xgboost.dask 源代码

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring, invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
# pylint: disable=import-error
Dask extensions for distributed training

See :doc:`Distributed XGBoost with Dask </tutorials/dask>` for simple tutorial.  Also
:doc:`/python/dask-examples/index` for some examples.

There are two sets of APIs in this module, one is the functional API including
``train`` and ``predict`` methods.  Another is stateful Scikit-Learner wrapper
inherited from single-node Scikit-Learn interface.

The implementation is heavily influenced by dask_xgboost:

Optional dask configuration

- **xgboost.scheduler_address**: Specify the scheduler address, see :ref:`tracker-ip`.

  .. versionadded:: 1.6.0

  .. code-block:: python

      dask.config.set({"xgboost.scheduler_address": ""})
      # We can also specify the port.
      dask.config.set({"xgboost.scheduler_address": ""})

import collections
import logging
import platform
import socket
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial, update_wrapper
from threading import Thread
from typing import (

import numpy

from xgboost import collective, config
from xgboost._typing import _T, FeatureNames, FeatureTypes, IterationRange
from xgboost.callback import TrainingCallback
from xgboost.compat import DataFrame, LazyLoader, concat, lazy_isinstance
from xgboost.core import (
from xgboost.data import _is_cudf_ser, _is_cupy_alike
from xgboost.sklearn import (
from xgboost.tracker import RabitTracker
from xgboost.training import train as worker_train

from .utils import get_n_threads

    import dask
    import distributed
    from dask import array as da
    from dask import bag as db
    from dask import dataframe as dd
    dd = LazyLoader("dd", globals(), "dask.dataframe")
    da = LazyLoader("da", globals(), "dask.array")
    db = LazyLoader("db", globals(), "dask.bag")
    dask = LazyLoader("dask", globals(), "dask")
    distributed = LazyLoader("distributed", globals(), "dask.distributed")

_DaskCollection = Union["da.Array", "dd.DataFrame", "dd.Series"]
_DataT = Union["da.Array", "dd.DataFrame"]  # do not use series as predictor
TrainReturnT = TypedDict(
        "booster": Booster,
        "history": Dict,

__all__ = [

# TODOs:
#   - CV
# Note for developers:
#   As of writing asyncio is still a new feature of Python and in depth documentation is
#   rare.  Best examples of various asyncio tricks are in dask (luckily).  Classes like
#   Client, Worker are awaitable.  Some general rules for the implementation here:
#     - Synchronous world is different from asynchronous one, and they don't mix well.
#     - Write everything with async, then use distributed Client sync function to do the
#       switch.
#     - Use Any for type hint when the return value can be union of Awaitable and plain
#       value.  This is caused by Client.sync can return both types depending on
#       context.  Right now there's no good way to silent:
#         await train(...)
#       if train returns an Union type.

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("[xgboost.dask]")

def _try_start_tracker(
    n_workers: int,
    addrs: List[Union[Optional[str], Optional[Tuple[str, int]]]],
) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]:
    env: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {}
        if isinstance(addrs[0], tuple):
            host_ip = addrs[0][0]
            port = addrs[0][1]
            rabit_tracker = RabitTracker(
            addr = addrs[0]
            assert isinstance(addr, str) or addr is None
            rabit_tracker = RabitTracker(
                n_workers=n_workers, host_ip=addr, sortby="task"

        thread = Thread(target=rabit_tracker.wait_for)
        thread.daemon = True

    except XGBoostError as e:
        if len(addrs) < 2:
            "Failed to bind address '%s', trying to use '%s' instead. Error:\n %s",
        env = _try_start_tracker(n_workers, addrs[1:])

    return env

def _start_tracker(
    n_workers: int,
    addr_from_dask: Optional[str],
    addr_from_user: Optional[Tuple[str, int]],
) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]:
    """Start Rabit tracker, recurse to try different addresses."""
    env = _try_start_tracker(n_workers, [addr_from_user, addr_from_dask])
    return env

def _assert_dask_support() -> None:
        import dask  # pylint: disable=W0621,W0611
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImportError(
            "Dask needs to be installed in order to use this module"
        ) from e

    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        msg = "Windows is not officially supported for dask/xgboost,"
        msg += " contribution are welcomed."

class CommunicatorContext(collective.CommunicatorContext):
    """A context controlling collective communicator initialization and finalization."""

    def __init__(self, **args: Any) -> None:
        worker = distributed.get_worker()
        with distributed.worker_client() as client:
            info = client.scheduler_info()
            w = info["workers"][worker.address]
            wid = w["id"]
        # We use task ID for rank assignment which makes the RABIT rank consistent (but
        # not the same as task ID is string and "10" is sorted before "2") with dask
        # worker ID. This outsources the rank assignment to dask and prevents
        # non-deterministic issue.
        self.args["DMLC_TASK_ID"] = f"[xgboost.dask-{wid}]:" + str(worker.address)

def dconcat(value: Sequence[_T]) -> _T:
    """Concatenate sequence of partitions."""
        return concat(value)
    except TypeError:
        return dd.multi.concat(list(value), axis=0)

def _xgb_get_client(client: Optional["distributed.Client"]) -> "distributed.Client":
    """Simple wrapper around testing None."""
    if not isinstance(client, (type(distributed.get_client()), type(None))):
        raise TypeError(
            _expect([type(distributed.get_client()), type(None)], type(client))
    ret = distributed.get_client() if client is None else client
    return ret

# From the implementation point of view, DaskDMatrix complicates a lots of
# things.  A large portion of the code base is about syncing and extracting
# stuffs from DaskDMatrix.  But having an independent data structure gives us a
# chance to perform some specialized optimizations, like building histogram
# index directly.

