Source code for networkx.algorithms.connectivity.edge_augmentation

算法用于寻找 k-边增广

k-边增广是一组边,一旦添加到图中,就能确保图是 k-边连通的;即除非移除 k 条或更多边,否则图不会断开连接。通常,目标是找到具有最小权重的增广。一般来说,不能保证存在 k-边增广。

See Also
:mod:`edge_kcomponents` : 用于寻找 k-边连通分量的算法
:mod:`connectivity` : 用于确定边连通性的算法

import itertools as it
import math
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple

import networkx as nx
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for, py_random_state

__all__ = ["k_edge_augmentation", "is_k_edge_connected", "is_locally_k_edge_connected"]

[docs] @not_implemented_for("directed") @not_implemented_for("multigraph") @nx._dispatchable def is_k_edge_connected(G, k): """测试一个图是否为k边连通图。 是否不可能通过移除少于k条边来断开图? 如果是,那么G是k边连通图。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 k : 整数 要测试的边连通性 Returns ------- 布尔值 如果G是k边连通图,则返回True。 See Also -------- :func:`is_locally_k_edge_connected` Examples -------- >>> G = nx.barbell_graph(10, 0) >>> nx.is_k_edge_connected(G, k=1) True >>> nx.is_k_edge_connected(G, k=2) False """ if k < 1: raise ValueError(f"k must be positive, not {k}") # First try to quickly determine if G is not k-edge-connected if G.number_of_nodes() < k + 1: return False elif any(d < k for n, d in return False else: # Otherwise perform the full check if k == 1: return nx.is_connected(G) elif k == 2: return nx.is_connected(G) and not nx.has_bridges(G) else: return nx.edge_connectivity(G, cutoff=k) >= k
[docs] @not_implemented_for("directed") @not_implemented_for("multigraph") @nx._dispatchable def is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, s, t, k): """测试图中的一个边是否是局部k边连通的。 是否不可能通过移除少于k条边来断开s和t? 如果是,那么s和t在G中是局部k边连通的。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 s : 节点 源节点 t : 节点 目标节点 k : 整数 s和t节点的局部边连通性 Returns ------- 布尔值 如果s和t在G中是局部k边连通的,则返回True。 See Also -------- :func:`is_k_edge_connected` Examples -------- >>> from networkx.algorithms.connectivity import is_locally_k_edge_connected >>> G = nx.barbell_graph(10, 0) >>> is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, 5, 15, k=1) True >>> is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, 5, 15, k=2) False >>> is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, 1, 5, k=2) True """ if k < 1: raise ValueError(f"k must be positive, not {k}") # First try to quickly determine s, t is not k-locally-edge-connected in G if < k or < k: return False else: # Otherwise perform the full check if k == 1: return nx.has_path(G, s, t) else: localk = nx.connectivity.local_edge_connectivity(G, s, t, cutoff=k) return localk >= k
[docs] @not_implemented_for("directed") @not_implemented_for("multigraph") @nx._dispatchable def k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail=None, weight=None, partial=False): """查找使G成为k边连通图的一组边。 向G中添加这些增广边后,除非移除k条或更多边,否则无法断开G。此函数使用最有效的可用函数(取决于k值以及问题是否加权)来搜索可用边的最小权重子集,以使G成为k边连通图。一般来说,寻找k边增广问题是NP难的,因此不能保证解是最小的。此外,可能不存在k边增广。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 k : 整数 期望的边连通度 avail : 字典或2或3元组集合 可用于增广的边。 如果未指定,则G的补图中的所有边都可用。否则,每个项是一条可用边(可选带权重)。 在无权重情况下,每个项是一条边 ``(u, v)`` 。 在加权情况下,每个项是一个3元组 ``(u, v, d)`` 或一个字典,键值对为 ``(u, v): d`` 。第三个项 ``d`` 可以是一个字典或一个实数。如果 ``d`` 是一个字典, ``d[weight]`` 对应于权重。 weight : 字符串 如果 ``avail`` 是一个包含字典的3元组集合,用于查找权重的键。 partial : 布尔值 如果partial为True且不存在可行的k边增广,则生成一个部分k边增广。将部分增广中的边添加到G中,最小化k边连通分量的数量,并最大化这些分量之间的边连通度。详细信息请参阅:func:`partial_k_edge_augmentation` 。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 一旦添加到G中,将使G成为k边连通的边。如果partial为False且无法实现,则会引发错误。否则,生成的边形成一个部分增广,尽可能地k边连通G的任何部分,并最大限度地连接剩余部分。 Raises ------ NetworkXUnfeasible 如果partial为False且不存在k边增广。 NetworkXNotImplemented 如果输入图是有向图或多重图。 ValueError: 如果k小于1 Notes ----- 当k=1时,返回一个最优解。 当k=2且 ``avail`` 为None时,返回一个最优解。否则当k=2时,返回一个最优解的2近似。 对于k>3,此问题是NP难的,使用随机算法生成一个可行解,但不保证解的权重。 