xgboost_ray.main 源代码

import functools
import inspect
import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
import platform
import threading
import time
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from packaging.version import Version
from xgboost.core import XGBoostError

from xgboost_ray.xgb import xgboost as xgb

    from xgboost.core import EarlyStopException
except ImportError:

    class EarlyStopException(XGBoostError):

# From xgboost>=1.7.0, rabit is replaced by a collective communicator.
    from xgboost.collective import CommunicatorContext

    rabit = None
except ImportError:
    from xgboost import rabit  # noqa

    CommunicatorContext = None

from xgboost_ray.callback import DistributedCallback, DistributedCallbackContainer
from xgboost_ray.compat import LEGACY_CALLBACK, RabitTracker, TrainingCallback

    import ray
    from ray import logger
    from ray.actor import ActorHandle
    from ray.exceptions import RayActorError, RayTaskError
    from ray.util import get_node_ip_address, placement_group
    from ray.util.annotations import DeveloperAPI, PublicAPI
    from ray.util.placement_group import (
    from ray.util.queue import Queue
    from ray.util.scheduling_strategies import (

    from xgboost_ray.util import Event, MultiActorTask, force_on_current_node

    DEFAULT_PG = "default"

except ImportError:
    ray = get_node_ip_address = Queue = Event = ActorHandle = logger = None

    def PublicAPI(f):
        def inner_f(*args, **kwargs):
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        return inner_f

    DeveloperAPI = PublicAPI

from xgboost_ray.matrix import (
from xgboost_ray.session import (
from xgboost_ray.tune import (

def _get_environ(item: str, old_val: Any):
    env_var = f"RXGB_{item}"
    new_val = old_val
    if env_var in os.environ:
        new_val_str = os.environ.get(env_var)

        if isinstance(old_val, bool):
            new_val = bool(int(new_val_str))
        elif isinstance(old_val, int):
            new_val = int(new_val_str)
        elif isinstance(old_val, float):
            new_val = float(new_val_str)
            new_val = new_val_str

    return new_val

class _XGBoostEnv:
    # Whether to use SPREAD placement group strategy for training.
    USE_SPREAD_STRATEGY: bool = True

    # How long to wait for placement group creation before failing.

    # Status report frequency when waiting for initial actors
    # and during training
    STATUS_FREQUENCY_S: int = 30

    # If restarting failed actors is disabled

    # How often to check for new available resources

    # How long to wait before triggering a new start of the training loop
    # when new actors become available

    # Whether to allow soft-placement of communication processes. If True,
    # the Queue and Event actors may be scheduled on non-driver nodes.

    def __getattribute__(self, item):
        old_val = super(_XGBoostEnv, self).__getattribute__(item)
        new_val = _get_environ(item, old_val)
        if new_val != old_val:
            setattr(self, item, new_val)
        return super(_XGBoostEnv, self).__getattribute__(item)

ENV = _XGBoostEnv()

xgboost_version = xgb.__version__ if xgb else "0.0.0"

    f"You are using `xgboost_ray` with a legacy XGBoost version "
    f"(version {xgboost_version}). While we try to support "
    f"older XGBoost versions, please note that this library is only "
    f"fully tested and supported for XGBoost >= 1.4. Please consider "
    f"upgrading your XGBoost version (`pip install -U xgboost`)."

# XGBoost Version for comparisions
XGBOOST_VERSION = Version(xgboost_version)

class RayXGBoostTrainingError(RuntimeError):
    """Raised from RayXGBoostActor.train() when the local xgb.train function
    did not complete."""


class RayXGBoostTrainingStopped(RuntimeError):
    """Raised from RayXGBoostActor.train() when training was deliberately


class RayXGBoostActorAvailable(RuntimeError):
    """Raise from `_update_scheduled_actor_states()` when new actors become
    available in elastic training"""


def _assert_ray_support():
    if not RAY_INSTALLED:
        raise ImportError(
            "Ray needs to be installed in order to use this module. "
            "Try: `pip install ray`"

def _maybe_print_legacy_warning():

def _is_client_connected() -> bool:
        return ray.util.client.ray.is_connected()
    except Exception:
        return False

class _RabitTrackerCompatMixin:
    """Fallback calls to legacy terminology"""

    def accept_workers(self, n_workers: int):
        return self.accept_slaves(n_workers)

    def worker_envs(self):
        return self.slave_envs()

class _RabitTracker(RabitTracker, _RabitTrackerCompatMixin):
    This method overwrites the xgboost-provided RabitTracker to switch
    from a daemon thread to a multiprocessing Process. This is so that
    we are able to terminate/kill the tracking process at will.

    def start(self, nworker):
        # TODO: refactor RabitTracker to support spawn process creation.
        # In python 3.8, spawn is used as default process creation on macOS.
        # But spawn doesn't work because `run` is not pickleable.
        # For now we force the start method to use fork.
        multiprocessing.set_start_method("fork", force=True)

        def run():

        self.thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=run, args=())

def _start_rabit_tracker(num_workers: int):
    """Start Rabit tracker. The workers connect to this tracker to share
    their results.

    The Rabit tracker is the main process that all local workers connect to
    to share their weights. When one or more actors die, we want to
    restart the Rabit tracker, too, for two reasons: First we don't want to
    be potentially stuck with stale connections from old training processes.
    Second, we might restart training with a different number of actors, and
    for that we would have to restart the tracker anyway.

    To do this we start the Tracker in its own subprocess with its own PID.
    We can use this process then to specifically kill/terminate the tracker
    process in `_stop_rabit_tracker` without touching other functionality.
    host = get_node_ip_address()

    env = {"DMLC_NUM_WORKER": num_workers}

    rabit_tracker = _RabitTracker(host, num_workers)

    # Get tracker Host + IP

    logger.debug(f"Started Rabit tracker process with PID {rabit_tracker.thread.pid}")

    return rabit_tracker.thread, env

def _stop_rabit_tracker(rabit_process: multiprocessing.Process):
    logger.debug(f"Stopping Rabit process with PID {rabit_process.pid}")

class _RabitContextBase:
    """This context is used by local training actors to connect to the
    Rabit tracker.

        actor_id: Unique actor ID
        args: Arguments for Rabit initialisation. These are
            environment variables to configure Rabit clients.

    def __init__(self, actor_id: int, args: dict):
        args["DMLC_TASK_ID"] = "[xgboost.ray]:" + actor_id
        self.args = args

