 0.02519801), (1, 0.025009492), (2, 0.025004204), (3, 0.025004204), (4, 0.8997841)]
Question: What is a common configuration for lowering the total memory pressure for pytorch models within transformers pipelines?
Topic: [(0, 0.93316424), (1, 0.016669936), (2, 0.016668117), (3, 0.016788227), (4, 0.016709473)]
Question: What does the save_model() function do?
Topic: [(0, 0.10002145), (1, 0.59994656), (2, 0.10001026), (3, 0.10001026), (4, 0.10001151)]
Question: What is an MLflow Project?
Topic: [(0, 0.06667001), (1, 0.06667029), (2, 0.7321751), (3, 0.06711196), (4, 0.06737265)]
Question: What are the entry points in a MLproject file and how can you specify parameters for them?
Topic: [(0, 0.02857626), (1, 0.88541776), (2, 0.02868285), (3, 0.028626908), (4, 0.02869626)]
Question: What are the project environments supported by MLflow?
Topic: [(0, 0.040009078), (1, 0.040009864), (2, 0.839655), (3, 0.040126894), (4, 0.040199146)]
Question: What is the purpose of specifying a Conda environment in an MLflow project?
Topic: [(0, 0.028579442), (1, 0.028580135), (2, 0.8841217), (3, 0.028901232), (4, 0.029817443)]
Question: What is the purpose of the MLproject file?
Topic: [(0, 0.05001335), (1, 0.052611485), (2, 0.050071735), (3, 0.05043289), (4, 0.7968705)]
Question: How can you pass runtime parameters to the entry point of an MLflow Project?
Topic: [(0, 0.025007373), (1, 0.025498485), (2, 0.8993807), (3, 0.02504522), (4, 0.025068246)]
Question: How does MLflow run a Project on Kubernetes?
Topic: [(0, 0.04000677), (1, 0.040007353), (2, 0.83931196), (3, 0.04012452), (4, 0.04054937)]
Question: What fields are replaced when MLflow creates a Kubernetes Job for an MLflow Project?
Topic: [(0, 0.022228329), (1, 0.022228856), (2, 0.023192631), (3, 0.02235802), (4, 0.90999216)]
Question: What is the syntax for searching runs using the MLflow UI and API?
Topic: [(0, 0.025003674), (1, 0.02500399), (2, 0.02527212), (3, 0.89956146), (4, 0.025158761)]
Question: What is the syntax for searching runs using the MLflow UI and API?
Topic: [(0, 0.025003672), (1, 0.025003988), (2, 0.025272164), (3, 0.8995614), (4, 0.025158769)]
Question: What are the key parts of a search expression in MLflow?
Topic: [(0, 0.03334423), (1, 0.03334517), (2, 0.8662702), (3, 0.033611353), (4, 0.033429127)]
Question: What are the key attributes for the model with the run_id 'a1b2c3d4' and run_name 'my-run'?
Topic: [(0, 0.05017508), (1, 0.05001634), (2, 0.05058142), (3, 0.7985237), (4, 0.050703418)]
Question: What information does each run record in MLflow Tracking?
Topic: [(0, 0.03333968), (1, 0.033340227), (2, 0.86639804), (3, 0.03349555), (4, 0.033426523)]
Question: What are the two components used by MLflow for storage?
Topic: [(0, 0.0334928), (1, 0.033938777), (2, 0.033719826), (3, 0.03357158), (4, 0.86527705)]
Question: What interfaces does the MLflow client use to record MLflow entities and artifacts when running MLflow on a local machine with a SQLAlchemy-compatible database?
Topic: [(0, 0.014289577), (1, 0.014289909), (2, 0.94276434), (3, 0.014325481), (4, 0.014330726)]
Question: What is the default backend store used by MLflow?
Topic: [(0, 0.033753525), (1, 0.03379533), (2, 0.033777602), (3, 0.86454684), (4, 0.0341267)]
Question: What information does autologging capture when launching short-lived MLflow runs?
Topic: [(0, 0.028579954), (1, 0.02858069), (2, 0.8851724), (3, 0.029027484), (4, 0.028639426)]
Question: What is the purpose of the --serve-artifacts flag?
Topic: [(0, 0.06670548), (1, 0.066708855), (2, 0.067003354), (3, 0.3969311), (4, 0.40265122)]

Topics found are:
Topic: 0
Words: 0.059*"inference" + 0.032*"models" + 0.032*"used" + 0.032*"configuration" + 0.032*"common" + 0.032*"transformers" + 0.032*"total" + 0.032*"within" + 0.032*"pytorch" + 0.032*"pipelines"

Topic: 1
Words: 0.036*"file" + 0.035*"mlproject" + 0.035*"used" + 0.035*"components" + 0.035*"entry" + 0.035*"parameters" + 0.035*"specify" + 0.035*"final" + 0.035*"points" + 0.035*"time"

Topic: 2
Words: 0.142*"mlflow" + 0.066*"project" + 0.028*"information" + 0.028*"use" + 0.028*"record" + 0.028*"run" + 0.015*"key" + 0.015*"running" + 0.015*"artifacts" + 0.015*"client"

Topic: 3
Words: 0.066*"models" + 0.066*"model" + 0.066*"mlflow" + 0.041*"using" + 0.041*"registry" + 0.028*"api" + 0.028*"registered" + 0.028*"runs" + 0.028*"syntax" + 0.028*"searching"

Topic: 4
Words: 0.089*"model" + 0.074*"purpose" + 0.074*"mlflow" + 0.046*"registry" + 0.031*"used" + 0.031*"signatures" + 0.017*"kubernetes" + 0.017*"fields" + 0.017*"job" + 0.017*"replaced"