Examples -------- >>> # 无权重情况 >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> G.add_node(5) >>> sorted(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=1)) [(1, 5)] >>> sorted(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2)) [(1, 5), (5, 4)] >>> sorted(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=3)) [(1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5)] >>> complement = list(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=5, partial=True)) >>> G.add_edges_from(complement) >>> nx.edge_connectivity(G) 4 >>> # 加权情况 >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> G.add_node(5) >>> # avail可以是一个包含字典的元组 >>> avail = [(1, 5, {"weight": 11}), (2, 5, {"weight": 10})] >>> sorted(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=1, avail=avail, weight="weight")) [(2, 5)] >>> # 或者avail可以是一个包含实数的3元组 >>> avail = [(1, 5, 11), (2, 5, 10), (4, 3, 1), (4, 5, 51)] >>> sorted(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (2, 5), (4, 5)] >>> # 或者avail可以是一个字典 >>> avail = {(1, 5): 11, (2, 5): 10, (4, 3): 1, (4, 5): 51} >>> sorted(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (2, 5), (4, 5)] >>> # 如果增广不可行,则可以找到一个部分解 >>> avail = {(1, 5): 11} >>> sorted(nx.k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail, partial=True)) [(1, 5)] """ try: if k <= 0: raise ValueError(f"k must be a positive integer, not {k}") elif G.number_of_nodes() < k + 1: msg = f"impossible to {k} connect in graph with less than {k + 1} nodes" raise nx.NetworkXUnfeasible(msg) elif avail is not None and len(avail) == 0: if not nx.is_k_edge_connected(G, k): raise nx.NetworkXUnfeasible("no available edges") aug_edges = [] elif k == 1: aug_edges = one_edge_augmentation( G, avail=avail, weight=weight, partial=partial ) elif k == 2: aug_edges = bridge_augmentation(G, avail=avail, weight=weight) else: # raise NotImplementedError(f'not implemented for k>2. k={k}') aug_edges = greedy_k_edge_augmentation( G, k=k, avail=avail, weight=weight, seed=0 ) # Do eager evaluation so we can catch any exceptions # Before executing partial code. yield from list(aug_edges) except nx.NetworkXUnfeasible: if partial: # Return all available edges if avail is None: aug_edges = complement_edges(G) else: # If we can't k-edge-connect the entire graph, try to # k-edge-connect as much as possible aug_edges = partial_k_edge_augmentation( G, k=k, avail=avail, weight=weight ) yield from aug_edges else: raise
@nx._dispatchable def partial_k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail, weight=None): """找到能够尽可能多地k边连接图的增强。 当无法实现k边增强时,我们仍然可以尝试找到一组小的边,尽可能多地部分k边连接图。在剩余部分之间生成所有可能的边。这最小化了结果图中k边连通子图的数量,并最大化这些子图之间的边连通性。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 k : 整数 期望的边连通性 avail : 字典或2或3元组的集合 更多详情,请参阅 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 weight : 字符串 如果 ``avail`` 是3元组的集合,用于查找权重的键。 更多详情,请参阅 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 部分增强G中的边。这些边k边连接G中任何可能的部分,并最大限度地连接剩余部分。换句话说,生成avail中的所有边,除了那些已经在k边连通子图中的边。 Notes ----- 构建H,用avail中的所有边增强G。 找到H的k边子图。 对于每个k边子图,如果节点数大于k,则找到该图的k边增强并将其添加到解决方案中。然后在k边子图之间添加avail中的所有边到解决方案中。 See Also -------- :func:`k_edge_augmentation` Examples -------- >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> G.add_node(8) >>> avail = [(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 5), (1, 8)] >>> sorted(partial_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (1, 8)] """ def _edges_between_disjoint(H, only1, only2): """找到不相交节点之间的边缘""" only1_adj = {u: set(H.adj[u]) for u in only1} for u, neighbs in only1_adj.items(): # Find the neighbors of u in only1 that are also in only2 neighbs12 = neighbs.intersection(only2) for v in neighbs12: yield (u, v) avail_uv, avail_w = _unpack_available_edges(avail, weight=weight, G=G) # Find which parts of the graph can be k-edge-connected H = G.copy() H.add_edges_from( ( (u, v, {"weight": w, "generator": (u, v)}) for (u, v), w in zip(avail, avail_w) ) ) k_edge_subgraphs = list(nx.k_edge_subgraphs(H, k=k)) # Generate edges to k-edge-connect internal subgraphs for nodes in k_edge_subgraphs: if len(nodes) > 1: # Get the k-edge-connected subgraph C = H.subgraph(nodes).copy() # Find the internal edges that were available sub_avail = { d["generator"]: d["weight"] for (u, v, d) in C.edges(data=True) if "generator" in d } # Remove potential augmenting edges C.remove_edges_from(sub_avail.keys()) # Find a subset of these edges that makes the component # k-edge-connected and ignore the rest yield from nx.k_edge_augmentation(C, k=k, avail=sub_avail) # Generate all edges between CCs that could not be k-edge-connected for cc1, cc2 in it.combinations(k_edge_subgraphs, 2): for u, v in _edges_between_disjoint(H, cc1, cc2): d = H.get_edge_data(u, v) edge = d.get("generator", None) if edge is not None: yield edge @not_implemented_for("multigraph") @not_implemented_for("directed") @nx._dispatchable def one_edge_augmentation(G, avail=None, weight=None, partial=False): """找到连接图G的最小权重边集。 等价于当k=1时的 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。将结果边添加到G中将使其成为1-边连通的。该解决方案对加权和非加权变体都是最优的。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 avail : 字典或2或3元组集合 更多详情,参见 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 weight : 字符串 如果 ``avail`` 是3元组集合,用于查找权重的键。 更多详情,参见 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 partial : 布尔值 如果partial为True且不存在可行的k-边增广,则增广边最小化连通分量的数量。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 G的1-增广中的边 Raises ------ NetworkXUnfeasible 如果partial为False且不存在1-边增广。 Notes ----- 根据是否指定 ``avail`` ,使用 :func:`unconstrained_one_edge_augmentation` 或 :func:`weighted_one_edge_augmentation` 。两种算法都基于寻找最小生成树。因此,两种算法都找到最优解并在线性时间内运行。 See Also -------- :func:`k_edge_augmentation` """ if avail is None: return unconstrained_one_edge_augmentation(G) else: return weighted_one_edge_augmentation( G, avail=avail, weight=weight, partial=partial ) @not_implemented_for("multigraph") @not_implemented_for("directed") @nx._dispatchable def bridge_augmentation(G, avail=None, weight=None): """找到一组连接G的桥接边。 等价于当k=2且partial=False时的:func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。将结果边添加到G中将使其成为2边连通的。如果没有指定约束条件,返回的边集是最小且最优的,否则解决方案是近似的。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 avail : 字典或一组2或3元组 更多详情,参见:func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 weight : 字符串 如果 ``avail`` 是一组3元组,用于查找权重的键。 更多详情,参见:func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 G的桥接增强中的边 Raises ------ NetworkXUnfeasible 如果不存在桥接增强。 Notes ----- 如果没有约束条件,可以使用:func:`unconstrained_bridge_augmentation` 在 线性时间内计算解决方案。否则,问题变为NP-hard,解决方案由 :func:`weighted_bridge_augmentation` 近似计算。 See Also -------- :func:`k_edge_augmentation` """ if G.number_of_nodes() < 3: raise nx.NetworkXUnfeasible("impossible to bridge connect less than 3 nodes") if avail is None: return unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G) else: return weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail, weight=weight) # --- Algorithms and Helpers --- def _ordered(u, v): """返回无向边中的节点,按下三角顺序排列""" return (u, v) if u < v else (v, u) def _unpack_available_edges(avail, weight=None, G=None): """辅助函数,用于将可用边及其对应权重分离""" if weight is None: weight = "weight" if isinstance(avail, dict): avail_uv = list(avail.keys()) avail_w = list(avail.values()) else: def _try_getitem(d): try: return d[weight] except TypeError: return d avail_uv = [tup[0:2] for tup in avail] avail_w = [1 if len(tup) == 2 else _try_getitem(tup[-1]) for tup in avail] if G is not None: # Edges already in the graph are filtered flags = [not G.has_edge(u, v) for u, v in avail_uv] avail_uv = list(it.compress(avail_uv, flags)) avail_w = list(it.compress(avail_w, flags)) return avail_uv, avail_w MetaEdge = namedtuple("MetaEdge", ("meta_uv", "uv", "w")) def _lightest_meta_edges(mapping, avail_uv, avail_w): """将原始图中的可用边映射到元图中的边。 