# From xgboost>=1.7.0, rabit is replaced by a collective communicator

    class _RabitContext(_RabitContextBase, CommunicatorContext):


    class _RabitContext(_RabitContextBase):
        def __init__(self, actor_id: int, args: dict):
            super().__init__(actor_id, args)
            self._list_args = [("%s=%s" % item).encode() for item in self.args.items()]

        def __enter__(self):

        def __exit__(self, *args):

def _ray_get_actor_cpus():
    # Get through resource IDs
    if Version(ray.__version__) < Version("2.0.0"):
        # Remove after 2.2?
        resource_ids = ray.worker.get_resource_ids()
        if "CPU" in resource_ids:
            return sum(cpu[1] for cpu in resource_ids["CPU"])
        resource_ids = ray.get_runtime_context().get_assigned_resources()
        for key in resource_ids.keys():
            if key.startswith("CPU"):
                return resource_ids[key]
        return 1

def _ray_get_cluster_cpus():
    return ray.cluster_resources().get("CPU", None)

def _get_min_node_cpus():
    max_node_cpus = min(
        node.get("Resources", {}).get("CPU", 0.0)
        for node in ray.nodes()
        if node.get("Alive", False)
    return max_node_cpus if max_node_cpus > 0.0 else 1.0

def _set_omp_num_threads():
    ray_cpus = _ray_get_actor_cpus()
    if ray_cpus:
        os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(int(ray_cpus))
        if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
            del os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]
    return int(float(os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "0.0")))

def _prepare_dmatrix_params(param: Dict) -> Dict:
    dm_param = {
        "data": concat_dataframes(param["data"]),
        "label": concat_dataframes(param["label"]),
        "weight": concat_dataframes(param["weight"]),
        "feature_weights": concat_dataframes(param["feature_weights"]),
        "qid": concat_dataframes(param["qid"]),
        "base_margin": concat_dataframes(param["base_margin"]),
        "label_lower_bound": concat_dataframes(param["label_lower_bound"]),
        "label_upper_bound": concat_dataframes(param["label_upper_bound"]),
    return dm_param

def _get_dmatrix(data: RayDMatrix, param: Dict) -> xgb.DMatrix:
    if QUANTILE_AVAILABLE and isinstance(data, RayQuantileDMatrix):
        if isinstance(param["data"], list):
            qdm_param = _prepare_dmatrix_params(param)
        if data.enable_categorical is not None:
            param["enable_categorical"] = data.enable_categorical
        matrix = xgb.QuantileDMatrix(**param)
    if not LEGACY_MATRIX and isinstance(data, RayDeviceQuantileDMatrix):
        # If we only got a single data shard, create a list so we can
        # iterate over it
        if not isinstance(param["data"], list):
            param["data"] = [param["data"]]

            if not isinstance(param["label"], list):
                param["label"] = [param["label"]]
            if not isinstance(param["weight"], list):
                param["weight"] = [param["weight"]]
            if not isinstance(param["feature_weights"], list):
                param["feature_weights"] = [param["feature_weights"]]
            if not isinstance(param["qid"], list):
                param["qid"] = [param["qid"]]
            if not isinstance(param["data"], list):
                param["base_margin"] = [param["base_margin"]]

        param["label_lower_bound"] = [None]
        param["label_upper_bound"] = [None]

        dm_param = {
            "feature_names": data.feature_names,
            "feature_types": data.feature_types,
            "missing": data.missing,

        if data.enable_categorical is not None:
            dm_param["enable_categorical"] = data.enable_categorical

        it = RayDataIter(**param)
        matrix = xgb.DeviceQuantileDMatrix(it, **dm_param)
        if isinstance(param["data"], list):
            dm_param = _prepare_dmatrix_params(param)

        ll = param.pop("label_lower_bound", None)
        lu = param.pop("label_upper_bound", None)
        fw = param.pop("feature_weights", None)

        if LEGACY_MATRIX:
            param.pop("base_margin", None)

        if "qid" not in inspect.signature(xgb.DMatrix).parameters:
            param.pop("qid", None)

        if data.enable_categorical is not None:
            param["enable_categorical"] = data.enable_categorical

        matrix = xgb.DMatrix(**param)

        if not LEGACY_MATRIX:
                label_lower_bound=ll, label_upper_bound=lu, feature_weights=fw

