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在 Colab 中打开 在 GitHub 上打开

AutoGen 提供了由 LLM 提供支持的可对话代理,可以通过自动聊天来共同执行任务,无论是工具还是人类。该框架通过多代理对话允许工具使用和人类参与。有关此功能的文档,请参阅此处

在这个笔记本中,我们演示了如何将自定义的发言人选择方法传递给 GroupChat。自定义函数的示例如下:

def custom_speaker_selection_func(last_speaker, groupchat):

- last_speaker: Agent
- groupchat: GroupChat
GroupChat 对象
1. 一个 `Agent` 类,它必须是群聊中的一个代理。
2. 从 ['auto', 'manual', 'random', 'round_robin'] 中选择一个默认方法来使用的字符串。
3. None,表示聊天应该终止。

groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(

上一个发言人和群聊对象被传递给函数。从 groupchat 中常用的变量有 groupchat.messagesgroupchat.agents,分别是消息历史记录和群聊中的代理。您可以访问 groupchat 的其他属性,例如 groupchat.allowed_speaker_transitions_dict,用于预定义的 allowed_speaker_transitions_dict。


安装 pyautogen

pip install pyautogen


设置 API 端点

config_list_from_json 函数从环境变量或 json 文件中加载配置列表。

import autogen

config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(
"model": ["gpt-4", "gpt-4-1106-preview"],



  • 计划员:提供计划并进行修订。
  • 管理员:人工参与以批准或终止流程。
  • 工程师:通过编写代码从互联网上获取论文。
  • 执行者:执行代码。
  • 科学家:阅读论文并撰写摘要。


  1. 计划员与管理员(用户)进行交互,以修订计划。只有当管理员输入“批准”时,我们才能进入下一步。
  2. 工程师将编写代码从互联网上获取论文。代码将由执行者执行。
  3. 当代码成功执行时,科学家将阅读论文并撰写摘要。
  4. 摘要将由管理员进行审核并提供评论。当管理员输入“终止”时,流程将被终止。
gpt4_config = {
"cache_seed": 42, # change the cache_seed for different trials
"temperature": 0,
"config_list": config_list,
"timeout": 120,

planner = autogen.AssistantAgent(
system_message="""Planner. Suggest a plan. Revise the plan based on feedback from admin and critic, until admin approval.
The plan may involve an engineer who can write code and a scientist who doesn't write code.
Explain the plan first. Be clear which step is performed by an engineer, and which step is performed by a scientist.

user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
system_message="A human admin. Interact with the planner to discuss the plan. Plan execution needs to be approved by this admin.",

engineer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
system_message="""Engineer. You follow an approved plan. You write python/shell code to solve tasks. Wrap the code in a code block that specifies the script type. The user can't modify your code. So do not suggest incomplete code which requires others to modify. Don't use a code block if it's not intended to be executed by the executor.
Don't include multiple code blocks in one response. Do not ask others to copy and paste the result. Check the execution result returned by the executor.
If the result indicates there is an error, fix the error and output the code again. Suggest the full code instead of partial code or code changes. If the error can't be fixed or if the task is not solved even after the code is executed successfully, analyze the problem, revisit your assumption, collect additional info you need, and think of a different approach to try.
scientist = autogen.AssistantAgent(
system_message="""Scientist. You follow an approved plan. You are able to categorize papers after seeing their abstracts printed. You don't write code.""",

executor = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
system_message="Executor. Execute the code written by the engineer and report the result.",
"last_n_messages": 3,
"work_dir": "paper",
"use_docker": False,
}, # Please set use_docker=True if docker is available to run the generated code. Using docker is safer than running the generated code directly.

from typing import Dict, List

from autogen import Agent

def custom_speaker_selection_func(last_speaker: Agent, groupchat: autogen.GroupChat):
"""Define a customized speaker selection function.
A recommended way is to define a transition for each speaker in the groupchat.

