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AutoGen 提供了由 LLMs、工具或人类驱动的可对话代理人,可以通过自动聊天来共同执行任务。这个框架使得构建许多 LLMs 的高级应用程序变得容易。有关此功能的文档,请参阅这里

本笔记本演示了如何通过自然的代理人交互,使用 AutoGen 教授 AI 新的技能,而无需了解编程语言。它是基于以下两个笔记本进行修改的:。



安装 pyautogen

pip install pyautogen


import autogen

llm_config = {
"timeout": 600,
"cache_seed": 44, # 更改种子以进行不同的试验
"config_list": autogen.config_list_from_json(
filter_dict={"model": ["gpt-4-32k"]},
"temperature": 0,

了解有关为代理人配置 LLMs 的更多信息,请点击这里





# 创建一个名为 "assistant" 的 AssistantAgent 实例
assistant = autogen.AssistantAgent(
is_termination_msg=lambda x: True if "TERMINATE" in x.get("content") else False,
# 创建一个名为 "user_proxy" 的 UserProxyAgent 实例
user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
is_termination_msg=lambda x: True if "TERMINATE" in x.get("content") else False,
"work_dir": "work_dir",
"use_docker": False,


task1 = """
寻找 arxiv 论文,了解人们如何研究基于人工智能系统的信任校准

user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message=task1)
user_proxy (to assistant):


assistant (to user_proxy):

要找到与AI系统中的信任校准相关的arxiv论文,我们可以使用arxiv API来搜索相关论文。我将编写一个Python脚本,查询arxiv API并打印出前10篇论文的标题和链接。


import requests
import feedparser

def search_arxiv(query, max_results=10):
base_url = ""
search_query = f"search_query=all:{query}"
start = 0
max_results = f"max_results={max_results}"
url = f"{base_url}{search_query}&start={start}&{max_results}"
response = requests.get(url)
feed = feedparser.parse(response.content)
return feed.entries

query = "信任校准 AI"
papers = search_arxiv(query)

for i, paper in enumerate(papers):
print(f"{i+1}. {paper.title}")
print(f"链接: {}\n")


>>>>>>>> 执行代码块 0(推测语言为 Python)...

1. 我应该相信 AI 还是我自己?利用人类和 AI 的正确性概率来促进对 AI 辅助决策的适当信任

2. 置信度和解释对 AI 辅助决策的准确性和信任校准的影响

3. 信任解释能够兑现其承诺

4. AI 启用系统中用户信任的系统性文献综述:人机交互视角

5. 信任校准和信任尊重:一种在人机团队中建立团队凝聚力的方法

6. 可解释机器人的信任考虑:人类因素视角

7. 作为任务伙伴的拟人化代理的信任实验研究

8. 未校准模型可以改善人工智能与人类的协作

9. 对知识的了解:人类能力的错觉可能妨碍对 AI 系统的适当依赖

10. 透明度的图灵测试


我找到了与 AI 系统中的信任校准相关的前 10 篇 arxiv 论文。以下是这些论文的标题和 URL:

1. 我应该相信 AI 还是我自己?利用人类和 AI 的正确性概率来促进对 AI 辅助决策的适当信任

2. 置信度和解释对 AI 辅助决策的准确性和信任校准的影响

3. 信任解释能够兑现其承诺

4. AI 启用系统中用户信任的系统性文献综述:人机交互视角

5. 信任校准和信任尊重:一种在人机团队中建立团队凝聚力的方法

6. 可解释机器人的信任考虑:人类因素视角

7. 作为任务伙伴的拟人化代理的信任实验研究

8. 未校准模型可以改善人工智能与人类的协作

9. 对知识的了解:人类能力的错觉可能妨碍对 AI 系统的适当依赖

10. 透明度的图灵测试

您可以阅读这些论文,了解人们如何研究 AI 系统中的信任校准。如果您需要进一步的帮助,请告诉我。


任务2 = "分析上述结果,列出这些论文研究的应用领域"
user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message=任务2, clear_history=False)

```` text
user_proxy (向助手):


assistant (向user_proxy):


for i, paper in enumerate(papers):
print(f"{i+1}. {paper.title}")
print(f"摘要: {paper.summary}\n")



>>>>>>>> 执行代码块 0 (推测语言为python)...
user_proxy (向助手):

退出代码: 1 (执行失败)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
for i, paper in enumerate(papers):
NameError: name 'papers' is not defined

assistant (向user_proxy):


import requests
import feedparser

def search_arxiv(query, max_results=10):
base_url = ""
search_query = f"search_query=all:{query}"
start = 0
max_results = f"max_results={max_results}"
url = f"{base_url}{search_query}&start={start}&{max_results}"
response = requests.get(url)
feed = feedparser.parse(response.content)
return feed.entries

query = "信任校准 AI"
papers = search_arxiv(query)

for i, paper in enumerate(papers):
print(f"{i+1}. {paper.title}")
print(f"摘要: {paper.summary}\n")

After executing the code, I will analyze the abstracts and provide you with the application domains studied by these papers.


>>>>>>>> EXECUTING CODE BLOCK 0 (inferred language is python)...
user_proxy (to assistant):

exitcode: 0 (execution succeeded)
Code output:
1. Who Should I Trust: AI or Myself? Leveraging Human and AI Correctness
Likelihood to Promote Appropriate Trust in AI-Assisted Decision-Making
Abstract: In AI-assisted decision-making, it is critical for human decision-makers to
know when to trust AI and when to trust themselves. However, prior studies
calibrated human trust only based on AI confidence indicating AI's correctness
likelihood (CL) but ignored humans' CL, hindering optimal team decision-making.
To mitigate this gap, we proposed to promote humans' appropriate trust based on
the CL of both sides at a task-instance level. We first modeled humans' CL by
approximating their decision-making models and computing their potential
performance in similar instances. We demonstrated the feasibility and
effectiveness of our model via two preliminary studies. Then, we proposed three
CL exploitation strategies to calibrate users' trust explicitly/implicitly in
the AI-assisted decision-making process. Results from a between-subjects
experiment (N=293) showed that our CL exploitation strategies promoted more
appropriate human trust in AI, compared with only using AI confidence. We
further provided practical implications for more human-compatible AI-assisted

2. Effect of Confidence and Explanation on Accuracy and Trust Calibration
in AI-Assisted Decision Making
Abstract: Today, AI is being increasingly used to help human experts make decisions in
high-stakes scenarios. In these scenarios, full automation is often
undesirable, not only due to the significance of the outcome, but also because
human experts can draw on their domain knowledge complementary to the model's
to ensure task success. We refer to these scenarios as AI-assisted decision
making, where the individual strengths of the human and the AI come together to
optimize the joint decision outcome. A key to their success is to appropriately
\textit{calibrate} human trust in the AI on a case-by-case basis; knowing when
to trust or distrust the AI allows the human expert to appropriately apply
their knowledge, improving decision outcomes in cases where the model is likely
to perform poorly. This research conducts a case study of AI-assisted decision
making in which humans and AI have comparable performance alone, and explores
whether features that reveal case-specific model information can calibrate
trust and improve the joint performance of the human and AI. Specifically, we
study the effect of showing confidence score and local explanation for a
particular prediction. Through two human experiments, we show that confidence
score can help calibrate people's trust in an AI model, but trust calibration
alone is not sufficient to improve AI-assisted decision making, which may also
depend on whether the human can bring in enough unique knowledge to complement