    return matrix

[文档] @PublicAPI(stability="beta") @dataclass class RayParams: """Parameters to configure Ray-specific behavior. Args: num_actors: Number of parallel Ray actors. cpus_per_actor: Number of CPUs to be used per Ray actor. gpus_per_actor: Number of GPUs to be used per Ray actor. resources_per_actor: Dict of additional resources required per Ray actor. elastic_training: If True, training will continue with fewer actors if an actor fails. Default False. max_failed_actors: If `elastic_training` is True, this specifies the maximum number of failed actors with which we still continue training. max_actor_restarts: Number of retries when Ray actors fail. Defaults to 0 (no retries). Set to -1 for unlimited retries. checkpoint_frequency: How often to save checkpoints. Defaults to ``5`` (every 5th iteration). verbose: Whether to output Ray-specific info messages during training/prediction. placement_options: Optional kwargs to pass to ``PlacementGroupFactory`` in ``get_tune_resources()``. """ # Actor scheduling num_actors: int = 0 cpus_per_actor: int = 0 gpus_per_actor: int = -1 resources_per_actor: Optional[Dict] = None # Fault tolerance elastic_training: bool = False max_failed_actors: int = 0 max_actor_restarts: int = 0 checkpoint_frequency: int = 5 # Distributed callbacks distributed_callbacks: Optional[List[DistributedCallback]] = None verbose: Optional[bool] = None placement_options: Dict[str, Any] = None def get_tune_resources(self): """Return the resources to use for xgboost_ray training with Tune.""" if self.cpus_per_actor <= 0 or self.num_actors <= 0: raise ValueError( "num_actors and cpus_per_actor both must be " "greater than 0." ) return _get_tune_resources( num_actors=self.num_actors, cpus_per_actor=self.cpus_per_actor, gpus_per_actor=max(0, self.gpus_per_actor), resources_per_actor=self.resources_per_actor, placement_options=self.placement_options, )
@dataclass class _Checkpoint: iteration: int = 0 value: Optional[bytes] = None def _validate_ray_params(ray_params: Union[None, RayParams, dict]) -> RayParams: if ray_params is None: ray_params = RayParams() elif isinstance(ray_params, dict): ray_params = RayParams(**ray_params) elif not isinstance(ray_params, RayParams): raise ValueError( f"`ray_params` must be a `RayParams` instance, a dict, or None, " f"but it was {type(ray_params)}." f"\nFIX THIS preferably by passing a `RayParams` instance as " f"the `ray_params` parameter." ) if ray_params.num_actors <= 0: raise ValueError( "The `num_actors` parameter is set to 0. Please always specify " "the number of distributed actors you want to use." "\nFIX THIS by passing a `RayParams(num_actors=X)` argument " "to your call to xgboost_ray." ) elif ray_params.num_actors < 2: warnings.warn( f"`num_actors` in `ray_params` is smaller than 2 " f"({ray_params.num_actors}). XGBoost will NOT be distributed!" ) if ray_params.verbose is None: # In Tune sessions, reduce verbosity ray_params.verbose = not is_session_enabled() return ray_params @DeveloperAPI class RayXGBoostActor: """Remote Ray XGBoost actor class. This remote actor handles local training and prediction of one data shard. It initializes a Rabit context, thus connecting to the Rabit all-reduce ring, and initializes local training, sending updates to other workers. The actor with rank 0 also checkpoints the model periodically and sends the checkpoint back to the driver. Args: rank: Rank of the actor. Must be ``0 <= rank < num_actors``. num_actors: Total number of actors. queue: Ray queue to communicate with main process. checkpoint_frequency: How often to store checkpoints. Defaults to ``5``, saving checkpoints every 5 boosting rounds. """ def __init__( self, rank: int, num_actors: int, queue: Optional[Queue] = None, stop_event: Optional[Event] = None, checkpoint_frequency: int = 5, distributed_callbacks: Optional[List[DistributedCallback]] = None, ): self.queue = queue init_session(rank, self.queue) self.rank = rank self.num_actors = num_actors self.checkpoint_frequency = checkpoint_frequency self._data: Dict[RayDMatrix, dict] = {} self._local_n: Dict[RayDMatrix, int] = {} self._stop_event = stop_event self._distributed_callbacks = DistributedCallbackContainer( distributed_callbacks ) self._distributed_callbacks.on_init(self) _set_omp_num_threads() logger.debug(f"Initialized remote XGBoost actor with rank {self.rank}") def set_queue(self, queue: Queue): self.queue = queue set_session_queue(self.queue) def set_stop_event(self, stop_event: Event): self._stop_event = stop_event def _get_stop_event(self): return self._stop_event def pid(self): """Get process PID. Used for checking if still alive""" return os.getpid() def ip(self): """Get node IP address.""" return get_node_ip_address() def _save_checkpoint_callback(self): """Send checkpoints to driver""" this = self class _SaveInternalCheckpointCallback(TrainingCallback): def after_iteration(self, model, epoch, evals_log): if get_rabit_rank() == 0 and epoch % this.checkpoint_frequency == 0: put_queue(_Checkpoint(epoch, pickle.dumps(model))) def after_training(self, model): if get_rabit_rank() == 0: put_queue(_Checkpoint(-1, pickle.dumps(model))) return model return _SaveInternalCheckpointCallback() def _stop_callback(self): """Stop if event is set""" this = self # Keep track of initial stop event. Since we're training in a thread, # the stop event might be overwritten, which should he handled # as if the previous stop event was set. initial_stop_event = self._stop_event class _StopCallback(TrainingCallback): def after_iteration(self, model, epoch, evals_log): try: if ( this._stop_event.is_set() or this._get_stop_event() is not initial_stop_event ): if LEGACY_CALLBACK: raise EarlyStopException(epoch) # Returning True stops training return True except RayActorError: if LEGACY_CALLBACK: raise EarlyStopException(epoch) return True return _StopCallback() def load_data(self, data: RayDMatrix): if data in self._data: return self._distributed_callbacks.before_data_loading(self, data) param = data.get_data(self.rank, self.num_actors) if isinstance(param["data"], list): self._local_n[data] = sum(len(a) for a in param["data"]) else: self._local_n[data] = len(param["data"]) # set nthread for dmatrix conversion param["nthread"] = int(_ray_get_actor_cpus()) self._data[data] = param self._distributed_callbacks.after_data_loading(self, data) def train( self, rabit_args: List[str], return_bst: bool, params: Dict[str, Any], dtrain: RayDMatrix, evals: Tuple[RayDMatrix, str], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: self._distributed_callbacks.before_train(self) num_threads = _set_omp_num_threads() local_params = params.copy() if "xgb_model" in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs["xgb_model"], bytes): # bytearray type gets lost in remote actor call kwargs["xgb_model"] = bytearray(kwargs["xgb_model"]) if "nthread" not in local_params and "n_jobs" not in local_params: if num_threads > 0: local_params["nthread"] = num_threads local_params["n_jobs"] = num_threads else: local_params["nthread"] = _ray_get_actor_cpus() local_params["n_jobs"] = local_params["nthread"] if dtrain not in self._data: self.load_data(dtrain) for deval, _name in evals: if deval not in self._data: self.load_data(deval) evals_result = dict() if "callbacks" in kwargs: callbacks = kwargs["callbacks"] or [] else: callbacks = [] callbacks.append(self._save_checkpoint_callback()) callbacks.append(self._stop_callback()) kwargs["callbacks"] = callbacks result_dict = {} error_dict = {} # We run xgb.train in a thread to be able to react to the stop event. def _train(): try: with _RabitContext(str(id(self)), rabit_args): local_dtrain = _get_dmatrix(dtrain, self._data[dtrain]) if not local_dtrain.get_label().size: raise RuntimeError( "Training data has no label set. Please make sure " "to set the `label` argument when initializing " "`RayDMatrix()` for data you would like " "to train on." ) local_evals = [] for deval, name in evals: local_evals.append( (_get_dmatrix(deval, self._data[deval]), name) ) if LEGACY_CALLBACK: for xgb_callback in kwargs.get("callbacks", []): if isinstance(xgb_callback, TrainingCallback): xgb_callback.before_training(None) bst = xgb.train( local_params, local_dtrain, *args, evals=local_evals, evals_result=evals_result, **kwargs, ) if LEGACY_CALLBACK: for xgb_callback in kwargs.get("callbacks", []): if isinstance(xgb_callback, TrainingCallback): xgb_callback.after_training(bst) result_dict.update( { "bst": bst, "evals_result": evals_result, "train_n": self._local_n[dtrain], } ) except EarlyStopException: # Usually this should be caught by XGBoost core. # Silent fail, will be raised as RayXGBoostTrainingStopped. return except XGBoostError as e: error_dict.update({"exception": e}) return thread = threading.Thread(target=_train) thread.daemon = True thread.start() while thread.is_alive(): thread.join(timeout=0) if self._stop_event.is_set(): raise RayXGBoostTrainingStopped("Training was interrupted.") time.sleep(0.1) if not result_dict: raise_from = error_dict.get("exception", None) raise RayXGBoostTrainingError("Training failed.") from raise_from thread.join() self._distributed_callbacks.after_train(self, result_dict) if not return_bst: result_dict.pop("bst", None) return result_dict def predict(self, model: xgb.Booster, data: RayDMatrix, **kwargs): self._distributed_callbacks.before_predict(self) _set_omp_num_threads() if data not in self._data: self.load_data(data) local_data = _get_dmatrix(data, self._data[data]) predictions = model.predict(local_data, **kwargs) if predictions.ndim == 1: callback_predictions = pd.Series(predictions) else: callback_predictions = pd.DataFrame(predictions) self._distributed_callbacks.after_predict(self, callback_predictions) return predictions @ray.remote class _RemoteRayXGBoostActor(RayXGBoostActor): pass class _PrepareActorTask(MultiActorTask): def __init__( self, actor: ActorHandle, queue: Queue, stop_event: Event, load_data: List[RayDMatrix], ): futures = [] futures.append(actor.set_queue.remote(queue)) futures.append(actor.set_stop_event.remote(stop_event)) for data in load_data: futures.append(actor.load_data.remote(data)) super(_PrepareActorTask, self).__init__(futures) def _autodetect_resources( ray_params: RayParams, use_tree_method: bool = False ) -> Tuple[int, int]: gpus_per_actor = ray_params.gpus_per_actor cpus_per_actor = ray_params.cpus_per_actor # Automatically set gpus_per_actor if left at the default value if gpus_per_actor == -1: gpus_per_actor = 0 if use_tree_method: gpus_per_actor = 1 # Automatically set cpus_per_actor if left at the default value # Will be set to the number of cluster CPUs divided by the number of # actors, bounded by the minimum number of CPUs across actors nodes. if cpus_per_actor <= 0: cluster_cpus = _ray_get_cluster_cpus() or 1 cpus_per_actor = max( 1, min( int(_get_min_node_cpus() or 1), int(cluster_cpus // ray_params.num_actors), ), ) return cpus_per_actor, gpus_per_actor def _create_actor( rank: int, num_actors: int, num_cpus_per_actor: int, num_gpus_per_actor: int, resources_per_actor: Optional[Dict] = None, placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup] = None, queue: Optional[Queue] = None, checkpoint_frequency: int = 5, distributed_callbacks: Optional[Sequence[DistributedCallback]] = None, ) -> ActorHandle: # Send DEFAULT_PG here, which changed in Ray >= 1.5.0 # If we send `None`, this will ignore the parent placement group and # lead to errors e.g. when used within Ray Tune actor_cls = _RemoteRayXGBoostActor.options( num_cpus=num_cpus_per_actor, num_gpus=num_gpus_per_actor, resources=resources_per_actor, scheduling_strategy=PlacementGroupSchedulingStrategy( placement_group=placement_group or DEFAULT_PG, placement_group_capture_child_tasks=True, ), ) return actor_cls.remote( rank=rank, num_actors=num_actors, queue=queue, checkpoint_frequency=checkpoint_frequency, distributed_callbacks=distributed_callbacks, ) def _trigger_data_load(actor, dtrain, evals): wait_load = [actor.load_data.remote(dtrain)] for deval, _name in evals: wait_load.append(actor.load_data.remote(deval)) return wait_load def _handle_queue(queue: Queue, checkpoint: _Checkpoint, callback_returns: Dict): """Handle results obtained from workers through the remote Queue object. Remote actors supply these results via the ``xgboost_ray.session.put_queue()`` function. These can be: - Callables. These will be called immediately with no arguments. - ``_Checkpoint`` objects. These will update the latest checkpoint object on the driver. - Any other type. These will be appended to an actor rank-specific ``callback_returns`` dict that will be written to the ``additional_returns`` dict of the :func:`train() <train>` method. """ while not queue.empty(): (actor_rank, item) = queue.get() if isinstance(item, Callable): item() elif isinstance(item, _Checkpoint): checkpoint.__dict__.update(item.__dict__) else: callback_returns[actor_rank].append(item) def _shutdown( actors: List[ActorHandle], pending_actors: Optional[Dict[int, Tuple[ActorHandle, _PrepareActorTask]]] = None, queue: Optional[Queue] = None, event: Optional[Event] = None, placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup] = None, force: bool = False, ): alive_actors = [a for a in actors if a is not None] if pending_actors: alive_actors += [a for (a, _) in pending_actors.values()] if force: for actor in alive_actors: ray.kill(actor) else: done_refs = [a.