Return an `Agent` class or a string from ['auto', 'manual', 'random', 'round_robin'] to select a default method to use.
messages = groupchat.messages

if len(messages) <= 1:
return planner

if last_speaker is user_proxy:
if "Approve" in messages[-1]["content"]:
# If the last message is approved, let the engineer to speak
return engineer
elif messages[-2]["name"] == "Planner":
# If it is the planning stage, let the planner to continue
return planner
elif messages[-2]["name"] == "Scientist":
# If the last message is from the scientist, let the scientist to continue
return scientist

elif last_speaker is planner:
# Always let the user to speak after the planner
return user_proxy

elif last_speaker is engineer:
if "```python" in messages[-1]["content"]:
# If the last message is a python code block, let the executor to speak
return executor
# Otherwise, let the engineer to continue
return engineer

elif last_speaker is executor:
if "exitcode: 1" in messages[-1]["content"]:
# If the last message indicates an error, let the engineer to improve the code
return engineer
# Otherwise, let the scientist to speak
return scientist

elif last_speaker is scientist:
# Always let the user to speak after the scientist
return user_proxy

return "random"

groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(
agents=[user_proxy, engineer, scientist, planner, executor],
manager = autogen.GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=gpt4_config)


manager, message="在arxiv上找一篇关于gpt-4的最新论文,并找出它在软件领域的潜在应用。"
# 输入 exit 结束聊天
管理员(给 chat_manager):

在 arXiv 上找一篇关于 GPT-4 的最新论文,并找出它在软件领域的潜在应用。

规划者(给 chat_manager):


1. **科学家的任务:文献综述**
- 科学家将进行全面的文献综述,以找到关于 GPT-4 的最新论文。这涉及使用与 GPT-4 相关的搜索词,并按照最近发表的论文进行结果筛选。

2. **科学家的任务:论文分析**
- 一旦找到最新的论文,科学家将阅读论文以理解其内容,重点关注方法、结果以及关于软件领域潜在应用的讨论。

3. **科学家的任务:确定潜在应用**
- 科学家将进行头脑风暴,列出基于论文发现的 GPT-4 在软件领域的潜在应用。这可能包括自然语言处理、代码生成、聊天机器人等应用。

4. **工程师的任务:技术可行性评估**
- 工程师将审查科学家提供的潜在应用列表,并评估每个应用的技术可行性。这涉及考虑软件技术的当前状态、GPT-4 的能力以及将 GPT-4 集成到现有系统中的实际性。

5. **工程师的任务:原型开发计划**
- 对于被认为在技术上可行的应用,工程师将起草一个计划,用于开发一个演示 GPT-4 在软件应用中的使用的原型。该计划将概述所需资源、预计时间表和实施步骤。

6. **共同任务:最终计划的确定**
- 科学家和工程师将合作完成计划的最终确定,确保其在科学上可行且在技术上可行。他们将准备一份详细说明潜在应用和原型开发计划的文档。

7. **向管理员展示**
- 最终确定的计划将提交给管理员进行批准。管理员将审查计划并提供反馈。

8. **根据反馈进行修订**
- 根据管理员的反馈,科学家和工程师将对计划进行必要的修订。这个迭代的过程将持续,直到管理员批准计划。


管理员(给 chat_manager):


工程师(给 chat_manager):

由于计划已经获得批准,我现在将进行第一步,即在 arXiv 上找到关于 GPT-4 的最新论文。为此,我将编写一个使用 arXiv API 搜索与 GPT-4 相关论文并按最近发表进行筛选的 Python 脚本。

以下是完成此任务的 Python 脚本:

import requests
from datetime import datetime

# 定义 arXiv API 的 URL

# 定义搜索参数
search_query = "all:gpt-4"
start = 0
max_results = 1
sort_by = "submittedDate"
sort_order = "descending"

# 构建查询参数
query_params = {
"search_query": search_query,
"start": start,
"max_results": max_results,
"sortBy": sort_by,
"sortOrder": sort_order

# 发送请求到 arXiv API
response = requests.get(ARXIV_API_URL, params=query_params)

# 检查请求是否成功
if response.status_code == 200:
# 解析响应
feed = response.text
# 找到包含论文信息的 entry 元素
start_entry = feed.find('<entry>')
end_entry = feed.find('</entry>')
entry = feed[start_entry:end_entry]

# 提取标题
start_title = entry.find('<title>') + 7
end_title = entry.find('</title>')
title = entry[start_title:end_title].strip()

# 提取发布日期
start_published = entry.find('<published>') + 12
end_published = entry.find('</published>')
published = entry[start_published:end_published].strip()

# 提取摘要
start_summary = entry.find('<summary>') + 9
end_summary = entry.find('</summary>')
summary = entry[start_summary:end_summary].strip()

# 提取作者
authors = []
start_author = entry.find('<author>')
end_author = entry.find('</author>')
while start_author != -1 and end_author != -1:
start_name = entry.find('<name>', start_author) + 6
end_name = entry.find('</name>', start_author)
author_name = entry[start_name:end_name].strip()
start_author = entry.find('<author>', end_author)
end_author = entry.find('</author>', start_author)

# 打印结果
print(f"标题: {title}")
print(f"发布日期: {published}")
print(f"作者: {', '.join(authors)}")
print(f"摘要: {summary}")
print("无法从 arXiv API 获取数据。")

This script will output the title, published date, authors, and summary of the most recent paper related to GPT-4 on arXiv. Please note that the actual content of the paper and its potential applications in software will need to be analyzed manually after retrieving the paper information.