the AI's errors. We also highlight the problems in using local explanation for
AI-assisted decision making scenarios and invite the research community to
explore new approaches to explainability for calibrating human trust in AI.

3. Trust Explanations to Do What They Say
Abstract: How much are we to trust a decision made by an AI algorithm? Trusting an
algorithm without cause may lead to abuse, and mistrusting it may similarly
lead to disuse. Trust in an AI is only desirable if it is warranted; thus,
calibrating trust is critical to ensuring appropriate use. In the name of
calibrating trust appropriately, AI developers should provide contracts
specifying use cases in which an algorithm can and cannot be trusted. Automated
explanation of AI outputs is often touted as a method by which trust can be
built in the algorithm. However, automated explanations arise from algorithms
themselves, so trust in these explanations is similarly only desirable if it is
warranted. Developers of algorithms explaining AI outputs (xAI algorithms)
should provide similar contracts, which should specify use cases in which an
explanation can and cannot be trusted.

4. A Systematic Literature Review of User Trust in AI-Enabled Systems: An
HCI Perspective
Abstract: User trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled systems has been
increasingly recognized and proven as a key element to fostering adoption. It
has been suggested that AI-enabled systems must go beyond technical-centric
approaches and towards embracing a more human centric approach, a core
principle of the human-computer interaction (HCI) field. This review aims to
provide an overview of the user trust definitions, influencing factors, and
measurement methods from 23 empirical studies to gather insight for future
technical and design strategies, research, and initiatives to calibrate the
user AI relationship. The findings confirm that there is more than one way to
define trust. Selecting the most appropriate trust definition to depict user
trust in a specific context should be the focus instead of comparing
definitions. User trust in AI-enabled systems is found to be influenced by
three main themes, namely socio-ethical considerations, technical and design
features, and user characteristics. User characteristics dominate the findings,
reinforcing the importance of user involvement from development through to
monitoring of AI enabled systems. In conclusion, user trust needs to be
addressed directly in every context where AI-enabled systems are being used or
discussed. In addition, calibrating the user-AI relationship requires finding
the optimal balance that works for not only the user but also the system.

5. Trust Calibration and Trust Respect: A Method for Building Team Cohesion
in Human Robot Teams
Abstract: Recent advances in the areas of human-robot interaction (HRI) and robot
autonomy are changing the world. Today robots are used in a variety of
applications. People and robots work together in human autonomous teams (HATs)
to accomplish tasks that, separately, cannot be easily accomplished. Trust
between robots and humans in HATs is vital to task completion and effective
team cohesion. For optimal performance and safety of human operators in HRI,
human trust should be adjusted to the actual performance and reliability of the
robotic system. The cost of poor trust calibration in HRI, is at a minimum, low
performance, and at higher levels it causes human injury or critical task
failures. While the role of trust calibration is vital to team cohesion it is
also important for a robot to be able to assess whether or not a human is
exhibiting signs of mistrust due to some other factor such as anger,
distraction or frustration. In these situations the robot chooses not to
calibrate trust, instead the robot chooses to respect trust. The decision to
respect trust is determined by the robots knowledge of whether or not a human
should trust the robot based on its actions(successes and failures) and its
feedback to the human. We show that the feedback in the form of trust
calibration cues(TCCs) can effectively change the trust level in humans. This
information is potentially useful in aiding a robot it its decision to respect

6. Trust Considerations for Explainable Robots: A Human Factors Perspective
Abstract: Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have drawn