__ray_terminate__.remote() for a in alive_actors] # Wait 5 seconds for actors to die gracefully. done, not_done = ray.wait(done_refs, timeout=5) if not_done: # If all actors are not able to die gracefully, then kill them. for actor in alive_actors: ray.kill(actor) for i in range(len(actors)): actors[i] = None if queue: queue.shutdown() if event: event.shutdown() if placement_group: remove_placement_group(placement_group) def _create_placement_group( cpus_per_actor, gpus_per_actor, resources_per_actor, num_actors, strategy ): resources_per_bundle = {"CPU": cpus_per_actor, "GPU": gpus_per_actor} extra_resources_per_bundle = ( {} if resources_per_actor is None else resources_per_actor ) # Create placement group for training worker colocation. bundles = [ {**resources_per_bundle, **extra_resources_per_bundle} for _ in range(num_actors) ] pg = placement_group(bundles, strategy=strategy) # Wait for placement group to get created. logger.debug("Waiting for placement group to start.") timeout = ENV.PLACEMENT_GROUP_TIMEOUT_S ready, _ = ray.wait([pg.ready()], timeout=timeout) if ready: logger.debug("Placement group has started.") else: raise TimeoutError( f"Placement group creation timed out after {timeout} seconds. " "Make sure your cluster either has enough resources or use " "an autoscaling cluster. Current resources " f"available: {ray.available_resources()}, resources requested " f"by the placement group: {pg.bundle_specs}. " "You can change the timeout by setting the " "RXGB_PLACEMENT_GROUP_TIMEOUT_S environment variable." ) return pg def _create_communication_processes(added_tune_callback: bool = False): # Have to explicitly set num_cpus to 0. placement_option = {"num_cpus": 0} current_pg = get_current_placement_group() if current_pg is not None: # If we are already in a placement group, let's use it # Also, if we are specifically in Tune, let's # ensure that we force Queue and # StopEvent onto same bundle as the Trainable. placement_option.update( { "placement_group": current_pg, "placement_group_bundle_index": 0 if added_tune_callback else -1, } ) else: # Create Queue and Event actors and make sure to colocate with # driver node. node_id = ray.get_runtime_context().get_node_id() placement_option.update( { "scheduling_strategy": NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy( node_id=node_id, soft=ENV.COMMUNICATION_SOFT_PLACEMENT, ) } ) queue = Queue(actor_options=placement_option) # Queue actor stop_event = Event(actor_options=placement_option) # Stop event actor return queue, stop_event def _validate_kwargs_for_func(kwargs: Dict[str, Any], func: Callable, func_name: str): """Raise exception if kwargs are not valid for a given function.""" sig = inspect.signature(func) try: sig.bind_partial(**kwargs) except TypeError as e: # Try to find set of invalid kwargs valid_keys = inspect.getfullargspec(func)[0] invalid_kwargs = [k for k in kwargs if k not in valid_keys] raise TypeError( f"Got invalid keyword arguments to be passed to `{func_name}`. " f"Please check these arguments: {invalid_kwargs}" ) from e @dataclass class _TrainingState: actors: List[Optional[ActorHandle]] queue: Queue stop_event: Event checkpoint: _Checkpoint additional_results: Dict training_started_at: float = 0.0 placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup] = None failed_actor_ranks: set = field(default_factory=set) # Last time we checked resources to schedule new actors last_resource_check_at: float = 0 pending_actors: Dict[int, Tuple[ActorHandle, _PrepareActorTask]] = field( default_factory=dict ) restart_training_at: Optional[float] = None def _train( params: Dict, dtrain: RayDMatrix, *args, evals=(), ray_params: RayParams, cpus_per_actor: int, gpus_per_actor: int, _training_state: _TrainingState, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[xgb.Booster, Dict, Dict]: """This is the local train function wrapped by :func:`train() <train>`. This function can be thought of one invocation of a multi-actor xgboost training run. It starts the required number of actors, triggers data loading, collects the results, and handles (i.e. registers) actor failures - but it does not handle fault tolerance or general training setup. Generally, this function is called one or multiple times by the :func:`train() <train>` function. It is called exactly once if no errors occur. It is called more than once if errors occurred (e.g. an actor died) and failure handling is enabled. """ from xgboost_ray.elastic import ( _get_actor_alive_status, _maybe_schedule_new_actors, _update_scheduled_actor_states, ) # Do not modify original parameters params = params.copy() # Un-schedule possible scheduled restarts _training_state.restart_training_at = None if "nthread" in params or "n_jobs" in params: if ("nthread" in params and params["nthread"] > cpus_per_actor) or ( "n_jobs" in params and params["n_jobs"] > cpus_per_actor ): raise ValueError( "Specified number of threads greater than number of CPUs. " "\nFIX THIS by passing a lower value for the `nthread` " "parameter or a higher number for `cpus_per_actor`." ) else: params["nthread"] = cpus_per_actor params["n_jobs"] = cpus_per_actor if ray_params.verbose: maybe_log = logger.info params.setdefault("verbosity", 1) else: maybe_log = logger.debug params.setdefault("verbosity", 0) # This is a callback that handles actor failures. # We identify the rank of the failed actor, add this to a set of # failed actors (which we might want to restart later), and set its # entry in the actor list to None. def handle_actor_failure(actor_id): rank = _training_state.actors.index(actor_id) _training_state.failed_actor_ranks.add(rank) _training_state.actors[rank] = None # Here we create new actors. In the first invocation of _train(), this # will be all actors. In future invocations, this may be less than # the num_actors setting, depending on the failure mode. newly_created = 0 for i in list(_training_state.failed_actor_ranks): if _training_state.actors[i] is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"Trying to create actor with rank {i}, but it already " f"exists." ) actor = _create_actor( rank=i, num_actors=ray_params.num_actors, num_cpus_per_actor=cpus_per_actor, num_gpus_per_actor=gpus_per_actor, resources_per_actor=ray_params.resources_per_actor, placement_group=_training_state.placement_group, queue=_training_state.queue, checkpoint_frequency=ray_params.checkpoint_frequency, distributed_callbacks=ray_params.distributed_callbacks, ) # Set actor entry in our list _training_state.actors[i] = actor # Remove from this set so it is not created again _training_state.failed_actor_ranks.remove(i) newly_created += 1 alive_actors = sum(1 for a in _training_state.actors if a is not None) maybe_log( f"[RayXGBoost] Created {newly_created} new actors " f"({alive_actors} total actors). Waiting until actors " f"are ready for training." ) # For distributed datasets (e.g. Modin), this will initialize # (and fix) the assignment of data shards to actor ranks dtrain.assert_enough_shards_for_actors(num_actors=ray_params.num_actors) dtrain.assign_shards_to_actors(_training_state.actors) for deval, _ in evals: deval.assert_enough_shards_for_actors(num_actors=ray_params.num_actors) deval.assign_shards_to_actors(_training_state.actors) load_data = [dtrain] + [eval[0] for eval in evals] prepare_actor_tasks = [ _PrepareActorTask( actor, # Maybe we got a new Queue actor, so send it to all actors. queue=_training_state.queue, # Maybe we got a new Event actor, so send it to all actors. stop_event=_training_state.stop_event, # Trigger data loading load_data=load_data, ) for actor in _training_state.actors if