Fast Train with SUOD ==================== **Fast training and prediction**: it is possible to train and predict with a large number of detection models in PyOD by leveraging SUOD framework. See `SUOD Paper `_ and `SUOD example `_. .. code-block:: python from pyod.models.suod import SUOD # initialized a group of outlier detectors for acceleration detector_list = [LOF(n_neighbors=15), LOF(n_neighbors=20), LOF(n_neighbors=25), LOF(n_neighbors=35), COPOD(), IForest(n_estimators=100), IForest(n_estimators=200)] # decide the number of parallel process, and the combination method # then clf can be used as any outlier detection model clf = SUOD(base_estimators=detector_list, n_jobs=2, combination='average', verbose=False)