feature_engine.datasets.titanic 源代码
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from feature_engine.imputation import CategoricalImputer, MeanMedianImputer
# TODO: loading the dataset from the internet is not the best, we need to store it
[文档]def load_titanic(
return_X_y_frame=False, predictors_only=False, handle_missing=False, cabin=None
The load_titanic() function returns the well-known titanic dataset.
Note that you need to have an internet connection for this function to work, as we
are calling the dataset stored in `openML <https://www.openml.org/d/40945>`_ which
can be downloaded from
`here <https://www.openml.org/data/get_csv/16826755/phpMYEkMl>`_.
return_X_y_frame: bool, default=False
If `True`, it returns a DataFrame (X) with the predictors and a Series (y) with
the target variable. If `False`, it returns a single DataFrame with predictors
and target.
predictors_only: bool, default=False
If `False`, it returns all the variables from the original Titanic Dataset. If
`True`, it reurns only relevant predictors.
handle_missing: bool, default=False
If `False`, it returns the original dataset with missing values. If `True`,
missing data is replaced with the string "Missing" in categorical variables and
the mean in numerical variables.
cabin: str, default=None
If `None`, it returns the variable cabin as in the original data. If 'drop', it
removes the variable from the data. If 'letter_only' it returns just the first
letter of the cabin, without the number.
>>> from feature_engine.datasets import load_titanic
>>> data = load_titanic(predictors_only=True, cabin="drop")
>>> print(data.head())
pclass survived sex age sibsp parch fare embarked
0 1 1 female 29.0000 0 0 211.3375 S
1 1 1 male 0.9167 1 2 151.5500 S
2 1 0 female 2.0000 1 2 151.5500 S
3 1 0 male 30.0000 1 2 151.5500 S
4 1 0 female 25.0000 1 2 151.5500 S
# param checks
if not isinstance(return_X_y_frame, bool):
raise ValueError(
"return_X_y_frame takes only booleans True and False. "
f"Got {return_X_y_frame} instead."
if not isinstance(predictors_only, bool):
raise ValueError(
"predictors_only takes only booleans True and False. "
f"Got {predictors_only} instead."
if not isinstance(handle_missing, bool):
raise ValueError(
"handle_missing takes only booleans True and False. "
f"Got {handle_missing} instead."
if cabin is not None:
if not isinstance(cabin, str) or cabin not in ["letter_only", "drop"]:
raise ValueError(
"the parameter 'cabin' takes only values None, 'letter_only' and "
f"'drop'. Got {cabin} instead."
# load and prepare data
df = pd.read_csv("https://www.openml.org/data/get_csv/16826755/phpMYEkMl")
df = df.replace("?", np.nan)
df["age"] = df["age"].astype("float64")
df["fare"] = df["fare"].astype("float64")
if predictors_only:
df = df.drop(
columns=["name", "ticket", "home.dest", "boat", "body"],
if handle_missing:
pipeline = Pipeline(
("mean_median_imputer", MeanMedianImputer(imputation_method="mean")),
df = pipeline.fit_transform(df)
if cabin == "letter_only":
df["cabin"] = df["cabin"].astype(str).str[0]
elif cabin == "drop":
df = df.drop(columns=["cabin"])
if return_X_y_frame:
X = df.drop(columns="survived")
y = df["survived"]
return X, y
return df