actor is not None ] start_wait = time.time() last_status = start_wait try: # Construct list before calling any() to force evaluation ready_states = [task.is_ready() for task in prepare_actor_tasks] while not all(ready_states): if time.time() >= last_status + ENV.STATUS_FREQUENCY_S: wait_time = time.time() - start_wait logger.info( f"Waiting until actors are ready " f"({wait_time:.0f} seconds passed)." ) last_status = time.time() time.sleep(0.1) ready_states = [task.is_ready() for task in prepare_actor_tasks] except Exception as exc: _training_state.stop_event.set() _get_actor_alive_status(_training_state.actors, handle_actor_failure) raise RayActorError from exc maybe_log("[RayXGBoost] Starting XGBoost training.") # Start Rabit tracker for gradient sharing rabit_process, rabit_args = _start_rabit_tracker(alive_actors) # Load checkpoint if we have one. In that case we need to adjust the # number of training rounds. if _training_state.checkpoint.value: kwargs["xgb_model"] = pickle.loads(_training_state.checkpoint.value) if _training_state.checkpoint.iteration == -1: # -1 means training already finished. logger.error( "Trying to load continue from checkpoint, but the checkpoint" "indicates training already finished. Returning last" "checkpointed model instead." ) return kwargs["xgb_model"], {}, _training_state.additional_results # The callback_returns dict contains actor-rank indexed lists of # results obtained through the `put_queue` function, usually # sent via callbacks. callback_returns = _training_state.additional_results.get("callback_returns") if callback_returns is None: callback_returns = [list() for _ in range(len(_training_state.actors))] _training_state.additional_results["callback_returns"] = callback_returns _training_state.training_started_at = time.time() # Trigger the train function live_actors = [actor for actor in _training_state.actors if actor is not None] training_futures = [ actor.train.remote( rabit_args, i == 0, params, dtrain, evals, *args, **kwargs # return_bst ) for i, actor in enumerate(live_actors) ] # Failure handling loop. Here we wait until all training tasks finished. # If a training task fails, we stop training on the remaining actors, # check which ones are still alive, and raise the error. # The train() wrapper function will then handle the error. start_wait = time.time() last_status = start_wait # When the number of trees/dataset size is very small, # training can be too fast and finish before the queue Actor # gets to process the calls it has recieved. This is a very rare edge # case, but it can show up in CI. # In order to mitigate, if the queue has not been handled before, # we simply wait a moment before checking it one last time. has_queue_been_handled = False try: not_ready = training_futures while not_ready: if _training_state.queue: has_queue_been_handled = True _handle_queue( queue=_training_state.queue, checkpoint=_training_state.checkpoint, callback_returns=callback_returns, ) if ray_params.elastic_training and not ENV.ELASTIC_RESTART_DISABLED: _maybe_schedule_new_actors( training_state=_training_state, num_cpus_per_actor=cpus_per_actor, num_gpus_per_actor=gpus_per_actor, resources_per_actor=ray_params.resources_per_actor, ray_params=ray_params, load_data=load_data, ) # This may raise RayXGBoostActorAvailable _update_scheduled_actor_states(_training_state) if time.time() >= last_status + ENV.STATUS_FREQUENCY_S: wait_time = time.time() - start_wait logger.info( f"Training in progress " f"({wait_time:.0f} seconds since last restart)." ) last_status = time.time() ready, not_ready = ray.wait( not_ready, num_returns=len(not_ready), timeout=1 ) ray.get(ready) # Get items from queue one last time if not has_queue_been_handled: time.sleep(1) if _training_state.queue: _handle_queue( queue=_training_state.queue, checkpoint=_training_state.checkpoint, callback_returns=callback_returns, ) # The inner loop should catch all exceptions except Exception as exc: logger.debug(f"Caught exception in training loop: {exc}") # Stop all other actors from training _training_state.stop_event.set() # Check which actors are still alive _get_actor_alive_status(_training_state.actors, handle_actor_failure) # Todo: Try to fetch newer checkpoint, store in `_checkpoint` # Shut down rabit _stop_rabit_tracker(rabit_process) raise RayActorError from exc # Training is now complete. # Stop Rabit tracking process _stop_rabit_tracker(rabit_process) # Get all results from all actors. all_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = ray.get(training_futures) # All results should be the same because of Rabit tracking. But only # the first one actually returns its bst object. bst = all_results[0]["bst"] evals_result = all_results[0]["evals_result"] if callback_returns: _training_state.additional_results["callback_returns"] = callback_returns total_n = sum(res["train_n"] or 0 for res in all_results) _training_state.additional_results["total_n"] = total_n return bst, evals_result, _training_state.additional_results @PublicAPI(stability="beta") def train( params: Dict, dtrain: RayDMatrix, num_boost_round: int = 10, *args, evals: Union[List[Tuple[RayDMatrix, str]], Tuple[RayDMatrix, str]] = (), evals_result: Optional[Dict] = None, additional_results: Optional[Dict] = None, ray_params: Union[None, RayParams, Dict] = None, _remote: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> xgb.Booster: """Distributed XGBoost training via Ray. This function will connect to a Ray cluster, create ``num_actors`` remote actors, send data shards to them, and have them train an XGBoost classifier. The XGBoost parameters will be shared and combined via Rabit's all-reduce protocol. If running inside a Ray Tune session, this function will automatically handle results to tune for hyperparameter search. Failure handling: XGBoost on Ray supports automatic failure handling that can be configured with the :class:`ray_params <RayParams>` argument. If an actor or local training task dies, the Ray actor is marked as dead, and there are three options on how to proceed. First, if ``ray_params.elastic_training`` is ``True`` and the number of dead actors is below ``ray_params.max_failed_actors``, training will continue right away with fewer actors. No data will be loaded again and the latest available checkpoint will be used. A maximum of ``ray_params.max_actor_restarts`` restarts will be tried before exiting. Second, if ``ray_params.elastic_training`` is ``False`` and the number of restarts is below ``ray_params.max_actor_restarts``, Ray will try to schedule the dead actor again, load the data shard on this actor, and then continue training from the latest checkpoint. Third, if none of the above is the case, training is aborted. Args: params: parameter dict passed to ``xgboost.train()`` dtrain: Data object containing the training data. evals: ``evals`` tuple passed to ``xgboost.train()``. evals_result: Dict to store evaluation results in. additional_results: Dict to store additional results. ray_params: Parameters to configure Ray-specific behavior. See :class:`RayParams` for a list of valid configuration parameters. _remote: Whether to run the driver process in a remote function. This is enabled by default in Ray client mode. **kwargs: Keyword arguments will be passed to the local `xgb.train()` calls. Returns: An ``xgboost.Booster`` object. """ os.environ.setdefault("RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS", "1") if platform.system() == "Windows": raise RuntimeError( "xgboost-ray training currently does not support " "Windows." ) if xgb is None: raise ImportError( "xgboost package is not installed. XGBoost-Ray WILL NOT WORK. " 'FIX THIS by running `pip install "xgboost-ray"`.' ) if _remote is None: _remote = _is_client_connected() and not is_session_enabled() if not ray.is_initialized(): ray.init() if _remote: # Run this function as a remote function to support Ray client mode. @ray.remote(num_cpus=0) def _wrapped(*args, **kwargs): _evals_result = {} _additional_results = {} bst = train( *args, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, evals_result=_evals_result, additional_results=_additional_results, **kwargs, ) return bst, _evals_result, _additional_results # Make sure that train is called on the server node. _wrapped = force_on_current_node(_wrapped) bst, train_evals_result, train_additional_results = ray.get( _wrapped.remote( params, dtrain, *args, evals=evals, ray_params=ray_params, _remote=False, **kwargs, ) ) if isinstance(evals_result, dict): evals_result.update(train_evals_result) if isinstance(additional_results, dict): additional_results.update(train_additional_results) return bst _maybe_print_legacy_warning() # may raise TypeError _validate_kwargs_for_func(kwargs, xgb.train, "xgb.train()") start_time = time.time() ray_params = _validate_ray_params(ray_params) max_actor_restarts = ( ray_params.max_actor_restarts if ray_params.max_actor_restarts >= 0 else float("inf") ) _assert_ray_support() if not isinstance(dtrain, RayDMatrix): raise ValueError( "The `dtrain` argument passed to `train()` is not a RayDMatrix, " "but of type {}. " "\nFIX THIS by instantiating a RayDMatrix first: " "`dtrain = RayDMatrix(data=data, label=label)`.".format(type(dtrain)) ) added_tune_callback = _try_add_tune_callback(kwargs) # Tune currently does not support elastic training. if ( added_tune_callback and ray_params.elastic_training and not bool(os.getenv("RXGB_ALLOW_ELASTIC_TUNE", "0")) ): raise ValueError( "Elastic Training cannot be used with Ray Tune. " "Please disable elastic_training in RayParams in " "order to use xgboost_ray with Tune." ) if added_tune_callback or get_current_placement_group(): # Don't autodetect resources when used with Tune. cpus_per_actor = ray_params.cpus_per_actor gpus_per_actor = max(0, ray_params.gpus_per_actor) else: cpus_per_actor, gpus_per_actor = _autodetect_resources( ray_params=ray_params, use_tree_method="tree_method" in params and params["tree_method"] is not None and params["tree_method"].startswith("gpu"), ) tree_method = params.get("tree_method", "auto") or "auto" # preemptively raise exceptions with bad params if tree_method == "exact": raise ValueError("`exact` tree method doesn't support distributed training.") if params.get("updater", None) == "grow_colmaker": raise ValueError( "`grow_colmaker` updater doesn't support distributed training." ) if gpus_per_actor > 0 and not tree_method.startswith("gpu_"): warnings.warn( f"GPUs have been assigned to the actors, but the current XGBoost " f"tree method is set to `{tree_method}`. Thus, GPUs will " f"currently not be used. To enable GPUs usage, please set the " f"`tree_method` to a GPU-compatible option, " f"e.g. `gpu_hist`." ) if gpus_per_actor == 0 and cpus_per_actor == 0: raise ValueError( "cpus_per_actor and gpus_per_actor both cannot be " "0. Are you sure your cluster has CPUs available?" ) if ray_params.elastic_training and ray_params.max_failed_actors == 0: raise ValueError( "Elastic training enabled but the maximum number of failed " "actors is set to 0. This means that elastic training is " "effectively disabled. Please set `RayParams.max_failed_actors` " "to something larger than 0 to enable elastic training." ) if ray_params.elastic_training and ray_params.max_actor_restarts == 0: raise ValueError( "Elastic training enabled but the maximum number of actor " "restarts is set to 0. This means that elastic training is " "effectively disabled. Please set `RayParams.max_actor_restarts` " "to something larger than 0 to enable elastic training." ) if not dtrain.has_label: raise ValueError( "Training data has no label set. Please make sure to set " "the `label` argument when initializing `RayDMatrix()` " "for data you would like to train on." ) if not dtrain.loaded and not dtrain.distributed: dtrain.load_data(ray_params.num_actors) for (deval, _name) in evals: if not deval.has_label: raise ValueError( "Evaluation data has no label set. Please make sure to set " "the `label` argument when initializing `RayDMatrix()` " "for data you would like to evaluate on." ) if not deval.loaded and not deval.distributed: deval.load_data(ray_params.num_actors) bst = None train_evals_result = {} train_additional_results = {} tries = 0 checkpoint = _Checkpoint() # Keep track of latest checkpoint current_results = {} # Keep track of additional results actors = [None] * ray_params.num_actors # All active actors pending_actors = {} # Create the Queue and Event actors. queue, stop_event = _create_communication_processes(added_tune_callback) placement_strategy = None if not ray_params.elastic_training: if added_tune_callback or get_current_placement_group(): # Tune is using placement groups, so the strategy has already # been set. Don't create an additional placement_group here. placement_strategy = None elif bool(ENV.USE_SPREAD_STRATEGY): placement_strategy = "SPREAD" if placement_strategy is not None: pg = _create_placement_group( cpus_per_actor, gpus_per_actor, ray_params.resources_per_actor, ray_params.num_actors, placement_strategy, ) else: pg = None start_actor_ranks = set(range(ray_params.num_actors)) # Start these total_training_time = 0.0 boost_rounds_left = num_boost_round last_checkpoint_value = checkpoint.value while tries <= max_actor_restarts: # Only update number of iterations if the checkpoint changed # If it didn't change, we already subtracted the iterations. if checkpoint.iteration >= 0 and checkpoint.value != last_checkpoint_value: boost_rounds_left -= checkpoint.iteration + 1 last_checkpoint_value = checkpoint.value logger.debug(f"Boost rounds left: {boost_rounds_left}") training_state = _TrainingState( actors=actors, queue=queue, stop_event=stop_event, checkpoint=checkpoint, additional_results=current_results, training_started_at=0.0, placement_group=pg, failed_actor_ranks=start_actor_ranks, pending_actors=pending_actors, ) try: bst, train_evals_result, train_additional_results = _train( params, dtrain, boost_rounds_left, *args, evals=evals, ray_params=ray_params, cpus_per_actor=cpus_per_actor, gpus_per_actor=gpus_per_actor, _training_state=training_state, **kwargs, ) if training_state.training_started_at > 0.0: total_training_time += time.time() - training_state.training_started_at break except (RayActorError, RayTaskError) as exc: if training_state.training_started_at > 0.0: total_training_time += time.time() - training_state.training_started_at alive_actors = sum(1 for a in actors if a is not None) start_again = False if ray_params.elastic_training: if alive_actors < ray_params.num_actors - ray_params.max_failed_actors: raise RuntimeError( "A Ray actor died during training and the maximum " "number of dead actors in elastic training was " "reached. Shutting down training." ) from exc # Do not start new actors before resuming training # (this might still restart actors during training) start_actor_ranks.clear() if exc.