mambular.models.mlp 源代码

from .sklearn_base_regressor import SklearnBaseRegressor
from .sklearn_base_classifier import SklearnBaseClassifier
from .sklearn_base_lss import SklearnBaseLSS
from ..base_models.mlp import MLP
from ..configs.mlp_config import DefaultMLPConfig

[文档]class MLPRegressor(SklearnBaseRegressor): """ Multi-Layer Perceptron regressor. This class extends the SklearnBaseRegressor class and uses the MLP model with the default MLP configuration. The accepted arguments to the MLPRegressor class include both the attributes in the DefaultMLPConfig dataclass and the parameters for the Preprocessor class. Parameters ---------- lr : float, default=1e-04 Learning rate for the optimizer. lr_patience : int, default=10 Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced. weight_decay : float, default=1e-06 Weight decay (L2 penalty) for the optimizer. lr_factor : float, default=0.1 Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. layer_sizes : list, default=(128, 128, 32) Sizes of the layers in the MLP. activation : callable, default=nn.SELU() Activation function for the MLP layers. skip_layers : bool, default=False Whether to skip layers in the MLP. dropout : float, default=0.5 Dropout rate for regularization. norm : str, default=None Normalization method to be used, if any. use_glu : bool, default=False Whether to use Gated Linear Units (GLU) in the MLP. skip_connections : bool, default=False Whether to use skip connections in the MLP. batch_norm : bool, default=False Whether to use batch normalization in the MLP layers. layer_norm : bool, default=False Whether to use layer normalization in the MLP layers. use_embeddings : bool, default=False Whether to use embedding layers for all features. embedding_activation : callable, default=nn.Identity() Activation function for embeddings. layer_norm_after_embedding : bool, default=False Whether to apply layer normalization after embedding. d_model : int, default=32 Dimensionality of the embeddings. n_bins : int, default=50 The number of bins to use for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. numerical_preprocessing : str, default="ple" The preprocessing strategy for numerical features. Valid options are 'binning', 'one_hot', 'standardization', and 'normalization'. use_decision_tree_bins : bool, default=False If True, uses decision tree regression/classification to determine optimal bin edges for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. binning_strategy : str, default="uniform" Defines the strategy for binning numerical features. Options include 'uniform', 'quantile', or other sklearn-compatible strategies. cat_cutoff : float or int, default=0.03 Indicates the cutoff after which integer values are treated as categorical. If float, it's treated as a percentage. If int, it's the maximum number of unique values for a column to be considered categorical. treat_all_integers_as_numerical : bool, default=False If True, all integer columns will be treated as numerical, regardless of their unique value count or proportion. degree : int, default=3 The degree of the polynomial features to be used in preprocessing. knots : int, default=12 The number of knots to be used in spline transformations. Notes ----- - The accepted arguments to the MLPRegressor class are the same as the attributes in the DefaultMLPConfig dataclass. - MLPRegressor uses SklearnBaseRegressor as the parent class. The methods for fitting, predicting, and evaluating the model are inherited from the parent class. Please refer to the parent class for more information. See Also -------- mambular.models.SklearnBaseRegressor : The parent class for MLPRegressor. Examples -------- >>> from mambular.models import MLPRegressor >>> model = MLPRegressor(layer_sizes=[128, 128, 64], activation=nn.ReLU()) >>>, y_train) >>> preds = model.predict(X_test) >>> model.evaluate(X_test, y_test) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(model=MLP, config=DefaultMLPConfig, **kwargs)
[文档]class MLPClassifier(SklearnBaseClassifier): """ Multi-Layer Perceptron classifier. This class extends the SklearnBaseClassifier class and uses the MLP model with the default MLP configuration. The accepted arguments to the MLPClassifier class include both the attributes in the DefaultMLPConfig dataclass and the parameters for the Preprocessor class. Parameters ---------- lr : float, default=1e-04 Learning rate for the optimizer. lr_patience : int, default=10 Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced. weight_decay : float, default=1e-06 Weight decay (L2 penalty) for the optimizer. lr_factor : float, default=0.1 Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. layer_sizes : list, default=(128, 128, 32) Sizes of the layers in the MLP. activation : callable, default=nn.SELU() Activation function for the MLP layers. skip_layers : bool, default=False Whether to skip layers in the MLP. dropout : float, default=0.5 Dropout rate for regularization. norm : str, default=None Normalization method to be used, if any. use_glu : bool, default=False Whether to use Gated Linear Units (GLU) in the MLP. skip_connections : bool, default=False Whether to use skip connections in the MLP. batch_norm : bool, default=False Whether to use batch normalization in the MLP layers. layer_norm : bool, default=False Whether to use layer normalization in the MLP layers. use_embeddings : bool, default=False Whether to use embedding layers for all features. embedding_activation : callable, default=nn.Identity() Activation function for embeddings. layer_norm_after_embedding : bool, default=False Whether to apply layer normalization after embedding. d_model : int, default=32 Dimensionality of the embeddings. n_bins : int, default=50 The number of bins to use for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. numerical_preprocessing : str, default="ple" The preprocessing strategy for numerical features. Valid options are 'binning', 'one_hot', 'standardization', and 'normalization'. use_decision_tree_bins : bool, default=False If True, uses decision tree regression/classification to determine optimal bin edges for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. binning_strategy : str, default="uniform" Defines the strategy for binning numerical features. Options include 'uniform', 'quantile', or other sklearn-compatible strategies. cat_cutoff : float or int, default=0.03 Indicates the cutoff after which integer values are treated as categorical. If float, it's treated as a percentage. If int, it's the maximum number of unique values for a column to be considered categorical. treat_all_integers_as_numerical : bool, default=False If True, all integer columns will be treated as numerical, regardless of their unique value count or proportion. degree : int, default=3 The degree of the polynomial features to be used in preprocessing. knots : int, default=12 The number of knots to be used in spline transformations. Notes ----- - The accepted arguments to the MLPClassifier class are the same as the attributes in the DefaultMLPConfig dataclass. - MLPClassifier uses SklearnBaseClassifieras the parent class. The methods for fitting, predicting, and evaluating the model are inherited from the parent class. Please refer to the parent class for more information. See Also -------- mambular.models.SklearnBaseRegressor : The parent class for MLPClassifier. Examples -------- >>> from mambular.models import MLPClassifier >>> model = MLPClassifier(layer_sizes=[128, 128, 64], activation=nn.ReLU()) >>>, y_train) >>> preds = model.predict(X_test) >>> model.evaluate(X_test, y_test) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(model=MLP, config=DefaultMLPConfig, **kwargs)
[文档]class MLPLSS(SklearnBaseLSS): """ Multi-Layer Perceptron for distributional regression. This class extends the SklearnBaseLSS class and uses the MLP model with the default MLP configuration. The accepted arguments to the MLPLSS class include both the attributes in the DefaultMLPConfig dataclass and the parameters for the Preprocessor class. Parameters ---------- lr : float, default=1e-04 Learning rate for the optimizer. lr_patience : int, default=10 Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced. family : str, default=None Distributional family to be used for the model. weight_decay : float, default=1e-06 Weight decay (L2 penalty) for the optimizer. lr_factor : float, default=0.1 Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. layer_sizes : list, default=(128, 128, 32) Sizes of the layers in the MLP. activation : callable, default=nn.SELU() Activation function for the MLP layers. skip_layers : bool, default=False Whether to skip layers in the MLP. dropout : float, default=0.5 Dropout rate for regularization. norm : str, default=None Normalization method to be used, if any. use_glu : bool, default=False Whether to use Gated Linear Units (GLU) in the MLP. skip_connections : bool, default=False Whether to use skip connections in the MLP. batch_norm : bool, default=False Whether to use batch normalization in the MLP layers. layer_norm : bool, default=False Whether to use layer normalization in the MLP layers. use_embeddings : bool, default=False Whether to use embedding layers for all features. embedding_activation : callable, default=nn.Identity() Activation function for embeddings. layer_norm_after_embedding : bool, default=False Whether to apply layer normalization after embedding. d_model : int, default=32 Dimensionality of the embeddings. n_bins : int, default=50 The number of bins to use for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. numerical_preprocessing : str, default="ple" The preprocessing strategy for numerical features. Valid options are 'binning', 'one_hot', 'standardization', and 'normalization'. use_decision_tree_bins : bool, default=False If True, uses decision tree regression/classification to determine optimal bin edges for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. binning_strategy : str, default="uniform" Defines the strategy for binning numerical features. Options include 'uniform', 'quantile', or other sklearn-compatible strategies. task : str, default="regression" Indicates the type of machine learning task ('regression' or 'classification'). This can influence certain preprocessing behaviors, especially when using decision tree-based binning as ple. cat_cutoff : float or int, default=0.03 Indicates the cutoff after which integer values are treated as categorical. If float, it's treated as a percentage. If int, it's the maximum number of unique values for a column to be considered categorical. treat_all_integers_as_numerical : bool, default=False If True, all integer columns will be treated as numerical, regardless of their unique value count or proportion. degree : int, default=3 The degree of the polynomial features to be used in preprocessing. knots : int, default=12 The number of knots to be used in spline transformations. Notes ----- - The accepted arguments to the MLPLSS class are the same as the attributes in the DefaultMLPConfig dataclass. - MLPLSS uses SklearnBaseLSS as the parent class. The methods for fitting, predicting, and evaluating the model are inherited from the parent class. Please refer to the parent class for more information. See Also -------- mambular.models.SklearnBaseLSS : The parent class for MLPLSS. Examples -------- >>> from mambular.models import MLPLSS >>> model = MLPLSS(layer_sizes=[128, 128, 64], activation=nn.ReLU()) >>>, y_train) >>> preds = model.predict(X_test) >>> model.evaluate(X_test, y_test) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(model=MLP, config=DefaultMLPConfig, **kwargs)