Parameters ---------- mapping : dict 由 :func:`collapse` 生成的映射,将原始图中的每个节点映射到元图中的一个节点 avail_uv : list 边列表 avail_w : list 边权重列表 Notes ----- 元图中的每个节点是原始图中的一个 k-边连通分量。我们不关心同一 k-边连通分量内的任何边,因此忽略自环边。我们还只对连接每个 k-边连通分量的最小权重边感兴趣,因此我们按元边分组并取每组中最轻的边。 Examples -------- >>> # 每个组代表一个元节点 >>> groups = ([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]) >>> mapping = {n: meta_n for meta_n, ns in enumerate(groups) for n in ns} >>> avail_uv = [(1, 2), (3, 6), (1, 4), (5, 2), (6, 1), (2, 6), (3, 1)] >>> avail_w = [20, 99, 20, 15, 50, 99, 20] >>> sorted(_lightest_meta_edges(mapping, avail_uv, avail_w)) [MetaEdge(meta_uv=(0, 1), uv=(5, 2), w=15), MetaEdge(meta_uv=(0, 2), uv=(6, 1), w=50)] """ grouped_wuv = defaultdict(list) for w, (u, v) in zip(avail_w, avail_uv): # Order the meta-edge so it can be used as a dict key meta_uv = _ordered(mapping[u], mapping[v]) # Group each available edge using the meta-edge as a key grouped_wuv[meta_uv].append((w, u, v)) # Now that all available edges are grouped, choose one per group for (mu, mv), choices_wuv in grouped_wuv.items(): # Ignore available edges within the same meta-node if mu != mv: # Choose the lightest available edge belonging to each meta-edge w, u, v = min(choices_wuv) yield MetaEdge((mu, mv), (u, v), w) @nx._dispatchable def unconstrained_one_edge_augmentation(G): """找到连接G的最小边集。 这是无权最小生成树问题的一个变种。 如果G不为空,总是存在一个可行解。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 G的一边增广中的边 See Also -------- :func:`one_edge_augmentation` :func:`k_edge_augmentation` Examples -------- >>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5)]) >>> G.add_nodes_from([6, 7, 8]) >>> sorted(unconstrained_one_edge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 4), (4, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8)] """ ccs1 = list(nx.connected_components(G)) C = collapse(G, ccs1) # When we are not constrained, we can just make a meta graph tree. meta_nodes = list(C.nodes()) # build a path in the metagraph meta_aug = list(zip(meta_nodes, meta_nodes[1:])) # map that path to the original graph inverse = defaultdict(list) for k, v in C.graph["mapping"].items(): inverse[v].append(k) for mu, mv in meta_aug: yield (inverse[mu][0], inverse[mv][0]) @nx._dispatchable def weighted_one_edge_augmentation(G, avail, weight=None, partial=False): """找到连接图G的最小权重边集(如果存在)。 这是加权最小生成树问题的一个变种。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 avail : 字典或2或3元组集合 更多细节请参见 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 weight : 字符串 如果 ``avail`` 是3元组集合,用于查找权重的键。 更多细节请参见 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 partial : 布尔值 如果partial为True且不存在可行的k边增强,则增强边最小化连通分量的数量。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 选自avail的用于连接G的边子集中的边。 See Also -------- :func:`one_edge_augmentation` :func:`k_edge_augmentation` Examples -------- >>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5)]) >>> G.add_nodes_from([6, 7, 8]) >>> # 不在avail中的边隐含权重为无穷大 >>> avail = [(1, 3), (1, 5), (4, 7), (4, 8), (6, 1), (8, 1), (8, 2)] >>> sorted(weighted_one_edge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 5), (4, 7), (6, 1), (8, 1)] >>> # 通过给前一个解决方案中的边赋予大权重来找到另一个解决方案(注意必须使用一些旧边) >>> avail = [(1, 3), (1, 5, 99), (4, 7, 9), (6, 1, 99), (8, 1, 99), (8, 2)] >>> sorted(weighted_one_edge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 5), (4, 7), (6, 1), (8, 2)] """ avail_uv, avail_w = _unpack_available_edges(avail, weight=weight, G=G) # Collapse CCs in the original graph into nodes in a metagraph # Then find an MST of the metagraph instead of the original graph C = collapse(G, nx.connected_components(G)) mapping = C.graph["mapping"] # Assign each available edge to an edge in the metagraph candidate_mapping = _lightest_meta_edges(mapping, avail_uv, avail_w) # nx.set_edge_attributes(C, name='weight', values=0) C.add_edges_from( (mu, mv, {"weight": w, "generator": uv}) for (mu, mv), uv, w in candidate_mapping ) # Find MST of the meta graph meta_mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(C) if not partial and not nx.is_connected(meta_mst): raise nx.NetworkXUnfeasible("Not possible to connect G with available edges") # Yield the edge that generated the meta-edge for mu, mv, d in meta_mst.edges(data=True): if "generator" in d: edge = d["generator"] yield edge @nx._dispatchable def unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G): """找到使用最少边的G的最优2边增广。 