attention to the need for AI systems and robots to be understandable to human
users. The explainable AI (XAI) and explainable robots literature aims to
enhance human understanding and human-robot team performance by providing users
with necessary information about AI and robot behavior. Simultaneously, the
human factors literature has long addressed important considerations that
contribute to human performance, including human trust in autonomous systems.
In this paper, drawing from the human factors literature, we discuss three
important trust-related considerations for the design of explainable robot
systems: the bases of trust, trust calibration, and trust specificity. We
further detail existing and potential metrics for assessing trust in robotic
systems based on explanations provided by explainable robots.

7. Experimental Investigation of Trust in Anthropomorphic Agents as Task
Abstract: This study investigated whether human trust in a social robot with
anthropomorphic physicality is similar to that in an AI agent or in a human in
order to clarify how anthropomorphic physicality influences human trust in an
agent. We conducted an online experiment using two types of cognitive tasks,
calculation and emotion recognition tasks, where participants answered after
referring to the answers of an AI agent, a human, or a social robot. During the
experiment, the participants rated their trust levels in their partners. As a
result, trust in the social robot was basically neither similar to that in the
AI agent nor in the human and instead settled between them. The results showed
a possibility that manipulating anthropomorphic features would help assist
human users in appropriately calibrating trust in an agent.

8. Uncalibrated Models Can Improve Human-AI Collaboration
Abstract: In many practical applications of AI, an AI model is used as a decision aid
for human users. The AI provides advice that a human (sometimes) incorporates
into their decision-making process. The AI advice is often presented with some
measure of "confidence" that the human can use to calibrate how much they
depend on or trust the advice. In this paper, we present an initial exploration
that suggests showing AI models as more confident than they actually are, even
when the original AI is well-calibrated, can improve human-AI performance
(measured as the accuracy and confidence of the human's final prediction after
seeing the AI advice). We first train a model to predict human incorporation of
AI advice using data from thousands of human-AI interactions. This enables us
to explicitly estimate how to transform the AI's prediction confidence, making
the AI uncalibrated, in order to improve the final human prediction. We
empirically validate our results across four different tasks--dealing with
images, text and tabular data--involving hundreds of human participants. We
further support our findings with simulation analysis. Our findings suggest the
importance of jointly optimizing the human-AI system as opposed to the standard
paradigm of optimizing the AI model alone.

9. Knowing About Knowing: An Illusion of Human Competence Can Hinder
Appropriate Reliance on AI Systems
Abstract: The dazzling promises of AI systems to augment humans in various tasks hinge
on whether humans can appropriately rely on them. Recent research has shown
that appropriate reliance is the key to achieving complementary team
performance in AI-assisted decision making. This paper addresses an
under-explored problem of whether the Dunning-Kruger Effect (DKE) among people
can hinder their appropriate reliance on AI systems. DKE is a metacognitive
bias due to which less-competent individuals overestimate their own skill and
performance. Through an empirical study (N = 249), we explored the impact of
DKE on human reliance on an AI system, and whether such effects can be
mitigated using a tutorial intervention that reveals the fallibility of AI
advice, and exploiting logic units-based explanations to improve user
understanding of AI advice. We found that participants who overestimate their
performance tend to exhibit under-reliance on AI systems, which hinders optimal
team performance. Logic units-based explanations did not help users in either
improving the calibration of their competence or facilitating appropriate
reliance. While the tutorial intervention was highly effective in helping users
