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GenericModel(raw_model: GenericCCModel)

Abstract superclass for all YDF models.


analyze(data: InputDataset, sampling: float = 1.0, num_bins: int = 50, partial_depepence_plot: bool = True, conditional_expectation_plot: bool = True, permutation_variable_importance_rounds: int = 1, num_threads: Optional[int] = None, maximum_duration: Optional[float] = 20) -> Analysis

Analyzes a model on a test dataset.

An analysis contains structual information about the model (e.g., variable importances), and the information about the application of the model on the given dataset (e.g. partial dependence plots).

For a large dataset (many examples and / or features), computing the analysis can take significant time.

While some information might be valid, it is generatly not recommended to analyze a model on its training dataset.

Usage example:

import pandas as pd
import ydf

# Train model
train_ds = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="label").train(train_ds)

test_ds = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
analysis = model.analyze(test_ds)

# Display the analysis in a notebook.


Name Type Description Default
data InputDataset

Dataset. Supported formats: VerticalDataset, (typed) path, list of (typed) paths, Pandas DataFrame, Xarray Dataset, TensorFlow Dataset, PyGrain DataLoader and Dataset (experimental, Linux only), dictionary of string to NumPy array or lists.

sampling float

Ratio of examples to use for the analysis. The analysis can be expensive to compute. On large datasets, use a small sampling value e.g. 0.01.

num_bins int

Number of bins used to accumulate statistics. A large value increase the resolution of the plots but takes more time to compute.

partial_depepence_plot bool

Compute partial dependency plots a.k.a PDPs. Expensive to compute.

conditional_expectation_plot bool

Compute the conditional expectation plots a.k.a. CEP. Cheap to compute.

permutation_variable_importance_rounds int

If >1, computes permutation variable importances using "permutation_variable_importance_rounds" rounds. The most rounds the more accurate the results. Using a single round is often acceptable i.e. permutation_variable_importance_rounds=1. If permutation_variable_importance_rounds=0, disables the computation of permutation variable importances.

num_threads Optional[int]

Number of threads to use to compute the analysis.

maximum_duration Optional[float]

Maximum duration of the analysis in seconds. Note that the analysis can last a little longer than this value.



Type Description

Model analysis.


analyze_prediction(single_example: InputDataset) -> PredictionAnalysis

Understands a single prediction of the model.

Note: To explain the model as a whole, use model.analyze instead.

Usage example:

import pandas as pd
import ydf

# Train model
train_ds = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="label").train(train_ds)

test_ds = pd.read_csv("test.csv")

# We want to explain the model prediction on the first test example.
selected_example = test_ds.iloc[:1]

analysis = model.analyze_prediction(selected_example, test_ds)

# Display the analysis in a notebook.


Name Type Description Default
single_example InputDataset

Example to explain. Supported formats: VerticalDataset, (typed) path, list of (typed) paths, Pandas DataFrame, Xarray Dataset, TensorFlow Dataset, PyGrain DataLoader and Dataset (experimental, Linux only), dictionary of string to NumPy array or lists.



Type Description

Prediction explanation.


benchmark(ds: InputDataset, benchmark_duration: float = 3, warmup_duration: float = 1, batch_size: int = 100, num_threads: Optional[int] = None) -> BenchmarkInferenceCCResult

Benchmark the inference speed of the model on the given dataset.

This benchmark creates batched predictions on the given dataset using the C++ API of Yggdrasil Decision Forests. Note that inference times using other APIs or on different machines will be different. A serving template for the C++ API can be generated with model.to_cpp().


Name Type Description Default
ds InputDataset

Dataset to perform the benchmark on.

benchmark_duration float

Total duration of the benchmark in seconds. Note that this number is only indicative and the actual duration of the benchmark may be shorter or longer. This parameter must be > 0.

warmup_duration float

Total duration of the warmup runs before the benchmark in seconds. During the warmup phase, the benchmark is run without being timed. This allows warming up caches. The benchmark will always run at least one batch for warmup. This parameter must be > 0. batch_size: Size of batches when feeding examples to the inference engines. The impact of this parameter on the results depends on the architecture running the benchmark (notably, cache sizes). num_threads: Number of threads used for the multi-threaded benchmark. If not specified, the number of threads is set to the number of cpu cores.



Type Description

Benchmark results.


data_spec() -> DataSpecification

Returns the data spec used for train the model.


describe(output_format: Literal['auto', 'text', 'notebook', 'html'] = 'auto', full_details: bool = False) -> Union[str, HtmlNotebookDisplay]

Description of the model.


