from __future__ import annotations
import heapq
import math
import random as rnd
from functools import partial
from itertools import islice
from dask.bag.core import Bag
[docs]def sample(population, k, split_every=None):
"""Chooses k unique random elements from a bag.
Returns a new bag containing elements from the population while
leaving the original population unchanged.
population: Bag
Elements to sample.
k: integer, optional
Number of elements to sample.
split_every: int (optional)
Group partitions into groups of this size while performing reduction.
Defaults to 8.
>>> import dask.bag as db
>>> from dask.bag import random
>>> b = db.from_sequence(range(5), npartitions=2)
>>> list(random.sample(b, 3).compute()) # doctest: +SKIP
[1, 3, 5]
res = _sample(population=population, k=k, split_every=split_every)
return res.map_partitions(_finalize_sample, k)
[docs]def choices(population, k=1, split_every=None):
Return a k sized list of elements chosen with replacement.
population: Bag
Elements to sample.
k: integer, optional
Number of elements to sample.
split_every: int (optional)
Group partitions into groups of this size while performing reduction.
Defaults to 8.
>>> import dask.bag as db
>>> from dask.bag import random
>>> b = db.from_sequence(range(5), npartitions=2)
>>> list(random.choices(b, 3).compute()) # doctest: +SKIP
[1, 1, 5]
res = _sample_with_replacement(population=population, k=k, split_every=split_every)
return res.map_partitions(_finalize_sample, k)
def _sample_reduce(reduce_iter, k, replace):
Reduce function used on the sample and choice functions.
reduce_iter : iterable
Each element is a tuple coming generated by the _sample_map_partitions function.
replace: bool
If True, sample with replacement. If False, sample without replacement.
Returns a sequence of uniformly distributed samples;
ns_ks = []
s = []
n = 0
# unfolding reduce outputs
for i in reduce_iter:
(s_i, n_i) = i
n += n_i
k_i = len(s_i)
ns_ks.append((n_i, k_i))
if k > n and not replace:
return s, n
# creating the probability array
p = []
for n_i, k_i in ns_ks:
if k_i > 0:
p_i = n_i / (k_i * n)
p += [p_i] * k_i
sample_func = rnd.choices if replace else _weighted_sampling_without_replacement
return sample_func(population=s, weights=p, k=k), n
def _weighted_sampling_without_replacement(population, weights, k):
Weighted random sampling with a reservoir, Pavlos S. Efraimidis, Paul G. Spirakis
elt = [(math.log(rnd.random()) / weights[i], i) for i in range(len(weights))]
return [population[x[1]] for x in heapq.nlargest(k, elt)]
def _sample(population, k, split_every):
if k < 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot take a negative number of samples")
return population.reduction(
partial(_sample_map_partitions, k=k),
partial(_sample_reduce, k=k, replace=False),
def _finalize_sample(reduce_iter, k):
sample = reduce_iter[0]
if len(sample) < k:
raise ValueError("Sample larger than population")
return sample
def _sample_map_partitions(population, k):
Reservoir sampling strategy based on the L algorithm
reservoir, stream_length = [], 0
stream = iter(population)
for e in islice(stream, k):
stream_length += 1
w = math.exp(math.log(rnd.random()) / k)
nxt = (k - 1) + _geometric(w)
for i, e in enumerate(stream, k):
if i == nxt:
reservoir[rnd.randrange(k)] = e
w *= math.exp(math.log(rnd.random()) / k)
nxt += _geometric(w)
stream_length += 1
return reservoir, stream_length
def _sample_with_replacement(population, k, split_every):
return population.reduction(
partial(_sample_with_replacement_map_partitions, k=k),
partial(_sample_reduce, k=k, replace=True),
def _sample_with_replacement_map_partitions(population, k):
Reservoir sampling with replacement, the main idea is to use k reservoirs of size 1
See Section Applications in
stream = iter(population)
e = next(stream)
reservoir, stream_length = [e for _ in range(k)], 1
w = [rnd.random() for _ in range(k)]
nxt = [_geometric(wi) for wi in w]
min_nxt = min(nxt)
for i, e in enumerate(stream, 1):
if i == min_nxt:
for j, n in enumerate(nxt):
if n == min_nxt:
reservoir[j] = e
w[j] *= rnd.random()
nxt[j] += _geometric(w[j])
min_nxt = min(nxt)
stream_length += 1
return reservoir, stream_length
def _geometric(p):
return int(math.log(rnd.uniform(0, 1)) / math.log(1 - p)) + 1