[文档] class DaskDMatrix: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """DMatrix holding on references to Dask DataFrame or Dask Array. Constructing a `DaskDMatrix` forces all lazy computation to be carried out. Wait for the input data explicitly if you want to see actual computation of constructing `DaskDMatrix`. See doc for :py:obj:`xgboost.DMatrix` constructor for other parameters. DaskDMatrix accepts only dask collection. .. note:: DaskDMatrix does not repartition or move data between workers. It's the caller's responsibility to balance the data. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- client : Specify the dask client used for training. Use default client returned from dask if it's set to None. """ @_deprecate_positional_args def __init__( self, client: "distributed.Client", data: _DataT, label: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, *, weight: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, missing: Optional[float] = None, silent: bool = False, # pylint: disable=unused-argument feature_names: Optional[FeatureNames] = None, feature_types: Optional[FeatureTypes] = None, group: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, qid: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, label_lower_bound: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, label_upper_bound: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, enable_categorical: bool = False, ) -> None: _assert_dask_support() client = _xgb_get_client(client) self.feature_names = feature_names self.feature_types = feature_types self.missing = missing if missing is not None else numpy.nan self.enable_categorical = enable_categorical if qid is not None and weight is not None: raise NotImplementedError("per-group weight is not implemented.") if group is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "group structure is not implemented, use qid instead." ) if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expecting 2 dimensional input, got: {data.shape}") if not isinstance(data, (dd.DataFrame, da.Array)): raise TypeError(_expect((dd.DataFrame, da.Array), type(data))) if not isinstance(label, (dd.DataFrame, da.Array, dd.Series, type(None))): raise TypeError(_expect((dd.DataFrame, da.Array, dd.Series), type(label))) self._n_cols = data.shape[1] assert isinstance(self._n_cols, int) self.worker_map: Dict[str, List[distributed.Future]] = defaultdict(list) self.is_quantile: bool = False self._init = client.sync( self._map_local_data, client, data, label=label, weights=weight, base_margin=base_margin, qid=qid, feature_weights=feature_weights, label_lower_bound=label_lower_bound, label_upper_bound=label_upper_bound, ) def __await__(self) -> Generator: return self._init.__await__() async def _map_local_data( self, client: "distributed.Client", data: _DataT, label: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, qid: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, label_lower_bound: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, label_upper_bound: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, ) -> "DaskDMatrix": """Obtain references to local data.""" from dask.delayed import Delayed def inconsistent( left: List[Any], left_name: str, right: List[Any], right_name: str ) -> str: msg = ( f"Partitions between {left_name} and {right_name} are not " f"consistent: {len(left)} != {len(right)}. " f"Please try to repartition/rechunk your data." ) return msg def check_columns(parts: numpy.ndarray) -> None: # x is required to be 2 dim in __init__ assert parts.ndim == 1 or parts.shape[1], ( "Data should be" " partitioned by row. To avoid this specify the number" " of columns for your dask Array explicitly. e.g." " chunks=(partition_size, X.shape[1])" ) def to_delayed(d: _DaskCollection) -> List[Delayed]: """Breaking data into partitions, a trick borrowed from dask_xgboost. `to_delayed` downgrades high-level objects into numpy or pandas equivalents . """ d = client.persist(d) delayed_obj = d.to_delayed() if isinstance(delayed_obj, numpy.ndarray): # da.Array returns an array to delayed objects check_columns(delayed_obj) delayed_list: List[Delayed] = delayed_obj.flatten().tolist() else: # dd.DataFrame delayed_list = delayed_obj return delayed_list def flatten_meta(meta: Optional[_DaskCollection]) -> Optional[List[Delayed]]: if meta is not None: meta_parts: List[Delayed] = to_delayed(meta) return meta_parts return None X_parts = to_delayed(data) y_parts = flatten_meta(label) w_parts = flatten_meta(weights) margin_parts = flatten_meta(base_margin) qid_parts = flatten_meta(qid) ll_parts = flatten_meta(label_lower_bound) lu_parts = flatten_meta(label_upper_bound) parts: Dict[str, List[Delayed]] = {"data": X_parts} def append_meta(m_parts: Optional[List[Delayed]], name: str) -> None: if m_parts is not None: assert len(X_parts) == len(m_parts), inconsistent( X_parts, "X", m_parts, name ) parts[name] = m_parts append_meta(y_parts, "label") append_meta(w_parts, "weight") append_meta(margin_parts, "base_margin") append_meta(qid_parts, "qid") append_meta(ll_parts, "label_lower_bound") append_meta(lu_parts, "label_upper_bound") # At this point, `parts` looks like: # [(x0, x1, ..), (y0, y1, ..), ..] in delayed form # turn into list of dictionaries. packed_parts: List[Dict[str, Delayed]] = [] for i in range(len(X_parts)): part_dict: Dict[str, Delayed] = {} for key, value in parts.items(): part_dict[key] = value[i] packed_parts.append(part_dict) # delay the zipped result # pylint: disable=no-member delayed_parts: List[Delayed] = list(map(dask.delayed, packed_parts)) # At this point, the mental model should look like: # [(x0, y0, ..), (x1, y1, ..), ..] in delayed form # convert delayed objects into futures and make sure they are realized fut_parts: List[distributed.Future] = client.compute(delayed_parts) await distributed.wait(fut_parts) # async wait for parts to be computed # maybe we can call dask.align_partitions here to ease the partition alignment? for part in fut_parts: # Each part is [x0, y0, w0, ...] in future form. assert part.status == "finished", part.status # Preserving the partition order for prediction. self.partition_order = {} for i, part in enumerate(fut_parts): self.partition_order[part.key] = i key_to_partition = {part.key: part for part in fut_parts} who_has: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = await client.scheduler.who_has( keys=[part.key for part in fut_parts] ) worker_map: Dict[str, List[distributed.Future]] = defaultdict(list) for key, workers in who_has.items(): worker_map[next(iter(workers))].append(key_to_partition[key]) self.worker_map = worker_map if feature_weights is None: self.feature_weights = None else: self.feature_weights = await client.compute(feature_weights).result() return self def _create_fn_args(self, worker_addr: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a dictionary of objects that can be pickled for function arguments. """ return { "feature_names": self.feature_names, "feature_types": self.feature_types, "feature_weights": self.feature_weights, "missing": self.missing, "enable_categorical": self.enable_categorical, "parts": self.worker_map.get(worker_addr, None), "is_quantile": self.is_quantile, }
[文档] def num_col(self) -> int: """Get the number of columns (features) in the DMatrix. Returns ------- number of columns """ return self._n_cols