这是[1]中详细算法的实现。基本思想是构建桥连通分量的元图,连接树的叶节点以连接整个图,最后按深度优先搜索前序连接树的叶节点以桥接整个图。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 G的桥增广中的边 Notes ----- 输入:一个图G。 首先找到G的桥连通分量并将每个桥连通分量折叠成元图C的一个节点,C保证是一片树的森林。 C包含p个“叶节点”——恰好有一条入边的节点。 C包含q个“孤立节点”——没有入边的节点。 定理:如果p + q > 1,则至少需要 :math:`ceil(p / 2) + q` 条边来桥接C。该算法实现了这个最小数量。 该方法首先添加足够的边使G变成一棵树,然后简单地配对叶节点。 设n为C中树的数量。设v(i)为第i棵树中的一个孤立顶点(如果存在),否则为第i棵树中的一对不同叶节点。从这些集合中交替添加边(例如,添加边A1 = [(v(i)[0], v(i + 1)[1]), v(i + 1)[0], v(i + 2)[1])...])将C连接成一棵树T。这棵树有p' = p + 2q - 2(n -1)个叶节点且没有孤立顶点。A1有n - 1条边。下一步找到ceil(p' / 2)条边来双连通任何有p'个叶节点的树。 通过选择一个度数 >= 2 的任意根节点并将所有边指向远离根的方向,将T转换为树状图T'。注意实现隐式构造了T'。 T的叶节点是T'中没有现有边的节点。 按深度优先搜索前序对T'的叶节点进行排序。然后将这个列表分成两半并添加拉链对到A2。 集合A = A1 + A2是元图中的最小增广。 将其转换为原始图中的边 References ---------- .. [1] Eswaran, Kapali P., and R. Endre Tarjan. (1975) Augmentation problems. See Also -------- :func:`bridge_augmentation` :func:`k_edge_augmentation` Examples -------- >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> sorted(unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 7)] >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> sorted(unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 3), (3, 7)] >>> G = nx.Graph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]) >>> G.add_node(4) >>> sorted(unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 4), (4, 0)] """ # ----- # Mapping of terms from (Eswaran and Tarjan): # G = G_0 - the input graph # C = G_0' - the bridge condensation of G. (This is a forest of trees) # A1 = A_1 - the edges to connect the forest into a tree # leaf = pendant - a node with degree of 1 # alpha(v) = maps the node v in G to its meta-node in C # beta(x) = maps the meta-node x in C to any node in the bridge # component of G corresponding to x. # find the 2-edge-connected components of G bridge_ccs = list(nx.connectivity.bridge_components(G)) # condense G into an forest C C = collapse(G, bridge_ccs) # Choose pairs of distinct leaf nodes in each tree. If this is not # possible then make a pair using the single isolated node in the tree. vset1 = [ tuple(cc) * 2 # case1: an isolated node if len(cc) == 1 else sorted(cc,[0:2] # case2: pair of leaf nodes for cc in nx.connected_components(C) ] if len(vset1) > 1: # Use this set to construct edges that connect C into a tree. nodes1 = [vs[0] for vs in vset1] nodes2 = [vs[1] for vs in vset1] A1 = list(zip(nodes1[1:], nodes2)) else: A1 = [] # Connect each tree in the forest to construct an arborescence T = C.copy() T.add_edges_from(A1) # If there are only two leaf nodes, we simply connect them. leafs = [n for n, d in if d == 1] if len(leafs) == 1: A2 = [] if len(leafs) == 2: A2 = [tuple(leafs)] else: # Choose an arbitrary non-leaf root try: root = next(n for n, d in if d > 1) except StopIteration: # no nodes found with degree > 1 return # order the leaves of C by (induced directed) preorder v2 = [n for n in nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(T, root) if == 1] # connecting first half of the leafs in pre-order to the second # half will bridge connect the tree with the fewest edges. half = math.ceil(len(v2) / 2) A2 = list(zip(v2[:half], v2[-half:])) # collect the edges used to augment the original forest aug_tree_edges = A1 + A2 # Construct the mapping (beta) from meta-nodes to regular nodes