项目使用 Sphinx¶
这是一个使用Sphinx或正在尝试使用Sphinx进行文档编写的项目的(不完整的)字母列表. 如果您希望被包含在内,请发送邮件至 Google小组 .
Advanced Generic Widgets (customized)
Apache CouchDB (customized)
CMake (customized)
Chaco (customized)
DEAP (customized)
EZ-Draw (customized)
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) (customized)
GetFEM (customized)
Glasgow Haskell Compiler (customized)
Grok (customized)
Kaa (customized)
Leo (customized)
Mayavi (customized)
MediaGoblin (customized)
OpenCV (自定义)
phpDocumentor (customized)
Plone (customized)
Pygame (customized)
PyQt4 (customized)
PyQt5 (customized)
Python 3 (customized)
Python Packaging Authority (customized)
Ring programming language (customized)
SageMath (customized)
simuPOP (customized)
TurboGears (customized)
Varnish (customized, alabaster for index)
wxPython Phoenix (customized)
zc.async (customized)
Zope (customized)
libLAS (customized)
MapServer (customized)
StatsModels (customized)
Breathe (haiku)
Breezy (fork of Bazaar) (agogo)
MPipe (sphinx13)
NLTK (agogo)
PyPubSub (bizstyle)
Pylons (pyramid)
Pyramid web framework (pyramid)
RxDock (bizstyle)
Sphinx (sphinx13) :-)
Valence (haiku, customized)
Ansible (customized)
Copr Buildsystem (customized)
Chainer (customized)
Databricks (customized)
GPAW (customized)
Inkscape (customized)
MDTraj (customized)
NICOS (customized)
Panda3D (customized)
PROS (customized)
Free your information from their silos (French) (customized)
Sphinx-Gallery (customized)
Tango Controls (customized)
TrueNAS (customized)
TYPO3 (customized)
使用 pydata_sphinx_theme 的文档¶
Alan Crosswell’s Using the Django REST Framework and DRF-JSONAPI
Arizona State University PHY494/PHY598/CHM598 Simulation approaches to Bio-and Nanophysics (classic)
Benoit Boissinot (classic, customized)
EBI Cloud Consultancy Team (sphinx_rtd_theme)
Eric Holscher (alabaster)
Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) (sphinx_rtd_theme)
IDAES Examples (sphinx_rtd_theme)
Lei Ma’s Statistical Mechanics lecture notes (sphinx_bootstrap_theme)
PyXLL (sphinx_bootstrap_theme, customized)
SciPy Cookbook (sphinx_rtd_theme)
Tech writer at work blog (custom theme)
UC Berkeley ME233 Advanced Control Systems II course (sphinxdoc)
Željko Svedružić’s Biomolecular Structure and Function Laboratory (BioSFLab) (sphinx_bootstrap_theme)
使用 Sphinx 制作的图书¶
“社区的艺术”(日文版) <https://www.oreilly.co.jp/books/9784873114958/>__
“看见的真相.克日什托夫·基耶斯洛夫斯基的十诫” <https://literatur.hasecke.com/post/die-wahrheit-des-sehens-dekalog-kieslowski/>__
“专家 Python 编程” <https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/expert-python-programming>`__
“精通Python编程 第2版” (日语翻译) <https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4048930613/>__
“Mercurial:权威指南(第二版)” <https://book.mercurial-scm.org/>__
“番茄工作法图解”(日文翻译) <https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4048689525/>__
“Real World HTTP – Learning The Internet and Web Technology via its history and code (Japanese)”
“自学程序员”(日文翻译) <https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4822292274/>__
“Simple and Steady Way of Learning for Software Engineering” (in Japanese)
Read the Docs, a software-as-a-service documentation hosting platform, uses Sphinx to automatically build documentation updates that are pushed to GitHub.
Spyder, the Scientific Python Development Environment, uses Sphinx in its help pane to render rich documentation for functions, classes and methods automatically or on-demand.