_MapRetT = TypeVar("_MapRetT") async def map_worker_partitions( client: Optional["distributed.Client"], func: Callable[..., _MapRetT], *refs: Any, workers: Sequence[str], ) -> _MapRetT: """Map a function onto partitions of each worker.""" # Note for function purity: # XGBoost is sensitive to data partition and uses random number generator. client = _xgb_get_client(client) futures = [] for addr in workers: args = [] for ref in refs: if isinstance(ref, DaskDMatrix): # pylint: disable=protected-access args.append(ref._create_fn_args(addr)) else: args.append(ref) fut = client.submit( # turn result into a list for bag construction lambda *args, **kwargs: [func(*args, **kwargs)], *args, pure=False, workers=[addr], allow_other_workers=False, ) futures.append(fut) def first_valid(results: Iterable[Optional[_MapRetT]]) -> Optional[_MapRetT]: for v in results: if v is not None: return v return None bag = db.from_delayed(futures) fut = await bag.reduction(first_valid, first_valid) result = await client.compute(fut).result() return result _DataParts = List[Dict[str, Any]] def _get_worker_parts(list_of_parts: _DataParts) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: assert isinstance(list_of_parts, list) result: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {} def append(i: int, name: str) -> None: if name in list_of_parts[i]: part = list_of_parts[i][name] else: part = None if part is not None: if name not in result: result[name] = [] result[name].append(part) for i, _ in enumerate(list_of_parts): append(i, "data") append(i, "label") append(i, "weight") append(i, "base_margin") append(i, "qid") append(i, "label_lower_bound") append(i, "label_upper_bound") return result class DaskPartitionIter(DataIter): # pylint: disable=R0902 """A data iterator for `DaskQuantileDMatrix`.""" def __init__( self, data: List[Any], label: Optional[List[Any]] = None, weight: Optional[List[Any]] = None, base_margin: Optional[List[Any]] = None, qid: Optional[List[Any]] = None, label_lower_bound: Optional[List[Any]] = None, label_upper_bound: Optional[List[Any]] = None, feature_names: Optional[FeatureNames] = None, feature_types: Optional[Union[Any, List[Any]]] = None, feature_weights: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> None: self._data = data self._label = label self._weight = weight self._base_margin = base_margin self._qid = qid self._label_lower_bound = label_lower_bound self._label_upper_bound = label_upper_bound self._feature_names = feature_names self._feature_types = feature_types self._feature_weights = feature_weights assert isinstance(self._data, collections.abc.Sequence) types = (collections.abc.Sequence, type(None)) assert isinstance(self._label, types) assert isinstance(self._weight, types) assert isinstance(self._base_margin, types) assert isinstance(self._label_lower_bound, types) assert isinstance(self._label_upper_bound, types) self._iter = 0 # set iterator to 0 super().__init__(release_data=True) def _get(self, attr: str) -> Optional[Any]: if getattr(self, attr) is not None: return getattr(self, attr)[self._iter] return None def data(self) -> Any: """Utility function for obtaining current batch of data.""" return self._data[self._iter] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the iterator""" self._iter = 0 def next(self, input_data: Callable) -> int: """Yield next batch of data""" if self._iter == len(self._data): # Return 0 when there's no more batch. return 0 input_data( data=self.data(), label=self._get("_label"), weight=self._get("_weight"), group=None, qid=self._get("_qid"), base_margin=self._get("_base_margin"), label_lower_bound=self._get("_label_lower_bound"), label_upper_bound=self._get("_label_upper_bound"), feature_names=self._feature_names, feature_types=self._feature_types, feature_weights=self._feature_weights, ) self._iter += 1 return 1
[文档] class DaskQuantileDMatrix(DaskDMatrix): """A dask version of :py:class:`QuantileDMatrix`.""" @_deprecate_positional_args def __init__( self, client: "distributed.Client", data: _DataT, label: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, *, weight: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, missing: Optional[float] = None, silent: bool = False, # disable=unused-argument feature_names: Optional[FeatureNames] = None, feature_types: Optional[Union[Any, List[Any]]] = None, max_bin: Optional[int] = None, ref: Optional[DMatrix] = None, group: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, qid: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, label_lower_bound: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, label_upper_bound: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, enable_categorical: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__( client=client, data=data, label=label, weight=weight, base_margin=base_margin, group=group, qid=qid, label_lower_bound=label_lower_bound, label_upper_bound=label_upper_bound, missing=missing, silent=silent, feature_weights=feature_weights, feature_names=feature_names, feature_types=feature_types, enable_categorical=enable_categorical, ) self.max_bin = max_bin self.is_quantile = True self._ref: Optional[int] = id(ref) if ref is not None else None def _create_fn_args(self, worker_addr: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: args = super()._create_fn_args(worker_addr) args["max_bin"] = self.max_bin if self._ref is not None: args["ref"] = self._ref return args
class DaskDeviceQuantileDMatrix(DaskQuantileDMatrix): """Use `DaskQuantileDMatrix` instead. .. deprecated:: 1.7.0 .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: warnings.warn("Please use `DaskQuantileDMatrix` instead.", FutureWarning) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create_quantile_dmatrix( feature_names: Optional[FeatureNames], feature_types: Optional[Union[Any, List[Any]]], feature_weights: Optional[Any], missing: float, nthread: int, parts: Optional[_DataParts], max_bin: int, enable_categorical: bool, ref: Optional[DMatrix] = None, ) -> QuantileDMatrix: worker = distributed.get_worker() if parts is None: msg = f"worker {worker.address} has an empty DMatrix." LOGGER.warning(msg) d = QuantileDMatrix( numpy.empty((0, 0)), feature_names=feature_names, feature_types=feature_types, max_bin=max_bin, ref=ref, enable_categorical=enable_categorical, ) return d unzipped_dict = _get_worker_parts(parts) it = DaskPartitionIter( **unzipped_dict, feature_types=feature_types, feature_names=feature_names, feature_weights=feature_weights, ) dmatrix = QuantileDMatrix( it, missing=missing, nthread=nthread, max_bin=max_bin, ref=ref, enable_categorical=enable_categorical, ) return dmatrix def _create_dmatrix( feature_names: Optional[FeatureNames], feature_types: Optional[Union[Any, List[Any]]], feature_weights: Optional[Any], missing: float, nthread: int, enable_categorical: bool, parts: Optional[_DataParts], ) -> DMatrix: """Get data that local to worker from DaskDMatrix. Returns ------- A DMatrix object. """ worker = distributed.get_worker() list_of_parts = parts if list_of_parts is None: msg = f"worker {worker.address} has an empty DMatrix." LOGGER.warning(msg) d = DMatrix( numpy.empty((0, 0)), feature_names=feature_names, feature_types=feature_types, enable_categorical=enable_categorical, ) return d T = TypeVar("T") def concat_or_none(data: Sequence[Optional[T]]) -> Optional[T]: if any(part is None for part in data): return None return dconcat(data) unzipped_dict = _get_worker_parts(list_of_parts) concated_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, value in unzipped_dict.items(): v = concat_or_none(value) concated_dict[key] = v dmatrix = DMatrix( **concated_dict, missing=missing, feature_names=feature_names, feature_types=feature_types, nthread=nthread, enable_categorical=enable_categorical, feature_weights=feature_weights, ) return dmatrix def _dmatrix_from_list_of_parts(is_quantile: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> DMatrix: if is_quantile: return _create_quantile_dmatrix(**kwargs) return _create_dmatrix(**kwargs) async def _get_rabit_args( n_workers: int, dconfig: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], client: "distributed.Client" ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]: """Get rabit context arguments from data distribution in DaskDMatrix.""" # There are 3 possible different addresses: # 1. Provided by user via dask.config # 2. Guessed by xgboost `get_host_ip` function # 3. From dask scheduler # We try 1 and 3 if 1 is available, otherwise 2 and 3. valid_config = ["scheduler_address"] # See if user config is available host_ip: Optional[str] = None port: int = 0 if dconfig is not None: for k in dconfig: if k not in valid_config: raise ValueError(f"Unknown configuration: {k}") host_ip = dconfig.get("scheduler_address", None) if host_ip is not None and host_ip.startswith("[") and host_ip.endswith("]"): # convert dask bracket format to proper IPv6 address. host_ip = host_ip[1:-1] if host_ip is not None: try: host_ip, port = distributed.comm.get_address_host_port(host_ip) except ValueError: pass if host_ip is not None: user_addr = (host_ip, port) else: user_addr = None # Try address from dask scheduler, this might not work, see # https://github.com/dask/dask-xgboost/pull/40 try: sched_addr = distributed.comm.get_address_host(client.scheduler.address) sched_addr = sched_addr.strip("/:") except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except sched_addr = None env = await client.run_on_scheduler( _start_tracker, n_workers, sched_addr, user_addr ) return env def _get_dask_config() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: return dask.config.get("xgboost", default=None) # train and predict methods are supposed to be "functional", which meets the # dask paradigm. But as a side effect, the `evals_result` in single-node API # is no longer supported since it mutates the input parameter, and it's not # intuitive to sync the mutation result. Therefore, a dictionary containing # evaluation history is instead returned. def _get_workers_from_data( dtrain: DaskDMatrix, evals: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[DaskDMatrix, str]]] ) -> List[str]: X_worker_map: Set[str] = set(dtrain.worker_map.keys()) if evals: for e in evals: assert len(e) == 2 assert isinstance(e[0], DaskDMatrix) and isinstance(e[1], str) if e[0] is dtrain: continue worker_map = set(e[0].worker_map.keys()) X_worker_map = X_worker_map.union(worker_map) return list(X_worker_map) async def _check_workers_are_alive( workers: List[str], client: "distributed.Client" ) -> None: info = await client.scheduler.identity() current_workers = info["workers"].keys() missing_workers = set(workers) - current_workers if missing_workers: raise RuntimeError(f"Missing required workers: {missing_workers}") def _get_dmatrices( train_ref: dict, train_id: int, *refs: dict, evals_id: Sequence[int], evals_name: Sequence[str], n_threads: int, ) -> Tuple[DMatrix, List[Tuple[DMatrix, str]]]: Xy = _dmatrix_from_list_of_parts(**train_ref, nthread=n_threads) evals: List[Tuple[DMatrix, str]] = [] for i, ref in enumerate(refs): if evals_id[i] == train_id: evals.append((Xy, evals_name[i])) continue if ref.get("ref", None) is not None: if ref["ref"] != train_id: raise ValueError( "The training DMatrix should be used as a reference to evaluation" " `QuantileDMatrix`." ) del ref["ref"] eval_Xy = _dmatrix_from_list_of_parts(**ref, nthread=n_threads, ref=Xy) else: eval_Xy = _dmatrix_from_list_of_parts(**ref, nthread=n_threads) evals.append((eval_Xy, evals_name[i])) return Xy, evals async def _train_async( client: "distributed.Client", global_config: Dict[str, Any], dconfig: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], params: Dict[str, Any], dtrain: DaskDMatrix, num_boost_round: int, evals: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[DaskDMatrix, str]]], obj: Optional[Objective], feval: Optional[Metric], early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int], verbose_eval: Union[int, bool], xgb_model: Optional[Booster], callbacks: Optional[Sequence[TrainingCallback]], custom_metric: Optional[Metric], ) -> Optional[TrainReturnT]: workers = _get_workers_from_data(dtrain, evals) await _check_workers_are_alive(workers, client) _rabit_args = await _get_rabit_args(len(workers), dconfig, client) _check_distributed_params(params) def dispatched_train( parameters: Dict, rabit_args: Dict[str, Union[str, int]], train_id: int, evals_name: List[str], evals_id: List[int], train_ref: dict, *refs: dict, ) -> Optional[TrainReturnT]: worker = distributed.get_worker() local_param = parameters.copy() n_threads = get_n_threads(local_param, worker) local_param.update({"nthread": n_threads, "n_jobs": n_threads}) local_history: TrainingCallback.EvalsLog = {} with CommunicatorContext(**rabit_args), config.config_context(**global_config): Xy, evals = _get_dmatrices( train_ref, train_id, *refs, evals_id=evals_id, evals_name=evals_name, n_threads=n_threads, ) booster = worker_train( params=local_param, dtrain=Xy, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, evals_result=local_history, evals=evals if len(evals) != 0 else None, obj=obj, feval=feval, custom_metric=custom_metric, early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds, verbose_eval=verbose_eval, xgb_model=xgb_model, callbacks=callbacks, ) # Don't return the boosters from empty workers. It's quite difficult to # guarantee everything is in sync in the present of empty workers, especially # with complex objectives like quantile. if Xy.num_row() != 0: ret: Optional[TrainReturnT] = { "booster": booster, "history": local_history, } else: ret = None return ret async with distributed.MultiLock(workers, client): if evals is not None: evals_data = [d for d, n in evals] evals_name = [n for d, n in evals] evals_id = [id(d) for d in evals_data] else: evals_data = [] evals_name = [] evals_id = [] result = await map_worker_partitions( client, dispatched_train, # extra function parameters params, _rabit_args, id(dtrain), evals_name, evals_id, *([dtrain] + evals_data), # workers to be used for training workers=workers, ) return result
[文档] @_deprecate_positional_args def train( # pylint: disable=unused-argument client: "distributed.Client", params: Dict[str, Any], dtrain: DaskDMatrix, num_boost_round: int = 10, *, evals: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[DaskDMatrix, str]]] = None, obj: Optional[Objective] = None, feval: Optional[Metric] = None, early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = None, xgb_model: Optional[Booster] = None, verbose_eval: Union[int, bool] = True, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[TrainingCallback]] = None, custom_metric: Optional[Metric] = None, ) -> Any: """Train XGBoost model. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 .. note:: Other parameters are the same as :py:func:`xgboost.train` except for `evals_result`, which is returned as part of function return value instead of argument. Parameters ---------- client : Specify the dask client used for training. Use default client returned from dask if it's set to None. Returns ------- results: dict A dictionary containing trained booster and evaluation history. `history` field is the same as `eval_result` from `xgboost.train`. .. code-block:: python {'booster': xgboost.Booster, 'history': {'train': {'logloss': ['0.48253', '0.35953']}, 'eval': {'logloss': ['0.480385', '0.357756']}}} """ _assert_dask_support() client = _xgb_get_client(client) args = locals() return client.sync( _train_async, global_config=config.get_config(), dconfig=_get_dask_config(), **args, )