__cause__ and isinstance( exc.__cause__, RayXGBoostActorAvailable ): # New actor available, integrate into training loop logger.info( f"A new actor became available. Re-starting training " f"from latest checkpoint with new actor. " f"This will use {alive_actors} existing actors and " f"start {len(start_actor_ranks)} new actors. " f"Sleeping for 10 seconds for cleanup." ) tries -= 1 # This is deliberate so shouldn't count start_again = True elif tries + 1 <= max_actor_restarts: if exc.__cause__ and isinstance( exc.__cause__, RayXGBoostTrainingError ): logger.warning(f"Caught exception: {exc.__cause__}") logger.warning( f"A Ray actor died during training. Trying to " f"continue training on the remaining actors. " f"This will use {alive_actors} existing actors and " f"start {len(start_actor_ranks)} new actors. " f"Sleeping for 10 seconds for cleanup." ) start_again = True elif tries + 1 <= max_actor_restarts: if exc.__cause__ and isinstance(exc.__cause__, RayXGBoostTrainingError): logger.warning(f"Caught exception: {exc.__cause__}") logger.warning( f"A Ray actor died during training. Trying to restart " f"and continue training from last checkpoint " f"(restart {tries + 1} of {max_actor_restarts}). " f"This will use {alive_actors} existing actors and start " f"{len(start_actor_ranks)} new actors. " f"Sleeping for 10 seconds for cleanup." ) start_again = True if start_again: time.sleep(5) queue.shutdown() stop_event.shutdown() time.sleep(5) queue, stop_event = _create_communication_processes() else: raise RuntimeError( f"A Ray actor died during training and the maximum number " f"of retries ({max_actor_restarts}) is exhausted." ) from exc tries += 1 total_time = time.time() - start_time train_additional_results["training_time_s"] = total_training_time train_additional_results["total_time_s"] = total_time if ray_params.verbose: maybe_log = logger.info else: maybe_log = logger.debug maybe_log( "[RayXGBoost] Finished XGBoost training on training data " "with total N={total_n:,} in {total_time_s:.2f} seconds " "({training_time_s:.2f} pure XGBoost training time).".format( **train_additional_results ) ) _shutdown( actors=actors, pending_actors=pending_actors, queue=queue, event=stop_event, placement_group=pg, force=False, ) if isinstance(evals_result, dict): evals_result.update(train_evals_result) if isinstance(additional_results, dict): additional_results.update(train_additional_results) return bst def _predict(model: xgb.Booster, data: RayDMatrix, ray_params: RayParams, **kwargs): _assert_ray_support() if ray_params.verbose: maybe_log = logger.info else: maybe_log = logger.debug if not ray.is_initialized(): ray.init() # Create remote actors actors = [ _create_actor( rank=i, num_actors=ray_params.num_actors, num_cpus_per_actor=ray_params.cpus_per_actor, num_gpus_per_actor=ray_params.gpus_per_actor if ray_params.gpus_per_actor >= 0 else 0, resources_per_actor=ray_params.resources_per_actor, distributed_callbacks=ray_params.distributed_callbacks, ) for i in range(ray_params.num_actors) ] maybe_log(f"[RayXGBoost] Created {len(actors)} remote actors.") # Split data across workers wait_load = [] for actor in actors: wait_load.extend(_trigger_data_load(actor, data, [])) try: ray.get(wait_load) except Exception as exc: logger.warning(f"Caught an error during prediction: {str(exc)}") _shutdown(actors, force=True) raise # Put model into object store model_ref = ray.put(model) maybe_log("[RayXGBoost] Starting XGBoost prediction.") # Train fut = [actor.predict.remote(model_ref, data, **kwargs) for actor in actors] try: actor_results = ray.get(fut) except Exception as exc: logger.warning(f"Caught an error during prediction: {str(exc)}") _shutdown(actors=actors, force=True) raise _shutdown(actors=actors, force=False) return combine_data(data.sharding, actor_results) @PublicAPI(stability="beta") def predict( model: xgb.Booster, data: RayDMatrix, ray_params: Union[None, RayParams, Dict] = None, _remote: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Distributed XGBoost predict via Ray. This function will connect to a Ray cluster, create ``num_actors`` remote actors, send data shards to them, and have them predict labels using an XGBoost booster model. The results are then combined and returned. Args: model: Booster object to call for prediction. data: Data object containing the prediction data. ray_params: Parameters to configure Ray-specific behavior. See :class:`RayParams` for a list of valid configuration parameters. _remote: Whether to run the driver process in a remote function. This is enabled by default in Ray client mode. **kwargs: Keyword arguments will be passed to the local `xgb.predict()` calls. Returns: ``np.ndarray`` containing the predicted labels. """ os.environ.setdefault("RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS", "1") if xgb is None: raise ImportError( "xgboost package is not installed. XGBoost-Ray WILL NOT WORK. " 'FIX THIS by running `pip install "xgboost-ray"`.' ) if _remote is None: _remote = _is_client_connected() and not is_session_enabled() if not ray.is_initialized(): ray.init() if _remote: return ray.get( ray.remote(num_cpus=0)(predict).remote( model, data, ray_params, _remote=False, **kwargs ) ) _maybe_print_legacy_warning() ray_params = _validate_ray_params(ray_params) max_actor_restarts = ( ray_params.max_actor_restarts if ray_params.max_actor_restarts >= 0 else float("inf") ) _assert_ray_support() if not isinstance(data, RayDMatrix): raise ValueError( "The `data` argument passed to `train()` is not a RayDMatrix, " "but of type {}. " "\nFIX THIS by instantiating a RayDMatrix first: " "`data = RayDMatrix(data=data)`.".format(type(data)) ) tries = 0 while tries <= max_actor_restarts: try: return _predict(model, data, ray_params=ray_params, **kwargs) except RayActorError: if tries + 1 <= max_actor_restarts: logger.warning( "A Ray actor died during prediction. Trying to restart " "prediction from scratch. " "Sleeping for 10 seconds for cleanup." ) time.sleep(10) else: raise RuntimeError( "A Ray actor died during prediction and the maximum " "number of retries ({}) is exhausted.".format(max_actor_restarts) ) tries += 1 return None