inverse = defaultdict(list) for k, v in C.graph["mapping"].items(): inverse[v].append(k) # sort so we choose minimum degree nodes first inverse = { mu: sorted(mapped, key=lambda u: (, u)) for mu, mapped in inverse.items() } # For each meta-edge, map back to an arbitrary pair in the original graph G2 = G.copy() for mu, mv in aug_tree_edges: # Find the first available edge that doesn't exist and return it for u, v in it.product(inverse[mu], inverse[mv]): if not G2.has_edge(u, v): G2.add_edge(u, v) yield u, v break @nx._dispatchable def weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail, weight=None): """找到G的一个近似最小权重2边增广。 这是[1]中详细介绍的近似算法的实现。它从avail中选择一组边添加到G中,使其成为2边连通的(如果存在这样的子集)。这是通过找到一个特殊构造的元图的最小生成树来完成的。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 一个无向图。 avail : 2或3元组的集合 候选边(可选带权重)以供选择 weight : 字符串 如果avail是3元组的集合,其中每个元组的第三个项是字典,则使用此键来查找权重。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 avail中选择的子集中的边,用于桥接增广G。 Notes ----- 找到加权2边增广是NP难问题。 任何不在 ``avail`` 中的边都被认为具有无穷大的权重。 如果 ``G`` 是连通的,近似因子为2;如果不是,则为3。 运行时间为 :math:`O(m + n log(n))` References ---------- .. [1] Khuller, Samir, and Ramakrishna Thurimella. (1993) Approximation algorithms for graph augmentation. See Also -------- :func:`bridge_augmentation` :func:`k_edge_augmentation` Examples -------- >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> # 当权重相等时,(1, 4) 是最好的 >>> avail = [(1, 4, 1), (1, 3, 1), (2, 4, 1)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 4)] >>> # 给 (1, 4) 一个高权重使得两条边的解决方案成为最佳。 >>> avail = [(1, 4, 1000), (1, 3, 1), (2, 4, 1)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 3), (2, 4)] >>> # ------ >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> G.add_node(5) >>> avail = [(1, 5, 11), (2, 5, 10), (4, 3, 1), (4, 5, 1)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (4, 5)] >>> avail = [(1, 5, 11), (2, 5, 10), (4, 3, 1), (4, 5, 51)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (2, 5), (4, 5)] """ if weight is None: weight = "weight" # If input G is not connected the approximation factor increases to 3 if not nx.is_connected(G): H = G.copy() connectors = list(one_edge_augmentation(H, avail=avail, weight=weight)) H.add_edges_from(connectors) yield from connectors else: connectors = [] H = G if len(avail) == 0: if nx.has_bridges(H): raise nx.NetworkXUnfeasible("no augmentation possible") avail_uv, avail_w = _unpack_available_edges(avail, weight=weight, G=H) # Collapse input into a metagraph. Meta nodes are bridge-ccs bridge_ccs = nx.connectivity.bridge_components(H) C = collapse(H, bridge_ccs) # Use the meta graph to shrink avail to a small feasible subset mapping = C.graph["mapping"] # Choose the minimum weight feasible edge in each group meta_to_wuv = { (mu, mv): (w, uv) for (mu, mv), uv, w in _lightest_meta_edges(mapping, avail_uv, avail_w) } # Mapping of terms from (Khuller and Thurimella): # C : G_0 = (V, E^0) # This is the metagraph where each node is a 2-edge-cc in G. # The edges in C represent bridges in the original graph. # (mu, mv) : E - E^0 # they group both avail and given edges in E # T : \Gamma # D : G^D = (V, E_D) # The paper uses ancestor because children point to parents, which is # contrary to networkx standards. So, we actually need to run # nx.least_common_ancestor on the reversed Tree. # Pick an arbitrary leaf from C as the root try: root = next(n for n, d in if d == 1) except StopIteration: # no nodes found with degree == 1 return # Root C into a tree TR by directing all edges away from the root # Note in their paper T directs edges towards the root TR = nx.dfs_tree(C, root) # Add to D the directed edges of T and set their weight to zero # This indicates that it costs nothing to use edges that were given. D = nx.reverse(TR).copy() nx.set_edge_attributes(D, name="weight", values=0) # The LCA of mu and mv in T is the shared