skimage.feature._basic_features 源代码

from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
import itertools
import numpy as np
from skimage import filters, feature
from skimage.util.dtype import img_as_float32
from .._shared._dependency_checks import is_wasm

if not is_wasm:
    from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor as PoolExecutor
    from contextlib import AbstractContextManager

    # Threading isn't supported on WASM, mock ThreadPoolExecutor as a fallback
    class PoolExecutor(AbstractContextManager):
        def __init__(self, *_, **__):

        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

        def map(self, fn, iterables):
            return map(fn, iterables)

def _texture_filter(gaussian_filtered):
    H_elems = [
        np.gradient(np.gradient(gaussian_filtered)[ax0], axis=ax1)
        for ax0, ax1 in combinations_with_replacement(range(gaussian_filtered.ndim), 2)
    eigvals = feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(H_elems)
    return eigvals

def _singlescale_basic_features_singlechannel(
    img, sigma, intensity=True, edges=True, texture=True
    results = ()
    gaussian_filtered = filters.gaussian(img, sigma=sigma, preserve_range=False)
    if intensity:
        results += (gaussian_filtered,)
    if edges:
        results += (filters.sobel(gaussian_filtered),)
    if texture:
        results += (*_texture_filter(gaussian_filtered),)
    return results

def _mutiscale_basic_features_singlechannel(
    """Features for a single channel nd image.

    img : ndarray
        Input image, which can be grayscale or multichannel.
    intensity : bool, default True
        If True, pixel intensities averaged over the different scales
        are added to the feature set.
    edges : bool, default True
        If True, intensities of local gradients averaged over the different
        scales are added to the feature set.
    texture : bool, default True
        If True, eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix after Gaussian blurring
        at different scales are added to the feature set.
    sigma_min : float, optional
        Smallest value of the Gaussian kernel used to average local
        neighborhoods before extracting features.
    sigma_max : float, optional
        Largest value of the Gaussian kernel used to average local
        neighborhoods before extracting features.
    num_sigma : int, optional
        Number of values of the Gaussian kernel between sigma_min and sigma_max.
        If None, sigma_min multiplied by powers of 2 are used.
    num_workers : int or None, optional
        The number of parallel threads to use. If set to ``None``, the full
        set of available cores are used.

    features : list
        List of features, each element of the list is an array of shape as img.
    # computations are faster as float32
    img = np.ascontiguousarray(img_as_float32(img))
    if num_sigma is None:
        num_sigma = int(np.log2(sigma_max) - np.log2(sigma_min) + 1)
    sigmas = np.logspace(
    with PoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as ex:
        out_sigmas = list(
                lambda s: _singlescale_basic_features_singlechannel(
                    img, s, intensity=intensity, edges=edges, texture=texture
    features = itertools.chain.from_iterable(out_sigmas)
    return features

[文档] def multiscale_basic_features( image, intensity=True, edges=True, texture=True, sigma_min=0.5, sigma_max=16, num_sigma=None, num_workers=None, *, channel_axis=None, ): """Local features for a single- or multi-channel nd image. Intensity, gradient intensity and local structure are computed at different scales thanks to Gaussian blurring. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image, which can be grayscale or multichannel. intensity : bool, default True If True, pixel intensities averaged over the different scales are added to the feature set. edges : bool, default True If True, intensities of local gradients averaged over the different scales are added to the feature set. texture : bool, default True If True, eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix after Gaussian blurring at different scales are added to the feature set. sigma_min : float, optional Smallest value of the Gaussian kernel used to average local neighborhoods before extracting features. sigma_max : float, optional Largest value of the Gaussian kernel used to average local neighborhoods before extracting features. num_sigma : int, optional Number of values of the Gaussian kernel between sigma_min and sigma_max. If None, sigma_min multiplied by powers of 2 are used. num_workers : int or None, optional The number of parallel threads to use. If set to ``None``, the full set of available cores are used. channel_axis : int or None, optional If None, the image is assumed to be a grayscale (single channel) image. Otherwise, this parameter indicates which axis of the array corresponds to channels. .. versionadded:: 0.19 ``channel_axis`` was added in 0.19. Returns ------- features : np.ndarray Array of shape ``image.shape + (n_features,)``. When `channel_axis` is not None, all channels are concatenated along the features dimension. (i.e. ``n_features == n_features_singlechannel * n_channels``) """ if not any([intensity, edges, texture]): raise ValueError( "At least one of `intensity`, `edges` or `textures`" "must be True for features to be computed." ) if channel_axis is None: image = image[..., np.newaxis] channel_axis = -1 elif channel_axis != -1: image = np.moveaxis(image, channel_axis, -1) all_results = ( _mutiscale_basic_features_singlechannel( image[..., dim], intensity=intensity, edges=edges, texture=texture, sigma_min=sigma_min, sigma_max=sigma_max, num_sigma=num_sigma, num_workers=num_workers, ) for dim in range(image.shape[-1]) ) features = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(all_results)) out = np.stack(features, axis=-1) return out