def _can_output_df(is_df: bool, output_shape: Tuple) -> bool: return is_df and len(output_shape) <= 2 def _maybe_dataframe( data: Any, prediction: Any, columns: List[int], is_df: bool ) -> Any: """Return dataframe for prediction when applicable.""" if _can_output_df(is_df, prediction.shape): # Need to preserve the index for dataframe. # See issue: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/issues/6939 # In older versions of dask, the partition is actually a numpy array when input # is dataframe. index = getattr(data, "index", None) if lazy_isinstance(data, "cudf.core.dataframe", "DataFrame"): import cudf if prediction.size == 0: return cudf.DataFrame({}, columns=columns, dtype=numpy.float32) prediction = cudf.DataFrame( prediction, columns=columns, dtype=numpy.float32, index=index ) else: if prediction.size == 0: return DataFrame({}, columns=columns, dtype=numpy.float32, index=index) prediction = DataFrame( prediction, columns=columns, dtype=numpy.float32, index=index ) return prediction async def _direct_predict_impl( # pylint: disable=too-many-branches mapped_predict: Callable, booster: "distributed.Future", data: _DataT, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], output_shape: Tuple[int, ...], meta: Dict[int, str], ) -> _DaskCollection: columns = tuple(meta.keys()) if len(output_shape) >= 3 and isinstance(data, dd.DataFrame): # Without this check, dask will finish the prediction silently even if output # dimension is greater than 3. But during map_partitions, dask passes a # `dd.DataFrame` as local input to xgboost, which is converted to csr_matrix by # `_convert_unknown_data` since dd.DataFrame is not known to xgboost native # binding. raise ValueError( "Use `da.Array` or `DaskDMatrix` when output has more than 2 dimensions." ) if _can_output_df(isinstance(data, dd.DataFrame), output_shape): if base_margin is not None and isinstance(base_margin, da.Array): # Easier for map_partitions base_margin_df: Optional[Union[dd.DataFrame, dd.Series]] = ( base_margin.to_dask_dataframe() ) else: base_margin_df = base_margin predictions = dd.map_partitions( mapped_predict, booster, data, True, columns, base_margin_df, meta=dd.utils.make_meta(meta), ) # classification can return a dataframe, drop 1 dim when it's reg/binary if len(output_shape) == 1: predictions = predictions.iloc[:, 0] else: if base_margin is not None and isinstance( base_margin, (dd.Series, dd.DataFrame) ): # Easier for map_blocks base_margin_array: Optional[da.Array] = base_margin.to_dask_array() else: base_margin_array = base_margin # Input data is 2-dim array, output can be 1(reg, binary)/2(multi-class, # contrib)/3(contrib, interaction)/4(interaction) dims. if len(output_shape) == 1: drop_axis: Union[int, List[int]] = [1] # drop from 2 to 1 dim. new_axis: Union[int, List[int]] = [] else: drop_axis = [] if isinstance(data, dd.DataFrame): new_axis = list(range(len(output_shape) - 2)) else: new_axis = [i + 2 for i in range(len(output_shape) - 2)] if len(output_shape) == 2: # Somehow dask fail to infer output shape change for 2-dim prediction, and # `chunks = (None, output_shape[1])` doesn't work due to None is not # supported in map_blocks. # data must be an array here as dataframe + 2-dim output predict will return # a dataframe instead. chunks: Optional[List[Tuple]] = list(data.chunks) assert isinstance(chunks, list) chunks[1] = (output_shape[1],) else: chunks = None predictions = da.map_blocks( mapped_predict, booster, data, False, columns, base_margin_array, chunks=chunks, drop_axis=drop_axis, new_axis=new_axis, dtype=numpy.float32, ) return predictions def _infer_predict_output( booster: Booster, features: int, is_df: bool, inplace: bool, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], Dict[int, str]]: """Create a dummy test sample to infer output shape for prediction.""" assert isinstance(features, int) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1994) test_sample = rng.randn(1, features) if inplace: kwargs = kwargs.copy() if kwargs.pop("predict_type") == "margin": kwargs["output_margin"] = True m = DMatrix(test_sample, enable_categorical=True) # generated DMatrix doesn't have feature name, so no validation. test_predt = booster.predict(m, validate_features=False, **kwargs) n_columns = test_predt.shape[1] if len(test_predt.shape) > 1 else 1 meta: Dict[int, str] = {} if _can_output_df(is_df, test_predt.shape): for i in range(n_columns): meta[i] = "f4" return test_predt.shape, meta async def _get_model_future( client: "distributed.Client", model: Union[Booster, Dict, "distributed.Future"] ) -> "distributed.Future": # See https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/11179#issuecomment-2168094529 for the use # of hash. # https://github.com/dask/distributed/pull/8796 Don't use broadcast in the `scatter` # call, otherwise, the predict function might hang. if isinstance(model, Booster): booster = await client.scatter(model, hash=False) elif isinstance(model, dict): booster = await client.scatter(model["booster"], hash=False) elif isinstance(model, distributed.Future): booster = model t = booster.type if t is not Booster: raise TypeError( f"Underlying type of model future should be `Booster`, got {t}" ) else: raise TypeError(_expect([Booster, dict, distributed.Future], type(model))) return booster # pylint: disable=too-many-statements async def _predict_async( client: "distributed.Client", global_config: Dict[str, Any], model: Union[Booster, Dict, "distributed.Future"], data: _DataT, output_margin: bool, missing: float, pred_leaf: bool, pred_contribs: bool, approx_contribs: bool, pred_interactions: bool, validate_features: bool, iteration_range: IterationRange, strict_shape: bool, ) -> _DaskCollection: _booster = await _get_model_future(client, model) if not isinstance(data, (DaskDMatrix, da.Array, dd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError(_expect([DaskDMatrix, da.Array, dd.DataFrame], type(data))) def mapped_predict( booster: Booster, partition: Any, is_df: bool, columns: List[int], _: Any ) -> Any: with config.config_context(**global_config): m = DMatrix( data=partition, missing=missing, enable_categorical=True, ) predt = booster.predict( data=m, output_margin=output_margin, pred_leaf=pred_leaf, pred_contribs=pred_contribs, approx_contribs=approx_contribs, pred_interactions=pred_interactions, validate_features=validate_features, iteration_range=iteration_range, strict_shape=strict_shape, ) predt = _maybe_dataframe(partition, predt, columns, is_df) return predt # Predict on dask collection directly. if isinstance(data, (da.Array, dd.DataFrame)): _output_shape, meta = await client.compute( client.submit( _infer_predict_output, _booster, features=data.shape[1], is_df=isinstance(data, dd.DataFrame), inplace=False, output_margin=output_margin, pred_leaf=pred_leaf, pred_contribs=pred_contribs, approx_contribs=approx_contribs, pred_interactions=pred_interactions, strict_shape=strict_shape, ) ) return await _direct_predict_impl( mapped_predict, _booster, data, None, _output_shape, meta ) output_shape, _ = await client.compute( client.submit( _infer_predict_output, booster=_booster, features=data.num_col(), is_df=False, inplace=False, output_margin=output_margin, pred_leaf=pred_leaf, pred_contribs=pred_contribs, approx_contribs=approx_contribs, pred_interactions=pred_interactions, strict_shape=strict_shape, ) ) # Prediction on dask DMatrix. partition_order = data.partition_order feature_names = data.feature_names feature_types = data.feature_types missing = data.missing def dispatched_predict(booster: Booster, part: Dict[str, Any]) -> numpy.ndarray: data = part["data"] base_margin = part.get("base_margin", None) with config.config_context(**global_config): m = DMatrix( data, missing=missing, base_margin=base_margin, feature_names=feature_names, feature_types=feature_types, enable_categorical=True, ) predt = booster.predict( m, output_margin=output_margin, pred_leaf=pred_leaf, pred_contribs=pred_contribs, approx_contribs=approx_contribs, pred_interactions=pred_interactions, validate_features=validate_features, iteration_range=iteration_range, strict_shape=strict_shape, ) return predt all_parts = [] all_orders = [] all_shapes = [] all_workers: List[str] = [] workers_address = list(data.worker_map.keys()) for worker_addr in workers_address: list_of_parts = data.worker_map[worker_addr] all_parts.extend(list_of_parts) all_workers.extend(len(list_of_parts) * [worker_addr]) all_orders.extend([partition_order[part.key] for part in list_of_parts]) for w, part in zip(all_workers, all_parts): s = client.submit(lambda part: part["data"].shape[0], part, workers=[w]) all_shapes.append(s) parts_with_order = list(zip(all_parts, all_shapes, all_orders, all_workers)) parts_with_order = sorted(parts_with_order, key=lambda p: p[2]) all_parts = [part for part, shape, order, w in parts_with_order] all_shapes = [shape for part, shape, order, w in parts_with_order] all_workers = [w for part, shape, order, w in parts_with_order] futures = [] for w, part in zip(all_workers, all_parts): f = client.submit(dispatched_predict, _booster, part, workers=[w]) futures.append(f) # Constructing a dask array from list of numpy arrays # See https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/array-creation.html arrays = [] all_shapes = await client.gather(all_shapes) for i, rows in enumerate(all_shapes): arrays.append( da.from_delayed( futures[i], shape=(rows,) + output_shape[1:], dtype=numpy.float32 ) ) predictions = da.concatenate(arrays, axis=0) return predictions
