Source code for distributed.diagnostics.memray

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
import pathlib
import subprocess
import time
import uuid
from import Iterator, Sequence
from typing import Any, Literal
from urllib.parse import quote

from toolz.itertoolz import partition

from distributed import get_client
from distributed.worker import Worker

    import memray
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("You have to install memray to use this module.")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _start_memray(dask_worker: Worker, filename: str, **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
    """Start the memray Tracker on a Server"""
    if hasattr(dask_worker, "_memray"):

    path = pathlib.Path(dask_worker.local_directory) / (filename + str(
    if path.exists():

    dask_worker._memray = contextlib.ExitStack()  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    dask_worker._memray.enter_context(  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        memray.Tracker(path, **kwargs)

    return True

def _fetch_memray_profile(
    dask_worker: Worker, filename: str, report_args: Sequence[str] | Literal[False]
) -> bytes:
    """Generate and fetch the memray report"""
    if not hasattr(dask_worker, "_memray"):
        return b""
    path = pathlib.Path(dask_worker.local_directory) / (filename + str(
    del dask_worker._memray

    if not report_args:
        with open(path, "rb") as fd:

    report_filename = path.with_suffix(".html")
    if not report_args[0] == "memray":
        report_args = ["memray"] + list(report_args)
    assert "-f" not in report_args, "Cannot provide filename for report generation"
    assert (
        "-o" not in report_args
    ), "Cannot provide output filename for report generation"
    report_args = list(report_args) + ["-f", str(path), "-o", str(report_filename)]
    with open(report_filename, "rb") as fd:

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def memray_workers( directory: str | pathlib.Path = "memray-profiles", workers: int | None | list[str] = None, report_args: Sequence[str] | Literal[False] = ( "flamegraph", "--temporal", "--leaks", ), fetch_reports_parallel: bool | int = True, **memray_kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterator[None]: """Generate a Memray profile on the workers and download the generated report. Example:: with memray_workers(): client.submit(my_function).result() # Or even while the computation is already running fut = client.submit(my_function) with memray_workers(): time.sleep(10) fut.result() Parameters ---------- directory : str The directory to save the reports to. workers : int | None | list[str] The workers to profile. If int, the first n workers will be used. If None, all workers will be used. If list[str], the workers with the given addresses will be used. report_args : tuple[str] Particularly for native_traces=True, the reports have to be generated on the same host using the same Python interpreter as the profile was generated. Otherwise, native traces will yield unusable results. Therefore, we're generating the reports on the workers and download them afterwards. You can modify the report generation by providing additional arguments and we will generate the reports as:: memray *report_args -f <filename> -o <filename>.html If the raw data should be fetched instead of the report, set this to False. fetch_reports_parallel : bool | int Fetching results is sometimes slow and it's sometimes not desired to wait for all workers to finish before receiving the first reports. This controls how many workers are fetched concurrently. int: Number of workers to fetch concurrently True: All workers concurrently False: One worker at a time **memray_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to memray.Tracker, e.g. {"native_traces": True} """ directory = pathlib.Path(directory) client = get_client() scheduler_info = client.scheduler_info() worker_addr = scheduler_info["workers"] worker_names = { addr: winfo["name"] for addr, winfo in scheduler_info["workers"].items() } if not workers or isinstance(workers, int): nworkers = len(worker_addr) if isinstance(workers, int): nworkers = workers workers = list(worker_addr)[:nworkers] workers = list(workers) filename = uuid.uuid4().hex assert all(, filename=filename, **memray_kwargs).values()) # Sleep for a brief moment such that we get # a clear profiling signal when everything starts time.sleep(0.1) try: yield finally: directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True) client = get_client() if fetch_reports_parallel is True: fetch_parallel = len(workers) elif fetch_reports_parallel is False: fetch_parallel = 1 else: fetch_parallel = fetch_reports_parallel for w in partition(fetch_parallel, workers): try: profiles = _fetch_memray_profile, filename=filename, report_args=report_args, workers=w, ) for worker_addr, profile in profiles.items(): path = directory / quote(str(worker_names[worker_addr]), safe="") if report_args: suffix = ".html" else: suffix = ".memray" with open(str(path) + suffix, "wb") as fd: fd.write(profile) except Exception: logger.exception( "Exception during report downloading from worker %s", w )
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def memray_scheduler( directory: str | pathlib.Path = "memray-profiles", report_args: Sequence[str] | Literal[False] = ( "flamegraph", "--temporal", "--leaks", ), **memray_kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterator[None]: """Generate a Memray profile on the Scheduler and download the generated report. Example:: with memray_scheduler(): client.submit(my_function).result() # Or even while the computation is already running fut = client.submit(my_function) with memray_scheduler(): time.sleep(10) fut.result() Parameters ---------- directory : str The directory to save the reports to. report_args : tuple[str] Particularly for native_traces=True, the reports have to be generated on the same host using the same Python interpreter as the profile was generated. Otherwise, native traces will yield unusable results. Therefore, we're generating the reports on the Scheduler and download them afterwards. You can modify the report generation by providing additional arguments and we will generate the reports as:: memray *report_args -f <filename> -o <filename>.html If the raw data should be fetched instead of the report, set this to False. **memray_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to memray.Tracker, e.g. {"native_traces": True} """ directory = pathlib.Path(directory) client = get_client() filename = uuid.uuid4().hex assert client.run_on_scheduler(_start_memray, filename=filename, **memray_kwargs) # Sleep for a brief moment such that we get # a clear profiling signal when everything starts time.sleep(0.1) try: yield finally: directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True) client = get_client() profile = client.run_on_scheduler( _fetch_memray_profile, filename=filename, report_args=report_args, ) path = directory / "scheduler" if report_args: suffix = ".html" else: suffix = ".memray" with open(str(path) + suffix, "wb") as fd: fd.write(profile)