>>>>>>>> EXECUTING CODE BLOCK 0 (inferred language is python)...
Executor (to chat_manager):

exitcode: 0 (execution succeeded)
Code output:
Title: A Data-Centric Approach To Generate Faithful and High Quality Patient
Summaries with Large Language Models
Published Date: 024-02-23T16:32:28Z
Authors: Stefan Hegselmann, Shannon Zejiang Shen, Florian Gierse, Monica Agrawal, David Sontag, Xiaoyi Jiang
Summary: Patients often face difficulties in understanding their hospitalizations,
while healthcare workers have limited resources to provide explanations. In
this work, we investigate the potential of large language models to generate
patient summaries based on doctors' notes and study the effect of training data
on the faithfulness and quality of the generated summaries. To this end, we
develop a rigorous labeling protocol for hallucinations, and have two medical
experts annotate 100 real-world summaries and 100 generated summaries. We show
that fine-tuning on hallucination-free data effectively reduces hallucinations
from 2.60 to 1.55 per summary for Llama 2, while preserving relevant
information. Although the effect is still present, it is much smaller for GPT-4
when prompted with five examples (0.70 to 0.40). We also conduct a qualitative
evaluation using hallucination-free and improved training data. GPT-4 shows
very good results even in the zero-shot setting. We find that common
quantitative metrics do not correlate well with faithfulness and quality.
Finally, we test GPT-4 for automatic hallucination detection, which yields
promising results.

Scientist (to chat_manager):

Based on the abstract provided, the paper titled "A Data-Centric Approach To Generate Faithful and High Quality Patient Summaries with Large Language Models" explores the use of large language models, including GPT-4, to generate patient summaries from doctors' notes. The study focuses on the impact of training data on the faithfulness and quality of the generated summaries and also investigates the potential of GPT-4 for automatic hallucination detection.

**Potential Applications in Software:**

1. **Healthcare Documentation Automation:**
- GPT-4 could be used to develop software that assists healthcare professionals in creating accurate and comprehensive patient summaries by automatically processing doctors' notes and other medical records.

2. **Clinical Decision Support Systems:**
- Integrating GPT-4 into clinical decision support systems could provide healthcare workers with insights and suggestions based on a patient's medical history, potentially improving diagnosis and treatment planning.

3. **Patient Education and Communication:**
- Software applications could leverage GPT-4 to translate complex medical information into patient-friendly summaries, enhancing patient understanding of their health conditions and treatments.

4. **Medical Training and Simulation:**
- GPT-4 could be used to create realistic medical scenarios for training medical students and professionals, simulating patient interactions and generating case studies.

5. **Data Quality Assurance:**
- The paper suggests that GPT-4 can be used for automatic hallucination detection, which refers to the identification of inaccuracies or fabrications in generated text. This could be applied to software that ensures the quality and reliability of medical documentation.

6. **Research and Development:**
- GPT-4 could assist researchers in summarizing and synthesizing large volumes of medical literature, aiding in the discovery of new insights and the development of novel treatments.

7. **Personalized Health Monitoring:**
- Software applications could use GPT-4 to provide personalized health monitoring and advice by analyzing user input, such as symptoms or lifestyle factors, and generating tailored health recommendations.

These potential applications highlight the versatility of GPT-4 in the realm of healthcare software, offering opportunities to enhance patient care, improve healthcare workflows, and support medical education and research.

Admin (to chat_manager):










参考文献: [1] Mitchell, T. M. (1997). Machine Learning. McGraw Hill. [2] Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. (2009). The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. Springer.

ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=[{'content': 'Find a latest paper about gpt-4 on arxiv and find its potential applications in software.', 'role': 'assistant'}, {'content': "**Initial Plan:**\n\n1. **Scientist's Task: Literature Review**\n   - The scientist will conduct a comprehensive literature review to find the latest paper about GPT-4 on arXiv. This involves using search queries related to GPT-4 and filtering results by the most recent publications.\n\n2. **Scientist's Task: Analysis of the Paper**\n   - Once the latest paper is identified, the scientist will read through the paper to understand its contents, focusing on the methodology, results, and discussions about potential applications in software.\n\n3. **Scientist's Task: Identifying Potential Applications**\n   - The scientist will then brainstorm and list potential applications of GPT-4 in software, based on the findings from the paper. This may include applications in natural language processing, code generation, chatbots, and more.\n\n4. **Engineer's Task: Technical Feasibility Assessment**\n   - The engineer will review the list of potential applications provided by the scientist and assess the technical feasibility of each application. This involves considering the current state of software technology, the capabilities of GPT-4, and the practicality of integrating GPT-4 into existing systems.\n\n5. **Engineer's Task: Prototype Development Plan**\n   - For applications deemed technically feasible, the engineer will draft a plan for developing a prototype that demonstrates the use of GPT-4 in a software application. This plan will outline the required resources, estimated timeline, and the steps for implementation.\n\n6. **Joint Task: Finalizing the Plan**\n   - The scientist and engineer will collaborate to finalize the plan, ensuring that it is scientifically sound and technically viable. They will prepare a document detailing the plan for potential applications and the prototype development.\n\n7. **Presentation to Admin**\n   - The finalized plan will be presented to the admin for approval. The admin will review the plan and provide feedback.\n\n8. **Revisions Based on Feedback**\n   - Based on the admin's feedback, the scientist and engineer will make necessary revisions to the plan. This iterative process will continue until the admin approves the plan.\n\n**Awaiting Admin's Feedback:** Please review the initial plan and provide feedback on any adjustments or additional details you would like to see.", 'name': 'Planner', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Approve', 'role': 'assistant'}, {'content': 'Since the plan has been approved, I will now proceed with the first step, which is to find the latest paper about GPT-4 on arXiv. To do this, I will write a Python script that uses the arXiv API to search for papers related to GPT-4 and filter them by the most recent publications.\n\nHere is the Python script that accomplishes this task:\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom datetime import datetime\n\n# Define the URL for the arXiv API\nARXIV_API_URL = ""\n\n# Define the search parameters\nsearch_query = "all:gpt-4"\nstart = 0\nmax_results = 1\nsort_by = "submittedDate"\nsort_order = "descending"\n\n# Construct the query\nquery_params = {\n    "search_query": search_query,\n    "start": start,\n    "max_results": max_results,\n    "sortBy": sort_by,\n    "sortOrder": sort_order\n}\n\n# Send the request to the arXiv API\nresponse = requests.get(ARXIV_API_URL, params=query_params)\n\n# Check if the request was successful\nif response.status_code == 200:\n    # Parse the response\n    feed = response.text\n    # Find the entry element, which contains the paper information\n    start_entry = feed.find(\'<entry>\')\n    end_entry = feed.find(\'</entry>\')\n    entry = feed[start_entry:end_entry]\n    \n    # Extract the title\n    start_title = entry.find(\'<title>\') + 7\n    end_title = entry.find(\'</title>\')\n    title = entry[start_title:end_title].strip()\n    \n    # Extract the published date\n    start_published = entry.find(\'<published>\') + 12\n    end_published = entry.find(\'</published>\')\n    published = entry[start_published:end_published].strip()\n    \n    # Extract the summary\n    start_summary = entry.find(\'<summary>\') + 9\n    end_summary = entry.find(\'</summary>\')\n    summary = entry[start_summary:end_summary].strip()\n    \n    # Extract the authors\n    authors = []\n    start_author = entry.find(\'<author>\')\n    end_author = entry.find(\'</author>\')\n    while start_author != -1 and end_author != -1:\n        start_name = entry.find(\'<name>\', start_author) + 6\n        end_name = entry.find(\'</name>\', start_author)\n        author_name = entry[start_name:end_name].strip()\n        authors.append(author_name)\n        start_author = entry.find(\'<author>\', end_author)\n        end_author = entry.find(\'</author>\', start_author)\n    \n    # Print the results\n    print(f"Title: {title}")\n    print(f"Published Date: {published}")\n    print(f"Authors: {\', \'.join(authors)}")\n    print(f"Summary: {summary}")\nelse:\n    print("Failed to retrieve data from arXiv API.")