[文档] def predict( # pylint: disable=unused-argument client: Optional["distributed.Client"], model: Union[TrainReturnT, Booster, "distributed.Future"], data: Union[DaskDMatrix, _DataT], output_margin: bool = False, missing: float = numpy.nan, pred_leaf: bool = False, pred_contribs: bool = False, approx_contribs: bool = False, pred_interactions: bool = False, validate_features: bool = True, iteration_range: IterationRange = (0, 0), strict_shape: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Run prediction with a trained booster. .. note:: Using ``inplace_predict`` might be faster when some features are not needed. See :py:meth:`xgboost.Booster.predict` for details on various parameters. When output has more than 2 dimensions (shap value, leaf with strict_shape), input should be ``da.Array`` or ``DaskDMatrix``. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- client: Specify the dask client used for training. Use default client returned from dask if it's set to None. model: The trained model. It can be a distributed.Future so user can pre-scatter it onto all workers. data: Input data used for prediction. When input is a dataframe object, prediction output is a series. missing: Used when input data is not DaskDMatrix. Specify the value considered as missing. Returns ------- prediction: dask.array.Array/dask.dataframe.Series When input data is ``dask.array.Array`` or ``DaskDMatrix``, the return value is an array, when input data is ``dask.dataframe.DataFrame``, return value can be ``dask.dataframe.Series``, ``dask.dataframe.DataFrame``, depending on the output shape. """ _assert_dask_support() client = _xgb_get_client(client) return client.sync(_predict_async, global_config=config.get_config(), **locals())
async def _inplace_predict_async( # pylint: disable=too-many-branches client: "distributed.Client", global_config: Dict[str, Any], model: Union[Booster, Dict, "distributed.Future"], data: _DataT, iteration_range: IterationRange, predict_type: str, missing: float, validate_features: bool, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], strict_shape: bool, ) -> _DaskCollection: client = _xgb_get_client(client) booster = await _get_model_future(client, model) if not isinstance(data, (da.Array, dd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError(_expect([da.Array, dd.DataFrame], type(data))) if base_margin is not None and not isinstance( data, (da.Array, dd.DataFrame, dd.Series) ): raise TypeError(_expect([da.Array, dd.DataFrame, dd.Series], type(base_margin))) def mapped_predict( booster: Booster, partition: Any, is_df: bool, columns: List[int], base_margin: Any, ) -> Any: with config.config_context(**global_config): prediction = booster.inplace_predict( partition, iteration_range=iteration_range, predict_type=predict_type, missing=missing, base_margin=base_margin, validate_features=validate_features, strict_shape=strict_shape, ) prediction = _maybe_dataframe(partition, prediction, columns, is_df) return prediction # await turns future into value. shape, meta = await client.compute( client.submit( _infer_predict_output, booster, features=data.shape[1], is_df=isinstance(data, dd.DataFrame), inplace=True, predict_type=predict_type, iteration_range=iteration_range, strict_shape=strict_shape, ) ) return await _direct_predict_impl( mapped_predict, booster, data, base_margin, shape, meta )
[文档] def inplace_predict( # pylint: disable=unused-argument client: Optional["distributed.Client"], model: Union[TrainReturnT, Booster, "distributed.Future"], data: _DataT, iteration_range: IterationRange = (0, 0), predict_type: str = "value", missing: float = numpy.nan, validate_features: bool = True, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, strict_shape: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Inplace prediction. See doc in :py:meth:`xgboost.Booster.inplace_predict` for details. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 Parameters ---------- client: Specify the dask client used for training. Use default client returned from dask if it's set to None. model: See :py:func:`xgboost.dask.predict` for details. data : dask collection. iteration_range: See :py:meth:`xgboost.Booster.predict` for details. predict_type: See :py:meth:`xgboost.Booster.inplace_predict` for details. missing: Value in the input data which needs to be present as a missing value. If None, defaults to np.nan. base_margin: See :py:obj:`xgboost.DMatrix` for details. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 strict_shape: See :py:meth:`xgboost.Booster.predict` for details. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Returns ------- prediction : When input data is ``dask.array.Array``, the return value is an array, when input data is ``dask.dataframe.DataFrame``, return value can be ``dask.dataframe.Series``, ``dask.dataframe.DataFrame``, depending on the output shape. """ _assert_dask_support() client = _xgb_get_client(client) # When used in asynchronous environment, the `client` object should have # `asynchronous` attribute as True. When invoked by the skl interface, it's # responsible for setting up the client. return client.sync( _inplace_predict_async, global_config=config.get_config(), **locals() )
async def _async_wrap_evaluation_matrices( client: Optional["distributed.Client"], tree_method: Optional[str], max_bin: Optional[int], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[DaskDMatrix, Optional[List[Tuple[DaskDMatrix, str]]]]: """A switch function for async environment.""" def _dispatch(ref: Optional[DaskDMatrix], **kwargs: Any) -> DaskDMatrix: if _can_use_qdm(tree_method): return DaskQuantileDMatrix( client=client, ref=ref, max_bin=max_bin, **kwargs ) return DaskDMatrix(client=client, **kwargs) train_dmatrix, evals = _wrap_evaluation_matrices(create_dmatrix=_dispatch, **kwargs) train_dmatrix = await train_dmatrix if evals is None: return train_dmatrix, evals awaited = [] for e in evals: if e[0] is train_dmatrix: # already awaited awaited.append(e) continue awaited.append((await e[0], e[1])) return train_dmatrix, awaited @contextmanager def _set_worker_client( model: "DaskScikitLearnBase", client: "distributed.Client" ) -> Generator: """Temporarily set the client for sklearn model.""" try: model.client = client yield model finally: model.client = None # type:ignore class DaskScikitLearnBase(XGBModel): """Base class for implementing scikit-learn interface with Dask""" _client = None async def _predict_async( self, data: _DataT, output_margin: bool, validate_features: bool, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], iteration_range: Optional[IterationRange], ) -> Any: iteration_range = self._get_iteration_range(iteration_range) if self._can_use_inplace_predict(): predts = await inplace_predict( client=self.client, model=self.get_booster(), data=data, iteration_range=iteration_range, predict_type="margin" if output_margin else "value", missing=self.missing, base_margin=base_margin, validate_features=validate_features, ) if isinstance(predts, dd.DataFrame): predts = predts.to_dask_array() else: test_dmatrix = await DaskDMatrix( self.client, data=data, base_margin=base_margin, missing=self.missing, feature_types=self.feature_types, ) predts = await predict( self.client, model=self.get_booster(), data=test_dmatrix, output_margin=output_margin, validate_features=validate_features, iteration_range=iteration_range, ) return predts def predict( self, X: _DataT, output_margin: bool = False, validate_features: bool = True, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, iteration_range: Optional[IterationRange] = None, ) -> Any: _assert_dask_support() return self.client.sync( self._predict_async, X, output_margin=output_margin, validate_features=validate_features, base_margin=base_margin, iteration_range=iteration_range, ) async def _apply_async( self, X: _DataT, iteration_range: Optional[IterationRange] = None, ) -> Any: iteration_range = self._get_iteration_range(iteration_range) test_dmatrix = await DaskDMatrix( self.client, data=X, missing=self.missing, feature_types=self.feature_types, ) predts = await predict( self.client, model=self.get_booster(), data=test_dmatrix, pred_leaf=True, iteration_range=iteration_range, ) return predts def apply( self, X: _DataT, iteration_range: Optional[IterationRange] = None, ) -> Any: _assert_dask_support() return self.client.sync(self._apply_async, X, iteration_range=iteration_range) def __await__(self) -> Awaitable[Any]: # Generate a coroutine wrapper to make this class awaitable. async def _() -> Awaitable[Any]: return self return self._client_sync(_).