mambular.preprocessing.preprocessor 源代码

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import (
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor

from .ple_encoding import PLE
from .prepro_utils import ContinuousOrdinalEncoder, CustomBinner, OneHotFromOrdinal

[文档]class Preprocessor: """ A comprehensive preprocessor for structured data, capable of handling both numerical and categorical features. It supports various preprocessing strategies for numerical data, including binning, one-hot encoding, standardization, and normalization. Categorical features can be transformed using continuous ordinal encoding. Additionally, it allows for the use of decision tree-derived bin edges for numerical feature binning. The class is designed to work seamlessly with pandas DataFrames, facilitating easy integration into machine learning pipelines. Parameters ---------- n_bins : int, default=50 The number of bins to use for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. numerical_preprocessing : str, default="ple" The preprocessing strategy for numerical features. Valid options are 'binning', 'one_hot', 'standardization', and 'normalization'. use_decision_tree_bins : bool, default=False If True, uses decision tree regression/classification to determine optimal bin edges for numerical feature binning. This parameter is relevant only if `numerical_preprocessing` is set to 'binning' or 'one_hot'. binning_strategy : str, default="uniform" Defines the strategy for binning numerical features. Options include 'uniform', 'quantile', or other sklearn-compatible strategies. task : str, default="regression" Indicates the type of machine learning task ('regression' or 'classification'). This can influence certain preprocessing behaviors, especially when using decision tree-based binning. cat_cutoff : float or int, default=0.03 Indicates the cutoff after which integer values are treated as categorical. If float, it's treated as a percentage. If int, it's the maximum number of unique values for a column to be considered categorical. treat_all_integers_as_numerical : bool, default=False If True, all integer columns will be treated as numerical, regardless of their unique value count or proportion. degree : int, default=3 The degree of the polynomial features to be used in preprocessing. knots : int, default=12 The number of knots to be used in spline transformations. Attributes ---------- column_transformer : ColumnTransformer An instance of sklearn's ColumnTransformer that holds the configured preprocessing pipelines for different feature types. fitted : bool Indicates whether the preprocessor has been fitted to the data. """ def __init__( self, n_bins=50, numerical_preprocessing="ple", use_decision_tree_bins=False, binning_strategy="uniform", task="regression", cat_cutoff=0.03, treat_all_integers_as_numerical=False, degree=3, knots=12, ): self.n_bins = n_bins self.numerical_preprocessing = numerical_preprocessing.lower() if self.numerical_preprocessing not in [ "ple", "binning", "one_hot", "standardization", "normalization", "quantile", "polynomial", "splines", ]: raise ValueError( "Invalid numerical_preprocessing value. Supported values are 'ple', 'binning', 'one_hot', 'standardization', 'quantile', 'polynomial', 'splines' and 'normalization'." ) self.use_decision_tree_bins = use_decision_tree_bins self.column_transformer = None self.fitted = False self.binning_strategy = binning_strategy self.task = task self.cat_cutoff = cat_cutoff self.treat_all_integers_as_numerical = treat_all_integers_as_numerical = degree self.n_knots = knots def set_params(self, **params): for key, value in params.items(): setattr(self, key, value) return self def _detect_column_types(self, X): """ Identifies and separates the features in the dataset into numerical and categorical types based on the data type and the proportion of unique values. Parameters ---------- X (DataFrame or dict): The input dataset, where the features are columns in a DataFrame or keys in a dict. Returns ------- tuple: A tuple containing two lists, the first with the names of numerical features and the second with the names of categorical features. """ categorical_features = [] numerical_features = [] if isinstance(X, dict): X = pd.DataFrame(X) for col in X.columns: num_unique_values = X[col].nunique() total_samples = len(X[col]) if self.treat_all_integers_as_numerical and X[col].dtype.kind == "i": numerical_features.append(col) else: if isinstance(self.cat_cutoff, float): cutoff_condition = ( num_unique_values / total_samples ) < self.cat_cutoff elif isinstance(self.cat_cutoff, int): cutoff_condition = num_unique_values < self.cat_cutoff else: raise ValueError( "cat_cutoff should be either a float or an integer." ) if X[col].dtype.kind not in "iufc" or ( X[col].dtype.kind == "i" and cutoff_condition ): categorical_features.append(col) else: numerical_features.append(col) return numerical_features, categorical_features