ancestor of mu and mv that is # located farthest from the root. lca_gen = nx.tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor( TR, root=root, pairs=meta_to_wuv.keys() ) for (mu, mv), lca in lca_gen: w, uv = meta_to_wuv[(mu, mv)] if lca == mu: # If u is an ancestor of v in TR, then add edge u->v to D D.add_edge(lca, mv, weight=w, generator=uv) elif lca == mv: # If v is an ancestor of u in TR, then add edge v->u to D D.add_edge(lca, mu, weight=w, generator=uv) else: # If neither u nor v is a ancestor of the other in TR # let t = lca(TR, u, v) and add edges t->u and t->v # Track the original edge that GENERATED these edges. D.add_edge(lca, mu, weight=w, generator=uv) D.add_edge(lca, mv, weight=w, generator=uv) # Then compute a minimum rooted branching try: # Note the original edges must be directed towards to root for the # branching to give us a bridge-augmentation. A = _minimum_rooted_branching(D, root) except nx.NetworkXException as err: # If there is no branching then augmentation is not possible raise nx.NetworkXUnfeasible("no 2-edge-augmentation possible") from err # For each edge e, in the branching that did not belong to the directed # tree T, add the corresponding edge that **GENERATED** it (this is not # necessarily e itself!) # ensure the third case does not generate edges twice bridge_connectors = set() for mu, mv in A.edges(): data = D.get_edge_data(mu, mv) if "generator" in data: # Add the avail edge that generated the branching edge. edge = data["generator"] bridge_connectors.add(edge) yield from bridge_connectors def _minimum_rooted_branching(D, root): """辅助函数,用于计算最小根分支(又称根树形图) 在计算分支之前,必须通过移除根的前驱节点使有向图成为根图。 根图G的分支/树形图是一个子图,包含从根到每个其他顶点的有向路径。它是最小生成树问题的有向图对应问题。 References ---------- [1] Khuller, Samir (2002) 高级算法讲义24笔记。 """ rooted = D.copy() # root the graph by removing all predecessors to `root`. rooted.remove_edges_from([(u, root) for u in D.predecessors(root)]) # Then compute the branching / arborescence. A = nx.minimum_spanning_arborescence(rooted) return A @nx._dispatchable(returns_graph=True) def collapse(G, grouped_nodes): """将每组节点折叠成一个单一节点。 这类似于凝聚,但适用于无向图。 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX 图 grouped_nodes: 列表或生成器 要折叠的节点分组。分组必须是互斥的。 如果 grouped_nodes 是强连通分量,则这等效于 :func:`condensation` 。 Returns ------- C : NetworkX 图 根据节点分组折叠的图 C。节点标签是分组列表中组件索引的整数。 C 具有名为 'mapping' 的图属性,该属性是一个字典,将原始节点映射到它们所属的 C 中的节点。 C 中的每个节点还具有一个节点属性 'members',其中包含形成该节点所代表的组的原始节点集合。 Examples -------- >>> # 使用互斥组折叠图,但不一定是连通的 >>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 0), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (5, 7)]) >>> G.add_node("A") >>> grouped_nodes = [{0, 1, 2, 3}, {5, 6, 7}] >>> C = collapse(G, grouped_nodes) >>> members = nx.get_node_attributes(C, "members") >>> sorted(members.keys()) [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> member_values = set(map(frozenset, members.values())) >>> assert {0, 1, 2, 3} in member_values >>> assert {4} in member_values >>> assert {5, 6, 7} in member_values >>> assert {"A"} in member_values """ mapping = {} members = {} C = G.__class__() i = 0 # required if G is empty remaining = set(G.nodes()) for i, group in enumerate(grouped_nodes): group = set(group) assert remaining.issuperset( group ), "grouped nodes must exist in G and be disjoint" remaining.difference_update(group) members[i] = group mapping.update((n, i) for n in group) # remaining nodes are in their own group for i, node in enumerate(remaining, start=i + 1): group = {node} members[i] = group mapping.update((n, i) for n in group) number_of_groups = i + 1 C.add_nodes_from(range(number_of_groups)) C.add_edges_from( (mapping[u], mapping[v]) for u, v in G.edges() if mapping[u] != mapping[v] ) # Add a list of members (ie original nodes) to each node (ie scc) in C. nx.set_node_attributes(C, name="members", values=members) # Add