__await__() def __getstate__(self) -> Dict: this = self.__dict__.copy() if "_client" in this: del this["_client"] return this @property def client(self) -> "distributed.Client": """The dask client used in this model. The `Client` object can not be serialized for transmission, so if task is launched from a worker instead of directly from the client process, this attribute needs to be set at that worker. """ client = _xgb_get_client(self._client) return client @client.setter def client(self, clt: "distributed.Client") -> None: # calling `worker_client' doesn't return the correct `asynchronous` attribute, # so we have to pass it ourselves. self._asynchronous = clt.asynchronous if clt is not None else False self._client = clt def _client_sync(self, func: Callable, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Get the correct client, when method is invoked inside a worker we should use `worker_client' instead of default client. """ if self._client is None: asynchronous = getattr(self, "_asynchronous", False) try: distributed.get_worker() in_worker = True except ValueError: in_worker = False if in_worker: with distributed.worker_client() as client: with _set_worker_client(self, client) as this: ret = this.client.sync( func, **kwargs, asynchronous=asynchronous ) return ret return ret return self.client.sync(func, **kwargs, asynchronous=self.client.asynchronous)
[文档] @xgboost_model_doc( """Implementation of the Scikit-Learn API for XGBoost.""", ["estimators", "model"] ) class DaskXGBRegressor(DaskScikitLearnBase, XGBRegressorBase): """dummy doc string to workaround pylint, replaced by the decorator.""" async def _fit_async( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection], base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]], sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], verbose: Union[int, bool], xgb_model: Optional[Union[Booster, XGBModel]], feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection], ) -> _DaskCollection: params = self.get_xgb_params() dtrain, evals = await _async_wrap_evaluation_matrices( client=self.client, tree_method=self.tree_method, max_bin=self.max_bin, X=X, y=y, group=None, qid=None, sample_weight=sample_weight, base_margin=base_margin, feature_weights=feature_weights, eval_set=eval_set, sample_weight_eval_set=sample_weight_eval_set, base_margin_eval_set=base_margin_eval_set, eval_group=None, eval_qid=None, missing=self.missing, enable_categorical=self.enable_categorical, feature_types=self.feature_types, ) if callable(self.objective): obj: Optional[Callable] = _objective_decorator(self.objective) else: obj = None model, metric, params = self._configure_fit(xgb_model, params) results = await self.client.sync( _train_async, asynchronous=True, client=self.client, global_config=config.get_config(), dconfig=_get_dask_config(), params=params, dtrain=dtrain, num_boost_round=self.get_num_boosting_rounds(), evals=evals, obj=obj, feval=None, custom_metric=metric, verbose_eval=verbose, early_stopping_rounds=self.early_stopping_rounds, callbacks=self.callbacks, xgb_model=model, ) self._Booster = results["booster"] self._set_evaluation_result(results["history"]) return self # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, disable=unused-argument
[文档] @_deprecate_positional_args def fit( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, *, sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]] = None, verbose: Union[int, bool] = True, xgb_model: Optional[Union[Booster, XGBModel]] = None, sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, ) -> "DaskXGBRegressor": _assert_dask_support() args = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in ("self", "__class__")} return self._client_sync(self._fit_async, **args)
[文档] @xgboost_model_doc( "Implementation of the scikit-learn API for XGBoost classification.", ["estimators", "model"], ) class DaskXGBClassifier(DaskScikitLearnBase, XGBClassifierBase): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring async def _fit_async( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection], base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]], sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], verbose: Union[int, bool], xgb_model: Optional[Union[Booster, XGBModel]], feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection], ) -> "DaskXGBClassifier": params = self.get_xgb_params() dtrain, evals = await _async_wrap_evaluation_matrices( self.client, tree_method=self.tree_method, max_bin=self.max_bin, X=X, y=y, group=None, qid=None, sample_weight=sample_weight, base_margin=base_margin, feature_weights=feature_weights, eval_set=eval_set, sample_weight_eval_set=sample_weight_eval_set, base_margin_eval_set=base_margin_eval_set, eval_group=None, eval_qid=None, missing=self.missing, enable_categorical=self.enable_categorical, feature_types=self.feature_types, ) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init if isinstance(y, da.Array): self.classes_ = await self.client.compute(da.unique(y)) else: self.classes_ = await self.client.compute(y.drop_duplicates()) if _is_cudf_ser(self.classes_): self.classes_ = self.classes_.to_cupy() if _is_cupy_alike(self.classes_): self.classes_ = self.classes_.get() self.classes_ = numpy.array(self.classes_) self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_) if self.n_classes_ > 2: params["objective"] = "multi:softprob" params["num_class"] = self.n_classes_ else: params["objective"] = "binary:logistic" if callable(self.objective): obj: Optional[Callable] = _objective_decorator(self.objective) else: obj = None model, metric, params = self._configure_fit(xgb_model, params) results = await self.client.sync( _train_async, asynchronous=True, client=self.client, global_config=config.get_config(), dconfig=_get_dask_config(), params=params, dtrain=dtrain, num_boost_round=self.get_num_boosting_rounds(), evals=evals, obj=obj, feval=None, custom_metric=metric, verbose_eval=verbose, early_stopping_rounds=self.early_stopping_rounds, callbacks=self.callbacks, xgb_model=model, ) self._Booster = results["booster"] if not callable(self.objective): self.objective = params["objective"] self._set_evaluation_result(results["history"]) return self # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[文档] def fit( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, *, sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]] = None, verbose: Union[int, bool] = True, xgb_model: Optional[Union[Booster, XGBModel]] = None, sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, ) -> "DaskXGBClassifier": _assert_dask_support() args = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in ("self", "__class__")} return self._client_sync(self._fit_async, **args)
async def _predict_proba_async( self, X: _DataT, validate_features: bool, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], iteration_range: Optional[IterationRange], ) -> _DaskCollection: if self.objective == "multi:softmax": raise ValueError( "multi:softmax doesn't support `predict_proba`. " "Switch to `multi:softproba` instead" ) predts = await super()._predict_async( data=X, output_margin=False, validate_features=validate_features, base_margin=base_margin, iteration_range=iteration_range, ) vstack = update_wrapper( partial(da.vstack, allow_unknown_chunksizes=True), da.vstack ) return _cls_predict_proba(getattr(self, "n_classes_", 0), predts, vstack) # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