[文档] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Fits the preprocessor to the data by identifying feature types and configuring the appropriate transformations for each feature. It sets up a column transformer with a pipeline of transformations for numerical and categorical features based on the specified preprocessing strategy. Parameters ---------- X (DataFrame or dict): The input dataset to fit the preprocessor on. y (array-like, optional): The target variable. Required if `use_decision_tree_bins` is True for determining optimal bin edges using decision trees. Returns ------- self: The fitted Preprocessor instance. """ if isinstance(X, dict): X = pd.DataFrame(X) numerical_features, categorical_features = self._detect_column_types(X) transformers = [] if numerical_features: for feature in numerical_features: numeric_transformer_steps = [ ("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="mean")) ] if self.numerical_preprocessing in ["binning", "one_hot"]: bins = ( self._get_decision_tree_bins(X[[feature]], y, [feature]) if self.use_decision_tree_bins else self.n_bins ) if isinstance(bins, int): numeric_transformer_steps.extend( [ ( "discretizer", KBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=bins if isinstance(bins, int) else len(bins) - 1, encode="ordinal", strategy=self.binning_strategy, subsample=200_000 if len(X) > 200_000 else None, ), ), ] ) else: numeric_transformer_steps.extend( [ ( "discretizer", CustomBinner(bins=bins), ), ] ) if self.numerical_preprocessing == "one_hot": numeric_transformer_steps.extend( [ ("onehot_from_ordinal", OneHotFromOrdinal()), ] ) elif self.numerical_preprocessing == "standardization": numeric_transformer_steps.append(("scaler", StandardScaler())) elif self.numerical_preprocessing == "normalization": numeric_transformer_steps.append( ("normalizer", MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1))) ) elif self.numerical_preprocessing == "quantile": numeric_transformer_steps.append( ( "quantile", QuantileTransformer( n_quantiles=self.n_bins, random_state=101 ), ) ) elif self.numerical_preprocessing == "polynomial": numeric_transformer_steps.append(("scaler", StandardScaler())) numeric_transformer_steps.append( ( "polynomial", PolynomialFeatures(, include_bias=False), ) ) # if > 10: # numeric_transformer_steps.append(("normalizer", MinMaxScaler())) elif self.numerical_preprocessing == "splines": numeric_transformer_steps.append( ( "splines", SplineTransformer(, n_knots=self.n_knots, include_bias=False, ), ), ) elif self.numerical_preprocessing == "ple": numeric_transformer_steps.append( ("normalizer", MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1))) ) numeric_transformer_steps.append( ("ple", PLE(n_bins=self.n_bins, task=self.task)) ) numeric_transformer = Pipeline(numeric_transformer_steps) transformers.append((f"num_{feature}", numeric_transformer, [feature])) if categorical_features: for feature in categorical_features: # Create a pipeline for each categorical feature categorical_transformer = Pipeline( [ ("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="most_frequent")), ( "continuous_ordinal", ContinuousOrdinalEncoder(), ), ] ) # Append the transformer for the current categorical feature transformers.append( (f"cat_{feature}", categorical_transformer, [feature]) ) self.column_transformer = ColumnTransformer( transformers=transformers, remainder="passthrough" ), y) self.fitted = True
def _get_decision_tree_bins(self, X, y, numerical_features): """ Uses decision tree models to determine optimal bin edges for numerical feature binning. This method is used when `use_decision_tree_bins` is True. Parameters ---------- X (DataFrame): The input dataset containing only the numerical features for which the bin edges are to be determined. y (array-like): The target variable for training the decision tree models. numerical_features (list of str): The names of the numerical features for which the bin edges are to be determined. Returns ------- list: A list of arrays, where each array contains the bin edges determined by the decision tree for a numerical feature. """ bins = [] for feature in numerical_features: tree_model = ( DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3) if y.dtype.kind in "bi" else DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=3) )[[feature]], y) thresholds = tree_model.tree_.threshold[tree_model.tree_.feature != -2] bin_edges = np.sort(np.unique(thresholds)) bins.append( np.concatenate(([X[feature].min()], bin_edges, [X[feature].max()])) ) return bins
[文档] def transform(self, X): """ Transforms the input data using the preconfigured column transformer and converts the output into a dictionary format with keys corresponding to transformed feature names and values as arrays of transformed data. This method converts the sparse or dense matrix returned by the column transformer into a more accessible dictionary format, where each key-value pair represents a feature and its transformed data. Transforms the input data using the preconfigured column transformer and converts the output into a dictionary format with keys corresponding to transformed feature names and values as arrays of transformed data. This method converts the sparse or dense matrix returned by the column transformer into a more accessible dictionary format, where each key-value pair represents a feature and its transformed data. Parameters ---------- X (DataFrame): The input data to be transformed. X (DataFrame): The input data to be transformed. Returns ------- dict: A dictionary where keys are the names of the features (as per the transformations defined in the column transformer) and the values are numpy arrays of the transformed data. """ if not self.fitted: raise NotFittedError( "The preprocessor must be fitted before transforming new data. Use .fit or .fit_transform" ) transformed_X = self.column_transformer.transform(X) # Now let's convert this into a dictionary of arrays, one per column transformed_dict = self._split_transformed_output(X, transformed_X) return transformed_dict