Name Type Description Default
output_format Literal['auto', 'text', 'notebook', 'html']

Format of the display: - auto: Use the "notebook" format if executed in an IPython notebook / Colab. Otherwise, use the "text" format. - text: Text description of the model. - html: Html description of the model. - notebook: Html description of the model displayed in a notebook cell.

full_details bool

Should the full model be printed. This can be large.



Type Description
Union[str, HtmlNotebookDisplay]

The model description.


evaluate(data: InputDataset, *, weighted: Optional[bool] = None, task: Optional[Task] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, bootstrapping: Union[bool, int] = False, ndcg_truncation: int = 5, evaluation_task: Optional[Task] = None, use_slow_engine: bool = False, num_threads: Optional[int] = None) -> Evaluation

Evaluates the quality of a model on a dataset.

Usage example:

import pandas as pd
import ydf

# Train model
train_ds = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="label").train(train_ds)

test_ds = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
evaluation = model.evaluates(test_ds)

In a notebook, if a cell returns an evaluation object, this evaluation will be as a rich html with plots:

evaluation = model.evaluate(test_ds)
# If model is an anomaly detection model:
# evaluation = model.evaluate(test_ds,

It is possible to evaluate the model differently than it was trained. For example, you can change the label, task and group.

# Train a regression model
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="label",

# Evaluate the model as a regressive model
regressive_evaluation = model.evaluates(test_ds)

# Evaluate the model as a ranking model model
regressive_evaluation = model.evaluates(test_ds,
  task=ydf.Task.RANKING, group="group_column")


Name Type Description Default
data InputDataset

Dataset. Supported formats: VerticalDataset, (typed) path, list of (typed) paths, Pandas DataFrame, Xarray Dataset, TensorFlow Dataset, PyGrain DataLoader and Dataset (experimental, Linux only), dictionary of string to NumPy array or lists.

weighted Optional[bool]

If true, the evaluation is weighted according to the training weights. If false, the evaluation is non-weighted. b/351279797: Change default to weights=True.

task Optional[Task]

Override the task of the model during the evaluation. If None (default), the model is evaluated according to its training task.

label Optional[str]

Override the label used to evaluate the model. If None (default), use the model's label.

group Optional[str]

Override the group used to evaluate the model. If None (default), use the model's group. Only used for ranking models.

bootstrapping Union[bool, int]

Controls whether bootstrapping is used to evaluate the confidence intervals and statistical tests (i.e., all the metrics ending with "[B]"). If set to false, bootstrapping is disabled. If set to true, bootstrapping is enabled and 2000 bootstrapping samples are used. If set to an integer, it specifies the number of bootstrapping samples to use. In this case, if the number is less than 100, an error is raised as bootstrapping will not yield useful results.

ndcg_truncation int

Controls at which ranking position the NDCG loss should be truncated. Default to 5. Ignored for non-ranking models.

evaluation_task Optional[Task]

Deprecated. Use task instead.

use_slow_engine bool

If true, uses the slow engine for making predictions. The slow engine of YDF is an order of magnitude slower than the other prediction engines. There exist very rare edge cases where predictions with the regular engines fail, e.g., models with a very large number of categorical conditions. It is only in these cases, that users should use the slow engine and report the issue to the YDF developers.

num_threads Optional[int]

Number of threads used to run the model.



Type Description

Model evaluation.


force_engine(engine_name: Optional[str]) -> None

Forces the engines used by the model.

If not specified (i.e., None; default value), the fastest compatible engine (i.e., the first value returned from "list_compatible_engines") is used for all model inferences (e.g., model.predict, model.evaluate).

If passing a non-existing or non-compatible engine, the next model inference (e.g., model.predict, model.evaluate) will fail.


Name Type Description Default
engine_name Optional[str]

Name of a compatible engine or None to automatically select the fastest engine.



hyperparameter_optimizer_logs() -> Optional[OptimizerLogs]

Returns the logs of the hyper-parameter tuning.

If the model is not trained with hyper-parameter tuning, returns None.


input_feature_names() -> List[str]

Returns the names of the input features.

The features are sorted in increasing order of column_idx.


input_features() -> Sequence[InputFeature]

Returns the input features of the model.

The features are sorted in increasing order of column_idx.


label() -> str

Name of the label column.


label_classes() -> List[str]

Returns the label classes for a classification model; fails otherwise.


list_compatible_engines() -> Sequence[str]

Lists the inference engines compatible with the model.

The engines are sorted to likely-fastest to likely-slowest.


Type Description

List of compatible engines.


metadata() -> ModelMetadata

Metadata associated with the model.

A model's metadata contains information stored with the model that does not influence the model's predictions (e.g. data created). When distributing a model for wide release, it may be useful to clear / modify the model metadata with model.set_metadata(ydf.ModelMetadata()).


Type Description

The model's metadata.


name() -> str

Returns the name of the model type.


predict(data: InputDataset, *, use_slow_engine=False, num_threads: Optional[int] = None) -> ndarray

Returns the predictions of the model on the given dataset.

Usage example:

import pandas as pd
import ydf

# Train model
train_ds = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="label").train(train_ds)

test_ds = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
predictions = model.predict(test_ds)


Name Type Description Default
data InputDataset

Dataset. Supported formats: VerticalDataset, (typed) path, list of (typed) paths, Pandas DataFrame, Xarray Dataset, TensorFlow Dataset, PyGrain DataLoader and Dataset (experimental, Linux only), dictionary of string to NumPy array or lists. If the dataset contains the label column, that column is ignored.


If true, uses the slow engine for making predictions. The slow engine of YDF is an order of magnitude slower than the other prediction engines. There exist very rare edge cases where predictions with the regular engines fail, e.g., models with a very large number of categorical conditions. It is only in these cases, that users should use the slow engine and report the issue to the YDF developers.

num_threads Optional[int]

Number of threads used to run the model.



save(path, advanced_options=ModelIOOptions()) -> None

Save the model to disk.

YDF uses a proprietary model format for saving models. A model consists of multiple files located in the same directory. A directory should only contain a single YDF model. See advanced_options for more information.

YDF models can also be exported to other formats, see to_tensorflow_saved_model() and to_cpp() for details.

YDF saves some metadata inside the model, see model.metadata() for details. Before distributing a model to the world, consider removing metadata with model.set_metadata(ydf.ModelMetadata()).

Usage example:

import pandas as pd
import ydf

# Train a Random Forest model
df = pd.read_csv("my_dataset.csv")
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner().train(df)

# Save the model to disk"/models/my_model")


Name Type Description Default

Path to directory to store the model in.


Advanced options for saving models.



self_evaluation() -> Evaluation

Returns the model's self-evaluation.

Different models use different methods for self-evaluation. Notably, Random Forests use OOB evaluation and Gradient Boosted Trees use evaluation on the validation dataset. Therefore, self-evaluations are not comparable between different model types.

Usage example:

import pandas as pd
import ydf

# Train model
train_ds = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
model = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner(label="label").train(train_ds)

self_evaluation = model.self_evaluation()
# In an interactive Python environment, print a rich evaluation report.


serialize() -> bytes

Serializes a model to a sequence of bytes (i.e. bytes).

A serialized model is equivalent to model saved with It can possibly contain meta-data related to model training and interpretation. To minimize the size of a serialized model, removes this meta-data by passing the argument pure_serving_model=True to the train method.

Usage example:

import pandas as pd
import ydf

# Create a model
dataset = pd.DataFrame({"feature": [0, 1], "label": [0, 1]})
learner = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="label")
model = learner.train(dataset)

# Serialize model
# Note: serialized_model is a bytes.
serialized_model = model.serialize()

# Deserialize model
deserialized_model = ydf.deserialize_model(serialized_model)

# Make predictions


Type Description

The serialized model.


set_metadata(metadata: ModelMetadata)

Sets the model metadata.


task() -> Task

Task solved by the model.


to_cpp(key: str = 'my_model') -> str

Generates the code of a .h file to run the model in C++.

How to use this function:

  1. Copy the output of this function in a new .h file. open("model.h", "w").write(model.to_cpp())
  2. If you use Bazel/Blaze, create a rule with the dependencies: //third_party/absl/status:statusor //third_party/absl/strings //external/ydf_cc/yggdrasil_decision_forests/api:serving
  3. In your C++ code, include the .h file and call the model with: // Load the model (to do only once). namespace ydf = yggdrasil_decision_forests; const auto model = ydf::exported_model_123::Load(); // Run the model predictions = model.Predict();
  4. The generated "Predict" function takes no inputs. Instead, it fills the input features with placeholder values. Therefore, you will want to add your input as arguments to the "Predict" function, and use it to populate the "examples->Set..." section accordingly.
  5. (Bonus) You can further optimize the inference speed by pre-allocating and re-using the examples and predictions for each thread running the model.

This documentation is also available in the header of the generated content for more details.


Name Type Description Default
key str

Name of the model. Used to define the c++ namespace of the model.



Type Description

String containing an example header for running the model in C++.


to_docker(path: str, exist_ok: bool = False) -> None

Exports the model to a Docker endpoint deployable on Cloud.

This function creates a directory containing a Dockerfile, the model and support files.

Usage example:

import ydf

# Train a model.
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="l").train({
    "f1": np.random.random(size=100),
    "f2": np.random.random(size=100),
    "l": np.random.randint(2, size=100),

# Export the model to a Docker endpoint.

# Print instructions on how to use the model
!cat /tmp/my_model/

# Test the end-point locally
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t ydf_predict_image /tmp/my_model
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -d ydf_predict_image

# Deploy the model on Google Cloud
gcloud run deploy ydf-predict --source /tmp/my_model

# Check the automatically created utility scripts "" and
# "" for more examples.


Name Type Description Default
path str

Directory where to create the Docker endpoint

exist_ok bool

If false (default), fails if the directory already exist. If true, override the directory content if any.



to_jax_function(jit: bool = True, apply_activation: bool = True, leaves_as_params: bool = False, compatibility: Union[str, Compatibility] = 'XLA') -> JaxModel

Converts the YDF model into a JAX function.

Usage example:

import ydf
import numpy as np
import jax.numpy as jnp

# Train a model.
model = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner(label="l").train({
    "f1": np.random.random(size=100),
    "f2": np.random.random(size=100),
    "l": np.random.randint(2, size=100),

# Convert model to a JAX function.
jax_model = model.to_jax_function()

# Make predictions with the JAX function.
jax_predictions = jax_model.predict({
    "f1": jnp.array([0, 0.5, 1]),
    "f2": jnp.array([1, 0, 0.5]),

TODO: Document the encoder and jax params.


Name Type Description Default
jit bool

If true, compiles the function with @jax.jit.

apply_activation bool

Should the activation function, if any, be applied on the model output.

leaves_as_params bool

If true, exports the leaf values as learnable parameters. In this case, params is set in the returned value, and it should be passed to predict(feature_values, params).

compatibility Union[str, Compatibility]

Constraint on the YDF->JAX conversion to runtime compatibility. Can be "XLA" (default), and "TFL" (for TensorFlow Lite).



Type Description

A dataclass containing the JAX prediction function (predict) and


optionnaly the model parameteres (params) and feature encoder




to_tensorflow_function(temp_dir: Optional[str] = None, can_be_saved: bool = True, squeeze_binary_classification: bool = True, force: bool = False) -> Module

Converts the YDF model into a @tf.function callable TensorFlow Module.

The output module can be composed with other TensorFlow operations, including other models serialized with to_tensorflow_function.

This function requires TensorFlow and TensorFlow Decision Forests to be installed. You can install them using the command pip install tensorflow_decision_forests. The generated SavedModel model relies on the TensorFlow Decision Forests Custom Inference Op. This Op is available by default in various platforms such as Servomatic, TensorFlow Serving, Vertex AI, and TensorFlow.js.

Usage example:

!pip install tensorflow_decision_forests

import ydf
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

# Train a model.
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="l").train({
    "f1": np.random.random(size=100),
    "f2": np.random.random(size=100),
    "l": np.random.randint(2, size=100),

# Convert model to a TF module.
tf_model = model.to_tensorflow_function()

# Make predictions with the TF module.
tf_predictions = tf_model({
    "f1": tf.constant([0, 0.5, 1]),
    "f2": tf.constant([1, 0, 0.5]),


Name Type Description Default
temp_dir Optional[str]

Temporary directory used during the conversion. If None (default), uses tempfile.mkdtemp default temporary directory.

can_be_saved bool

If can_be_saved = True (default), the returned module can be saved using In this case, files created in temporary directory during the conversion are not removed when to_tensorflow_function exit, and those files should still be present when calling If can_be_saved = False, the files created in the temporary directory during conversion are immediately removed, and the returned object cannot be serialized with

squeeze_binary_classification bool

If true (default), in case of binary classification, outputs a tensor of shape [num examples] containing the probability of the positive class. If false, in case of binary classification, outputs a tensorflow of shape [num examples, 2] containing the probability of both the negative and positive classes. Has no effect on non-binary classification models.

force bool

Try to export even in currently unsupported environments.



Type Description

A TensorFlow @tf.function.


to_tensorflow_saved_model(path: str, input_model_signature_fn: Any = None, *, mode: Literal['keras', 'tf'] = 'keras', feature_dtypes: Dict[str, TFDType] = {}, servo_api: bool = False, feed_example_proto: bool = False, pre_processing: Optional[Callable] = None, post_processing: Optional[Callable] = None, temp_dir: Optional[str] = None, tensor_specs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, feature_specs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, force: bool = False) -> None

Exports the model as a TensorFlow Saved model.

This function requires TensorFlow and TensorFlow Decision Forests to be installed. Install them by running the command pip install tensorflow_decision_forests. The generated SavedModel model relies on the TensorFlow Decision Forests Custom Inference Op. This Op is available by default in various platforms such as Servomatic, TensorFlow Serving, Vertex AI, and TensorFlow.js.

Usage example:

!pip install tensorflow_decision_forests

import ydf
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

# Train a model.
model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="l").train({
    "f1": np.random.random(size=100),
    "f2": np.random.random(size=100).astype(dtype=np.float32),
    "l": np.random.randint(2, size=100),

# Export the model to the TensorFlow SavedModel format.
# The model can be executed with Servomatic, TensorFlow Serving and
# Vertex AI.
model.to_tensorflow_saved_model(path="/tmp/my_model", mode="tf")

# The model can also be loaded in TensorFlow and executed locally.

# Load the TensorFlow Saved model.
tf_model = tf.saved_model.load("/tmp/my_model")

# Make predictions
tf_predictions = tf_model({
    "f1": tf.constant(np.random.random(size=10)),
    "f2": tf.constant(np.random.random(size=10), dtype=tf.float32),

TensorFlow SavedModel do not cast automatically feature values. For instance, a model trained with a dtype=float32 semantic=numerical feature, will require for this feature to be fed as float32 numbers during inference. You can override the dtype of a feature with the feature_dtypes argument:

    # "f1" is fed as an tf.int64 instead of tf.float64
    feature_dtypes={"f1": tf.int64},

Some TensorFlow Serving or Servomatic pipelines rely on feed examples as serialized TensorFlow Example proto (instead of raw tensor values) and/or wrap the model raw output (e.g. probability predictions) into a special structure (called the Serving API). You can create models compatible with those two convensions with feed_example_proto=True and servo_api=True respectively:


If your model requires some data preprocessing or post-processing, you can express them as a @tf.function or a tf module and pass them to the pre_processing and post_processing arguments respectively.

Warning: When exporting a SavedModel, YDF infers the model signature using the dtype of the features observed during training. If the signature of the pre_processing function is different than the signature of the model (e.g., the processing creates a new feature), you need to specify the tensor specs (tensor_specs; if feed_example_proto=False) or feature spec (feature_specs; if feed_example_proto=True) argument:

# Define a pre-processing function
def pre_processing(raw_features):
  features = {**raw_features}
  # Create a new feature.
  features["sin_f1"] = tf.sin(features["f1"])
  # Remove a feature
  del features["f1"]
  return features

# Create Numpy dataset
raw_dataset = {
    "f1": np.random.random(size=100),
    "f2": np.random.random(size=100),
    "l": np.random.randint(2, size=100),

# Apply the preprocessing on the training dataset.
processed_dataset = (
    .batch(128)  # The batch size has no impact on the model.

# Train a model on the pre-processed dataset.
ydf_model = specialized_learners.RandomForestLearner(

# Export the model to a raw SavedModel model with the pre-processing
        "f1": tf.TensorSpec(shape=[None], name="f1", dtype=tf.float64),
        "f2": tf.TensorSpec(shape=[None], name="f2", dtype=tf.float64),

# Export the model to a SavedModel consuming serialized tf examples with the
# pre-processing
            shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, default_value=math.nan
            shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, default_value=math.nan

For more flexibility, use the method to_tensorflow_function instead of to_tensorflow_saved_model.


Name Type Description Default
path str

Path to store the Tensorflow Decision Forests model.

input_model_signature_fn Any

A lambda that returns the (Dense,Sparse,Ragged)TensorSpec (or structure of TensorSpec e.g. dictionary, list) corresponding to input signature of the model. If not specified, the input model signature is created by tfdf.keras.build_default_input_model_signature. For example, specify input_model_signature_fn if an numerical input feature (which is consumed as DenseTensorSpec(float32) by default) will be feed differently (e.g. RaggedTensor(int64)). Only compatible with mode="keras".

mode Literal['keras', 'tf']

How is the YDF converted into a TensorFlow SavedModel. 1) mode = "keras" (default): Turn the model into a Keras 2 model using TensorFlow Decision Forests, and then save it with tf_keras.models.save_model. 2) mode = "tf" (recommended; will become default): Turn the model into a TensorFlow Module, and save it with

feature_dtypes Dict[str, TFDType]

Mapping from feature name to TensorFlow dtype. Use this mapping to feature dtype. For instance, numerical features are encoded with tf.float32 by default. If you plan on feeding tf.float64 or tf.int32, use feature_dtype to specify it. feature_dtypes is ignored if tensor_specs is set. If set, disables the automatic signature extraction on pre_processing (if pre_processing is also set). Only compatible with mode="tf".

servo_api bool

If true, adds a SavedModel signature to make the model compatible with the Classify or Regress servo APIs. Only compatible with mode="tf". If false, outputs the raw model predictions.

feed_example_proto bool

If false, the model expects for the input features to be provided as TensorFlow values. This is most efficient way to make predictions. If true, the model expects for the input featurs to be provided as a binary serialized TensorFlow Example proto. This is the format expected by VertexAI and most TensorFlow Serving pipelines.

pre_processing Optional[Callable]

Optional TensorFlow function or module to apply on the input features before applying the model. If the pre_processing function has been traced (i.e., the function has been called once with actual data and contains a concrete instance in its cache), this signature is extracted and used as signature of the SavedModel. Only compatible with mode="tf".

post_processing Optional[Callable]

Optional TensorFlow function or module to apply on the model predictions. Only compatible with mode="tf".

temp_dir Optional[str]

Temporary directory used during the conversion. If None (default), uses tempfile.mkdtemp default temporary directory.

tensor_specs Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of tf.TensorSpec that define the input features of the model to export. If not provided, the TensorSpecs are automatically generated based on the model features seen during training. This means that "tensor_specs" is only necessary when using a "pre_processing" argument that expects different features than what the model was trained with. This argument is ignored when exporting model with feed_example_proto=True as in this case, the TensorSpecs are defined by the parsing feature specs. Only compatible with mode="tf".

feature_specs Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of parsing feature specs e.g. or If not provided, the praising feature specs are automatically generated based on the model features seen during training. This means that "feature_specs" is only necessary when using a "pre_processing" argument that expects different features than what the model was trained with. This argument is ignored when exporting model with feed_example_proto=False. Only compatible with mode="tf".

force bool

Try to export even in currently unsupported environments. WARNING: Setting this to true may crash the Python runtime.



update_with_jax_params(params: Dict[str, Any])

Updates the model with JAX params as created by to_jax_function.

Usage example:

import ydf
import numpy as np
import jax.numpy as jnp

# Train a model with YDF
dataset = {
    "f1": np.random.random(size=100),
    "f2": np.random.random(size=100),
    "l": np.random.randint(2, size=100),
model = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner(label="l").train(dataset)

# Convert model to a JAX function with leave values as parameters.
jax_model = model.to_jax_function(
# Note: The learnable model parameter are in `jax_model.params`.

# Finetune the model parameters with your own logic.
jax_model.params = fine_tune_model(jax_model.params, ...)

# Update the YDF model with the finetuned parameters

# Make predictions with the finetuned YDF model
predictions = model.predict(dataset)

# Save the YDF model"/tmp/my_ydf_model")


Name Type Description Default
params Dict[str, Any]

Learnable parameter of the model generated with to_jax_function.



variable_importances() -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, str]]]

Variable importances to measure the impact of features on the model.

Variable importances generally indicates how much a variable (feature) contributes to the model predictions or quality. Different Variable importances have different semantics and are generally not comparable.

The variable importances returned by variable_importances() depends on the learning algorithm and its hyper-parameters. For example, the hyperparameter compute_oob_variable_importances=True of the Random Forest learner enables the computation of permutation out-of-bag variable importances.

TODO: Add variable importances to documentation.

Features are sorted by decreasing importance.

Usage example:

# Train a Random Forest. Enable the computation of OOB (out-of-bag) variable
# importances.
model = ydf.RandomForestModel(compute_oob_variable_importances=True,
# List the available variable importances.

# Show a specific variable importance.
>> [("bill_length_mm", 0.0713061951754389),
    ("island", 0.007298519736842035),
    ("flipper_length_mm", 0.004505893640351366),


Type Description
Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, str]]]

Variable importances.