- class langchain_community.utilities.steam.SteamWebAPIWrapper[source]#
Steam API 的封装器。
如果输入数据无法验证以形成有效模型,则引发 [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError]。
self 被显式地设为仅位置参数,以允许 self 作为字段名称。
- param operations: List[dict] = [{'description': '\n This tool is a wrapper around python-steam-api\'s steam.apps.search_games API and \n steam.apps.get_app_details API, useful when you need to search for a game.\n The input to this tool is a string specifying the name of the game you want to \n search for. For example, to search for a game called "Counter-Strike: Global \n Offensive", you would input "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" as the game name.\n This input will be passed into steam.apps.search_games to find the game id, link \n and price, and then the game id will be passed into steam.apps.get_app_details to \n get the detailed description and supported languages of the game. Finally the \n results are combined and returned as a string.\n', 'mode': 'get_game_details', 'name': 'Get Game Details'}, {'description': '\n This tool is a wrapper around python-steam-api\'s steam.users.get_owned_games API \n and steamspypi\'s API, useful when you need to get a list of \n recommended games. The input to this tool is a string specifying the steam id of \n the user you want to get recommended games for. For example, to get recommended \n games for a user with steam id 76561197960435530, you would input \n "76561197960435530" as the steam id. This steamid is then utilized to form a \n data_request sent to steamspypi\'s to retrieve genres of user\'s \n owned games. Then, calculates the frequency of each genre, identifying the most \n popular one, and stored it in a dictionary. Subsequently, use\n to returns all games in this genre and return 5 most-played games that is not owned\n by the user.\n\n', 'mode': 'get_recommended_games', 'name': 'Get Recommended Games'}]#
- param steam: Any = None#
使用 SteamWebAPIWrapper 的示例