%reload_ext jupyter_ai

%%ai chatgpt --format code
A program that asks me for my name and then greets me by my name, in Polish

name = input("Jak masz na imię? ")
print("Cześć " + name + "!")

Jak masz na imię?  foo
Cześć foo!
%%ai chatgpt --format code
A function that computes the lowest common multiples of two integers, and a function that runs 5 test cases of the lowest common multiple function

def lcm(x, y):
    if x > y:
        greater = x
        greater = y

    while True:
        if (greater % x == 0) and (greater % y == 0):
            lcm = greater
        greater += 1

    return lcm

def test_lcm():
    assert lcm(3, 5) == 15
    assert lcm(7, 9) == 63
    assert lcm(18, 24) == 72
    assert lcm(10, 15) == 30
    assert lcm(12, 16) == 48


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