.. _10min_tut_02_read_write:
{{ header }}
.. ipython:: python
import pandas as pd
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.. include:: includes/titanic.rst
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How do I read and write tabular data?
.. image:: ../../_static/schemas/02_io_readwrite.svg
:align: center
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I want to analyze the Titanic passenger data, available as a CSV file.
.. ipython:: python
titanic = pd.read_csv("data/titanic.csv")
pandas provides the :func:`read_csv` function to read data stored as a csv
file into a pandas ``DataFrame``. pandas supports many different file
formats or data sources out of the box (csv, excel, sql, json, parquet,
…), each of them with the prefix ``read_*``.
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Make sure to always have a check on the data after reading in the
data. When displaying a ``DataFrame``, the first and last 5 rows will be
shown by default:
.. ipython:: python
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I want to see the first 8 rows of a pandas DataFrame.
.. ipython:: python
To see the first N rows of a ``DataFrame``, use the :meth:`~DataFrame.head` method with
the required number of rows (in this case 8) as argument.
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.. note::
Interested in the last N rows instead? pandas also provides a
:meth:`~DataFrame.tail` method. For example, ``titanic.tail(10)`` will return the last
10 rows of the DataFrame.
A check on how pandas interpreted each of the column data types can be
done by requesting the pandas ``dtypes`` attribute:
.. ipython:: python
For each of the columns, the used data type is enlisted. The data types
in this ``DataFrame`` are integers (``int64``), floats (``float64``) and
strings (``object``).
.. note::
When asking for the ``dtypes``, no parentheses ``()`` are used!
``dtypes`` is an attribute of a ``DataFrame`` and ``Series``. Attributes
of a ``DataFrame`` or ``Series`` do not need ``()``. Attributes
represent a characteristic of a ``DataFrame``/``Series``, whereas
methods (which require parentheses ``()``) *do* something with the
``DataFrame``/``Series`` as introduced in the :ref:`first tutorial <10min_tut_01_tableoriented>`.
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My colleague requested the Titanic data as a spreadsheet.
.. note::
If you want to use :func:`~pandas.to_excel` and :func:`~pandas.read_excel`,
you need to install an Excel reader as outlined in the
:ref:`Excel files ` section of the
installation documentation.
.. ipython:: python
titanic.to_excel("titanic.xlsx", sheet_name="passengers", index=False)
Whereas ``read_*`` functions are used to read data to pandas, the
``to_*`` methods are used to store data. The :meth:`~DataFrame.to_excel` method stores
the data as an excel file. In the example here, the ``sheet_name`` is
named *passengers* instead of the default *Sheet1*. By setting
``index=False`` the row index labels are not saved in the spreadsheet.
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The equivalent read function :meth:`~DataFrame.read_excel` will reload the data to a
.. ipython:: python
titanic = pd.read_excel("titanic.xlsx", sheet_name="passengers")
.. ipython:: python
.. ipython:: python
import os
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I’m interested in a technical summary of a ``DataFrame``
.. ipython:: python
The method :meth:`~DataFrame.info` provides technical information about a
``DataFrame``, so let’s explain the output in more detail:
- It is indeed a :class:`DataFrame`.
- There are 891 entries, i.e. 891 rows.
- Each row has a row label (aka the ``index``) with values ranging from
0 to 890.
- The table has 12 columns. Most columns have a value for each of the
rows (all 891 values are ``non-null``). Some columns do have missing
values and less than 891 ``non-null`` values.
- The columns ``Name``, ``Sex``, ``Cabin`` and ``Embarked`` consist of
textual data (strings, aka ``object``). The other columns are
numerical data, some of them are whole numbers (``integer``) and
others are real numbers (``float``).
- The kind of data (characters, integers, …) in the different columns
are summarized by listing the ``dtypes``.
- The approximate amount of RAM used to hold the DataFrame is provided
as well.
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- Getting data in to pandas from many different file formats or data
sources is supported by ``read_*`` functions.
- Exporting data out of pandas is provided by different
``to_*`` methods.
- The ``head``/``tail``/``info`` methods and the ``dtypes`` attribute
are convenient for a first check.
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To user guide
For a complete overview of the input and output possibilities from and to pandas, see the user guide section about :ref:`reader and writer functions `.
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