def _split_transformed_output(self, X, transformed_X): """ Splits the transformed data array into a dictionary where keys correspond to the original column names or feature groups and values are the transformed data for those columns. This helper method is utilized within `transform` to segregate the transformed data based on the specification in the column transformer, assigning each transformed section to its corresponding feature name. Parameters ---------- X (DataFrame): The original input data, used for determining shapes and transformations. transformed_X (numpy array): The transformed data as a numpy array, outputted by the column transformer. Returns ------- dict: A dictionary mapping each transformation's name to its respective numpy array of transformed data. The type of each array (int or float) is determined based on the type of transformation applied. """ start = 0 transformed_dict = {} for ( name, transformer, columns, ) in self.column_transformer.transformers_: if transformer != "drop": end = start + transformer.transform(X[[columns[0]]]).shape[1] dtype = int if "cat" in name else float transformed_dict[name] = transformed_X[:, start:end].astype(dtype) start = end return transformed_dict
[文档] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """ Fits the preprocessor to the data and then transforms the data using the fitted preprocessing pipelines. This is a convenience method that combines `fit` and `transform`. Parameters ---------- X (DataFrame or dict): The input dataset to fit the preprocessor on and then transform. y (array-like, optional): The target variable. Required if `use_decision_tree_bins` is True. Returns ------- dict: A dictionary with the transformed data, where keys are the base feature names and values are the transformed features as arrays. """, y) self.fitted = True return self.transform(X)
[文档] def get_feature_info(self): """ Retrieves information about how features are encoded within the model's preprocessor. This method identifies the type of encoding applied to each feature, categorizing them into binned or ordinal encodings and other types of encodings (e.g., one-hot encoding after discretization). This method should only be called after the preprocessor has been fitted, as it relies on the structure and configuration of the `column_transformer` attribute. Raises ------ RuntimeError: If the `column_transformer` is not yet fitted, indicating that the preprocessor must be fitted before invoking this method. Returns ------- tuple of (dict, dict): - The first dictionary maps feature names to their respective number of bins or categories if they are processed using discretization or ordinal encoding. - The second dictionary includes feature names with other encoding details, such as the dimension of features after encoding transformations (e.g., one-hot encoding dimensions). """ binned_or_ordinal_info = {} other_encoding_info = {} if not self.column_transformer: raise RuntimeError("The preprocessor has not been fitted yet.") for ( name, transformer_pipeline, columns, ) in self.column_transformer.transformers_: steps = [step[0] for step in transformer_pipeline.steps] for feature_name in columns: # Handle features processed with discretization if "discretizer" in steps: step = transformer_pipeline.named_steps["discretizer"] n_bins = step.n_bins_[0] if hasattr(step, "n_bins_") else None # Check if discretization is followed by one-hot encoding if "onehot_from_ordinal" in steps: # Classify as other encoding due to the expanded feature dimensions from one-hot encoding other_encoding_info[ feature_name ] = n_bins # Number of bins before one-hot encoding print( f"Numerical Feature (Discretized & One-Hot Encoded): {feature_name}, Number of bins before one-hot encoding: {n_bins}" ) else: # Only discretization without subsequent one-hot encoding binned_or_ordinal_info[feature_name] = n_bins print( f"Numerical Feature (Binned): {feature_name}, Number of bins: {n_bins}" ) # Handle features processed with continuous ordinal encoding elif "continuous_ordinal" in steps: step = transformer_pipeline.named_steps["continuous_ordinal"] n_categories = len(step.mapping_[columns.index(feature_name)]) binned_or_ordinal_info[feature_name] = n_categories print( f"Categorical Feature (Ordinal Encoded): {feature_name}, Number of unique categories: {n_categories}" ) # Handle other numerical feature encodings else: last_step = transformer_pipeline.steps[-1][1] step_names = [step[0] for step in transformer_pipeline.steps] step_descriptions = " -> ".join(step_names) if hasattr(last_step, "transform"): transformed_feature = last_step.transform( np.zeros((1, len(columns))) ) other_encoding_info[feature_name] = transformed_feature.shape[1] print( f"Feature: {feature_name} ({step_descriptions}), Encoded feature dimension: {transformed_feature.shape[1]}" ) print("-" * 50) return binned_or_ordinal_info, other_encoding_info