# Uncomment the following line to render the interactive widget
# pyLDAvis.display(vis_data)
[ ]:
lda_model, corpus, dictionary = topical_analysis(miss_questions)
vis_data = gensimvis.prepare(lda_model, corpus, dictionary)
Question: What is the purpose of the mlflow.sklearn.log_model() method?
Topic: [(0, 0.0669118), (1, 0.06701085), (2, 0.06667974), (3, 0.73235476), (4, 0.06704286)]
Question: How can you fetch a specific model version?
Topic: [(0, 0.83980393), (1, 0.040003464), (2, 0.04000601), (3, 0.040101767), (4, 0.040084846)]
Question: How can you fetch the latest model version in a specific stage?
Topic: [(0, 0.88561153), (1, 0.028575428), (2, 0.028578365), (3, 0.0286214), (4, 0.028613236)]
Question: What can you do to promote MLflow Models across environments?
Topic: [(0, 0.8661927), (1, 0.0333396), (2, 0.03362743), (3, 0.033428304), (4, 0.033411972)]
Question: What is the name of the model and its version details?
Topic: [(0, 0.83978903), (1, 0.04000637), (2, 0.04001106), (3, 0.040105395), (4, 0.040088095)]
Question: What is the purpose of saving the model in pickled format?
Topic: [(0, 0.033948876), (1, 0.03339717), (2, 0.033340737), (3, 0.86575514), (4, 0.033558063)]
Question: What is an MLflow Model and what is its purpose?
Topic: [(0, 0.7940762), (1, 0.05068333), (2, 0.050770763), (3, 0.053328265), (4, 0.05114142)]
Question: What are the flavors defined in the MLmodel file for the mlflow.sklearn library?
Topic: [(0, 0.86628276), (1, 0.033341788), (2, 0.03334801), (3, 0.03368498), (4, 0.033342462)]
Question: What command can be used to package and deploy models to AWS SageMaker?
Topic: [(0, 0.89991224), (1, 0.025005225), (2, 0.025009066), (3, 0.025006713), (4, 0.025066752)]
Question: What is the purpose of the --build-image flag when running mlflow run?
Topic: [(0, 0.033957016), (1, 0.033506736), (2, 0.034095332), (3, 0.034164555), (4, 0.86427635)]
Question: What is the relative path to the python_env YAML file within the MLflow project's directory?
Topic: [(0, 0.02243), (1, 0.02222536), (2, 0.022470985), (3, 0.9105873), (4, 0.02228631)]
Question: What are the additional local volume mounted and environment variables in the docker container?
Topic: [(0, 0.022225259), (1, 0.9110914), (2, 0.02222932), (3, 0.022227468), (4, 0.022226628)]
Question: What are some examples of entity names that contain special characters?
Topic: [(0, 0.028575381), (1, 0.88568854), (2, 0.02858065), (3, 0.028578246), (4, 0.028577149)]
Question: What type of constant does the RHS need to be if LHS is a metric?
Topic: [(0, 0.028575381), (1, 0.8856886), (2, 0.028580645), (3, 0.028578239), (4, 0.028577147)]
Question: How can you get all active runs from experiments IDs 3, 4, and 17 that used a CNN model with 10 layers and had a prediction accuracy of 94.5% or higher?
Topic: [(0, 0.015563371), (1, 0.015387185), (2, 0.015389071), (3, 0.015427767), (4, 0.9382326)]
Question: What is the purpose of the 'experimentIds' variable in the given paragraph?
Topic: [(0, 0.040206533), (1, 0.8384999), (2, 0.040013183), (3, 0.040967643), (4, 0.040312726)]
Question: What is the MLflow Tracking component used for?
Topic: [(0, 0.8390845), (1, 0.04000697), (2, 0.040462855), (3, 0.04014182), (4, 0.040303845)]
Question: How can you create an experiment in MLflow?
Topic: [(0, 0.050333958), (1, 0.0500024), (2, 0.7993825), (3, 0.050153885), (4, 0.05012722)]
Question: How can you create an experiment using MLflow?
Topic: [(0, 0.04019285), (1, 0.04000254), (2, 0.8396381), (3, 0.040091105), (4, 0.04007539)]
Question: What is the architecture depicted in this example scenario?
Topic: [(0, 0.04000523), (1, 0.040007014), (2, 0.040012203), (3, 0.04000902), (4, 0.83996654)]

Topics found are:
Topic: 0
Words: 0.078*"model" + 0.059*"mlflow" + 0.059*"version" + 0.041*"models" + 0.041*"fetch" + 0.041*"specific" + 0.041*"used" + 0.022*"command" + 0.022*"deploy" + 0.022*"sagemaker"

Topic: 1
Words: 0.030*"local" + 0.030*"container" + 0.030*"variables" + 0.030*"docker" + 0.030*"mounted" + 0.030*"environment" + 0.030*"volume" + 0.030*"additional" + 0.030*"special" + 0.030*"names"

Topic: 2
Words: 0.096*"experiment" + 0.096*"create" + 0.096*"mlflow" + 0.051*"using" + 0.009*"purpose" + 0.009*"model" + 0.009*"method" + 0.009*"file" + 0.009*"version" + 0.009*"used"

Topic: 3
Words: 0.071*"purpose" + 0.039*"file" + 0.039*"mlflow" + 0.039*"yaml" + 0.039*"directory" + 0.039*"relative" + 0.039*"within" + 0.039*"path" + 0.039*"project" + 0.039*"format"

Topic: 4
Words: 0.032*"purpose" + 0.032*"used" + 0.032*"model" + 0.032*"prediction" + 0.032*"get" + 0.032*"accuracy" + 0.032*"active" + 0.032*"layers" + 0.032*"higher" + 0.032*"experiments"

# Uncomment the following line to render the interactive widget
# pyLDAvis.display(vis_data)
[ ]: