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Reference for ultralytics/trackers/utils/


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linear_assignment(cost_matrix: np.ndarray, thresh: float, use_lap: bool = True) -> tuple

Perform linear assignment using either the scipy or lap.lapjv method.


Name Type Description Default
cost_matrix ndarray

The matrix containing cost values for assignments, with shape (N, M).

thresh float

Threshold for considering an assignment valid.

use_lap bool

Use lap.lapjv for the assignment. If False, scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment is used.



Type Description

A tuple containing: - matched_indices (np.ndarray): Array of matched indices of shape (K, 2), where K is the number of matches. - unmatched_a (np.ndarray): Array of unmatched indices from the first set, with shape (L,). - unmatched_b (np.ndarray): Array of unmatched indices from the second set, with shape (M,).


>>> cost_matrix = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
>>> thresh = 5.0
>>> matched_indices, unmatched_a, unmatched_b = linear_assignment(cost_matrix, thresh, use_lap=True)
Source code in ultralytics/trackers/utils/
def linear_assignment(cost_matrix: np.ndarray, thresh: float, use_lap: bool = True) -> tuple:
    Perform linear assignment using either the scipy or lap.lapjv method.

        cost_matrix (np.ndarray): The matrix containing cost values for assignments, with shape (N, M).
        thresh (float): Threshold for considering an assignment valid.
        use_lap (bool): Use lap.lapjv for the assignment. If False, scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment is used.

        (tuple): A tuple containing:
            - matched_indices (np.ndarray): Array of matched indices of shape (K, 2), where K is the number of matches.
            - unmatched_a (np.ndarray): Array of unmatched indices from the first set, with shape (L,).
            - unmatched_b (np.ndarray): Array of unmatched indices from the second set, with shape (M,).

        >>> cost_matrix = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
        >>> thresh = 5.0
        >>> matched_indices, unmatched_a, unmatched_b = linear_assignment(cost_matrix, thresh, use_lap=True)
    if cost_matrix.size == 0:
        return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int), tuple(range(cost_matrix.shape[0])), tuple(range(cost_matrix.shape[1]))

    if use_lap:
        # Use lap.lapjv
        _, x, y = lap.lapjv(cost_matrix, extend_cost=True, cost_limit=thresh)
        matches = [[ix, mx] for ix, mx in enumerate(x) if mx >= 0]
        unmatched_a = np.where(x < 0)[0]
        unmatched_b = np.where(y < 0)[0]
        # Use scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment
        x, y = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix)  # row x, col y
        matches = np.asarray([[x[i], y[i]] for i in range(len(x)) if cost_matrix[x[i], y[i]] <= thresh])
        if len(matches) == 0:
            unmatched_a = list(np.arange(cost_matrix.shape[0]))
            unmatched_b = list(np.arange(cost_matrix.shape[1]))
            unmatched_a = list(set(np.arange(cost_matrix.shape[0])) - set(matches[:, 0]))
            unmatched_b = list(set(np.arange(cost_matrix.shape[1])) - set(matches[:, 1]))

    return matches, unmatched_a, unmatched_b


iou_distance(atracks: list, btracks: list) -> np.ndarray

Compute cost based on Intersection over Union (IoU) between tracks.


Name Type Description Default
atracks list[STrack] | list[ndarray]

List of tracks 'a' or bounding boxes.

btracks list[STrack] | list[ndarray]

List of tracks 'b' or bounding boxes.



Type Description

Cost matrix computed based on IoU.


Compute IoU distance between two sets of tracks

>>> atracks = [np.array([0, 0, 10, 10]), np.array([20, 20, 30, 30])]
>>> btracks = [np.array([5, 5, 15, 15]), np.array([25, 25, 35, 35])]
>>> cost_matrix = iou_distance(atracks, btracks)
Source code in ultralytics/trackers/utils/
def iou_distance(atracks: list, btracks: list) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute cost based on Intersection over Union (IoU) between tracks.

        atracks (list[STrack] | list[np.ndarray]): List of tracks 'a' or bounding boxes.
        btracks (list[STrack] | list[np.ndarray]): List of tracks 'b' or bounding boxes.

        (np.ndarray): Cost matrix computed based on IoU.

        Compute IoU distance between two sets of tracks
        >>> atracks = [np.array([0, 0, 10, 10]), np.array([20, 20, 30, 30])]
        >>> btracks = [np.array([5, 5, 15, 15]), np.array([25, 25, 35, 35])]
        >>> cost_matrix = iou_distance(atracks, btracks)
    if atracks and isinstance(atracks[0], np.ndarray) or btracks and isinstance(btracks[0], np.ndarray):
        atlbrs = atracks
        btlbrs = btracks
        atlbrs = [track.xywha if track.angle is not None else track.xyxy for track in atracks]
        btlbrs = [track.xywha if track.angle is not None else track.xyxy for track in btracks]

    ious = np.zeros((len(atlbrs), len(btlbrs)), dtype=np.float32)
    if len(atlbrs) and len(btlbrs):
        if len(atlbrs[0]) == 5 and len(btlbrs[0]) == 5:
            ious = batch_probiou(
                np.ascontiguousarray(atlbrs, dtype=np.float32),
                np.ascontiguousarray(btlbrs, dtype=np.float32),
            ious = bbox_ioa(
                np.ascontiguousarray(atlbrs, dtype=np.float32),
                np.ascontiguousarray(btlbrs, dtype=np.float32),
    return 1 - ious  # cost matrix


embedding_distance(tracks: list, detections: list, metric: str = &#39;cosine&#39;) -> np.ndarray

Compute distance between tracks and detections based on embeddings.


Name Type Description Default
tracks list[STrack]

List of tracks, where each track contains embedding features.

detections list[BaseTrack]

List of detections, where each detection contains embedding features.

metric str

Metric for distance computation. Supported metrics include 'cosine', 'euclidean', etc.



Type Description

Cost matrix computed based on embeddings with shape (N, M), where N is the number of tracks and M is the number of detections.


Compute the embedding distance between tracks and detections using cosine metric

>>> tracks = [STrack(...), STrack(...)]  # List of track objects with embedding features
>>> detections = [BaseTrack(...), BaseTrack(...)]  # List of detection objects with embedding features
>>> cost_matrix = embedding_distance(tracks, detections, metric="cosine")
Source code in ultralytics/trackers/utils/
def embedding_distance(tracks: list, detections: list, metric: str = "cosine") -> np.ndarray:
    Compute distance between tracks and detections based on embeddings.

        tracks (list[STrack]): List of tracks, where each track contains embedding features.
        detections (list[BaseTrack]): List of detections, where each detection contains embedding features.
        metric (str): Metric for distance computation. Supported metrics include 'cosine', 'euclidean', etc.

        (np.ndarray): Cost matrix computed based on embeddings with shape (N, M), where N is the number of tracks
            and M is the number of detections.

        Compute the embedding distance between tracks and detections using cosine metric
        >>> tracks = [STrack(...), STrack(...)]  # List of track objects with embedding features
        >>> detections = [BaseTrack(...), BaseTrack(...)]  # List of detection objects with embedding features
        >>> cost_matrix = embedding_distance(tracks, detections, metric="cosine")
    cost_matrix = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(detections)), dtype=np.float32)
    if cost_matrix.size == 0:
        return cost_matrix
    det_features = np.asarray([track.curr_feat for track in detections], dtype=np.float32)
    # for i, track in enumerate(tracks):
    # cost_matrix[i, :] = np.maximum(0.0, cdist(track.smooth_feat.reshape(1,-1), det_features, metric))
    track_features = np.asarray([track.smooth_feat for track in tracks], dtype=np.float32)
    cost_matrix = np.maximum(0.0, cdist(track_features, det_features, metric))  # Normalized features
    return cost_matrix


fuse_score(cost_matrix: np.ndarray, detections: list) -> np.ndarray

Fuses cost matrix with detection scores to produce a single similarity matrix.


Name Type Description Default
cost_matrix ndarray

The matrix containing cost values for assignments, with shape (N, M).

detections list[BaseTrack]

List of detections, each containing a score attribute.



Type Description

Fused similarity matrix with shape (N, M).


Fuse a cost matrix with detection scores

>>> cost_matrix = np.random.rand(5, 10)  # 5 tracks and 10 detections
>>> detections = [BaseTrack(score=np.random.rand()) for _ in range(10)]
>>> fused_matrix = fuse_score(cost_matrix, detections)
Source code in ultralytics/trackers/utils/
def fuse_score(cost_matrix: np.ndarray, detections: list) -> np.ndarray:
    Fuses cost matrix with detection scores to produce a single similarity matrix.

        cost_matrix (np.ndarray): The matrix containing cost values for assignments, with shape (N, M).
        detections (list[BaseTrack]): List of detections, each containing a score attribute.

        (np.ndarray): Fused similarity matrix with shape (N, M).

        Fuse a cost matrix with detection scores
        >>> cost_matrix = np.random.rand(5, 10)  # 5 tracks and 10 detections
        >>> detections = [BaseTrack(score=np.random.rand()) for _ in range(10)]
        >>> fused_matrix = fuse_score(cost_matrix, detections)
    if cost_matrix.size == 0:
        return cost_matrix
    iou_sim = 1 - cost_matrix
    det_scores = np.array([det.score for det in detections])
    det_scores = np.expand_dims(det_scores, axis=0).repeat(cost_matrix.shape[0], axis=0)
    fuse_sim = iou_sim * det_scores
    return 1 - fuse_sim  # fuse_cost

📅 Created 11 months ago ✏️ Updated 1 month ago