mapping dict as graph attribute C.graph["mapping"] = mapping return C @nx._dispatchable def complement_edges(G): """返回仅在图G的补集中的边 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX图 Yields ------ edge : 元组 在G的补集中的边 Examples -------- >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> sorted(complement_edges(G)) [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4)] >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4), nx.DiGraph()) >>> sorted(complement_edges(G)) [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 1), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3)] >>> G = nx.complete_graph(1000) >>> sorted(complement_edges(G)) [] """ G_adj = G._adj # Store as a variable to eliminate attribute lookup if G.is_directed(): for u, v in it.combinations(G.nodes(), 2): if v not in G_adj[u]: yield (u, v) if u not in G_adj[v]: yield (v, u) else: for u, v in it.combinations(G.nodes(), 2): if v not in G_adj[u]: yield (u, v) def _compat_shuffle(rng, input): """用于Python 2兼容性的rng.shuffle包装器""" rng.shuffle(input) @not_implemented_for("multigraph") @not_implemented_for("directed") @py_random_state(4) @nx._dispatchable def greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail=None, weight=None, seed=None): """贪婪算法用于寻找 k-边增广 Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX 图 一个无向图。 k : 整数 期望的边连通性 avail : 字典或一组 2 或 3 元组 更多详情,参见 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 weight : 字符串 如果 ``avail`` 是一组 3 元组,用于查找权重的键。 更多详情,参见 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 。 seed : 整数,random_state,或 None(默认) 随机数生成状态的指示器。 参见 :ref:`Randomness<randomness>` 。 Yields ------ edge : 元组 G 的贪婪增广中的边 Notes ----- 该算法很简单。边逐渐添加在图中尚未局部 k-边连通的部分之间。然后从增广集中修剪边,只要不破坏局部边连通性。 该算法是贪婪的,不提供最优性保证。它仅用于为 :func:`k_edge_augmentation` 提供生成任意 k 的可行解的能力。 See Also -------- :func:`k_edge_augmentation` Examples -------- >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2)) [(1, 7)] >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=1, avail=[])) [] >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> avail = {(u, v): 1 for (u, v) in complement_edges(G)} >>> # 随机修剪过程可能产生不同的解决方案 >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=4, avail=avail, seed=2)) [(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 7), (5, 7)] >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=4, avail=avail, seed=3)) [(1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 7), (5, 7)] """ # Result set aug_edges = [] done = is_k_edge_connected(G, k) if done: return if avail is None: # all edges are available avail_uv = list(complement_edges(G)) avail_w = [1] * len(avail_uv) else: # Get the unique set of unweighted edges avail_uv, avail_w = _unpack_available_edges(avail, weight=weight, G=G) # Greedy: order lightest edges. Use degree sum to tie-break tiebreaker = [sum(map(, uv)) for uv in avail_uv] avail_wduv = sorted(zip(avail_w, tiebreaker, avail_uv)) avail_uv = [uv for w, d, uv in avail_wduv] # Incrementally add edges in until we are k-connected H = G.copy() for u, v in avail_uv: done = False if not is_locally_k_edge_connected(H, u, v, k=k): # Only add edges in parts that are not yet locally k-edge-connected aug_edges.append((u, v)) H.add_edge(u, v) # Did adding this edge help? if >= k and >= k: done = is_k_edge_connected(H, k) if done: break # Check for feasibility if not done: raise nx.NetworkXUnfeasible("not able to k-edge-connect with available edges") # Randomized attempt to reduce the size of the solution _compat_shuffle(seed, aug_edges) for u, v in list(aug_edges): # Don't remove if we know it would break connectivity if <= k or <= k: continue H.remove_edge(u, v) aug_edges.remove((u, v)) if not is_k_edge_connected(H, k=k): # If removing this edge breaks feasibility, undo H.add_edge(u, v) aug_edges.append((u, v)) # Generate results yield from aug_edges