\n```\n\nThis script will output the title, published date, authors, and summary of the most recent paper related to GPT-4 on arXiv. Please note that the actual content of the paper and its potential applications in software will need to be analyzed manually after retrieving the paper information.', 'name': 'Engineer', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "exitcode: 0 (execution succeeded)\nCode output: \nTitle: A Data-Centric Approach To Generate Faithful and High Quality Patient\n  Summaries with Large Language Models\nPublished Date: 024-02-23T16:32:28Z\nAuthors: Stefan Hegselmann, Shannon Zejiang Shen, Florian Gierse, Monica Agrawal, David Sontag, Xiaoyi Jiang\nSummary: Patients often face difficulties in understanding their hospitalizations,\nwhile healthcare workers have limited resources to provide explanations. In\nthis work, we investigate the potential of large language models to generate\npatient summaries based on doctors' notes and study the effect of training data\non the faithfulness and quality of the generated summaries. To this end, we\ndevelop a rigorous labeling protocol for hallucinations, and have two medical\nexperts annotate 100 real-world summaries and 100 generated summaries. We show\nthat fine-tuning on hallucination-free data effectively reduces hallucinations\nfrom 2.60 to 1.55 per summary for Llama 2, while preserving relevant\ninformation. Although the effect is still present, it is much smaller for GPT-4\nwhen prompted with five examples (0.70 to 0.40). We also conduct a qualitative\nevaluation using hallucination-free and improved training data. GPT-4 shows\nvery good results even in the zero-shot setting. We find that common\nquantitative metrics do not correlate well with faithfulness and quality.\nFinally, we test GPT-4 for automatic hallucination detection, which yields\npromising results.\n", 'name': 'Executor', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Based on the abstract provided, the paper titled "A Data-Centric Approach To Generate Faithful and High Quality Patient Summaries with Large Language Models" explores the use of large language models, including GPT-4, to generate patient summaries from doctors\' notes. The study focuses on the impact of training data on the faithfulness and quality of the generated summaries and also investigates the potential of GPT-4 for automatic hallucination detection.\n\n**Potential Applications in Software:**\n\n1. **Healthcare Documentation Automation:**\n   - GPT-4 could be used to develop software that assists healthcare professionals in creating accurate and comprehensive patient summaries by automatically processing doctors\' notes and other medical records.\n\n2. **Clinical Decision Support Systems:**\n   - Integrating GPT-4 into clinical decision support systems could provide healthcare workers with insights and suggestions based on a patient\'s medical history, potentially improving diagnosis and treatment planning.\n\n3. **Patient Education and Communication:**\n   - Software applications could leverage GPT-4 to translate complex medical information into patient-friendly summaries, enhancing patient understanding of their health conditions and treatments.\n\n4. **Medical Training and Simulation:**\n   - GPT-4 could be used to create realistic medical scenarios for training medical students and professionals, simulating patient interactions and generating case studies.\n\n5. **Data Quality Assurance:**\n   - The paper suggests that GPT-4 can be used for automatic hallucination detection, which refers to the identification of inaccuracies or fabrications in generated text. This could be applied to software that ensures the quality and reliability of medical documentation.\n\n6. **Research and Development:**\n   - GPT-4 could assist researchers in summarizing and synthesizing large volumes of medical literature, aiding in the discovery of new insights and the development of novel treatments.\n\n7. **Personalized Health Monitoring:**\n   - Software applications could use GPT-4 to provide personalized health monitoring and advice by analyzing user input, such as symptoms or lifestyle factors, and generating tailored health recommendations.\n\nThese potential applications highlight the versatility of GPT-4 in the realm of healthcare software, offering opportunities to enhance patient care, improve healthcare workflows, and support medical education and research.', 'name': 'Scientist', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'TERMINATE', 'role': 'assistant'}], summary='', cost=({'total_cost': 0}, {'total_cost': 0}), human_input=['Approve', 'TERMINATE'])




在过去的几十年里,人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称AI)已经取得了巨大的进展。AI技术已经应用于各个领域,包括医疗、交通、金融等。然而,AI技术的发展也带来了一些挑战和问题。






为了解决这些问题,研究人员提出了一种新的方法,即将人类与AI模型结合起来进行合作。这种方法被称为人类-AI协同(Human-AI Collaboration)。在人类-AI协同中,人类和AI模型相互配合,共同完成任务。人类可以提供领域知识和判断能力,而AI模型可以提供大规模数据处理和语言生成能力。





参考文献: [20] Smith, J. et al. (2020). "Advances in Artificial Intelligence." Journal of AI Research, 10(2), 123-145.