calibrate their self-assessment and facilitating appropriate reliance among
participants with overestimated self-assessment, we found that it can
potentially hurt the appropriate reliance of participants with underestimated
self-assessment. Our work has broad implications on the design of methods to
tackle user cognitive biases while facilitating appropriate reliance on AI
systems. Our findings advance the current understanding of the role of
self-assessment in shaping trust and reliance in human-AI decision making. This
lays out promising future directions for relevant HCI research in this

10. A Turing Test for Transparency
Abstract: A central goal of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is to improve the
trust relationship in human-AI interaction. One assumption underlying research
in transparent AI systems is that explanations help to better assess
predictions of machine learning (ML) models, for instance by enabling humans to
identify wrong predictions more efficiently. Recent empirical evidence however
shows that explanations can have the opposite effect: When presenting
explanations of ML predictions humans often tend to trust ML predictions even
when these are wrong. Experimental evidence suggests that this effect can be
attributed to how intuitive, or human, an AI or explanation appears. This
effect challenges the very goal of XAI and implies that responsible usage of
transparent AI methods has to consider the ability of humans to distinguish
machine generated from human explanations. Here we propose a quantitative
metric for XAI methods based on Turing's imitation game, a Turing Test for
Transparency. A human interrogator is asked to judge whether an explanation was
generated by a human or by an XAI method. Explanations of XAI methods that can
not be detected by humans above chance performance in this binary
classification task are passing the test. Detecting such explanations is a
requirement for assessing and calibrating the trust relationship in human-AI
interaction. We present experimental results on a crowd-sourced text
classification task demonstrating that even for basic ML models and XAI
approaches most participants were not able to differentiate human from machine
generated explanations. We discuss ethical and practical implications of our
results for applications of transparent ML.

assistant (to user_proxy):

After analyzing the abstracts of the top 10 arxiv papers related to trust calibration in AI-based systems, I have identified the following application domains studied by these papers:

1. AI-assisted decision-making: Papers 1, 2, and 9 focus on how humans can appropriately trust AI systems in decision-making processes, considering factors such as AI confidence, human competence, and the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

2. Human-robot interaction (HRI) and human-autonomous teams (HATs): Papers 5 and 6 discuss trust calibration in the context of human-robot teams, focusing on team cohesion, trust calibration cues, and explainable robot systems.

3. Explainable AI (XAI) and transparency: Papers 3, 8, and 10 explore the role of explanations and transparency in AI systems, addressing issues such as trust in explanations, uncalibrated models, and the Turing Test for Transparency.

4. Human-computer interaction (HCI) perspective on user trust in AI-enabled systems: Paper 4 presents a systematic literature review of user trust in AI-enabled systems from an HCI perspective, discussing trust definitions, influencing factors, and measurement methods.

5. Anthropomorphic agents and social robots: Paper 7 investigates the influence of anthropomorphic physicality on human trust in agents, comparing trust in AI agents, humans, and social robots.

These application domains provide insights into various aspects of trust calibration in AI-based systems, including decision-making, human-robot interaction, explainable AI, and user trust from an HCI perspective.

user_proxy (to assistant):

assistant (to user_proxy):


task3 = """使用这些数据生成一个柱状图,显示各个领域的论文数量,并保存为文件
user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message=task3, clear_history=False)
user_proxy (to assistant):


assistant (to user_proxy):

我将创建一个 Python 脚本,使用我们分析的数据生成一个柱状图,显示各个应用领域和每个领域的论文数量。该图表将保存为图像文件。请执行以下 Python 代码:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

domains = {
"AI-assisted decision-making": 3,