[文档] def predict_proba( self, X: _DaskCollection, validate_features: bool = True, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, iteration_range: Optional[IterationRange] = None, ) -> Any: _assert_dask_support() return self._client_sync( self._predict_proba_async, X=X, validate_features=validate_features, base_margin=base_margin, iteration_range=iteration_range, )
predict_proba.__doc__ = XGBClassifier.predict_proba.__doc__ async def _predict_async( self, data: _DataT, output_margin: bool, validate_features: bool, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], iteration_range: Optional[IterationRange], ) -> _DaskCollection: pred_probs = await super()._predict_async( data, output_margin, validate_features, base_margin, iteration_range ) if output_margin: return pred_probs if len(pred_probs.shape) == 1: preds = (pred_probs > 0.5).astype(int) else: assert len(pred_probs.shape) == 2 assert isinstance(pred_probs, da.Array) # when using da.argmax directly, dask will construct a numpy based return # array, which runs into error when computing GPU based prediction. def _argmax(x: Any) -> Any: return x.argmax(axis=1) preds = da.map_blocks(_argmax, pred_probs, drop_axis=1) return preds
[文档] @xgboost_model_doc( """Implementation of the Scikit-Learn API for XGBoost Ranking. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """, ["estimators", "model"], end_note=""" .. note:: For dask implementation, group is not supported, use qid instead. """, ) class DaskXGBRanker(DaskScikitLearnBase, XGBRankerMixIn): @_deprecate_positional_args def __init__(self, *, objective: str = "rank:pairwise", **kwargs: Any): if callable(objective): raise ValueError("Custom objective function not supported by XGBRanker.") super().__init__(objective=objective, **kwargs) async def _fit_async( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, group: Optional[_DaskCollection], qid: Optional[_DaskCollection], sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection], base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection], eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]], sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], eval_group: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], eval_qid: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]], verbose: Union[int, bool], xgb_model: Optional[Union[XGBModel, Booster]], feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection], ) -> "DaskXGBRanker": msg = "Use `qid` instead of `group` on dask interface." if not (group is None and eval_group is None): raise ValueError(msg) if qid is None: raise ValueError("`qid` is required for ranking.") params = self.get_xgb_params() dtrain, evals = await _async_wrap_evaluation_matrices( self.client, tree_method=self.tree_method, max_bin=self.max_bin, X=X, y=y, group=None, qid=qid, sample_weight=sample_weight, base_margin=base_margin, feature_weights=feature_weights, eval_set=eval_set, sample_weight_eval_set=sample_weight_eval_set, base_margin_eval_set=base_margin_eval_set, eval_group=None, eval_qid=eval_qid, missing=self.missing, enable_categorical=self.enable_categorical, feature_types=self.feature_types, ) model, metric, params = self._configure_fit(xgb_model, params) results = await self.client.sync( _train_async, asynchronous=True, client=self.client, global_config=config.get_config(), dconfig=_get_dask_config(), params=params, dtrain=dtrain, num_boost_round=self.get_num_boosting_rounds(), evals=evals, obj=None, feval=None, custom_metric=metric, verbose_eval=verbose, early_stopping_rounds=self.early_stopping_rounds, callbacks=self.callbacks, xgb_model=model, ) self._Booster = results["booster"] self.evals_result_ = results["history"] return self # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ
[文档] @_deprecate_positional_args def fit( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, *, group: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, qid: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]] = None, eval_group: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, eval_qid: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, verbose: Union[int, bool] = False, xgb_model: Optional[Union[XGBModel, Booster]] = None, sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, ) -> "DaskXGBRanker": _assert_dask_support() args = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in ("self", "__class__")} return self._client_sync(self._fit_async, **args)
# FIXME(trivialfis): arguments differ due to additional parameters like group and # qid. fit.__doc__ = XGBRanker.fit.__doc__
[文档] @xgboost_model_doc( """Implementation of the Scikit-Learn API for XGBoost Random Forest Regressor. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """, ["model", "objective"], extra_parameters=""" n_estimators : int Number of trees in random forest to fit. """, ) class DaskXGBRFRegressor(DaskXGBRegressor): @_deprecate_positional_args def __init__( self, *, learning_rate: Optional[float] = 1, subsample: Optional[float] = 0.8, colsample_bynode: Optional[float] = 0.8, reg_lambda: Optional[float] = 1e-5, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__( learning_rate=learning_rate, subsample=subsample, colsample_bynode=colsample_bynode, reg_lambda=reg_lambda, **kwargs, )
[文档] def get_xgb_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = super().get_xgb_params() params["num_parallel_tree"] = self.n_estimators return params
[文档] def get_num_boosting_rounds(self) -> int: return 1
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[文档] def fit( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, *, sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]] = None, verbose: Union[int, bool] = True, xgb_model: Optional[Union[Booster, XGBModel]] = None, sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, ) -> "DaskXGBRFRegressor": _assert_dask_support() args = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in ("self", "__class__")} _check_rf_callback(self.early_stopping_rounds, self.callbacks) super().fit(**args) return self
[文档] @xgboost_model_doc( """Implementation of the Scikit-Learn API for XGBoost Random Forest Classifier. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """, ["model", "objective"], extra_parameters=""" n_estimators : int Number of trees in random forest to fit. """, ) class DaskXGBRFClassifier(DaskXGBClassifier): @_deprecate_positional_args def __init__( self, *, learning_rate: Optional[float] = 1, subsample: Optional[float] = 0.8, colsample_bynode: Optional[float] = 0.8, reg_lambda: Optional[float] = 1e-5, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__( learning_rate=learning_rate, subsample=subsample, colsample_bynode=colsample_bynode, reg_lambda=reg_lambda, **kwargs, )
[文档] def get_xgb_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = super().get_xgb_params() params["num_parallel_tree"] = self.n_estimators return params
[文档] def get_num_boosting_rounds(self) -> int: return 1
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[文档] def fit( self, X: _DataT, y: _DaskCollection, *, sample_weight: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, base_margin: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, eval_set: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[_DaskCollection, _DaskCollection]]] = None, verbose: Union[int, bool] = True, xgb_model: Optional[Union[Booster, XGBModel]] = None, sample_weight_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, base_margin_eval_set: Optional[Sequence[_DaskCollection]] = None, feature_weights: Optional[_DaskCollection] = None, ) -> "DaskXGBRFClassifier": _assert_dask_support() args = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in ("self", "__class__")} _check_rf_callback(self.early_stopping_rounds, self.callbacks) super().fit(**args) return self