"Human-robot interaction (HRI) and human-autonomous teams (HATs)": 2,
"Explainable AI (XAI) and transparency": 3,
"HCI perspective on user trust in AI-enabled systems": 1,
"Anthropomorphic agents and social robots": 1,

fig, ax = plt.subplots(), domains.values())
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right")


这段代码将生成一个柱状图,显示各个应用领域和每个领域的论文数量,并将其保存为名为 "domains_bar_chart.png" 的图像文件,保存在当前工作目录中。


>>>>>>>> EXECUTING CODE BLOCK 0 (inferred language is python)...
user_proxy (to assistant):

exitcode: 0 (执行成功)
Code output:

assistant (to user_proxy):

很高兴代码执行成功。已经生成了一个柱状图,显示各个应用领域和每个领域的论文数量,并将其保存为名为 "domains_bar_chart.png" 的图像文件,保存在您的当前工作目录中。您现在可以通过打开图像文件来查看图表。



# from IPython.display import Image

# Image(filename='work_dir/domains_bar_chart.png')




任务4 = """回顾这个序列并创建一个包含所有步骤和名称的配方。建议编写良好文档化的通用 Python 函数,以便将来执行类似的编码步骤。确保编码步骤和非编码步骤永远不会混在一个函数中。在函数的文档字符串中,明确说明使用助手的语言技能所需的非编码步骤。"""
user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message=任务4, clear_history=False)
assistant (to user_proxy):


**食谱名称:** 在 Arxiv 论文中分析和可视化应用领域


1. 使用搜索查询从 Arxiv 收集相关论文。
2. 分析收集到的论文的摘要,识别应用领域。
3. 统计每个应用领域的论文数量。
4. 生成应用领域和每个领域的论文数量的柱状图。
5. 将柱状图保存为图像文件。

以下是未来执行编码步骤的经过充分记录和通用化的 Python 函数:

import requests
import feedparser
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import List, Dict

def search_arxiv(query: str, max_results: int = 10) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
搜索与特定查询相关的 Arxiv 论文。

:param query: Arxiv 论文的搜索查询。
:param max_results: 要返回的结果的最大数量。默认为 10。
:return: 包含每篇论文的标题、链接和摘要的字典列表。
base_url = ""
search_query = f"search_query=all:{query}"
start = 0
max_results = f"max_results={max_results}"
url = f"{base_url}{search_query}&start={start}&{max_results}"
response = requests.get(url)
feed = feedparser.parse(response.content)

papers = [{"title": entry.title, "link":, "summary": entry.summary} for entry in feed.entries]
return papers

def generate_bar_chart(domains: Dict[str, int], output_file: str) -> None:

:param domains: 包含应用领域作为键和论文数量作为值的字典。
:param output_file: 输出图像文件的名称。
fig, ax = plt.subplots(), domains.values())
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right")


1. 使用 `search_arxiv` 函数使用搜索查询从 arxiv 收集相关论文。
2. 使用您的语言技能分析收集到的论文的摘要,以识别应用领域并计算每个领域的论文数量。
3. 使用 `generate_bar_chart` 函数生成应用领域和每个领域的论文数量的条形图,并将其保存为图像文件。



>>>>>>>> 执行代码块 0(推测语言为 Python)...


assistant(给 user_proxy):

很高兴您发现提供的步骤和 Python 函数有帮助。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时提问。


## 重复使用的方法


### 示例应用

# 创建一个名为“assistant”的AssistantAgent实例
assistant = autogen.AssistantAgent(
is_termination_msg=lambda x: True if "TERMINATE" in x.get("content") else False,
# 创建一个名为“user_proxy”的UserProxyAgent实例
user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
is_termination_msg=lambda x: True if "TERMINATE" in x.get("content") else False,
"work_dir": "work_dir",
"use_docker": False,

task1 = '''

**方法名称:** 分析和可视化Arxiv论文中的应用领域


1. 使用搜索查询从arxiv收集相关论文。
2. 分析收集到的论文的摘要,以识别应用领域。
3. 计算每个应用领域中的论文数量。
4. 生成应用领域和每个领域中论文数量的条形图。
5. 将条形图保存为图像文件。


import requests
import feedparser
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import List, Dict

def search_arxiv(query: str, max_results: int = 10) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:

:param query: arxiv论文的搜索查询。
:param max_results: 要返回的最大结果数。默认为10。
:return: 包含每篇论文的标题、链接和摘要的字典列表。
base_url = ""
search_query = f"search_query=all:{query}"
start = 0
max_results = f"max_results={max_results}"
url = f"{base_url}{search_query}&start={start}&{max_results}"
response = requests.get(url)
feed = feedparser.parse(response.content)

papers = [{"title": entry.title, "link":, "summary": entry.summary} for entry in feed.entries]
return papers

def generate_bar_chart(domains: Dict[str, int], output_file: str) -> None:

:param domains: 包含应用领域为键和论文数量为值的字典。
:param output_file: 输出图像文件的名称。
fig, ax = plt.subplots(), domains.values())
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right")



1. 使用 `search_arxiv` 函数使用搜索查询从 arxiv 收集相关论文。
2. 使用您的语言技能分析收集到的论文的摘要,以识别应用领域并计算每个领域的论文数量。
3. 使用 `generate_bar_chart` 函数生成应用领域和每个领域的论文数量的柱状图,并将其保存为图像文件。

</end recipe>

为 GPT 模型的应用领域绘制图表

user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message=task1)




这是第一个段落的内容。在这个段落中,我们介绍了某个概念的定义和重要性。我们还提到了一些相关的研究和论文,例如 [20]。


在第二个段落中,我们讨论了该主题的一些具体应用。我们提到了一些公司和组织,如 Microsoft、Amazon 和 OpenAI,他们在该领域的研究和开发方面取得了重要进展。






参考文献: [20] 作者, "论文标题", 期刊名称, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2020.